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IC: Sanctuary REVAMPED

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    Pine Grove

    Achlys stretched lazily, muttering to herself that finding people was Aion's job. She then sent the floating skull ahead to look for Saru. She and a small number of skeletons followed it to the monkey boy. "There you are," She said as the skull returned to floating over her one shoulder, "Are you conscious?" After asking this, Achlys reached into her enchanted bag to pull out a potion she normally uses on Aion when he's injured as Saru is. "Do I need to give you a potion that I've been told tastes absolutely terrible?"

    Chronomancer's Tower

    After a while, Aion slipped back into the hallway he was in. Nothing. I could stall her... Keep her from getting...

    The book.

    With his thoughts collected, Aion was now more inquisitive of the foreign thoughts. Book? What book? Who's in my head? What is with this place? Only the distant sound of footsteps answered him. Frustration started to set in. Ok. Fine. Moving on. He pressed onward, getting deeper into the tower, seeking the necromancer. This time though, he felt it best to try and play mind games with her. I can make the illusion of teleportation. Be in one place then another. If I stall her long enough, the others should be able to catch up.
    Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-27-2015, 08:18 PM.


      Pine Grove | Bone dragon Fortress

      The fox had hidden herself just in time not to be seen. A Heavily armored undead worrier stepped into the room. There was something differant about this one. It had a rather dark aura about it. The creature was covered from head to toe in armor consisting of hundreds of bones and many many skulls. the eyes in all of the skulls upon his armor had greenish yellow lights shining from within their eye sockets employing that they could see. If this were the case then the being's armor would give him 360 degree vision. While only make of bones it was clear this armor was heavily enchanted. This specimen was clearly a cut above the rest of the undead thralls, perhaps even her second in command.

      It was very possible that this undead was the sours of power for the ritual below the fox's feet. If that were the case then killing this beast would make the rest of the job a lot easier. However bringing this one down wouldn't be so easy. There was also no real proof that this being was responsible for the ritual in the first place. The armored undead peaked around the room before walking back out again, leaving from the door opposite to the one he had entered. The double doors and now one of the side doors were clear for exploring. Or the fox could try t strike down this new foe, it was all up to her.

      Pine Grove | Chronomacer's Tower

      The necromancer was aware she was being followed but did little about it. She commanded about ten of her lesser undead to stay behinde and attack anyone who trespassed beyond that point. She hadn't forgotten any of the beings she had fought prier to entering the tower and being in a place like this gave her an advantage against all of them. while the inside of the tower was still quite big it was much less open than the great out doors. This left much less room for people to dodge her attacks. While Seki could probably survive most oncoming attacks it wouldn't' be too difficult for her to wipe out anyone foolish enough to attack her head on.

      Meanwhile much further back in the tower Zena and Barum pushed onward into the mysterious chrono mage tower. With so many various pathways and doors to open it would have made it difficult to find anyone. their only salvation was the footsteps that could be heard in the distance in an otherwise silent tower. It was almost too unnerving to bear. Hunting a powerful enemy that would surely smite them were she to find them before they found her. Zena doubter she would be able to pull another fast one o the necromancer to blind her again but there was still a chance they could defeat her. "We need to catch up with Aion. I can't imagine why he would come here alone but we'll need his help if we want any chance of stopping the necromancer."


        Pine Grove | Bone dragon Fortress

        Nera decided to stay in the shadows as she examined what she guessed was a high rank undead (Strong body structure, possible perfect loop vision, encanted armor, a powerful foe"), she could feel the energy radiating from the high undead ("A good chance that it is the one sending energy to the sygils, or maybe a juggernaut"). The yaju decided to let it go, but not before catching its scent, the putrid odor of rotten flesh mixed with the smell only the old could have, it was a strong and she could differentiate it from the other ones in the air.

        ("For the moment, IŽll try to look around, maybe there is something that can help on understanding this place") the fox yaju moved cautiously towards the wooden double door, it looked to be the most important of the three entrances.
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Automaton Workshop | Chronomancer's Tower - Outskirts of Pine Grove | Time: 4:11 PM

          After instructing the guardians of the tower to defend their home, Azeruk quickly turned his attention over to Lavender.

          "The tower is being attacked. I managed to trick that girl from before away, but she will come back, and when she does, she is not going to be happy.", Azeruk hastily explained to Lavender.

          River | Near Tenma's Court

          Contrary to what Kazeane thought, Takeshi knew exactly what she was getting at. He had simply acted coy to try and dodge the topic. He needed time to think about this and what could happen if he said anything, but he now at least knew that the thought had crossed Kazeane's mind as well. Luckily, he would have time to think about all this during dinner. Suddenly, Takeshi's rather glazed look came back into focused as he looked to Kazeane and nodded.

          "Right. Let's head home.", Takeshi said as he stood up from the rock he was sitting on.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Pine Grove | Bone dragon Fortress

            Past the twin doors lied what looked to be a throne room. Or.... a dungeon? There was a large fancy looking chair at the back of the room carved out of skulls and other various s bones, the seat seemed to be padded with a mix of human and jin flesh. However the walls were lined with skeletons and decaying corpses that wee hung up to the wall by their wrists. There was more than enough evidance of torture in this room as many of the skeletons were broken or even had weapons still inside them. Out of all the dead bodies in shackles however... one was still alive.

            What appeared to be a human male. His eyes and hair were blue, he couldn't' have been older then 17 from the looks of it. His ribs were showing and his stomach was so thin that it was pathetic. He clearly hadn't eaten in days. However he was still breathing. He had a few wounds here and there but it didn't seem like he had been beaten all that badly. Maybe the necromancer kept this one alive for questioning or for some other reason. There was a bit more to the room as well. Investigating the throne might give her a clue. The dead bodies may alsoo provide some answers.and of cores there was the boy slowly dying on the wall.
            Last edited by Tewi_Inaba; 02-12-2016, 09:28 PM.


              Pine Grove | Bone dragon Fortress

              The yaju was neutral despite of the scene, something that would horrify some people or at least bother them, but the foxŽs heart was beating slow and calm, showing that she had seen things that no one would wish to their enemies (An important chair, dead bodies, torture, one alive, focus on the job") she thought while walking in between the shadows, doing everything in her power to evade the tortured male. She just knew that a tortured prisoner could scream for whatever hope he or she could get and Nera didnŽt need an accident like that to alert the whole fortress.

              Slowly reaching the throne, the yaju started examining the area and the throne itself.
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Pine Grove | Chronomacer's Tower

                As Braum and Zena pushed through what's left of the Tower, Braum showed no signs of slowing as he plowed through any undead or any loose furniture. Eventually he stopped and came to a halt as he rested the shield on the ground in front of him, but still holds onto it so that won't fall over. Braum needed a quick moment to catch his breath. Lugging around such a large shield made of stone for most of the day is beginning to slowly catch up to him. It's leaving him a bit exhausted but he still stood strong... a bit of a heroic quality.

                While the two rested though, Braum's face still look determined and ready to do what is right.

                "So what is plan to find other ally to stop Evil Little Girl?" Braum spoke as he looked at Zena.

                Pine Grove


                Saru was busy laying face first on the ground, and ass sticking up in the air. His tail looked... really limp and bent in a way that it just... shouldn't. As Achlys spoke to him he let out a pained groan as he began to get up, though as he began to stand he place d his hand on his back and fell back to his knees. "Ow ow ow... my back... it feels like it's in pain... Tell me, is my tail okay!?" He said as he looked at Achlys.


                  Pine Grove | Bone dragon Fortress

                  Upon closer inspection the yaju would see that the throne was mostly covered in fur for padding. However this fur wasn't from animals like one would assume. Just how many people had this person killed? There was also a small locked box behind the throne that seemed like it had somethng important inside of it. The box was made of wood and appeared to be mounted to the floor. The key might have been somewhere in the fortress but was it really worth looking for?

                  Just then the fox wold once again experience a voice in her head "The dead can not die" the voice echoed as one of the skeletons hanging on the wall began to move and grone. It seemed the spirit she had set free before had followed her into this room and it now had many dead bodies to pick from. It would most likely scream if it wasn't stopped quickly. the live body seemed to still be fast asleep but he must have heard the voice as well for he stated to twitch and shake as though he were having a nightmare.

                  Pine Grove | Chronomacer's Tower

                  Seeing that her tall friend needed a rest Zena stopped and used some of her healing magic to restore the man's stamina. Doing this was easy enough since he wasnt' injured at all and thus didn't need a lot of healing. Zena could do this without exhausting herself before the big fight. When questioned about a strategy Zena quickly thought one up. "Fighter her head on would be a bad idea. Just one of her attacks leveled part of the forst out there. However she can't use an attack like that inside here or she would bring whats left of the tower down on herself. She'll be forced to hold back and that's where we gain our advantage. We need rush her, attack her all at once so she doesn't have a chance to rest or react. At the same time we need to avoid getting hit by any means possible. And no matter what we have to keep her down here. If she were to get out while the rest of us are inside i have no doubt she would destroy the rest of the tower jst to get rid of us." She explained as she slowly helped the jolly giant recover his strength.

                  "I wonder why she came here of all places. What could she possibly want from a place like this?"


                    Pine Grove - Chronomacer's Tower

                    Zero is laying flat on his back, still feeling some pain from the necromancer's attack earlier. He tried to sit up but couldn't really move. Zero then looked, up so to say, at the bone dragon. "If that thing fires, I'm done for. I can't move after all." He said as he looks forward back towards the sky. "Hopefully my message gets to Bayuu in time...... right, I better send one to Nera. Let's see....... Nera, it's Zero, once you find the source, break the scale in half and place one part near it and then I can attack from here." He said and another crimson red orb of wind formed and flew off towards the bone dragon going to where Nera is at. "I haven't felt like this since my training 5 months ago." Zero said remembering the past.


                    The orb that Zero made earlier arrived at Sanctuary and flew through the city to where Bayuu is at. The orb stopped in front of her and then spoke. "Bayuu, apple, Zero, Saru, weak, need, feel, ground." It said in Zero's voice. The message meaning that Zero and Saru are weak and need some apples, use the ground to feel where we're at. And the orb changed into an arrow and pointed towards Chronomacer's Tower.
                    "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


                      Pine Grove | Bone dragon Fortress

                      The fox mentally cursed at the oncoming threat, she needed to act fast, but for now she needed to deal with the undead (If it is only one or two, I can do it, with more.. it will be a battle) she thought taking her layered steel blade. Nera had her senses ready for anything to come or appear.
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Sanctuary | Inside The Castle

                        The plant girl was fast asleep by the time the message reached her. Having been left to heal a large amount of people on her own had left the poor girl too exhausted to move. Her head perked up slightly when she heard the voice but she was almost sure she had imagined it. She rubbed her eyes and slowly got out of bed to see what was going on. When it donged on her she quickly ran out of her room only to collapse again in the hallway. The plant girl had pushed herself too hard and didnt' have enough energy to reach Zero and the others.

                        It didn't take long for someone to find her to be discovered by one of the guards to find her as well as the message left behind by the half jin. With the last of the plant girl's strength she explained that Zero and the others had gone after the dragon and that they needed help. She was able to grow one final apple for them before she passed out. A squadron of advocates were gathered and quickly dispatched to the pine grove.

                        Pine Grove | Bone dragon Fortress

                        The skeleton that was hanging from the wall le out a loud screech that loud have surely alerted the entirety of the fortress. However the screach was quickly cut short as it seemed to startle the man who had been sleeping. He quickly awoke and with what little arm room he had managed to punch the skull of the undead clean off and into a nearby wall. This human was now wide awake and breathing heavily. "What... what's going on?" he asked


                          Pine Grove | Bone dragon Fortress

                          The yaju visibly relaxed at the undead being stopped so fast, but now she had to deal with the stranger, she lowered her blade, but had it prepared just in case. "Just relax sir, we are inside a bone fortress and we need to be silent" she spoke just loud enough for him to hear. "Who are you?" she asked him.
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            Pine Grove - Chronomacer's Tower

                            Zero tried to get up again but to no avail. Just then, a small branch grew an apple near him, close enough for him to grab. "Seems my message got to her." He said as he grabs it and takes a large chomp of it. After a few chews and a swallow, Zero's energy came back and he raised his legs and pushed off the ground with his hands and stood up. "Thanks Bayuu." He said as he takes another bite and walks over to Saru and sees that there's no second apple. "Must of been to much." Zero said remembering that Bayuu was healing injured people back at Sanctuary. Zero took the apple in half and tossed the non bit part to the girl next to Saru. "I forgot what your name was but give that to Saru. I'm going to catch up to Zena!" Zero yelled down. After one last big bite, the half apple was gone. "Now then, time to catch up." He said as he takes his sword and jumps down. The sheath even came down from the sky onto his back and Zero sheathed his sword and landed down. "Which way?" He asked himself as he looks around at the different paths. "There." He said as he felt the scale he gave to Zena and and used his wind to hover above the ground by a few inches and heads to Zena.
                            "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


                              Pine Grove | Bone dragon Fortress

                              The man visibly relaxed when he realized this woman wasn't with the necromancer who had captured him. Had she come all this way just to set him free? or did she have other motives in mind. "My name is Kyuzo." He answered. "I'm a humble swordsman from Kanto. Why have you come here stranger? surely you know this place is dangerous."


                                Pine Grove

                                Achlys glanced at Saru's tail and assessed that it might have been dislocated or even worse. "Hmm, not good..." She said as she thumbed the stopper of the potion off. "You might actually need this potion after all." Right before she gave the potion to Saru she stopped and turned as Zero tossed her the apple half before running off. It was one of her skeleton minions that caught the apple though and then presented it to her. "Oh? An apple?" Achlys analyzed it and then looked to the potion. "Hmm, you're in luck. Seems you'll have something to help with the taste of this." She then knelt down and handed Saru the potion then the apple, not knowing what the apple could really do.

                                Chronomancer's Tower

                                As Aion proceeded, he encountered the undead Seki left behind. Rather than fight them, he slipped past using another fissure. He left the alternate timeline and appeared in a passage way ahead of the Necromancer. Casually, he walked out into the open, twirling his sword. Where it looked like he was simply showing off, he was actually opening a rift that surrounded him, making it so that anything that came at him would simply pass him by. She couldn't harm him and he couldn't reach her. Should she launch an attack, he would stay there until he decided it was time to change location.
                                Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-02-2015, 10:53 AM.

