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[IC] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    Alcyon | Shrine of Winter
    BGM: Code Geass R2 OST: Boy From Britannia

    After the others had crossed the bridge, Phenom inspected their method of solving this dilemma for a moment.

    "Portals huh? Strange..." Phenom said, "Though I suppose I've been asleep for 90 Millennia... Lachesis, I'm going to follow these people. I'd like to keep an eye on this floating fellow."

    "Aaaaaalrighty then, Phen. Keep me updated on any major changes."

    Phenom decided against entering the portal, his last trip through a portal was less than enjoyable, though that could have been attributed to the impending destruction of the Earth at the time. He instead opted for crossing the bridge the way he got around most physical barriers... Quickly. He vanished from his side of the bridge and promptly reappeared beside the trio.

    "You, with the headband. Tell me your name."

    An audible groan could be heard through Phenom's headset, and his hardlight display activated itself, the face of a young girl appearing on it, visibly annoyed.

    "Hi there everyone! I'm Lachesis. I apologize for my partner's lack of manners.... he's not much of a sociable person. He means 'would you please grant me the permission of learning your name' don't you Phenom?"

    Phenom rolled his eyes and groaned at his operator's insistence upon Phenom using proper manners when he's on a mission. He thought she might have a point. Whereas authority has always worked for him in the past, these people clearly have capabilities that might impress even the other Guardian Angels.
    Last edited by Kilelicus; 03-18-2015, 03:59 PM.
    Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
    "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

    Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


      Alcyon | Shrine of Winter

      Moving forward, Runa inspected what she saw of Phenom´s equipment "Hm.. Hardlight holographic system, can have multiple uses from communications, hacking, but can also be used as a protection field or as a weapon if enough energy is used to form something with enough power" she said to herself and then looked at him "And from what I saw you got almost perfect comunications with someone outside, unless she is an AI"

      Bryn couldn´t help but grin "I would be careful with her if I were you the moment I met her, she would have opened my body to see how my cybernetics work, and that was today" she teased the redhead who pouted at the bioroid.
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Serenity Forest | Planet Duon

        Noire eyed the fruits the shadowy being by the name of Demonarc Umbra plucked from a tree. The fruit appeared pear-like, but the color pattern resembled more of a conglomeration of different fruits in one.

        "Ah... yes... in fact I am a bit... hungry right now..." Noire answered the Demonarc's question, whimpering as she recognized her hunger. "It... it's nothing really... I'm used to being hungry..."


          Alcyon | Shrine of Winter

          Bardock quietly continued down further into the shrine, this time though he was reserving his Ki by walking instead of flying. However behind him he heard the strange man known as Phenom call out to him, and Bardock knew who Phenom was, or is referring to because Bardock is really the only one with a headband in the group. At first Bardock was really tempted to just ignore Phenom due to the stranger's attitude towards him. Thankfully though the hardlight projection of some girl appeared and had essentially asked in a far more pleasant tone of voice on Phenom's behalf.

          Hearing the distinct female voice ask for his name, Bardock stopped and turned around.

          "The name's Bardock. Why do you ask?"


            Alcyon - CY-044: Port 13

            Reimi slowly descended the ship down towards the port, Reiya got up from the chair and headed towards the exit. "I'll watch the ship as always." Reimi said as Reiya was about to leave. Reiya smiles. "I leave our home in your hands." She said with a happy tone and left the cockpit and walked through a small hallway towards the lobby area and turned left towards the ship's exit. "Hey! We're here!" Reiya yelled in a serious tone.
            "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


              Alcyon | Shrine of Winter
              BGM: Code Geass R2 OST: Boy From Britannia

              Lachesis quickly clarified exactly what she was to Runa, "Oh no no no. I'm no AI. I mean... Technically, Artificial Intelligence can't exist. Bekenstein Limit and all. Unless Clarke's Third Law.... I'm actually Phenom's Operator. My name is Lachesis Montgomery! I can't divulge where I am, but I can tell you that we have coffee." she said with a silly grin on her face, lifting a mug of Black Coffee into the air so it was visible on the display.

              "Lachesis..." Phenom groaned.

              "Oh right. I'll be taking my leave. No more talking to me now, bye!" She gave her farewell and the Hard Light Display vanished from above Phenom's arm.

              "Please don't do that again, Lachesis..." Phenom said into his headset. He glanced back at Bardock as he gave his name. "Bardock... You're intriguing. You give off... large readings. What are you? You're clearly not human." he said, pointing at Bardock's tail.

              Phenom approached Bardock and inspected him. "And this energy I can feel..."
              Last edited by Kilelicus; 03-19-2015, 11:30 PM.
              Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
              "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

              Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                Alcyon | Shrine of Winter

                The look on Bardock's was that of intrigue with Phenom's response about the... large energy that Phenom can feel. It was obvious though that Bardock was no longer paying attention to the task at hand with the shrine, and instead was focusing on Phenom's peculiar comments. Honestly Bardock was also a bit surprised. Despite the oddly advanced tech that the colony he had been staying at recently had, he didn't expect someone to be capable of sensing Ki. Either Phenom's devices did allow him to detect Bardock's energy, or Phenom just had some sort of weird sixth sense. That wasn't important though, what was important... to Bardock at least, was answering Phenom's question.

                "You detect large reading's coming from me huh? Well then I guess I should oblige and tell you that I am definitely not what you call a human. I'm what one would call a Saiyan. To be exact I'm a warrior of the Saiyan race of the Planet Vegeta. I was just a low ranking warrior. The Saiyans were powerful fighters, and let's just say that Saiyans are proud of their strength. Or were proud. Afraid that there might not be much Saiyans left anymore. That's a story for another time though." Answered Bardock as he turned to face away from Phenom. At the last bit of information Bardock gave out... about how he might even be one of the last few Saiyans in all of existence... made him have flashback's of the moment he confronted Frieza and his army before Planet Vegeta was destroyed. These flashbacks caused Bardock to space out and break into a somewhat cold sweat for a moment.

                Thankfully though Bardock managed to shake himself back to his senses.

                "Dammit... I'll make him pay..." Mumbled Bardock as he began walking through the halls of the shrine again... almost like he's acting as though nothing happened.


                  Alcyon | Shrine of Winter - B2

                  Humming of the shadowy girl could be heard beyond the doors for the next room. She could be seen sitting on an ornate block made of a black substance that seemed neither solid nor liquid all contained in decorative gold framework. She swayed to and fro, her legs dangling over the edge of the block that was a perfect cube with dimensions of four meters. The floor of the room was ice with a switch in the center as well as the midpoints along each wall. In the corners as well as the other side of the central switch were more blocks just like the one the girl was sitting on. The exit of the room was sealed by 5 solid gates of a material that was similar to the blocks.

                  Yellow = starting position of blocks
                  Blue = Switches

                  Duon | Serenity Forest

                  "As most were during the Inevitable Conclusion." The Demonarc muttered under his breath before turning to Noire with a slight smile as he offered her the gathered fruit. "If you require more, there is some food in the village. You might feel safer among those more like yourself. Actually, I have to ask... what are you? And how long have you been out here?"
                  Last edited by Cucoo5; 03-20-2015, 01:56 AM.


                    Serenity Forest | Planet Duon

                    "Oh, thank you..." Noire took the pear the Demonarc offered to her and uneasily took a bite. Just like how the fruit was a conglomeration of colors, the taste was a mix of different fruit tastes, constantly shifting from one to another. It was very delicious. "This... this is really good... it's the best fruit I've ever tasted!"

                    "Oh..." Noire stopped her tasting when she was asked by the Demonarc who she was. She was so shook up by the events that happened the last few hours she forgot to even introduce herself. "M... my name is Noire... I'm from Ylisse... unless if you're asking who I am literally... in which case I... I guess I'm a human... and I... I don't know how long I've been here... last I remember I was being chased by some... some tentacle monster that wanted to eat me..."


                      Alcyon | Shrine of Winter
                      BGM: Code Geass R2 OST: Boy From Britannia

                      "I see... Alien race. Monkey tail-like appendage. Post-traumatic Stress symptoms... Possible near-extinction of race, despite being sturdy and durable... Possibilities include a virus, being hunted down... or his planet suffered the same fate as the Earth..." Phenom rattled all of this off with his chin in his hand, talking to himself. When he finished, he looked back at Bardock, "My condolences for the loss of your race, Bardock. I have not introduced myself. My name is Phenom Ortus."

                      As the group continued down the way, Phenom could make out the shadow of a young girl, resting atop a block of... some... black substance. He wondered what puzzle might await them in the next room.

                      Celestora System | Alcyon Space
                      Space Station "Heaven" Interior
                      BGM: EVE Online OST: Red Glowing Dust

                      Lachesis sighed as she signed off from Phenom's Hard Light display. When would he ever learn that authority can only get you so far? And it won't get you very far when you're in an uncharted galaxy, face to face with people who's presence alone is visible from space. She leaned back in her chair and spun around, staring at the ceiling.

                      "Phenom... Whatever happened to you... You used to be so compassionate. So kind." She said to herself, under her breath.

                      "He lost something very important to him, First Lieutenant." Said a voice from behind Lachesis. The voice was rather familiar to Lachesis, for it was her mentor.

                      "Colonel Valli? What are you doing here?"

                      "Just checking in on my favorite students. How's my boy doing down there?"

                      "Oh... you know.. Phenom's just being Phenom. What did you mean he lost something important to him? I mean, I've known him my whole life and he used to be so much more cheerful. Now he's just a brick wall who only emotes with me. For everyone else, he may as well be a machine."

                      "Well," Valli began, "what he lost was his Pride and Self-respect. He failed as a unit commander that night, after all. At least in his mind, he did. And to lose his father shortly before that... Soren may not have been around for much of Phenom's life, due to his work with the Organization, but when he was, he made every effort to make Phenom happy."

                      "I'm afraid I don't follow..." Lachesis said, confused.

                      "Let me put it like this. Phenom has an imposing presence as he is, and he knows this. He uses that and his perfect stoicism to intimidate people. He feels that that is the most effective way of getting his job done. Remember when he nearly broke Alaina... excuse me... Lady Luck's arm when she refused to tell him where Morkt's doomsday weapon was?"

                      "Yeah...?" Lachesis responded.

                      "Had he not done that, she would have gone to destroy it on her own. She would have died, and the world would have been destroyed. Speaking of which, he probably feels remorse for being unable to prevent that from happening 6 years later. I would say that Phenom is rather trying to repent. Or honor the memory of his father and fallen comrades by doing things the way he finds is most efficient. He's picking up their slack in his mind. You're right, he's compassionate. But he's lost the ability to express that to anyone besides you. Do you know why?"

                      "Is it because we've known each other for so long?"

                      The Colonel chuckled as he left the room. "Maybe one day, you'll figure it out."
                      Last edited by Kilelicus; 03-27-2015, 01:56 AM.
                      Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                      "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                      Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                        ((I absolutely have no idea what to post for the Shrine, need to think of a good response for Bardock... going to take some time. In the meantime I'll post for Zekai.))

                        Alcyon - CY-044: Port 13

                        Once Reiya's ship was properly docked into the 13th port of Alcyon Colony CY-044, a few guards of whom were all well armed began to approach Reiya's ship to assist the occupant's of Reiya's vessel.

                        Meanwhile right behind Reiya was Add who had managed to already make his way down the stairs and through the ship to the exit.

                        "Finally we're here. Now I can take a good long break from being in space... By the way I'm never flying in the same ship as you again. Slamming into a wall is painful." Spoke Add in quite a harsh tone, obviously unamused by his little experience with being flung into a wall in the ship when they had entered hyperspace...


                          Alcyon | Shrine of Winter

                          "Are you also a psychologist or shrink? what else?" Bryn asked rhetorically but then heard a girl giggling "Looks like we would need that soon if that voice is an illusion" the next part was rather serious, but fortunately or not depending on the situation, there was in fact a girl sitting on an odd cube in a chanber that looked like a puzzle "At least she is real" the bioroid commented already guessing they had to clear the puzzle to continue on their expedition.
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            Dark Rift Dua - Ruined Castle

                            After Morpheus finished speaking to him, John simply gave a light nod before staring off at the tower in the distance and quietly reflecting on what Morpheus had said. Just what exactly could have caused everyone to lose their memory? More importantly, what happened before then? How did he know Aion? Were there other people he had met and forgotten?

                            So many questions circulated through John's mind as he tried to piece together a possible reason for all this, though he knew that he had very poor chances of making sense of any of this. As the situation still stood, John had very little information to work with. The only way he was going to get to the bottom of this was if he asked questions.

                            Just then, Mima said another name which created yet another spark of recognition within his mind, prompting him to quickly turn his gaze over to Mima.

                            "Cicero? You also remember Aion?", John asked Mima in a slightly confused, yet mostly calm tone of voice.

                            Crash Site - Nevarras

                            Right as Ethan was about to make a witty remark towards what SiMi had said, he was suddenly interrupted by the sputtering sounds of creatures above, each one lunging towards Ethan in the hopes to impale him. Reacting as fast as he could, Ethan jumped back as the creatures above sailed downwards, avoiding the creatures in the nick of time. After that, Ethan used his other hand to pull out one of his ZCX-S2 gauss machine pistols and opened fire on the creatures that had landed in front of him, all while aiming another shot with his TRX-77 and firing at the larger horde of enemies, albeit without the added support of using two hands to fire the large weapon.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Alternate Dua

                              "Aion? Yeah. We didn't talk for too long, but I do remember him. Mainly tuck with another fella by the name of Nero, Cicero's little friend." Mima explained. "I was planning to ditch the ship I was on, since it was going somewhere I couldn't care less about. I was more concerned with solving my memory isues at the time. Apparently I must have solved it, though I think Cicero ha something to do with us being back on the Isle."

                              Crash Site

                              The creatures pounced again before being blown into pieces, where they seemingly exploded violently near Ethan's face. The shot from the TRX blasted another small creature scuttling along the ground, causing it too to detonate, damaging nearby allies.

                              SiMo finally stopped typing, as the many wires connected to the energy core began to disconnect, one by one. A siren began to blare, a emergency lights flickered on.

                              "Warning. Warning. Core connections disabled, overload in T minus 2.5 minutes." came an automated warning.

                              "We need to move. Follow, with haste." SiMo explained, as he went through a small side door in the control room, opening up into the core room itself.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                Alcyon | Shrine of Winter

                                "Whatever... All a Saiyan needs is his pride. Without it a Saiyan is practically nothing. Even if I am the last remaining Saiyan, I won't let it get to me so damn easily." Bardock replied to Phenom's attempt to console him a little, even though that didn't really help much at all. Bardock was just too busy focused on getting through the rest of these ruins. Thankfully the entrance to another chamber was not too far ahead of them, and in the room Bardock could see the shape of a little girl sitting atop a strange black cube... Something that piqued his interest a little. However guessing that this next chamber might just be another test of which could possibly be filled with more dangerous traps, he decided not to do the foolish thing and just charge right on in... Instead he kept his eye on the strange black cube in the chamber up ahead.

