Rules and Disclaimers
TSU is an rp originally created by Sustic. This is version of the roleplay was created by myself in collabiration with sustic, Kristia and S_121
If you were part of the original or remastered versions of TSU please reread this OOC as it makes many changes and takes many creative liberties.
The original plan to have a complex magic system involving the elements has been replaced with a more casual one in order to preserve the casual nature of TSU
RulesTSU is an rp originally created by Sustic. This is version of the roleplay was created by myself in collabiration with sustic, Kristia and S_121
If you were part of the original or remastered versions of TSU please reread this OOC as it makes many changes and takes many creative liberties.
The original plan to have a complex magic system involving the elements has been replaced with a more casual one in order to preserve the casual nature of TSU
1: Be reasonable with what your character can do. A new student shouldn't have the power to blow up a small island or continue fighting for hours on end without getting tired. Obviously some characters are going to have an advantage over others due to race or experience, but dont' assume your character to be the strongest just because of any advantages they might have.
2: You are allowed to create any race you like for your character. If you want to use a race not currently listed then you must create an application for that race. The race must be accepted before any character of that race can be accepted
3: Any race you make must be balanced. I understand that some races are over powered once they reach adulthood, but you can still balance this out by making them much weaker as children. If i find a race to be too powerful or unfair I will not allow it.
4: You are limited to no more than 8 characters. This dose not include NPC's or staff members in the school. This number can and most likely will be increased as the rp progresses, but for now 8 is the most.

6: You must post any and all abilities and weapons that your character has at the start of the rp. While i don't expect you to list off hundreds of possible spells, any ability yur character uses in game must be within the realm of possibility from what is listed in your app. In other words no ass pulls.
7: "???" is not an acceptable answer for your characters age, race name or any other question in the application. If you fail to answer all of the questions listed then your app will not be accepted.
8: An app must be accepted by either myself, s1 or sustic before that character can be used in the IC
9: Your character may not have an ability that can instantly or easily kill one or many characters. Even if you don't plan on using it or f using it is fetal to your character and can only be used once per setting.
10: Try not to derail the story or a current interaction between two or more characters by shoe horning a character of yours into the mix or doing something to distract everyone's attention when something else of importance is going on. This one is not stricktly forbidden as it can sometimes be alright, but it can also be very annoying.
11: If you leave the rp or are gone for an extend period of time without warning, any characters you have may be reassigned in order to keep the rp flowing.
12: Have fun
At the dawn of time their existed two worlds which sat side by side. The world of man, and the world of magic. At first these worlds were as one, existing in harmony. Man and either relayed one one another both for survival and for companionship. But human foolishness would ruin everything. Mankind evolved to a point where they could be independent of their Aether brothers and sisters. Agriculture, hunting, fishing, weapons and soldiers. These advancements caused the humans to become bold, arrogant. They had forgotten how they had once relied on the Aether.
The humans shunned the aether. They were different, obsolete, unwanted. Years of discrimination finally lead to war between two two races. The Aether were greatly overpowered, and many of them died. The war finally ended when nine powerful Aether used their magic to form another world, a separate frequency within their own. One that man could never enter. With their awesome power, the nine sealed the remaining aether away where o more harm could come to them. The magic was lost.
Humans began to forget what it as like to know, to feel magic. In time the events of the war were lost to history to be remembered by no one. Without a connection to mortals, the aether lost their physical form. The magic beings turned into pure energy, doomed to flutter in the wind for all of eternity. The nine precursors each gave a third of their power to ensure their future. In a last ditch effort, they created the ultimate weapon that would one day free them, and breath life into the aether again.
It wouldn't be until a thousand moons before the aether would again take form. A group of three traveling brothers came across an ancient and mysterious blue orb. Inscribed with precursor markings just suddenly appeared. It's purpose, ad it's origin were unknown, but when they touched it, something unusual happened. The markings on the orb began to illuminate. A bright flash filled the sky as all the arcane wisdom in the world filled the minds of the three brothers.
The artifact they found was the answer, the truth, the link between our world and the next. The orb acted as a bridge from the aether to the realm of men. But in creating that pathway, something much greater was accomplished. Creatures from countless other worlds were sucked into our existence. Some vengeful, some benevolent, others neutral. And while some of these creatures shared many similarities with humans, they were not the same. These supernatural beings went by many different names. demons, vampires, dragons, dullahans and many many more. this event would go down in history as "The Great Link"
The coming of magic beings sparked world wide chaos and panic. Many civilizations broke out into war for territory, resources and food. Some species, such as the elves managed to live peacefully among the mortals, while others were sealed away, forced to go back where they came from. The three brothers who discovered the orb, now known as the trinity lent their power, and together managed to stop the fighting by forming a barrier around the magical and supernatural beings.
The trinity built a school within this space and instructed the Daichi family to run it. It would be their duty to pass arcane wisdom from one generation to the next. The magical world lived in secret, apart from the rest of humanity while still being in contact with it. a mage could enter and leave the barrier at will, so long as they had permission. This went on for over a thousand years. The idea of magic, vampires, ghosts and other monsters had become a thing of legend and fantasy among mortals.
In the year 1966, the Pravus family grew envious of the Daichi families power and authority over the school as well as their influence within the barrier. With hearts filled with hatred, they shattered the barrier, throwing the world into chaos. They declared war against the school and the Daichi family. But while the Pravus were powerful and formidable foes, they were foolish. several families of great power, including the Karayan family, Hama clan, the Mizu household and several other large magical powers all joined the fight. the Pravus was wiped off the face of the earth, leaving nothing but a memory behind.
50 years have passe since then. The Daichi family was unable to contact the trinity, and the barrier still remains broken. The world of magic and the world of man live side by side as one earth. Things were bad at first, but a man named Abert Heartman came to the aid of the magic community. He as a mortal accepted them into their world and used his political influence to convince others to do the same.
Although he managed to prevent war between the two worlds, there was still much discrimination between them. The Magical and supernatural rights association was formed to correct this problem. It's taken a long time, but magical people and creatures now have the same rights as humans in most countries.
The school was taken to an island in the Atlantic Ocean. Many buildings from various cultures have been built in the island since then, but it's mostly maintained it's arcanic culture. Many parts of the school have been refurbished and modernized for the 21st century while still maintaining its mystical feel.
Types of Magic
Non elemental magic or magic falling outside usual perimeters.
Anti-Theorem: see bottom of the page for more details
Level One magic elements
Level Two magic elements
Cleansing: This type of magic is harmful to undead and some other supuernatural races while being mostly harmless to humans.
Metal: Bend metal to your will
Movement: The ability to speed up and slow down yourself or objects within a certan range.
Death: Necromancy and life draining.
Nature: Controll trees, flowers, wood and other kinds of plants
Lava: not safe for indoor use.
Crystal: Use hard crystals to attack and defend
Sound: weaken or amplify sound waves
Poison: command deadly toxins within the air ti give you and your allies an advantage
Magnetic: the power of magnetism
Restoration/Healing: ever team needs a good healer. This element will save lives
Blood: You can bleed on things i guess?
Smoke: Smoking kills, it can also be used in various other ways to hide or run away.
Lunar Magic:
Level Three magic elements
Corruption: This element is very harmful to humans, but is harmless to some supernatural races.
Beastia: The element of beasts allowing users to temporarally use the claws of a tiger, nose of a hound and other neat tricks
Soul: The power to channel spirits, effect living souls. This element opens several new ways to interact with souls
Mechanism: The power to control robots, metal and interact with computers on a deeper level.
Storm: Manipulate the weather in your area
Summoning: Summon a powerful creature based on the elements used to summon said creature.
Obsidian: Sharp but brittle stones
Gravity: manipulate the gravity of certain areas.
Vector: manipulation of vactors
Mind: Move things with your mind and communicate telepathically
At the dawn of time their existed two worlds which sat side by side. The world of man, and the world of magic. At first these worlds were as one, existing in harmony. Man and either relayed one one another both for survival and for companionship. But human foolishness would ruin everything. Mankind evolved to a point where they could be independent of their Aether brothers and sisters. Agriculture, hunting, fishing, weapons and soldiers. These advancements caused the humans to become bold, arrogant. They had forgotten how they had once relied on the Aether.
The humans shunned the aether. They were different, obsolete, unwanted. Years of discrimination finally lead to war between two two races. The Aether were greatly overpowered, and many of them died. The war finally ended when nine powerful Aether used their magic to form another world, a separate frequency within their own. One that man could never enter. With their awesome power, the nine sealed the remaining aether away where o more harm could come to them. The magic was lost.
Humans began to forget what it as like to know, to feel magic. In time the events of the war were lost to history to be remembered by no one. Without a connection to mortals, the aether lost their physical form. The magic beings turned into pure energy, doomed to flutter in the wind for all of eternity. The nine precursors each gave a third of their power to ensure their future. In a last ditch effort, they created the ultimate weapon that would one day free them, and breath life into the aether again.
It wouldn't be until a thousand moons before the aether would again take form. A group of three traveling brothers came across an ancient and mysterious blue orb. Inscribed with precursor markings just suddenly appeared. It's purpose, ad it's origin were unknown, but when they touched it, something unusual happened. The markings on the orb began to illuminate. A bright flash filled the sky as all the arcane wisdom in the world filled the minds of the three brothers.
The artifact they found was the answer, the truth, the link between our world and the next. The orb acted as a bridge from the aether to the realm of men. But in creating that pathway, something much greater was accomplished. Creatures from countless other worlds were sucked into our existence. Some vengeful, some benevolent, others neutral. And while some of these creatures shared many similarities with humans, they were not the same. These supernatural beings went by many different names. demons, vampires, dragons, dullahans and many many more. this event would go down in history as "The Great Link"
The coming of magic beings sparked world wide chaos and panic. Many civilizations broke out into war for territory, resources and food. Some species, such as the elves managed to live peacefully among the mortals, while others were sealed away, forced to go back where they came from. The three brothers who discovered the orb, now known as the trinity lent their power, and together managed to stop the fighting by forming a barrier around the magical and supernatural beings.
The trinity built a school within this space and instructed the Daichi family to run it. It would be their duty to pass arcane wisdom from one generation to the next. The magical world lived in secret, apart from the rest of humanity while still being in contact with it. a mage could enter and leave the barrier at will, so long as they had permission. This went on for over a thousand years. The idea of magic, vampires, ghosts and other monsters had become a thing of legend and fantasy among mortals.
In the year 1966, the Pravus family grew envious of the Daichi families power and authority over the school as well as their influence within the barrier. With hearts filled with hatred, they shattered the barrier, throwing the world into chaos. They declared war against the school and the Daichi family. But while the Pravus were powerful and formidable foes, they were foolish. several families of great power, including the Karayan family, Hama clan, the Mizu household and several other large magical powers all joined the fight. the Pravus was wiped off the face of the earth, leaving nothing but a memory behind.
50 years have passe since then. The Daichi family was unable to contact the trinity, and the barrier still remains broken. The world of magic and the world of man live side by side as one earth. Things were bad at first, but a man named Abert Heartman came to the aid of the magic community. He as a mortal accepted them into their world and used his political influence to convince others to do the same.
Although he managed to prevent war between the two worlds, there was still much discrimination between them. The Magical and supernatural rights association was formed to correct this problem. It's taken a long time, but magical people and creatures now have the same rights as humans in most countries.
The school was taken to an island in the Atlantic Ocean. Many buildings from various cultures have been built in the island since then, but it's mostly maintained it's arcanic culture. Many parts of the school have been refurbished and modernized for the 21st century while still maintaining its mystical feel.
Types of Magic
Non elemental magic or magic falling outside usual perimeters.
Anti-Theorem: see bottom of the page for more details
Level One magic elements
Level Two magic elements
Cleansing: This type of magic is harmful to undead and some other supuernatural races while being mostly harmless to humans.
Metal: Bend metal to your will
Movement: The ability to speed up and slow down yourself or objects within a certan range.
Death: Necromancy and life draining.
Nature: Controll trees, flowers, wood and other kinds of plants
Lava: not safe for indoor use.
Crystal: Use hard crystals to attack and defend
Sound: weaken or amplify sound waves
Poison: command deadly toxins within the air ti give you and your allies an advantage
Magnetic: the power of magnetism
Restoration/Healing: ever team needs a good healer. This element will save lives
Blood: You can bleed on things i guess?
Smoke: Smoking kills, it can also be used in various other ways to hide or run away.
Lunar Magic:
Level Three magic elements
Corruption: This element is very harmful to humans, but is harmless to some supernatural races.
Beastia: The element of beasts allowing users to temporarally use the claws of a tiger, nose of a hound and other neat tricks
Soul: The power to channel spirits, effect living souls. This element opens several new ways to interact with souls
Mechanism: The power to control robots, metal and interact with computers on a deeper level.
Storm: Manipulate the weather in your area
Summoning: Summon a powerful creature based on the elements used to summon said creature.
Obsidian: Sharp but brittle stones
Gravity: manipulate the gravity of certain areas.
Vector: manipulation of vactors
Mind: Move things with your mind and communicate telepathically
This version of TSU takes place on a large island that covers about 70 square miles of land

The school looks rather old and magical on the outside, but looks rather modern on the inside as though it were a normal university.

There are two dorm buildings on either side of the school, one for males and one for females

There's a city to the north east and a forest to the south west of the school with multiple beaches all around the island. The city is full of buildings from all over the world. The mix mash of diferent cultures make the island truly unique.

There is a third dorm unde the ocean where sea creatures attending the school usually stay.

Application Template
Soul elements: What elements is your character good at learning? Even if you don't put soul points towards it you can put points on them later on. any magic type your soul or aether is compatible with will be more easily learned. you are required to have either ordo or entropy on this list
Soul Points: Where will you spend your points?
Gear/luggage: If it's not listed here your'e character will not have it in the rp. you don't need to list every outfit you want them to have
Reason for joining the school:
Aditional questions you CAN answer in your app if you chose too OPTIONAL!!
Favorite Book:
Favoite song or music type or band:
Favorite foods:
Favorite video game:
Sexuality: straight bi gay lesbian ect
Dreams for the future:
Name of the race:
Name of the magic type:
Rank you think is appropriate:
Type: In what way do you gain this magic? is it specific toone or multiple races? dose it require you to worship a specific deity?
Description: A detailed description of the magic type and what it can do
Name of the race:
Name of the magic type:
Rank you think is appropriate:
Type: In what way do you gain this magic? is it specific toone or multiple races? dose it require you to worship a specific deity?
Description: A detailed description of the magic type and what it can do