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Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix - Intermission

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    The bioroid for some reason was calm the whole time, she was supposed to react to the odd male who was asking so many questions, but alas, she was calm ("I guess I have seen such things that oddities are a normal thing for me") she thought and sighed "If we have the resources to repair this terminal, then lets get on with it, I´m sick of having to walk on a gigantic fog" she said lookeing at the terminal, her mind already seeing what to do. She then looked at the Doctor, her mind already in business mode "You, I can connect with many electronics, if you are a good worker in electronics, then I can let you do your part while I deal with the internal framework" she spoke as her palm opened showing a small cylinder that started shifting to many types of posts "Just let me find where to connect and we can do something about this mess"
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Lobby - Central Tower | CY-001 | Nevaraas

      After acknowledging Ethan, Mokou headed to where she presumed elevators would be. However, after considering how many people are actually on board, she discouraged the idea. She hated crowded elevators. Ironically the reason for her hatred was because of how hot and sweaty it gets inside.

      Mokou turned her attention to the large gaping hole going through the ceiling, all the way to the top of the tower. This would mean that every other floor on the tower was accessible from the said gape...

      Without notice, Mokou's back sprouted wings of pure flame as she took off nonchalantly, taking everyone inside the tower by surprise with her antics as she climbed up the tower, counting how many floors she ascended until zhe reached 30th floor and landed there.


        Prosperity | Sungrey

        Phenom watched silent and unflinching at the scene before him. One of the Hunters had taken to screaming overhead, above the incoming onslaught. Surely the tactic must have scattered them, but would it not have been more efficient if they had simply wiped them out instead of the Angels doing all of the work? It didn't particularly matter to Phenom; he never even expected the Hunter to intervene in this issue in the first place. He jumped down from the rooftop and went inside.

        "They're going to be here soon. Are we all prepared?"
        Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
        "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

        Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee



          As the Doctor paced back and forth trying to remember what this place was exactly, and why it felt so familiar to him. He stopped and turned to face Achlys when she finally provided an answer... that did help him remember a bit about his current whereabouts.
          Upon hearing it his face lit up as though he heard some rather excellent news. Outstretching his arms and getting a rather big smile on his face he looked at everyone in the room.

          "That's it! That is it I tell you! That's why this place is so familiar! I'm IN THE PALACE on the planet Sedes Imperii of the Venturian Galaxy! Year 1099 of the Former New Republic, but dear lord how much time has passed since my previous location. This place was quite a hotspot for the people of this planet if I am correct. So much important stuff had gone here on this planet. So much history to this place... I've only read about this place in some books here and there... only been here about once or twice... Tell me... what exactly happened to this beautiful place...?" The Doctor asked not the others... but actually he was asking himself aloud as he sat on one of the not entirely working desks in the room while rubbing his temples.

          "This place has so much history... it's quite hard to recall... even with my memory..." Spoke the Doctor as he then turned to Mara who was asking him to show her where to hook up her device so she can get a map of the palace. Upon which the Doctor quickly stood up and walked over to the terminal he was working at previously.

          Kneeling down he fiddled with a bit of the wires until a bit of a spark was let out, causing the Doctor to jump a little. After he saw the spark, he got up from the floor, took out his Sonic Screwdriver, and pointed it at the terminal's control panel. With a quick buzz and whine from his 'magic wand' the Terminal lit up.

          "Okay, There ya go. Just plug your little... thing into that slot there. I have managed to restore just enough power to at least interface and get a general map of the area. Couldn't really managed to do much else unfortunately, but it should be enough to help you out at least." The Doctor finished as he looked at Mara, all the while occasionally giving quick, curious glances at John...

          The Expense: Hallman's Office

          Once Lycoris left, Hallman turned to Emil with a rather serious and stern look on his face.

          "Yes. Apparently Astraea is trying to contact me about our little escaped project... You remember... That girl that managed to kill most of our personnel? Anyways I need you in here because Astraea doesn't take my punishments lightly, and I told her not to call me unless she has some bad news or failed her mission." Hallman spoke as he pushed a button on his communicator device, and afterwards a holographic video and voice feed of Astraea on the planet Nevaaras popped up in the center of the office.

          From the looks of it Astraea appears to be covered in a lot of... sand. Her hair, skin, and clothes was just messy with sand, her eyes were red and filled with tears for she obviously had gotten some sand in her eyes.

          As the video feed opened up, Astraea immediately began crying.

          "WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! I failed boss! That mean girl got away!!!" Astraea replied, and almost immediately an angered Hallman slammed his fist against his desk.

          WHAT!? HOW DID YOU FAIL!?"

          "She... threw sand in my eyes..." Astraea replied with a sniffle as Hallman then got a plan stunned look on his face.

          "She did what now?" Hallman replied quite bluntly with little to no signs of anger or shock in his voice... just a monotone sort of tone to his voice.

          "Y-Yeah... then some strange weirdo in a shiny white suit fired a tiger eye laser from his sword at my back and knocked me out! Then I woke up covered in sand and my wings hurt, and I can't fly!" Astraea complained as she nearly began crying again.

          "I... tiger eye laser...? Can't fly... I... YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE MOST SKILLED ANDROID WE HAVE IN COMBAT! ARE YOU SERIOUSLY THAT IDIOTIC TO LET SOME GIRL THROUGH SAND IN YOUR EYES AND SOMEGUY SHOOT YOU!? WHAT ARE YOU? A CHILD ON A GODDAMN PLAYGROUND!? You no what? EMIL YOU HANDLE THIS SITUATION NOW! I NEED TO GO GET SOMETHING TO FUCKING DRINK!!" Hallman replied as he stood up, pushed his chair out of the way, and left his office. As he did the Hologram then turned to face Emil...

          Astraea looking as though she is on the verge of tears.




            Mara looked at the socket and adapted her connection to it "This has been quite useful, a sort of master electronic key" she said to herself while getting into the framework "Interesting, while this place is rather big with many corridors" the bioroid said out loud, in her mind, the white haired woman felt as if she was charged with energy, this technology was way advanced, and her mind had to wait some seconds to not overload accidentally.
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Prosperity | Sungrey
              BGM: Umineko: When They Cry - System0

              Terra looked out the door behind Phenom. Out there... laid only fear and pain. Death would surely strike out on that battlefield, and it would strike many. Their enemies would fall, one after the other, some of them killed by the same hands Terra now allied herself with. Even she herself could die here. Terra was aware... painfully aware of all of that. However... she also knew that she would not be killing anyone today, except maybe that Null. That thought alone gave her solace.

              The answer came in the form of a nod. Terra wasn't exactly certain she was ready for what was out there, but... were her opponents ready for her? She wouldn't just roll over and die, no... She would protect everyone, herself included. A nod was all that was necessary to convey that.


                Prosperity | Sungrey

                Phenom turned around and cracked his knuckles. He stared at the horizon. He thumbed the handle of his right-side Desert Eagle, contemplating using it, and waited.

                15 Minutes Later...
                BGM: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2 OST - OVERDRIVE (0:00 - 0:58)

                "Phenom... I've been thinking..." Amanda said after a few minutes of waiting. By the time she had spoken up, the horde had come into view, plowing down the mountain they had approached from prior.


                "This fight. We could easily win if we just mow them down with our guns. Why didn't we just do that from the start?"

                The horde was growing closer as they spoke. It was an opportune time for the Angels to engage.

                "We could do that, Amanda... but..."


                An amused, almost sadistic expression visited Phenom's face as he drew his two knives, obsidian in left and steel in right. However, anyone looking at him, would only see that his eyes had partially widened. He lowered himself into a combat position as though he were about to explode forward.

                BGM - (0:59 - End)

                "That wouldn't be as fun."

                "PHENOM, WAI-" Gaspard started, before Phenom exited the inn at full speed, heading toward the horde. Before anyone could blink, he was in the air, over the horde. He dropped down on an unsuspecting raider, driving his knives into his chest. The men in the immediate vicinity scattered. Some remained to fight Phenom, while the rest of the horde continued toward the Inn.

                Standing up, Phenom immediately rushed toward the first raider before him, not utilizing his speed. He would have to save that for his fight with the Null and rely on natural skill. The raider threw his weapon over his head and downward at Phenom. The Angel deftly deflected the CQB-ized rifle and spun behind him. Driving his obsidian knife into the raider's back, he blocked another strike from behind him with his steel knife. He ripped the obsidian through its prey's flesh, tearing open his back. In the same move, he drove the obsidian into his other attacker's knee and hoisted him into the air before executing an aerial ax kick, bringing his foot down on the raider's gut with extreme force. As the raider's comrades converged on Phenom in an attempted to pin him while he was on the ground, he executed a backwards ukemi.

                Parrying another blow aimed at his head, he drove a series of punches into the next attackers chest before disengaging and parrying another overhead blow coming from his right. Two quick stabs were enough to disarm the new attacker. Phenom then returned to his previous target, driving his obsidian knife into the target's abdomen through his side, just under the armpit. He grabbed the second attacker and threw him into a charging raider before double-palming the first into stun them at the same time. He stabbed his steel knife into the clavicle of the stunned raider on his left, wrenching him downwards. Spinning on his left foot, Phenom kicked his prey into the other stunned feet, sweeping him into the air. Phenom quickly ran towards the airborne raider and threw his steel knife into the air. Jumping up, he planted his right foot on the airborne raiders head and drew one of his Desert Eagles, firing a round into his skull after pushing himself off of the body.

                As Phenom sailed through the air, he holstered his Eagle and nabbed his knife, stabbing down on another raider. Phenom continued his dance of steel, tearing through grunt after grunt with ease, despite not tapping into his abilities.

                "Oh..." Gaspard reacted, "Thought he was going to waste his time... C'est la vie." He then began firing on the incoming raiders and threw aside his rifle and charged when they entered CQC-range. He then brandished the steel wires that riddled his outfit and began cutting down the raiders as though they were butter.

                Amanda, who had been left behind with Terra merely looked at the girl and placed her hand on her shoulder.

                "I apologize for their vulgar style. Men and their combat... Shall we join them?"
                Last edited by Kilelicus; 08-19-2015, 12:54 AM.
                Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                  Prosperity | Sungrey
                  BGM: Umineko: When They Cry - System0

                  "Uh... yeah, sure..." Surprise flew through Terra's body. She was surprised that these men could be so... ruthless... So much killing, happening right in front of her. Even though she knew there was no way around it, she was still shocked.

                  "U-uh... let's go then..." She waited for Amanda, who she hoped was a bit... gentler... to take the lead.


                    (shorpost incoming, just setting Terra up to make her own combat post.)

                    Prosperity | Sungrey
                    BGM: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2 OST - OVERDRIVE (0:58 - End)

                    Amanda drew her own hand guns and charged out into battle, firing off a few rounds before teleporting out of sight. As Phenom continued his assault towards where the Null was surely located, Gaspard, Terra, and Amanda were left to deal with the dregs. If Terra were to observe the combating Angels, she'd be able to see that there was a strange fluidity to all of their movements once all three got into the fight. Almost as if they knew exactly where to be at every moment. This was actually to be blamed on the COFFIN uplinks in their brains. Gaspard, able to predict the future, has been fitted with hardware capable of networking his brain with the COFFIN uplinks directly.

                    They covered each others backs when a normal person would not be able to react fast enough to the situations that they faced.
                    Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                    "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                    Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                      Prosperity | Sungrey
                      BGM: Umineko: When They Cry - System0

                      The three angels' teamwork didn't go unnoticed by Terra. As she watched Amanda join the fray, she observed their synchronized movements and attacks in awe. They simply couldn't have pulled anything like it off with just planning and practice. Terra wondered if there was anything more to it briefly. Then, finally, she looked into the battle herself.

                      Some of the men before her would die, but not by her hand. Terra herself could die, but not without a struggle. Finally, that steely resolve of hers solidified in her eyes, that determination steadied her muscles and pumped coolness through her blood. Terra noted that the group was moving toward the Null, so she decided it'd be best to follow after them and provide support. The Null was most likely their strongest troop by a long shot, so concentrating themselves around the Null was advantageous to them. Between the four of them they should be able to divide themselves between the grunts and their leader. With that in mind, Terra prioritized forward motion in her assault. With her increased agility, Terra materialized her sword ran for them. Just before reaching their forces, Terra kicked off the ground, slashing upwards as her body flew away from the enemy troops.

                      As Terra adjusted her body so her feet stayed down in her flight, she extended her hand and sent a beam of golden light out from it. Because of her increased distance from her foes, in addition to her forward momentum, she was able to hit quite a few of them as she swiped her hand in a line along them, cutting herself a path through their scattered ranks. Then, she traded in her sword for a magic bow and some arrows, firing downwards at the place she anticipated she'd land. It was best to assure herself a safe landing. She took a fraction of a second to aim and started rapid-firing arrows that burst into light around her destination (being able to create the arrows in her hand made things a lot easier) and touched down there, skidding slightly forward. Terra called back and her sword and positioned it so that it pointed forward and suddenly shot forward, gliding an inch or two off the ground as glowing feathers trailed behind her. She surrounded herself in an aura of light as she moved, leaving a glowing path in her wake as the aura knocked foes aside and her sword pierced through those in her path.

                      Quickly, Terra got close to the angels and began to fight near their vicinity. Terra slashed with her sword as it flashed and created slashes in the air that glowed with soft pink luminescence, and when too many of the Null's lackeys came close to her, she would switch to her magic, firing arrows of light or creating gusts of wind or lightning strikes. Keeping an eye on the angels when she could, Terra moved with them as they all grew closer to the Null.



                        As John and Cortana quietly listened to the group talking amongst themselves, they had a little conversation of their own.

                        "Well, this is rather.. odd...", Cortana said to John.

                        "Which part?", John sarcastically whispered to Cortana.

                        "This 'Doctor' wears what you would expect from the twentieth and twenty-first century, has an english accent, and if my scans are correct, he has two hearts. It's like some character out of an old television show.", Cortana said to John.

                        John was about to whisper to Cortana once again, but suddenly stopped and remained silent when he noticed the strange man glancing at him. Cortana noticed it as well and kept her full attention on the Doctor as she stood by for more information, curious about what the man would do next. Meanwhile John simply stared back at the man, a little curious but also somewhat suspicious of the man.

                        CY-001 - Nevaaras

                        "Yea. Just go into the tower there and head to administration. Follow the shouting and loud cursing. You'll know you've found the leader when you see her.", Ethan said with a small grin.

                        The Expense: Hallman's Office

                        Unlike how angry and upset Hallman was, Emil was calm almost to an unsettling degree. Instead of yelling at Astrea or belittling her, he simply asked her one question.

                        "Astrea, do you have a read of where Project Black Rock is?"
                        Last edited by S121; 08-26-2015, 03:25 AM.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                          Inbetween his glances at John, the Doctor was about to respond to Mara, however he stopped as he took notice that John himself had noticed the Doctor's occasional glances. As indicated by the faint whispering to seemingly some kind of possible voice in John's head stopping altogether as he turned to face the Doctor. Seeing this the Doctor got even more curious.

                          "Will you excuse me for a tiny moment?" The Doctor spoke to Mara, excusing himself from helping Mara before walking over to John.

                          As he approached the Spartan, the Doctor examined the man's green armor with a look of fascination, curiousity, and definite intrigue.

                          The Expense: Hallman's Office

                          Astraea was about to tear up and begin crying again, fully expecting Emil to berate her, punish her, at the least yell at her. Though instead he just... calm and firm with his question.

                          "I... No I don't..." Astraea replied with a little sniffle, obviously about to start crying again at any given moment. "By the time I woke up I lost her..."

                          ((GOD I AM FINISHED EVEN THOUGH THIS IS SHIT. I SERIOUSLY JUST HAD A HARD TIME THINKING OF MORE STUFF WITH THIS POST. Unfortunately my ideas at least require one more response from John...))
                          Last edited by SUSTIC; 08-23-2015, 09:31 PM.


                            Prosperity | Sungrey
                            BGM: Witcher 3 OST - Hunt or be Hunted

                            As the Angels battled their way through the horde of the Null's soldiers, Phenom pushed farther ahead. As wave after wave of raiders through themselves at him, he carved through their ranks with ease. He had yet to expend any of his precious time since his initial engagement. He wanted to end this farce as quickly as possible when he finally met the Null. After a few grueling minutes of combat, showering himself in the blood of his foes, he finally came to a lone shadowy figure, vaguely resembling Terra in appearance.

                            BGM: None (Wind Blowing)

                            The Null-Terra threw out her arm and the raiders around Phenom scattered, refocusing their attention on the other three combatants.

                            "So..." Phenom began, "You must be our Null..."

                            "Indeed, I am, Deigih'Vejn." The Null snarled, "You may address me as Lord Phorma. As soon as I finish you, I'm going to conquer the rest of this pathetic planet."

                            Phenom simply glared at the figure before him, apprehensively.

                            "A quiet one, I see. Do you want to kill me, Deigih'Vejn?"

                            "You seem awfully confident for someone who's about to die."

                            "That's because I know something you don't." Phorma hissed, a sinister grin creeping across his face.

                            Phenom was not about to give Phorma the time to act upon this knowledge. He would end this whole debacle here and now. With one single punch, followed by a shot from the handgun he was given earlier, he would take Phorma's life. He figured that if the Null could have taken his form at this point, he would have already done so.

                            BGM: LoL | Seconds: Ekko's Theme

                            He wasted no time. Before Phorma could even blink, Phenom vanished, charging Phorma at several times the speed of sound. However, as soon as Phenom disappeared, Phorma began taking his form and incorporating Phenom's heightened senses. Moments later, he was able to see Phenom, growing close, but yet to realize that he was charging headlong into a trap. Phorma prepared a counter. Raising his leg into the air, he delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to the side of Phenom's head, sending the Angel sailing through the air and skidding along the ground.

                            "You think me so foolish as to approach one of your strength without a back up plan? I may have your form, but I lack your poor judgement." Phorma mocked.

                            Kingdom Hearts OST: Rage Awakened

                            As Phenom slowly lifted himself back to his feet, he held his hand to his head, shaking off the impact. He looked back up at Phorma, who's form was changing ever so smoothly into Phenom's.

                            "Great..." Phenom groaned.

                            "COME, BOY, KILL ME IF YOU THINK YOURSELF ABLE!" Phorma dared.

                            Phenom drew both knives, charging at the Null once more. Phorma followed suit, unsheathing his own versions of Phenom's two knives, before charging to meet Phenom halfway. Where they clashed, a shower of sparks exploded as their knives met each other, grinding away one another with incredible force. The two speedsters disengaged from each other for a quick moment. After a second-long stare down, they both collided once more, mirroring each others moves. Every time their blades clashed, sparks filled the air, threatening to reignite the flames from the day before.

                            "So your name is Phenom, eeeh?! Well, Phenom, this body of yours is amazing. So much raw power. So much FUN!" Phorma taunted, cackling at the top of his lungs.

                            Phenom barely cared for the Null's words, though. He forced Phorma's arms into the air and aimed a powerful kick at his adversary's gut. The impact sent him flying into a ruined house nearby, plowing through the walls and exiting on the other side. Phenom vanished and reappeared a short distance before the sailing Phorma, preparing to drive him into the ground. Before he could do anything, however, Phorma himself vanished. The maneuver was so sudden that Phenom could not react fast enough, and by the time he realized what was happening, Phorma had already reappeared behind him. Driving both fists into Phenom's back, he sent the Angel flying through what was left of the home Phorma had just demolished. As Phenom sailed, he righted himself and braced for his landing, skidding on his feet across the ground.

                            The two warriors charged each other once more, exchanging glancing blows as they met and dowsing the ground around them in a shower of sparks, until Phorma finally got the better of Phenom. Landing a well placed punch in Phenom's gut, he sent the Angel sailing high into the air. Phenom, anticipating Phorma's next move, threw himself into a violent spin. As Phorma appeared above Phenom to overhead double-fist him back into the ground, he was instead met with a powerful kick to the side of his head, sending him through some nearby trees as he fell to the ground. As Phenom fell to the ground, he sheathed his knives and drew his Desert Eagles, firing a number of rounds in Phorma's direction. Once he hit the ground, he immediately holstered his guns and shot off in Phorma's direction.

                            Phorma, hiding in the trees, listened intently for Phenom's footsteps. When he hear the Angel approaching, he rounded the corner, aiming a stab at Phenom's gut. Phenom, however, had been running on low adrenaline the whole time, so he was able to see the action fast enough and react accordingly. Side stepping the knife, he grabbed Phorma's arm and flung him from the small section of woods and back out into the open, charging after. Phorma righted himself and slid across the ground, kicking up a great amount of dirt. Phenom appeared before him, aiming a kick at his head. Phorma held his arms cross to block the impact, but the force of the kick sent him skidding further across the ground and into the wall of another ruined house. Catching up to the Null once more, Phenom drove his fist into the Null's head with such force that he plowed through the sheer metal wall. Before Phenom could do anything more, Phorma kicked up his legs, catching Phenom on the chin and staggering the Angel backwards several steps.

                            The two Speedsters drew their knives once more and went back at each other. Parrying and deflecting each others attacks as they screamed across the battlefield, a number of dry pieces of debris reacted to the constant showering of sparks, flaring up in the mid-morning light. Some of the houses who's flames had died earlier rekindled, creating a number of small fires around the colony. As the two warriors clashed and beat against each other all over the course of a few minutes, the horde was becoming increasingly thin.

                            Finally, Phenom landed a well-aimed punch against Phorma's forehead, plowing him into the ground. It appeared the Null had finally been stunned. Phenom, recognizing this as his opportunity to finally execute the Null, wasted no time, charging over to Phorma's seemingly unconscious body. He drew the handgun Ian had given him earlier, charged it with its respective tool, and aimed it directly at Phorma's head, pulling the trigger. The Null's head jerked violently and Phorma laid motionless.

                            BGM: None (Blowing Wind)

                            "Easy enough... Luckily this weapon did its job..." Phenom said to himself, the onlooking raiders staring on in disbelief. He turned his gaze to them, scowling threateningly. They quickly scattered, fearing for their lives. The raiders who had not been watching, however, continued their onslaught against the Inn Defenders. As Phenom turned away from Phorma's body to rejoin the defence, he felt a sharp pain in his back, piercing his body. He turned to see Phorma staring him in the face, beaming like a madman.


                            BGM: Shiro Sagisu - Invasion (Rayden Cybersoul Remix)

                            Phenom's eyes widened as Phorma wound up a punch the was soon planted directly into his stomach. The force of the blow sent Phenom flying through the air, directly into the wall of the inn behind his compatriots. The force of the impact forced the knife he had been stabbed with to pierce through his torso, exiting out his belly. As it shot clean through his cloak, Phenom could see that the knife in question was in fact a replica of his father's obsidian knife. He then fell to the ground, bleeding profusely on the ground.

                            "Now, then... shall we take a peak into that mind of yours and see what horrible things we can drag up?" Phorma said, approaching Phenom. The rest of Phenom's comrades had already moved a good distance up, so the gap between them was rather large. "Ooh.... what is this, I've found? Some sort of trauma you experienced years ago? Delicious... Let's bring these back to the surface, shall we?"

                            A few moments passed before one could hear Phenom's screams from miles away. He was being forced to relive the day he watched his fireteam die over and over again, only this time he was completely lucid, fully aware of what was going on. The sheer terror, mixed with the pain it caused him, caused the screams to sound almost inhuman. Phorma began cackling wildly as he watched Phenom writhing on the ground.

                            "OH, I AM GOING TO ENJOY KILLING YOU SLOWLY." Phorma hissed.
                            Last edited by Kilelicus; 08-21-2015, 11:30 PM.
                            Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                            "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                            Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                              (I'll polish this later. Right now this is a rough draft)


                              Right here. Joe looked at the building as if he should have realized it sooner. "Ok, thanks." He turned to run into the building but stopped short, turning to glance over Ethan's armor and scars with a look that said something just dawned on him. "Soldier or Merc?"


                              Ian pulled his fighter into a broad loop as he accelerated. He was watching the battle from above and saw Phenom was effectively pinned down by the Null's powers. Once there was around 2,000 meters between him and Phorma he dropped to the deck and shot straight for it at max speed. From as far as he was, his strafing run all happened in a second. He lined up the Null in his sights using his fighter's visual enhancement system which made his target look as if it was mere meters away. As he rapidly approached the field of view adjusted allowing him to line up the shot and predict how he was going to pull out of his run. As soon as he was within 200 meters he let loose a volley of burst cannon rounds which are designed for anti personnel and structure function. His hope was that it would knock the Null down and away from Phenom.


                                Prosperity | Sungrey
                                BGM: Shiro Sagisu - Invasion (Rayden Cybersoul Remix)

                                Phorma recoiled slightly as Ian's rounds landed about his feet, but he quickly reverted to his manically cackling self when he realized he could simply swat this fly clean out of the sky. He sent himself airborne, directly towards Ian's fighter.

                                "AND YOU, HOW DARE YOU ATTEMPT TO INTERFERE IN MY FUN!? I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!" he howled, raising a fist into the air as he screamed towards Ian. When in range, he drove his fist into the right wing with all the force he could muster, in an effort to force the fighter to the ground.

                                "Gaspard, Amanda!" Lachesis's voice echoed through the Angels' headsets, prompting them to listen to whatever she had to say. "Phenom's in trouble! He's bleeding out and his brainwaves are going crazy. I don't know what's going on but you have to help him!"

                                Amanda looked around to see Phenom on the ground before the inn behind them. "Phenom!" she gasped. "Terra, come with me!"

                                After telling Terra to follow her, Amanda ran towards Phenom, reaching into a satchel that sat on the left side of her waist.
                                Last edited by Kilelicus; 08-23-2015, 01:40 AM.
                                Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                                "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                                Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee

