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Infinite Project | (IC)

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  • Koishi
    Site 47 | Topside

    "Maybe somethin' from before you's were a gas fella." Koi replied, frowning a little at them not remembering where the trio were.

    "Dun' you's remember? Fight in a car lot? Fella' here works with someone who wants to see me? See maybe if they's can't figure out anythin' abou' you's.... ring a bell?" Koi replied. The robot behind them seemed to glance in multiple directions as they spoke, ocular sight adjusting in various ways as they did so.

    "I could play a recording of earlier if you require such a thing." Soane spoke in a slightly more casual manner. "Though I would hope not. There are those inside waiting for us."

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  • Tewi_Inaba
    Project Esper | Bedroom

    Without saying much else Misaka lied in her bed opposite of Jenny. It wouldn't take her too long to be out like a light. Meanwhile Raina slept soundly as a newborn as her unconscious body cuddled with her new bed mate.

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  • S121
    Project Esper | En rout to Bedrooms

    "Just this once.", Jennifer said as she slid into bed with the sleeping telepath, afterwards carefully wrapping an arm around her and holding her close like one would to a teddy bear.

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    Site 47 | Topside

    The green man just sort of sat there, in a confused state as he faced Koi. Even without a face it appeared as though something disturbed him... "I... I don't know... Last thing I remember was me bein asleep, then I woke up in some sort of strange office. There was also some sorta table in front of me with a whole mess of buttons, and a large window I think...? Then some woman I don't recognize kept talkin' to me but I couldn't understand parts of the things she was trying to say. Then I... just... started to wake up. The whole thing was weird..." He explained as he sat there, still trying to process his dream...

    Dreams... they weren't always something he remembers having when he blacks out like that. I mean he does remember having a few dreams in the past, but they were simpler, and far more blurry than that one. Except for a few occasions where he remembered his dreams more clearly, but those few dreams were more or less about other things. Like food and the sewers... What prompted him to have such a strange dream though? More importantly, the thing that's really bugging him is...

    Why did that dream feel so familiar?

    ". . ." He just sat there for a bit longer thinking deeply on his dream before his mind finally began to click that he was somewhere else.

    "Wait what? What do you mean we're here?" He asked, confused... almost as if he forgot what was going on before he slept... at least for the time being.

    Oceans of Cali | Some indefinite time later
    ((Please note that the time frame that Koi and Bandit (my green man) are in is different. So what was an hour time skip for them, is going to be a longer time skip for others. Mainly because Koi and Bandit started at a different point in time (if i recall a day or two before the events of the others.)))

    What felt like hours must have passed as 013 was in the area him and his men were allowed to rest. He had already written most of his report on the events that had happened before Samantha and her team had came in and saved their asses. In fact things were quiet as he sat there looking at the report he had wrote. Reading it over he just kept thinking...

    Thinking how he let whatever they were after get away.

    "What was in that truck..." He said as he looked at the report. Still thinking....

    013 though just yawned as he shook his head. His eyes had dark circles under them and he was very clearly tired, especially having only gotten a few hours of sleep on this submarine, then using the last few hours that passed to write that report. For some reason he just... couldn't get comfy enough to get any more rest, that and the fact that how badly his teams mission had flopped was making him think of what all they could have done to have avoided any of the things that went wrong.

    If someone were to walk in, they would see his men asleep, but with their gear on just in case, and 013 sitting there deep in tired thought.

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  • Tewi_Inaba
    Project Esper | En rout to Bedrooms

    Misaka gave a half serious pout at Jenny's response as she started walking towards her own bed, cosing the door after she walked in. "Bummer." she said to catch Jenny's attention. "Feels almost like your cheating on me. I guess I'll allow it this once." she joked back as she took off her clothes and prepared for bed.

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  • S121
    Project Esper | En rout to Bedrooms

    "Hmm...", Jenny hummed as she looked over at the sleeping girl in her bed.

    "Well, Raina doesn't get out much from her room, so I'll give her a little bit of company.", Jenny said as she walked into their room, all before looking back at her roommate and giving a playful little wink,"Besides, I always cuddle with you anyway."

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  • Koishi
    Site 47 | Topside

    As soon as the gaseous man jolted upward, the former Infinite jumped back slightly, beginning to assume a defensive stance before they realized the noise.

    "Whoa! You's spooked me there." Koi spoke, rubbing the back of her neck as she felt a tinge of embarrassment creep in. "Had a bad dream ors somethin'? Sorry I's woke ya' up, but we's be here."

    Soane merely slightly tilted their single ocular lens. Curiosity and data intermingled within their mind, curious as to how the gaseous creature even functioned, as even with the data they were processing, they were at a loss. Such a thing was better left to more specialized personnel regardless, but questions simply kept popping up. Regardless, they stood back as they watched the two, patiently waiting as their tail flickered back and forth without them even noticing.

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    ((I'm not sure of what to post for Oceans of Cali, as such I'll leave it to Kristia to decide what happens after the 1 hour time skip of sorts.))
    Site 47 | Topside

    Repeatedly poking the man seemed to have no effect, other than the pokes causing his lightweight body to fall over, and causing him to lean against the interior of the car door. Now while this may make him seem dead, his light movements seemed to indicate that he was thankfully, not dead. Although with how his movements began to become restless... it was clear that he was likely in a deep sleep.

    In the mind of the little green man though, was a dream. An... odd one... a dream that felt... familiar to him...

    The setting going on in his mind was some sort of industrial work station. With the green man waking up in said dream like state, apparently resting his head on the desk in front of him. Upon waking up though, the green man looked around as confused as one could possibly be. The entire room he was in really did look 'industrial' like one you'd see in one of those sewer maintenance arrows he occasionally found himself in back in the city sewers. The walls were cleaner, and more well-kept, with a few posters of cats with 'hang in there' and other motivational quotes hanging up on the walls. In front of him though, the desk which he had been resting his head on was large and... quite cluttered. It wasn't so much as cluttered with trash or garbage. Rather a large array of buttons, levers, switches, and other blinking gadgets and do-dads that seemed to be of... some kind of importance littered the desk. Or... was it some kind of control panel. . .? Either way there was quite a bit of stuff on the desk that the green man didn't understand, yet a part of him felt like... he's seen this before.

    As the green man scanned the room in search of anything that might give him a good idea of where he was, he took notice of a small framed photo, resting on one of the only empty spots on the control panel. The photo seemed to be that of a woman he's never seen before, a child, and a man that... upon closer examination felt... really familiar. In fact everything about this photo felt familiar, but he just couldn't guess why. While trying to figure out who the people in the photograph were, he found himself picking up the picture frame... and closely looking at it. Everything felt weird as he stared at the photo.

    However something broke the silence as he heard a voice coming from behind him. The voice felt familiar to him, and at first he turned around in response. Thinking it was his new friend Koi. Though before he could say anything he saw that the source of the voice was definitely not Koi, but rather someone else entirely. It was an older woman. Appeared to be in her 50's. Her attire was that of some kind of work jumpsuit, and her hair was brown with hints of becoming grey.

    "Hey ???????? thought I told you not to sleep on the job. This is the 2nd time I caught you doing so. What, do you want this place to - - - - - ? If I catch you one more time you're going to find yourself out of a job!" The woman said... It was odd, there were a couple words that he swore were... quieter. Almost muffled by something. Like his mind was trying to block what she was saying or something. . . Either way that was confusing as hell.

    This was when the green man began to space out... just... staring at the woman with a blank, green stare. Even though the woman didn't seem to respond at all to his strange appearance, which confused him even more, she still somehow seemed to notice his 'blank stare'. Hell it seemed like to her, she was seeing a man who was as high as a kite.

    "Um... hello? ???????? are you okay...? . . . . . Do I need to call a doctor or something for you ????????" She was asking, though he didn't seem to be phased at all. Rather he tilted his head slowly as he felt everything just sort of... melt away around him. All the while his surroundings began to disappear into a black void, as all that was left was... the woman's voice as she tried calling out to him.

    However her voice was changing... changing into a more readily familiar one.

    ""Hellooooo? Anybody there?" Was all he heard in Koi's voice. Hearing this the green man suddenly shot awake from his very weird dream with a loud gasp before seemingly hyperventilating...

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  • Koishi
    Site 47 | Topside

    The green man would receive a poke on their shoulder around an hour later. As they likely wouldn't respond, they received more pokes, at various parts of themselves.

    "Hellooooo? Anybody there? Is hard to tell if you's be asleep or not." Koi spoke, leaning around the seat. The robot from before was outside, and it seemed the environment had changed significantly. They appeared to be in the lot of some warehouse, located somewhere within a forested area.

    The robot's head leaned into the vehicle, looking back and forth at the two of them. "Are they dead?"

    Koi merely shrugged. "I's dunnos how gas people work, fella. Maybe they's just super hard sleepers."

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    As the vehicle had driven out of the city limits, the green man simply sat there. His body seemingly jiggling ever so slightly whenever they were to hit a bump in the road. Now even though it was normally somewhat easy to tell his emotions to an extent, mainly due to his body language previously, this time however it was actually quite hard to tell how he must be feeling at the moment. For he was just... sitting there... almost motionless as he thought deeply.

    "Maybe these guys can help me find out what I am..." He spoke as he then began to tilt his head forward a bit, the car ride was beginning to feel... relaxing... as he was beginning to slowly doze off.

    Oceans of Cali

    "Well then, with that settled... I guess I'll start working on that report soon. I'm positive the information in it will help your allies quite a lot. As of now though... today has been rather hectic so far. So I think I'll get an hour of rest before. Afterwards I'll get to work on that report. Expect it to be done sometime within the next 6 hours or so. Anyways, if you need me... you can catch me with the rest of my men." 013 had replied, putting his hands in his pockets as he turned for the door. However just before he left the room, he spoke again. "Also thanks again for saving our asses. It's nice to know that we have allies during these trying times." He said in a rather calm tone, finally relaxing a bit as he left the room to go rest with his men.
    Last edited by SUSTIC; 04-07-2018, 10:09 PM.

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  • Kristia
    Oceans of Cali

    The submarine was now going lower into the depths of the ocean as the two Experiments talked "Coincidence or not, we do share similar objectives, our group will be delighted to have new info, same with sharing what you may not have." the blonde's tail coiled around her leg as her top ears lowered to protect themselves from the pressure of the water. "But for now, we should stay low, whoever was the third group on the battlefield had extremely high tech to have a human sized railgun. By now they probably found the remnants of the pigeon and will try to get anything from us."

    "Don't worry about that, If they get something, they will either go to a pole or end up in the middle of the Nazca ruins, and those two decoys are heavily encrypted." Edward's voice could be heard from Samantha's helmet.

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  • Koishi

    "Noted." Soane replied, nodding their head slightly as the vehicle began to drive out of city limits.

    "Where exactly are we headed?" Koi asked.

    "Site 47. Located in a nature preserve west of Sacramento. Deals with mutants, cryptid and other anomalous materials in the area from Tahoe to San Francisco. It's one of the larger sites in North America, and also home to our primary research center for energy weaponry. There's still one site larger than it in the states, but that's over in Montana." Soane explained.

    "Montana... I's be guessing it's there due to the low population, right?" Koi asked.

    "Correct. In the event of an escape or breach, it allows us some leeway in recapture before thew subject or subjects gets to populated areas. Also minimizes witnesses." Soane replied.

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    Oceans of Cali

    "I see. Then what a fortunate coincidence it was for my team that you all arrived. As thanks I can write up a report of what we had found from that truck. Safe to say, it was... interesting to say the least. I'm also sure you're group would like the intel my team had received about what the military was transporting?" 013 replied as he relaxed a bit by leaning against one of the walls of the ship they were on. "After all I hope both of our groups are fighting for the same cause. To take down whoever is in charge of the Government. As such it would be advised for us to share information."

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  • Tewi_Inaba
    Project Esper | Auxiliary Hallway Beds

    Misaka could see the tired look on Jenny's face as she stretched and let out her yawns. She was admittedly quite tired herself, despite having not been on the feild for as long as Jenny or Alex. "Sure thing." she said as she turned to look into the open door leading into their room. "But who's bed are you sleeping in?" she asked while observing the sleeping girl in Jenny's bed

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  • Katrix
    Military Base near California

    Sidna had taken the immediate emergency steps, but now she needed a more long-term plan for how to deal with the situation. In time she would call in that old soldier to take care of the prototype, and the "priest" to get his help convincing the government. She also needed to be proactive, not just reactive. She called up Ceres. "You have new orders. You will meet up with anyone having overseeing the whole Project ACHILLES, and convince them that the project had five prototypes. The idea that it only had a single prototype was a cover. The prototypes are 00, also known as Jason, often just referred to as the prototype, 01 located in Texas, 02 located in Britain, 03 located in Japan and 04 located at the south pole. The exact location should not be closed until we can set up the trap. Only people that oversaw the whole project know this. There should not be many of them."

    Once Sidna gave that order, she began writing the file on the "real" Project ACHILLES, detailing the stories of the prototypes, how they had been taken from their families, while the family was killed. Anything that would make either some terrorists or a former Project ACHILLES prototype want to seek out the places. Of course, Sidna made sure that the security was tight, but not tight enough that someone couldn't break in and steal the information.

    At the same time, Sidna made sure that traps were being prepared in the most obvious places. In this case that meant the place where the prototypes' family used to live, and Texas, the alleged location of 01, the closest prototype.

    Shasta Trinity National Forest | Pass-n-Gas

    Once a few hours had passed, the alleged corpse was "retrieved" from the forest where Accelerator had killed Jason. Another few hours after that, people began coming to the gas station where Jason and the espers had been hiding, searching for where they had gone using all sorts of technology, in addition to bloodhounds. It would probably only be a few hours before the dogs found the entrance to the lab.

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