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Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix - Intermission

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    Prosperity | Sungrey

    "Simple. You use a cage and you use bait. I suppose in this case, I am the bait and the planet is soon to become the cage. But there's more to it than just trapping. It sounds to me like your aversion to our Null is more fear than anything. If he's such a threat to life, why not neutralize him?" Phenom said, becoming uncharacteristically dramatic. He began to gesture with his arms as he spoke. One might think him acting strange, when he really finds the whole situation slightly humorous. Beyond that though, the fact that this faction didn't quite seem to care for the lives of the rest of the colonists littering the planet irked him.

    "Aaaah, but you ARE neutralizing him," Phenom said, chuckling and pointing at the Umbra, "By clipping his metaphorical wings and pinning him to this planet, you've neutralized him, far as the rest of the galaxy goes... No, the real reason we are the ones doing this is because we're expendable resources. We're a capable, unaccounted for force willing to do the job. And should we fail, at least the Null is trapped on this planet, right? Ian mentioned earlier that committing resources to killing this Null is something that he simply would not do, but you.. Hunters... number a respectable amount. Even the Angel's of Heaven numbered on a grand scale before our military strength was wiped out. The reason no resources will be committed to the actual kill is clear: Fear. Strategically Sound Fear, it may be, but we Angels took an oath to protect every life that we could. As we see it, if we cannot stop him, then he is simply out of our control. But if we do not make the attempt, then we are no lower than dirt."
    Last edited by Kilelicus; 07-27-2015, 10:16 PM.
    Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
    "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

    Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


      Prosperity | Sungrey
      BGM: Umineko: When They Cry - Stupefaction

      "You're probably right, Phenom," Terra said. Then she gave a derisive "ha," as she stood up. "If that is true, and these Hunter people are just going to consider us and this planet expendable, then I can't say I respect them, you see. If they plan for us to die here, I'm not going to just die. I think... we should squash the bastard." Terra hit her fist into her hand, illustrating the squashing with her gestures.

      Her eyes, now lighting with a fire of anger and loathing, turned to the Umbra woman. "Well, is that true? Are we expendable to them? Do they plan for us to die trying to defeat the Null?"


        Prosperity | Sungrey

        After Phenom's rant, his disposition became normal again almost immediately. He placed his hand on Terra's right shoulder and applied a small amount of force. "Sit down, Terra. You're jumping to conclusions. Allow me to elaborate."

        Phenom took a moment to clear his throat before speaking again, "Umbra, earlier... you called me 'Maki'te.' That word means 'Brother,' yes? Ian said that word means you respect me. And I assure you, I will make good on such respect. You see... despite my tirade a moment ago, I see how you're viewing the situation. Our involvement in this issue is a gamble. A gamble weighed in your favor. To put it bluntly: We are not the last line of defense: We are the tip of the spear, and the cage you've created is the last line of defense. If we fail: we four die, alongside the rest of the colonies, but the Null is trapped. If we succeed, we four may live, along with the rest of the colonies. the Null is either dead or in a state where he is no longer a threat. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Where Angels have vowed to protect every life they can, the Hunters seem to have taken an oath to the greater good."

        Phenom adjusted himself in his seat against the wall and tore a piece of his cloak. At the same time, he released the magazine in one of his Desert Eagles, pulling out a bullet. He released enough adrenaline for him to pull the bullet clean out of the casing, and proceeded to throw the casing and its gunpowder out the window. He then held the bullet up, presenting it to the Umbra.

        "As for the structure of their plan and my confidence, Terra, allow me to illustrate it like this: This bullet is the Null. That wall over there is the cage, or his doom." He said, gesturing to the wall off to their right. "And this piece of my cloak is our lives. Umbra. If I throw this cloth into the air," he said, folding three corners of the cloth. "What do you think the chances of me flicking this bullet through the unfolded corner of this cloth is, still hitting the wall? If I hit it, we live. If I miss, we die."
        Last edited by Kilelicus; 07-27-2015, 10:59 PM.
        Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
        "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

        Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee



          The Umbra had a soft smile of understanding. "You have confidence in your own abilities, and I trust you know your limits." She shook her head. "The question is, though, do you have confidence that you are not underestimating your opponent?" She smirked as she leaned back. "Plan C. The beast is cornered, the diversion is set, the other hunters prepare the trap to capture it." Laughter overtook her for a moment. "you are right on all but one thing: The planet is not the cage. They were not expecting to find a Null here, so they did not have a proper trap for it. So they improvised. They don't expect you to kill it, only stall it long enough for their... trapper to arrive. You could also call this a sort of initiation test. They want you to see for yourselves what they've been dealing with for thousands of years and to see if you can survive it." She paused for a moment as she gathered her thoughts. "Hunteri actually means survivalist in your language. These people were trained, nay, bred to survive in this Galaxy. They will do anything necessary to achieve that end." She got up and walked over to a table, laying out supplies she had: The thermos, an ancient-looking book, various herbs and spices, a glass bottle, and more corlaviri crystals. "If the ad'ita wishes to fight she will need a crystal as well. If either of you are in danger, we will pull you out of that fight, and the Hunteri will aid you with air support." She turned back to them with a look of partial guilt. "I should also tell you... I speak for them but I am not truly one of them. I have lived among them long enough to know, however, that although they hold the wellbeing of their home, this galaxy, above all else, they will not let others suffer as they have."
          Last edited by Cucoo5; 07-27-2015, 11:27 PM.


            Prosperity | Sungrey
            BGM: Umineko: When They Cry - Stupefaction

            Terra looked at the crystals the woman spoke of. "U-um... what am I supposed to do with this, exactly? I'm not sure what they are, really..." Terra assumed they'd help her out somehow, but... how?"

            What the Umbra said about the "survivalists" troubled Terra. She understood that survival was important, and these people acted with that in mind, but she found it difficult to accept that they might not find Terra's life worth saving. It was almost as if her death would be simply of no consequence to them. It worried her.



              "You just need to hold on to it. It's so we can sense when you're in distress so we can come to help you." She placed a crystal into Terra's hand and her eyes immediately widened as she felt the girl's anxiety. The look of surprise immediately melted into a smile of reassurance. "Like I said before, ad'ita, you don't need to fret. We're all going to do what we can to keep you safe."


                Hunteri Stronghold – Sedes Imperii (Palace)

                Right after the group split up, John slightly relaxed his posture and looked over to the door before walking towards it. John was about to push the door open when Cortana suddenly stopped him.

                "Chief, do you see that?", Cortana asked John, drawing his attention over to to his radar.

                John looked over to his radar and noticed that approximately 40 feet beyond the door was a tiny blue dot, an unidentified entity. Just then, John quickly raised his battle rifle up towards the door before speaking.

                "Unknown entity, forty feet ahead.", John said to the group in a serious tone of voice.

                CY-001 - Nevaaras

                Ethan nearly let a laugh slip for out of his mouth, but forced it down as best he could, eliciting a small restrained giggle from his nose. As Mokou caught up and began to excitedly speak about all the different things in the colony, how everything that Ethan would have found mundane was a marvel of science to her, he couldn't help but give a rather light smile.

                "I'd say you're a little more than just 'fascinated' by what you see. You're like a kid in a candy store.", Ethan said to Mokou with slight amusement.

                Just then, SiMo spoke up as he walked alongside the three of them, commenting how his civilization's technology was more advanced than the colony's. That, Ethan could admit. After all, the colony did not have advanced generators, weapons, or any other advanced technology. For a human colony, it was rather basic.

                "Yea, I can agree with you there. CY-001 is not the most cutting-edge place I've been to either.", Ethan said to SiMo before directing his next words to anyone in the group willing to listen,"I've been to a world where much of the technology was focused around gravitational and spatial manipulation, and had robots made from a kind of liquid metal."
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  ((Time for Doctor intro-post.))
                  Hunteri Stronghold – Sedes Imperii (Palace)

                  Unbeknownst to Cortana, John, and the others. The "unknown" entity in the room just through the door, was a man who had traveled across the universe and time itself. He was a no ordinary man by any means. For he simply goes by one name and one name only...

                  The Doctor.

                  It had been approximately thirty minutes and 41 seconds since the Doctor woke up in this strange room that seemed to be lacking any power. Most of the doors were locked by some surprisingly complex systems, and with a quick scan of the place with his Sonic Screwdriver he had found out that at least a large portion of the building he is in is ancient and must be lacking power. Finding this out he had quickly walked to what appeared to be a terminal of sorts in the center of the room. As he walked up to it he quickly beamed his Sonic Screwdrier on it. Almost immediately the side of the terminal opened up and the Doctor got to work.

                  "Okay now let's see here... if this place is without power, and all the doors are locked shut... I will need to reroute any remaining power to the doors... So now let's see if there is any remaining power in this place..." The Doctor spoke to himself as his jaw hung open. He was busy working on trying to get any remaining power left in the palace to the doors so he could get them opened, and as he was working he suddenly heard a loud clang... which sounded like a mechanism beginning to activate. Hearing this he got up from his position and stared at the direction he heard the loud clang coming from one of the doors. After hearing what sounded to be some faint talking on the other side of the door, the Doctor got a little curious.

                  "Well. That was a little quick..." Spoke the Doctor to none other than himself as he cautiously approached the door he heard the noise coming from... and once up close to the door, he slowly reached his hand out to touch the door. Being unaware of his current location, he is being cautious as he has no idea who or what might be on the other side of the door.

                  ((WHERE WILL THE TARDIS END UP!? The TARDIS is currently traveling through Space, meaning it will end up in a random part of the galaxy. The reason why it is traveling is because the person who is inside it (Clara) was fiddling with the controls, trying to get a response from the TARDIS. I CAN HAVE THE TARDIS APPEAR ON HEAVEN IF KILEL WANTS! Or I could have it appear on Prosperity [kinda want to avoid that place though.] Anyone who wants the TARDIS with Clara, the Doctor's current companion, just let me know and I will send it there.))
                  The Expense: Hallman's Office

                  Not having gotten a witty response or comeback like he wanted, Hallman just laid back in his seat and sighed.

                  "When a guy tries to make things entertaining..." Hallman muttered quietly to himself as then began mumbling something that could not be heard.

                  That was when something sudden happened. The strange blue police box sent out a quick shock through Emil's arm before it started letting out a very loud... whirring noise as the light on the top of the box began to pulsate brightly. All the while the blue box itself was beginning to fade in and out. Whatever was happening, it definitely caught the attention of Hallman who quickly stood up.

                  "Emil what the hell did you do?" Hallman yelled as his voice was nearly getting drowned out by the sound of the blue box's whirring/whining noise. The blue box was beginning to fade out even more with every passing second.


                  As the group continued walking their way back to the Central Tower, Miranda could overhear the others talking about how low the tech seemed to be compared to other places. This made Miranda want to explain why.

                  "The reason why this place doesn't seem so advanced is because this is only a portion of the colony. This IS a mining colony after all. A good amount of funds did go into the civilian locations, but some of the more high-end tech is mostly used for the mining stations scattered throughout the planet. The Civilian sectors are due to for some renovations though."
                  Last edited by SUSTIC; 07-28-2015, 10:56 AM.


                    Prosperity | Sungrey

                    Phenom surveyed what he could see of the Umbra's supplies from his seated position. Their focus on survivalism was impressive, but he wondered just how effective the Hunters were in combat. That was beside the point currently, though. What mattered more was that they had a plan, and they were intent on maintaining as many lives as possible, albeit slightly indirectly.

                    "So let's say we... immobilize this Null of ours. What will you do then? You mentioned a... 'trapper.' Care to elaborate?"
                    Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                    "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                    Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                      CY-001 - Nevaaras

                      "Low-tech? Renovation? You guys are nuts." Mokou could hardly believe her ears. All this was mundane to these people. More fascination came to Mokou, along with sudden depression; how archaic she must be for them, she thought, her eyes noting her sudden sorrow. Here she was, in the middle of a new space, where technology that rivaled and even exceeded those of the Kappa communities were thing of norm, and here was Mokou, ancient and obsolete. She thought aloud in quite a sad tone: "Wow... I'm never going to catch up to this."



                        "Okay yea, you have a point there. It's just a colony after all.", Ethan said to Miranda, finding what she said to make sense.

                        Right after speaking, Ethan could hear Mokou speak aloud, or rather to herself in a rather sad tone. This caused Ethan to turn his gaze over to her and lightly tilt his head in curiosity. It took a moment to figure out why she would be so upset over so much to see, but within a matter of seconds, it hit him. Mokou came from Earth, a place that had been gone for nearly 15 trillion years, a place that had very limited technology, and now here she was, in a place far away and alien to her. If Ethan didn't knmow her current circumstances, he would have simply shrugged off her reaction, but he felt that since she was under such extreme circumstances, he would try and ease her doubts.

                        "Nah, you'll catch up fast enough. You've got plenty of time. Besides, I doubt many people today know how half the technology they use actually works.", Ethan casually said to Mokou with a light shrug.

                        The Expense: Hallman's Office

                        "I didn't do anything!", Emil loudly said to Hallman in surprise as the strange box started to disappear. For all Emil knew, the box was turning invisible, fading from existence, or something else entirely. Such a curious item was not going to escape so easily. Thinking quickly, Emil grabbed a small node from his armor and stuck it to the top of the box in hopes of tracking what would happen to it. After that, he quickly took a step back and awaited whatever would happen.
                        Last edited by S121; 07-30-2015, 05:50 AM.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                          "Anankerisa, she's... complicated. Young and powerful to say the least." The woman's eyes closed as she tried to remember more. "It will make more sense when she arrives."


                          Achlys walked up to the door control and grinned. "Something there is better than nothing." The other Hunters held positions on either side with rifles trained at it. "Ready? On three."

                          " now." The door opened instantly revealing what was behind. At the sight of a bipedal being, two lunged forward, one with a rod-shaped scanner while the other tackled the man. Once the scan was completed by the Hunteri and he gave the signal that the man was clean of Nihiliod infection, they all relaxed slightly and the majority proceeded to secure the room. "Well he's not a Nihiliod. The question now is, who or what are you?"
                          Last edited by Cucoo5; 07-31-2015, 07:24 PM.


                            The Expense: Hallman's Office

                            Lycoris had just finished her meal when the blue box suddenly started sounding an alarm. She jumped in surprise at the sudden loud noise and jumped to her feet, ready to protect her master and her mentor. To her surprise however the blue box didn't seem to be doing anything all to dangerous. rather it was just disappearing. The cat girl stood behind Emil and peaked at the mysterious object from behind her mentor as it faded into nothingness. Had Emil done this? or was the box just leaving he wa it came. Whatever the case, Lycoris was out one new scratch post.



                              Before he had any time to react, the door opened and almost immediately someone had tackled the Doctor to the ground. This had obviously surprised the Doctor indicated by a little yelp he let out along with his shocked and dazed expression.

                              He laid there tackled to the ground while looking at the person on top of him, and the several others standing in the doorway and the room itself. With his eyes quickly darting between his new company, and his jaw which is hanging slightly agar. The only thing he could say was just one little phrase...

                              "Oh... Why hello there. Didn't expect anyone else to be in here. Guess I was wrong." The Doctor spoke with a small nervous sounding chuckle. "Also I really should be asking you the same question now shouldn't I. I mean after all you lot did tackle me down to the ground, and had apparently scanned me with some device for some reason? I mean it is understandable that if you are some sort of airport security of this place, or some kind of soldiers." The Doctor replied as he then looked at the man on top of him.

                              Thankfully though the people had calmed down and relaxed after scanning him.

                              "If you do I will tell you who I am. To be honest I think that sounds absolutely fair. Also Nihiliods... why does that sound familiar? Oh who cares, let's just get on with introducing each other, and allow me to start first. People call me the Doctor. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

                              The Doctor replied briefly before giving a relatively, and surprisingly happy smile despite having had just been tackled to the ground.

                              The Expense: Hallman's Office

                              As the Blue Box was vanishing, Emil had barely managed to place the node onto the outside of the box just before it completely disappeared. Once it disappeared completely it seemingly left no traces of itself, all the while Hallman stomped his foot on the ground angrily as the Blue Box has left its office on its own.

                              "God fucking DAMMIT!!! How could it just disappear like that!?" Hallman yelled.

                              All the while... the strange blue box that now has a node on it would appear... in the Main Kitchen of the Expense!?
                              Last edited by SUSTIC; 08-01-2015, 11:04 PM.


                                The Expense: Hallman's Office

                                Lycoris looked a bit more relaxed once the blue box had finally vanished. After all that was what her master wanted right? Or at least so she thought. Instead of being happy Hallmen seemed rather angry that the box just suddenly vanished by itself. It was to the point that he was actually yelling. This left Lycoris utterly confused, her and Emil had worked so hard to move or open it and now that it was finally gone master was... upset? Maybe he had a sudden change of hearth just before the box vanished or maybe he realized what a good scratch post it would make. Without thinking Lycoris asked. "But it's gone right? isn't that what you wanted?"

