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Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix - Intermission

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    Upon seeing Ethan, some strange girl, and some strange android... along with Miranda. Upon seeing Miranda, Tommy AKA the White Ranger, gulped as he saw the chief of security approaching. He had been thinking of actually confronting her while disguised morphed into the White Ranger, but something that happened just now actually made him hesitate and contemplate running... The morpher on his belt began to spark a little, and he could feel the power of his Ranger armor actually begin to drain. An indication that his armor is possibly glitching out. If he stays here any longer, then his identity would be revealed... and Tommy could be in quite some trouble with Miranda.

    As such The White Ranger simply called out in response to Miranda.

    "I uh... Sorry I got to go! I need to go... get my laundry done!" Yelled the White Ranger as he immediately took of sprinting away, and thanks to the remaining power in his morphed state, he was running at quite a decent speed.


      Prosperity | Sungrey
      BGM: Blazblue OST - Plastic Night II

      Phorma's expression twisted into an amused grin, finding Terra's resistance futile. He snapped his fingers and the shards of Terra's shield melted from view. He then waved his arms wildly and a large chunk of earth the size of a large boulder rose from the ground behind him.

      "Try to stop this! If you don't, it will crash right into your little fort back there!" Phorma hissed. He then flung the earthen projectile directly at Terra, confident she wouldn't be able to stop it.
      Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
      "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

      Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


        Prosperity | Sungrey
        BGM: Umineko no Naku Koro ni - Prison STRIP

        Terra was prepared this time. More flying objects, she thought to herself. This guy won't get anywhere if he just throws things at me. I'll send everything flying right back at him. As she thought this, Terra repeated her shield move. The boulder wasn't moving too quickly, so she was sure it would work just fine.

        She wondered if he planned to just keep peppering her with projectiles from afar. That wouldn't work well for him in the end, especially since she had shown him that she possessed reflection magic. However, he had enough smarts to exploit the safety of the civilians. He had her playing a defensive game, and she knew it. She could always try to get behind him, but if she did, he could throw something at the inn and she wouldn't be able to get there in time. It'd be in the militia's best interest if Terra stayed with her back to them.

        The rock hit the crystal surrounding Terra. This time, she sent the boulder directly back at her adversary. She hadn't utilized the reflection capability of the spell in its last use, so she put it work this time in the hopes of a surprise attack. With any luck, he wouldn't expect his own earthy weapon to come sailing into his face.


          Prosperity | Sungrey
          BGM: Blazblue OST - Plastic Night II

          Phorma's grin widened as he continued to test Terra's, offensive, defensive, and counter-offensive capabilities. He raised his hands into the air and gestured as though he was tearing the air apart. When his hands finally separated, the boulder exploded into thousands of smaller pieces. He waved his arms around as though he possessed some sort of geokinesis. Guiding the pieces of earth, he slammed them into the windows and doors of the inn with unparalleled precision, clogging them shut.

          "I've seen enough of what this girl's body can do for now." Phorma hissed, a complacent grin upon his face. "Kill her. She's outlived her usefulness. And when you're done, slaughter those in the inn." as he spoke the order, the raiders surrounding the two let out a fearsome war cry and charged down the small girl. There was no way she could hold off all of them at once. Phorma turned on his heel and melted into the crowd, disappearing from view. Of course, he really just wanted to watch the carnage from a high point.
          Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
          "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

          Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee



            The two strangers' response of encountering the four of them could not have been more different. The girl with her glimmering blue eyes, her all-black attire that consisted of a bikini top, short shorts, and a trendy polyester coat, seemed fixated on Ethan as she walked past Miranda and Mokou, while the man with his white jumpsuit seemed appalled to see Miranda, and began running in the opposite direction with speed unparalled for a normal human.

            "W... wha?" Mokou was... bamboozled, so to speak, at the White Ranger's petty excuse to escape the scene. Laundry? In a seemingly dry world like this? Before she could tackle at his flimsy excuse, however, the White Ranger was already quite a distance away. "T... there he goes, I guess. Damn, this place is weird."


              Prosperity | Sungrey
              BGM: Umineko no Naku Koro ni - Prison STRIP

              "Outlived my usefulness," Terra muttered under her breath as she was charged at. Maybe for you... but the people in that inn need me. Terra would never be able to fight this entire group of enemies off. However, their leader had made a pretty glaring tactical error in boarding up the inn like he did. They would all be focused on Terra. This may not be entirely good for her in the long run, but it does mean one good thing. She'll be able to incapacitate quite a few of them when they just come running up to her like that.

              Terra hadn't even used any weaponry yet in this battle, nor any light magic. What an arrogant fool she was fighting. He hadn't given his army a clue of what they were up against. Thus, when a bow of light appeared to replace her rapier, a few soldiers skidded to a stop in surprise. Terra fired at them. Her arrows, due to being made entirely of light magic, had some unique properties she could apply. Terra utilized piercing arrows in this instance, causing her arrows to shoot from her bow at remarkable speeds and pierce through the enemy forces in straight lines. All those who fell victim to her skills as a magic archer bore glowing lights upon the areas through which they were struck. Her arrows did nothing to harm their bodies, she could only cause pain. These "wounds" of light hurt no less than actual damage, meaning that they'd have to deal with an inordinate amount of pain for just a while. While that could not truly be called pacifism, it was as close as Terra could get.

              Once the soldiers made it a bit closer to her, Terra retaliated with pure magic. Her bow vanished and she leapt into the air above them. A magic circle appeared beneath her, adorned with glowing golden runes, and when she lifted her hands, a bright ball of light appeared between them. She tossed it into their ranks, where it burst into magical light and sent them flying outwards. Terra quickly took her sword back into her hands and shot back to the ground, sword out. She swung as she landed, her sword leaving brilliant slash marks on her enemies' midsections. Her slight skid upon reaching the floor gave her slash a bit more range and sent her into a lower position, from which she pivoted on her right foot and dealt another slash on her other side.

              Terra ran at those in front of her, slashing wildly, then jumped forward, twirling in the air with impressive grace and agility. Her blade of light flashed as she did so, briefly glowing with the light of the setting sun, leaving a glowing trail around her circular slash. More enemies fell. She sent a wide horizontal slash out in front of her. A few more. A big one approached. Terra sprung up, kicking him in the side, then spun and slashed him as she turned back around. He, too, fell to the ground. Then, as some came up behind her, she planted her sword in the ground and sent a burst of shimmering, rainbow glow out in a domed shape, about three feet in radius. They were sent back into their allies as they charged.

              Terra was now fully surrounded. She didn't know how many she had defeated, but it couldn't have been too small a number. She charged her foot with magic and kicked, sending a magically-charged boot in an arc in front of her until she hit someone, who was blasted away by a quick glowing burst. Unfortunately, she wound up being body-slammed from behind at the same time.

              Terra toppled over underneath their heavy body, but caught herself on her hand, scraping it against the ground painfully. She quickly stood up, but was hit from behind again, this time with what seemed to be a blunt weapon. It hit her shoulder blade, delivering a blow that would surely bruise horribly in the coming day. Terra cried out in pain. She couldn't catch herself this time, so she rolled a bit, then ran into another foe, who she stabbed in the leg. She stood again and jumped, flying a fair bit higher than one would expect with her agility-assisting magic buff. As she sailed through the air, she thought she may have seen a couple arrows fly at her, but it was hard to tell. They missed regardless. Terra scanned the army below her, looking for a place that had less foes standing in it. She knew an easy spell for short-distance warping, and when she saw a place over near the inn's right wall that looked unoccupied, she went for it. She twisted her body in midair as a pale green light shone out from her, and a yellow ribbon of magical energy flew out around her. Then, as they faded, she was simply gone.

              About half a second later, in a burst of pale blue, Terra reappeared, still spinning, just above the ground. She couldn't quite make it as far as she had aimed, but that didn't matter. She was still pretty quick on her feet. Terra landed, then ran a bit, trying to create some distance for some ranged attacks. She was already being overwhelmed. She turned back to the advancing army, her bow materializing into her left hand again, and aimed. She couldn't hold out much longer, she knew. Sooner or later, they'd be coming from all sides again, if they were smart. She sent another few arrows, these ones traveling more slowly. Rather than piercing, these arrows flew surrounded by magic light, and thus knocked any foes it passed backwards, as if by wind.

              A losing battle continued to unfold around this girl, who had been pleasantly purchasing a book not too long ago. She couldn't last much longer against them. Soon, they'd get the better of her. She would die... Terra's adrenaline had kept her running at full speed for a little, but just now, the exhaustion from her lack of sleep was creeping back, as was her lingering headache. Her shoulder blade also smarted, and her hand was in no less pain. Still, she sent her arrows, like bolts of her determination, into the enemy ranks, hoping against hope that somehow, some way, something could transpire and allow her and the people of Sungrey to keep their lives.
              Last edited by Aria of Forbidden Magic; 07-12-2015, 09:46 PM.


                Prosperity Space | Space Station "Heaven" - Phenom's Quarters | 2 p.m. Station Time
                BGM: Ace Combat Five OST - Hrimfaxi

                Finally, it came to gate-out time. Heaven was exiting Hyperspace, and did so directly into the atmosphere of their destined planet. Surely this would give anyone on the surface a scare, but that wasn't the point. Something strange was going on on this planet and they needed to investigate as expeditiously as possible

                Phenom's headset buzzed with a sudden jolt of activity as Heaven exited Hyperspace. It actually surprised him, because it sounded more dramatic than simple protocol. Almost like lives were at....

                "PHENOM! PHENOM, ARE YOU THERE!? GET DOWN TO THE HANGAR IMMEDIATELY!" a voice buzzed from the headset on his dresser. He carefully and quickly made his way out of his bed and retrieved his headset, speaking into it.

                "I'm here, what's the situation?" He responded, quickly donning his cloak and scarf. He also made sure to retrieve his guns and knife from his dresser. His boots went on last.

                "Phenom, it's Valli! I need you to jump from Hangar 7 immediately! I'll brief you on your way there!"

                Jump? Ninety-thousand years had passed. He could not pass up an opportunity like this. He left Lachesis to sleep and quickly made his way out into the common room, where he noticed a note and knife on the nearby table.

                "To Phenom, Love Soren... Thanks, Dad..." He muttered. He took the Obsidian knife that sat upon the note. He slid it into the spare knife sheath in his cloak's built-in combat harness. He then bolted out the door, heading straight for Hangar 7 as quickly as he could.

                "What's going on, Mike?" Phenom spoke into his headset as he ran through the corridors of Heaven.

                "The boys in intelligence have scanned the planet. There's some real heavy shit going on in the colony below us! We read over three thousand signs of life, all humanoid, all clumped together in the small colony, all adult sized.... except for two or three. And one of those non-adult life forms is surrounded by the other three thousand! Intel thinks whoever it is, they're fighting for their life down there!"

                "Say no more, Mike. I understand fully, and I'm coming up on the hangar right now!"

                "Godspeed, Phenom, and good luck."

                "No such thing as luck, sir." Phenom corrected the Colonel. He hung a left after passing through the labyrinth of corridors that made up Heaven and entered into a large hangar. The blast doors for the port were wide open and he could see that the field the hangars normally generated when in exosphere/outer space conditions was gone. They had to have been at least twenty-thousand feet in the air, though, so there wasn't a respectable amount of oxygen. He started his first adrenaline rush of the day and used the power it created to propel himself up to the ceiling of the hangar, just on the threshold. Flipping in the air, he pressed himself off of the ceiling with great force and rocketed himself towards the ground at speeds exceeding terminal velocity.

                Luckily for Phenom he had done this many times in the past. It came with the territory of being able to break the sound barrier. Sometimes, you slipped and slammed into something at body-shattering velocities, and his body had built up enough resistance to it to minimize damage caused to his body.

                BGM: None

                As he screamed towards the ground, Phenom could see the mob of men surrounding the single individual... Who was using magic? Impossible. But then again, so was the existence of half of the members of GaHDD. He drew his Desert Eagles and fired them into the crowd, now being close enough to realize that there was a wildly unfair fight for ones life going on. He began to flip in the air, preparing for his landing.

                Prosperity | Sungrey

                As the men continued their relentless attack, trying ever so desperately to pierce through Terra's defence, several of the men had figured it wise to attack all at once. One directly from the front, two from each flank. They raised their weapons in preparation to strike a killing blow to the exhausted Terra.


                BGM: RWBY Volume 2 OST - Caffeine

                Phenom slammed full speed into the man attacking Terra from the front, crushing him into the ground and causing an immediate death. The impact kicked up an incredible amount of dust. He spun his guns in his hands as he repositioned them to aim at the two attacking Terra's flanks. Two clean shots put the raiders to rest immediately. When the dust cleared, he stood up straight and glanced at the girl behind him. She looked absolutely terrified, at least to him. Whether it was because she feared for her life or he had surprised her didn't matter to him. She was going to survive this encounter. "Relax." He said. He turned to the crowd of raiders who were obviously stunned by this man who... came from the.... sky?

                They looked up to see the massive space station hovering above them. Some of them froze up, some turned their enraged gazes back to Phenom as he faced them, staring with the most stone-faced expression they had ever seen.

                "You call yourselves men? Attacking this poor girl? You're pathetic." He mocked through his keffiyeh scarf. How dare he say such a thing when he was too scared to even show his face, the Raiders thought.

                The raiders charged, weapons raised, and he vanished from sight. He reappeared behind the closest raider, guns in holster, and now wielding two knives; one steel, and one, his father's reinforced obsidian knife. He slashed at the closest raider to him numerous times, carving a large many-pointed asterisk-like shape into his back. The raider dropped to the ground immediately. His comrades nearby turned as fast as they could, one's throat being slashed out before he could even face the man. Phenom deftly dodged a flurry of swipes from the raiders weapons, even going so far as to cut several to pieces as they passed by him. Getting low to the ground, he stabbed his steel knife into the leg of one of the nearby raiders, hoisting him into the air with great speed. He threw the stunned man into a crowd of his comrades while Phenom turned on his heel and cut down those on his other side.

                He sheathed his steel knife in his right hand and grabbed a nearby raider by the head. He slammed him into the ground and began to run through the crowd, deflecting attacks and slashing at assailants with his obsidian knife while he dragged his victim through the earth. After getting up to speed, Phenom threw the man into the hill that the raiders had charged down previously, no doubt turning the unlucky raider into paste on the rocky outcroppings. He went on for about three minutes, dancing his way through the crowd and carving up Terra's attackers with relative ease. Every now and then he would swap out his knives for his guns again, clearing out people farther away than he saw fit to run.

                Phorma watched in utter disbelief, cursing himself for not waiting a few minutes longer. But he could no longer steal this mans form, as he could only do so once per day. He could see from the way the battle was going, and the ease in which this mysterious man who had fallen from the sky sliced through his forces, that this victory had quickly turned into a defeat. He growled as he watched his men being slaughtered right before his eyes and whistled loudly.

                "RETREAT!!!" he snarled loudly. He summoned up a number of fireballs and fired them at Phenom and Terra, whom was no longer in the way of the inn. Phenom easily dodged the attack, vanishing from sight. He reappeared promptly beside Terra and picked her up. The two then vanished and reappeared at a safer location, where Phenom set Terra down gently.

                By the time Phenom had turned to face the crowd of raiders again, they had turned tail and run. He scoffed in disappointment and looked down at Terra, still stoic as ever and spoke from behind his scarf.

                "Are you okay?"
                Last edited by Kilelicus; 07-12-2015, 06:37 PM.
                Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                  Prosperity | Sungrey

                  A shriek escaped Terra's mouth as a person suddenly landed on the ground in front of her. She hadn't exactly expected that to happen. Falling backwards, she felt as though her breath had been ripped out of her lungs. Her heart rate sped up dramatically, and she attempted to catch her breath on the ground.

                  Thankfully, the strange falling man seemed to be on her side. He was at least not on the side of her opponents, which was good. Terra sat dumbfounded as he somehow managed to singlehandedly speed around and destroy them as he did. She didn't understand how one person could be capable of fending off an army of thousands. And yet... here he was doing precisely that.

                  She was shocked when he suddenly appeared beside her and picked her up, teleporting her and himself to another location nearby. Terra had managed to catch her breath by then, but the shock of his teleportation still frightened her a bit. He asked her if she was okay, but before she answered she took a moment to look him over now that he wasn't jumping around in battle. He wore a dark cloak and a scarf that happened to cover a fair bit of his face. She could see that he had dark hair, and also... He was very, very tall. Terra was at least a foot shorter than him. She couldn't help but feel intimidated.

                  Her mind went to the pain in her back and hand, which had slipped her mind for a moment. Still, she looked back up at him (which proved difficult with his height, especially since she was sitting) and nodded, saying "Yes, I-I'm fine..." A part of her realized that this man had just saved her life. Then, the rest of her realized that, and she blushed profusely. She didn't know what to say to him in response, her bizarre fusion of gratitude and fear overwhelming her, but she did have a question in mind. "Who... Who are you...?"


                    Alcyon Space | Space Station "Heaven" - Barracks 2-A

                    After having gotten up from a rather long and restless sleep, Bardock had entered the bathroom and turned on the sink. Splashing a bit of water on his face he looked in the mirror, and for a few minutes he just stared at his own reflection in the mirror as he was thinking about his nightmare... Mostly about what happened at the end of it. What the hell was the end all about? Either way after a few minutes Bardock shook his head as he splashed more water over his face again as he decided to not worry about it all too much for now.

                    Well with that little moment in time done with, Bardock left the bathroom and quickly grabbed his clothing. Putting on his black pants, boots, and finally his armor, Bardock then stopped as he looked at the red headband... the same headband that is stained with the blood of his now deceased allies. He stared at it for a second or two before sighing and wrapping around his forehead. Now fully dressed Bardock contemplated on what to do before he was interrupted with a loud growl from his stomach... A strong indicator that the Saiyan was clearly hungry.

                    "Well I guess I better start the day with some food then..." Bardock spoke aloud to himself as he cracked his neck before leaving Barracks 2-a for the Mess Hall.


                    Almost immediately upon seeing the White Ranger take off running, Miranda nearly flipped her shit before taking off running after the ranger herself, despite knowing that she would clearly not be able to catch him on foot. Even so she still decided to run after him in nothing but her underwear and a towel... with said towel falling off due to a strong gust of wind, but that did not seem to slow Miranda down at all as she continued running after the guy.


                    Meanwhile Megumi finally reached Ethan and the others, and for a solid minute she simply stared blankly with an almost emotionless look on her face before wrapping her arms around him and letting the rest of her body fall limp. She wasn't even saying a word as she was now practically hanging onto Ethan's waist.


                      Prosperity | Sungrey

                      Phenom glanced around at the burning colony around them, and then to the boarded up inn, and finally back down to the girl who, not minutes earlier, had just been fighting thousands of men all be her lonesome. He thought for a moment about what might have the most impact.

                      "I'm an Angel." He said. He stepped towards the inn's door and tapped it a couple times before steadying himself. "Right..."

                      He then reeled back, raising his leg into the air. With one swift kick, he blast apart the blockage from the door, revealing the inn's interior, as well as the numerous people within. All of whom raised their guns on instinct and fired at him. He instinctively dodged the hail of gunfire by stepping to the other side of the wall, and waited for the assault to end.

                      "I'm not here to kill you." He called into the Inn. "You're safe now. As is the girl."
                      Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                      "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                      Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                        Prosperity | Sungrey

                        An... angel? Terra couldn't exactly tell what he meant by that. He looked normal enough... except, no, he didn't look normal at all when he blasted the inn's blockage to bits with a single kick. Wiping out a whole army stood out as a peculiar abnormality as well. Perhaps he meant precisely what he said. Was this man an angel...?

                        Terra got up off her butt and moved onto her knees... then quickly fell down on all fours. She was exhausted... so, so tired... She sat there for a few moments, then stood and followed after her savior.

                        Terra stopped briefly at that thought. Savior... Now that she thought about it, he was. She never really imagined that she would actually call someone that. Her cheeks stayed flushed. All of this happened in an instant, and she quickly began walking again.

                        When she reached the man, she looked up at him again. It was easier, but still difficult, to see up to his face now that she was standing up. She was right, he must have been over a foot taller than her. Impossibly tall... She still was confused by his identity, but she decided that such a thing could wait until they were alone. Wait, will I ever even be alone with this guy? In truth, Terra didn't know. He could just up and leave after confirming the town's safety, and there was nothing Terra could do to change that. She might never find out who he is.

                        Peeling her eyes away from her mysterious savior, she looked back into the inn. People seemed scared, but thankfully safe. Terra smiled. Even though the angel-man-whatever-person had done the brunt of the work, she had still given it her all to protect these people, and here they stood, protected. Even her small part in this fact made her overflow with joy.

                        Adam stood there too, and their eyes met soon. He seemed happy to see her in one piece. Terra smiled at him, too. She would need to thank him for letting her go out there. That hadn't been easy for him. Terra didn't walk over to him yet, though. She figured they would meet up later. She would let the mystery boy enter first, partially to be polite, and partially in the hopes that if she stayed close to him, she'd have a better chance of being able to interrogate him later on.
                        Last edited by Aria of Forbidden Magic; 07-12-2015, 11:07 PM.


                          Prosperity | Sungrey

                          The gunfire had ended a few moments ago, and Phenom peeked inside. No bullets this time, though the people inside were clearly still apprehensive. He stepped in and raised his hands. "I'm here to help. I've driven off your attackers. You are safe for now." He said. The people inside slowly began to cheer, seeming almost in disbelief of their safety now. But they could not see the thousands of soldiers outside like before, and such large groups of people do not simple vanish. Besides that, Terra was alive.

                          He looked back at the girl he saved earlier and spoke. "Tell me your name."
                          Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                          "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                          Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                            Prosperity | Sungrey

                            Terra smiled a bit upon hearing the cheers, even though she knew they were probably for him, not her. It still made her feel as though she had done something right. Then, when the mysterious man suddenly addressed Terra, she felt as though she would crumble into a million pieces. She had wanted to talk when they were alone, but he had surprised her. She didn't have any time to shove off her anxiety towards him.

                            There was a pause as Terra opened her mouth and no words came out. She tried again. "I-I'm... Terra..." Her entire face went red. Sure, she was uncomfortable around people, but never this much... Although, this was the first time she had ever met someone by being rescued by them. It was a special case, one that she needed a little more time to adjust to.

                            She tried looking him in the eye. Oddly, she found it a little easier because of the scarf blocking his face. There were less features she could see, so looking at his eyes seemed more natural. "Um... th-thank you for helping me out... Um..." Terra didn't know his name. She wanted to ask him what his name was. And yet, she couldn't seem to get the question out. She just stared up at him with an anxious gaze.


                              Prosperity | Sungrey

                              Phenom smiled beneath his scarf. This little girl, stuttering and tripping on her words as she was merely in Phenom's presence, was brave enough to stand up to such overwhelming odds. He had accidentally taken credit for the defence of the town, realizing that had it not been for her, there would be nobody left to save. He turned to face her and squatted a little bit so that he would be eye level with her. He placed his hand on her head ruffled it a bit, his visible expression not really changing.

                              "You did good." he spoke, "You should rest after all of that."

                              He stood back up and turned to the crowd, stepping in a bit farther. "Tell me who's in charge here." he said with authority. Lachesis was right. He would never learn.
                              Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                              "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                              Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                                Prosperity | Sungrey
                                BGM: Umineko: When They Cry - Apathy

                                If one could have said Terra was red-faced before, her expression now would surely put it to shame. Terra didn't really feel like she had done that much, and she would have certainly failed had this person - whose name, she realized, she still didn't know - not appeared from nowhere. She was lucky. That was all. However, she didn't say that out loud. Terra was too busy being distracted by him patting her on the head. She didn't think anyone had done that to her since she was little... It felt sort of awkward. Not to mention the fact that he was a boy.

                                Adam approaching her knocked her out of her stupor. "Hey!" he called. Terra looked over at him. "Oh, hey!"

                                "I can't believe you actually won! That was amazing! I wish I could have seen it!" Adam seemed overjoyed by the army's defeat.

                                Already, Terra was blushing again. She had a real problem with that. "No, it was nothing! I mean, I never would have made it if he hadn't shown up! He was the one who saved you, not me! I just... got him started, I suppose..."

                                Adam remained smiling, regardless of the girl's self-deprecation. "Oh, come on, you still helped, didn't you? Just be happy with that!"

                                Terra nodded. "O-ok... yeah, I did help." Terra smiled gratefully at Adam. "Thanks for letting me go out there, Adam."

                                He nodded. "No problem!"

                                Terra looked back at the guy who helped her. "Adam... do you know who he is?" Terra was clearly bewildered by him, and wanted to know more about him.

                                "No, sorry. Never seen him before in my life. I think I would remember." Predictable. Terra hadn't really expected him to know the guy. It was worth a shot, though.

                                "I'll just wait for him to finish talking to the militia. Then, maybe we can ask him a bit about himself."

                                Last edited by Aria of Forbidden Magic; 07-13-2015, 09:57 PM.

