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Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix - Intermission

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    Prosperity Space - Heaven

    Gaspard's proposal was cut off by Terra's vehement head shaking. "No, I don't want to. I... don't like looking at blood much." The girl realized how, as a warrior, that might sound absurd, but her sword never made her opponents bleed, so as long as she stayed cautious, she could escape the sight. Even then, it wasn't... that difficult to get past when she was in battle. Her sense of purpose would carry her through the fight. She could gag at the sight of it when the battle came to an end.

    Terra turned her thoughts to the near future. What exactly would this Ms. Sana be like? Gaspard said she had a gentleness about her, which boded well. Terra imagined a motherly-looking woman, with kind eyes and a soft smile.


      Central Tower | CY-001 - Nevaaras

      Enough goofing around, Mokou thought as she stopped posing in front of the large mirror. There were so much things she can do in this world; admiring her own beauty is the least exciting thing that she could be doing. As she turned to get ready, however, a giant metal slug of sorts shredded the walls of the shower room, almost striking Mokou in the process.

      "HOLY KANAKO-" Mokou flinched back, landing on her ass as the bullet penetrated the shower room and made its' way to the center of the tower before embedding itself on a random wall, losing momentum. Looking out from the hole in the wall, Mokou could see the commotion that went out in the weapons lab in the distance away. From afar Mokou couldn't see much because of the smoke, but when the smog cleared, she could see Ethan, the guy who helped her from before, in a heated battle against a blonde angel with gazongas to rival Komachi, Yuuka, Yukari, and the likes of other buxom ladies of Gensokyo.

      "Damn, what's going on down there?" Mokou growled, observing the fight with growing annoyance. "Did they fire that giant bullet? I don't see any other places that could fire such a giant shell... and the fact that the bullet came from the direction of the fight backs me up! Damn both of them! They nearly killed me!"

      Mokou snapped her finger, and a wing of pure flame emanated, allowing Mokou flight. Annoyed and enraged, Mokou swooped across the sky, her destination clear: the Weapons lab.
      Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 12-08-2015, 12:33 AM.


        Prosperity Space | Space Station "Heaven" Atrium

        Gaspard stopped speaking as the girl declared her distaste for blood and such things. "That's fair enough, no point in forcing it on you. Besides: You'll see them soon enough." He said, opening the door to the infirmary. He stepped inside. The interior was eerily empty, but that could be attributed to the lack of people actually needing medical attention at that point in time. Gaspard walked up to the desk and smacked a novelty bell that had been placed upon it.

        "Sana! Come down here!" Gaspard called.

        "What do you want, Pierre!?" A female voice called from upstairs, "I'm putting in Phenom's new pacemaker, I can't just leave!"

        "Oh, don't give me that, I know how you work. You've performed more complicated surgeries in your sleep."

        "Oh fine..." the woman said before a clattering was heard upstairs. Shortly after, footsteps coming down the stairs could be heard. A woman with frizzy blonde hair came into view, a sort of interface over her head and a hardlight display over both of her hands, which he fingers tapped away at rapidly.

        "Who's this kid, Pierre?" Sana asked.

        "Terra, if you would introduce yourself?"
        Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
        "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

        Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


          Jiff-E-Mart - Electra | Geminiea Alpha

          While Rebecca was dismayed that she has to wait, there wasn't much she can do about it as she nodded and pranced away. Her mind was now only filled with getting ready for the high of battle and slaughter. However, before walking back upstairs to guard their hideouts, she turned and winked seductively at Thomas. "Hurry up with what you're doing, then we're gonna do something fun, okay? <3"

          Dropship | Prosperity Space


          After what felt like an eternity for her, Serena jerked awake with a gasp as if she woke up from a bad nightmare. In the nightmare, Serena was struck by an asteroid while in a mission for the Celestial League Corps, called out for rescue across the interplanetary distress call before crashing into a rather lush planet, sent another planetary rescue message before fainting... except it wasn't a nightmare, but a reality.

          Serena felt something around her head and instinctively brought her hand over it to find that she had some bandage around her left eye, although Serena could not remember exactly what injury she sustained...

          Until she remembered.

          Pain followed afterwards as she clutched her wound and groaned in pain. So this is how losing something invaluable feels like... it's a strange feeling; like you've forgotten to perform a daily routine exercises in the morning, but a lot more painful. Serena laid back on her bed and continued groaning in agony, oblivious to the fact that she was near those who rescued her.
          Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 12-08-2015, 06:32 PM.


            Weapon's Lab - CY-001 - Nevaaras

            After deflecting the slug, Astraea began to dash towards Ethan. When she saw the flashbang rolling towards her however, she did what her first instinct told her to. Quickly kick it back at Ethan's direction. As such she did and it went flying right until it was just above the table Ethan was now hiding behind. Unfortunately the flashbang then went off before Astraea could even do something to prevent getting blinded. Now temporarily blinded, Astraea stumbled back as she clenched her blade. The angel android was now in a desperate state. She was vulnerable and she knew it. As such she began to panic as she began slashing her blade in random directions as she was now blinded while letting out an angered yell.

            The Expense | Hallman's Office

            Upon hearing Emil's 'joke' about using his office as an arena, Hallman thought about sarcastically laughing at it before realizing something... such a scenario might actually be useful. It could help train Lycoris to fight in enclosed spaces. This made Hallman speak up.

            "Actually Emil, that is not a bad idea at all. It could help teach Lycoris to fight in enclosed areas where using her speed would be... difficult to say the least. So go on, I'll allow it." Hallman replied as he gave Emil a very sly grin as he countered Emil's joke. "Besides it'd be fun to see how much damage you'd inflict on my office. In fact I'll add a bit of a wager. You use the office as a simulation. The one to cause the LEAST amount of destruction to my office will earn a special reward! So in short this will be normal combat training, but you must also try to keep some self control so you don't break anything."


              Prosperity Space - Heaven

              Terra couldn't help but stare at the somewhat bizarre doctor who had just entered the room. What interested her in particular was the peculiar thing she had on her face, but her frizzy, unkempt-looking hair didn't deter her odd image.

              Jolted back to reality by Gaspard, Terra introduced herself. "Uh, r-right. My name is Terra. Thank you very much for offering to help me." She paused briefly, then added, "U-um... Will Phenom and Amanda be... alright?" Terra started nervously playing with her fingers. Already, there was a sense of the answer in her. Gaspard had said it. And yet, she needed to get the facts from the woman herself.


                Prosperity Space | Dropship

                Keegan glanced over the moment he heard the girl's pained cries, shocked that she had awakened so soon. He went over to her immediately and spoke.

                "Welcome to the world of the living. You've been through quite a bit, but you're safe. Can you understand my words?"

                Space Station "Heaven"

                Sana was almost completely undistracted by the young girl's introduction, not even bothering to look her way. "Terra... Kirisame? I read the report. Good stuff." With absolutely no warning, she lifted up her left leg and grabbed a small batch of paper off of the desk with her foot and placed it on the counter before doing the same to a pen. "Please fill out these sheets to the best of your ability. I am fully aware that you are not from our planet and some of the things on here might be alien to you. I just need to know anything medical you know about yourself if I'm going to be your doctor for the time being. And don't get all squeamish about me picking them up with my feet. They're clean." She recited in a deadpan tone, almost as if she had said it a million times and was simply bored with the foreword. "Oh, and Phenom and Amanda will be fine. Both had significant tissue scarring, and have suffered significant blood loss, Amanda in particular, since it was mostly internal. Phenom was worse off though. If it weren't for you two, he'd be dead. I'm performing open heart surgery on Phenom currently, and I've already stabilized Amanda. They'll both be out of commission for a little while, though."
                Last edited by Kilelicus; 12-15-2015, 07:30 PM.
                Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                  Prosperity Space | Dropship

                  Serena swore she just jolted up an inch when she heard a stranger's voice: the voice of a brown-haired boy, not much older than her if any, walking towards her asking questions as if she was some sort of alien species.

                  "Of course I can hear you." Serena commented. "Who are you? Where the hell am I?"


                    (Battle Music:
                    Weapon's Lab - CY-001 - Nevaaras

                    Ethan opened his eyes and stood back up to see Astrea, blinded by his flashbang and looking quite angry as she wildly slashed about, hoping to hit him. Now was his chance to go on the offensive, and he was not about to pass up the opportunity. As Ethan jumped onto the table, he pulled his .45 Custom Pistols out from his digital storage compartment and fired at the blinded Astrea.

                    The Expense | Hallman's Office

                    Emil thought about this challenge, and decided that it was worth it, at least for Lychoris's sake. It would teach her to be precise with her attacks. With that in mind, Emil quietly accepted the challenge.

                    "Hmm... What's the reward?", Emil asked Hallman with a rather calm, yet somewhat inquisitive tone of voice.

                    Jiff-E-Mart - Electra | Geminiea Alpha

                    Thomas simply returned to his work before Rebecca left the room, not paying attention to her wink but nodding that he would go up with her in a moment. Usually, they just explored a little bit, or played a game or two, and it did tend to at least temporarily take Thomas's mind off of his work and off the problems that they faced.

                    After about fifteen more minutes, Thomas had finished repairing the camera and had scrapped the second one for parts. Afterward, Thomas looked at the clock on his computer and saw they still had nine hours before the mission. If that was the case, then he had exactly five hours and 43 minutes before he would have to get prepped for the mission. With that in mind, Thomas quietly contemplated his next move. Sure he was analytical, but he was also human.. to some extent, and as such constant work would wear thin on his concentration. Taking a break would be good for him, so he walked back upstairs with the new camera in hand.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Prosperity Space - Heaven

                      Terra was surprised that the doctor had already learned of her. She had mentioned a report. Someone must have been recording the events of the battle. But Terra didn't know exactly what the woman meant when she said "good stuff." Then, Terra felt dumbfounded for a moment longer, observing the professional(?)'s eccentric ongoings. When she snatched up the paperwork with her feet, a weak, exasperated "heh" came from Terra's mouth, not quite loud enough for Ms. Sana to hear it, but enough for Gaspard to.

                      She accepted the forms and spoke again, the woman's odd behavior allowing Terra to shed some of the anxiety that had been plaguing her. "Thank you. It would have been awful if they had lost their lives. I can't believe that I'm so lucky as to have made it through without major injury. I would have thought that, out of us all, I should have been the most likely to meet their end down there..." She cast her eyes down to the floor in a grim expression, expressing her regret that more could not have been done to prevent Phenom and Amanda's predicaments.
                      Last edited by Aria of Forbidden Magic; 12-21-2015, 02:05 AM.


                        Prosperity Space | Dropship

                        "My name is Keegan Jaegar, and you are currently on a dropship belonging to 'God' and Heaven. You've uh... lost your eye, by the way... Sorry to say, Fraulein." Keegan informed the crash survivor. "Care to tell me your name? Anything about you that you can remember currently? You may be concussed, so don't strain yourself."

                        Space Station "Heaven"

                        "You do realize that this is literally their job, right? They've been doing stuff like this for their entire lives. Amanda grew up in a ghetto and Phenom was born into 'God,' death is all they know. Kinda macabre when you think about it but they embrace it wholeheartedly. If they needed to die to ensure that you lived, they would have been fine with that. Lords know they need a victory..." Sana explained.

                        "Tu sais, Sana, I don't think I've ever met a more humble Charge in my entire life. Even Alaina wasn't this humble when Phenom first brought her aboard Heaven during the Morkt crisis."

                        "You're absolutely correct, Pierre. Besides, Terra: If Pierre's report was correct, that thing you fought held all of Phenom's abilities. That's a rather terrifying prospect, even for someone who's sparred with him numerous times. Soren was a master of hand-to-hand combat and trained him himself. I think the only people who can stand up to Phenom in a full on fight are Valli, who knows every single trick Phenom has up his sleeve, Quigann, who knew Phenom better than anyone besides Lachesis, and Pierre here, who has a near impenetrable defence."
                        Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                        "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                        Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                          The Expense | VR Training Room

                          Lycoris's ears had slowly started to wiggle back and forth while they were talking. The cat girl didn't really care wher they fought so long as she didn't actually have to hurt Emil. However when mention of a reward came up her ears started to twitch faster and faster, making her excitement all too obvious. Her tail swayed from side to side as she thought about the one reward she would really enjoy.


                            Prosperity Space - Heaven

                            Terra's cheeks burned. "...W-well... I-I didn't know it was such a big deal... Well... thank you, then." Terra's eyes attached themselves to a piece of medical equipment - a scalpel, was it? - Because she was much too embarrassed to look Ms. Sana in the eye. Terra wasn't sure how to respond to their compliments.

                            After a moment, she tried to start talking again. "So... what sort of examination is this? I mean, I know you just need to make sure that I don't have any injuries, but exactly what sort of thing would you be... doing?" Terra realized how foolish her question was, but she simply needed something to keep the conversation moving forward.


                              Weapon's Lab - CY-001 - Nevaaras

                              The blinded Astraea was still flailing, swinging her sword in a blind rage as she tried to strike Ethan. This left her vulnerable for when Ethan began to open fire at her with his firearms, but that actually did help her a bit at pinning his location. For with the first gunshot that Astraea heard, she opened her wings and quickly took flight with a small sonicboom as she reached supersonic speeds as she flew high into the sky. Astraea's speed even when blinded is quite high as she eventually made it high enough into the sky, far higher in the air past the colonies skyline. Once there she took a deep breath before opening her eyes...

                              "Finally! I can see!!!" She said as she looked down at the city... mainly at the devastated weapons lab. Seeing it she clutched her blade and readied her shield as she used her shield's hardlight energy barrier generator to form a small dome of protective energy in front of her as she then began to divebomb the Weapons Lab. Her plan? To try and take out Ethan in anyway possible now. She was now flying at a high speed towards Ethan's last known location.

                              The Expense | VR Training Room

                              Hallman chuckled as he sat in a chair in the VR Training Room right at the viewing deck. Once there he looked Emil and Lycoris right in the eye.

                              "The reward? Well. Whoever wins can decide the reward. Just remember the one who deals the least amount of destruction to the simulation of my office wins! So... have fun~!"


                                Prosperity Space | Space Station "Heaven" - Infirmary

                                The good doctors silently clacked away at her hardlight keyboard, briefly ignoring the young girl's question. After a few moments of rather awkward silence, she spoke once more. "Sorry, had to focus. It's a rather typical procedure. Mainly, I'm going to give you an x-ray, and then run through the typical checklist that a family physician might run you through. And I'll finish it off with a Multiwave scan to ensure I didn't miss anything."
                                Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                                "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                                Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee

