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[IC] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    Sol Inceneron
    Inopia-Temple of the Lost

    "Is that...Human? And yeah...I hope so too. Can't tell though, I specialize in mechanics to biology. And that message in blood...doesn't that sort of hint that this wasn't a natural death...I hope you are wrong about something being here, I didn't notice anything." Nhiome looked around uneasily, peering into the darkness. He aimed the welder at the darkness and set it to high for a second. The flame burst out in a thin column, a meter long, before sputtering out and returning to its original state.
    How many times can you die a day~?
    How many times have you died a day~?


      Helios System
      Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

      X's ship was towed to the flagship of the Delta Division. The two drone fighters landed the ship in Hangar Bay D-872.
      "Alright, looks like the power is off and there's someone, or something still alive in there. Let's get a med team in there and get whoever or whatever is in there. Hopefully they'll stay alive for a bit longer..." An officer of the hangar bay briefed a fellow foot soldier that was assigned to the area. Medics ran over to the ship. "Alright let's crack her open. See if we can access the manual override of the ship's main hatch."


      Aion nodded. "Right. Glad to have ya."
      "Oi, is Aion going on about some crazy conspiracy again? And he's leaving us out?" One of the Hunters poked his head over the crates along with a few others.
      "You gotta tell us these things, captain!" one of the female pilots chimed in.
      "Hunters' Creed, matey. Leave none behind. We're going with ya no matter what ya say!" All 38 Hunters had gathered and were all in agreement.
      "Leave none behind, we fly as one. We are the rulers of the sky, our hunting grounds, our kingdom." Aion recited the line and smiled. "So it is." He then turned to Mara and then Nova. "And then there's you two. How about it?"
      "Mara? You said you'd join up with the Strike Fighters, and I heard you say you'd help Cortana and Chief, so would you join this squad?" Kiara asked.
      "What about you, Nova? It sounds like you don't exactly have anything else to go to, how about you join our family?" Terrisa looked at Nova with almost a pleading face as she asked.

      Sol Inceneron
      Inopia - Temple of the Lost

      "It's Vatian..." Dalia crouched down next to the remains and looked closer at it. "'s Vatian...and...there's teeth marks on the bones." Dalia got up and looked towards the ceiling as she thought for a moment when Nhiome lit his welder to max. What she saw caused her to freeze. Two red eyes of a demonic beast of darkness was looking down at them from its perch on the ceiling above the entrance of the passage. She whispered to Nhiome, still gazing up at the beast. "Nhiome...get ready to run."


        Sol Inceneron
        Inopia - Temple of the Lost

        Nhiome tensed when he heard her tone, he turned his head slightly and saw that she was staring upwards, he looked up too and caught a glimpse of red before darkness engulfed it. He whispered back, " I'm ready." He remained still, but his hand tightened around the pistol.
        How many times can you die a day~?
        How many times have you died a day~?


          Helios System
          Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

          Looks like we will see many things and obstacles, might as well enjoy the euphoria from it" Mara said looking at the stars

          The bioroid looked at the group "Need a hacker or quick transport, you got me" she said with a calm tone
          Last edited by Kristia; 11-05-2013, 12:15 PM.
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Helios System
            Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

            "Business." Nova said in a stern voice.

            "Here." Mima tossed the piece of cheese to the mouse. "Enjoy it....little mouse." Mima knew at this point that Nero was trying to fool him with the robotic mouse, and this gave her all the evidence she needed to confirm that fact.

            Venion System

            The Reaper kept throwing it's kunai at the gun, eventually causing it to malfunction and explode. This caused the ship to fly back a little, one of it's large arms shaking a finger up and down at it, before proceeding to throw a punch with it's large metal fist, sending The Reaper flying, before landing and creating a small crater, which The Reaper got up and dusted itself off, and pulling out it's scythe.

            "Enough games." The Reaper said, before overcharging his suit, sending him speeding towards the mech at insane speeds.

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


              Helios System
              Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

              Before you know it X's ship had been landed by the drones. Once his ship landed in the Hangar Bay X immediately stood up and went to the back of his ship. Once there he prepared his weapon and pushed a button to open the main hatch in the back of the ship.

              Slowly the main hatch on X's ship began to open...


                Helios System
                Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                Hangar Bay D

                When the hatch began to open on its own, security infantry set into motion and set up a defensive perimeter. "Steady now! We don't want to start anything. Keep the medics at the ready in case whoever it is that's coming out is injured." With that command, the medics lined up on either side of the hatch behind the line of soldiers with their assault rifles at the ready and a mobile barricade shield to protect them.

                Hangar Bay M

                Kiara smiled at Mara's response. "Thanks. I'm sure we'll be needing your talents soon enough. You might put Nero out of his one job of hacker too. Maybe we can get you a room in Nero's Study..."

                Meanwhile in Nero's Study...
                Nero stopped suddenly and stared off into space when he caught the small piece of cheese, disregarding Mima's comments for a moment. "...Why do I get a feeling someone just suggested taking another part of my study again..."
                He thought about this for a moment then looked back to the cheese. "....nah." He then proceeded to slowly nibble the slice of cheese with great joy.

                Terrisa seemed despondent. "Aw...why? Why don't you want to come along?" She looked at Nova with her saddened eyes.

                Sol Inceneron
                Inopia - Temple of the Lost

                The beast let out a blood curdling roar and dropped to the ground below on all fours. It seemed almost featureless as it's body was composed of a flowing dark substance. The eyes of the demon and the abysmal pit that was its mouth were the only things that glowed red.
                "Demonarc...! Run, NOW!" Dalia began to make a run for it, taking the lead into the darkness of the deeper passages of the temple.


                Beast of Darkness
                - Demonarc Bia -

                Elemental Weakness: Divine - Fire
                Elemental Defense: Regular - Light, Wind, Matter, Water, and Dark | Divine - Light, Wind, and Matter
                Elemental Resistance: Regular - Fire | Divine - Dark and Water
                Threat Rating: 85/100
                HP: 66600


                Elemental: Fire

                Elemental: Fire | Divine Light (Arke)


                  Helios System
                  Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                  "Well then, I have to check something on my vessel, you guys can join if you want to" Mara excused herself going back to her ship

                  Reaching the spacecraft, the bioroid opened its hatch and entered the main room, aside from the comunications system were three rooms. On the first room was some type of lounge for with enough space for a small crew having its comodities for food and resting pods. The second room was the engineering and storage parts for supplies be it machinery, weaponry and medical.

                  But the white haired went straight for the last room, her master bedroom as it had quite a lot of antiques from worn books, old figurines, a small cucoo clock, etcetera. She took one of her favorite books and went back to the pilot seat to scan the vessel´s condition while reading the book
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Helios System
                    Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                    Cortana gave a crooked smile at Kiara's comment and spoke.

                    "I'm actually a hacker too. Looks like we have an entire team of hackers.", Cortana playfully said.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Sol Inceneron
                      Inopia - Temple of the Lost

                      Nhiome ran after her. What the hell is that!? He continued sprinting, but fired short bursts over his shoulders, aiming at the mouth and eyes, which were the only bits he could see. He shouted to her, "What the hell is a Demonarc? How do we fight it?"

                      There must be a way to stop this thing...I can't keep running like Dalia is probably capable of, I'm already tired and the gravity along with the leg wound won't help. He began mentally going through what he had stored in his DigiBag.
                      How many times can you die a day~?
                      How many times have you died a day~?


                        Sol Inceneron
                        Inopia - Temple of the Lost

                        "No time to explain!" Dalia noticed she was pulling ahead and looked about for a way to lose the Demonarc. Then she saw the answer ahead. "Nhiome! There! That beam that's collapsed across the passage! If we can knock that down we can probably trap the Demonarc! It's too high up for me to hit, maybe your pulse pistol can knock it loose?"

                        The Demonarc Bia was running on all fours at full speed towards Nhiome. When the blasts hit it, it slowed slightly from the impact but quickly regained speed.

                        Helios System
                        Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                        Hangar Bay M

                        Aion chuckled. "Well, seems like we have an upper hand when it comes to cyber warfare..."
                        "Aye...and speaking of combat, I think the Ground combat training sessions would be open soon." Joe pointed out.
                        "Oh yes, true..."

                        Kiara had followed Mara, curious about what she was up to. She entered the part of her ship where she was. "Hey, mind if I ask what you had to do here?"


                          Helios System
                          Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                          John heard Joe's news about the Ground Combat training and spoke.

                          "When do we start?", John calmly asked Joe and Aion.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Helios System
                            Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                            Hangar Bay D

                            Once the hatch opened up X quickly aimed his weapon forward. Without saying a word he stepped out of his ship. He seemed completely unfazed by his current situation as he aimed his weapon at everyone as he walked by.

                            "Identify yourselves or I will shoot." He said in a cold, emotionless, and almost robotic tone. He doesn't intend to shoot unless someone else shoots first...
                            Last edited by NeoFox; 11-06-2013, 05:02 AM.


                              Helios System
                              Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur - Hangar Bay D

                              The infantry tensed and held their positions. The officer in charge smiled wryly. "Strange, we should be the ones asking you. You're currently on the Strike Fighter Flagship of the Delta Division, Excalibur. We brought you and your ship in under the assumption you were in need of aid. Now, if you would lower your weapon, we can all relax."
                              One of the security officers stood on standby near the emergency ship-wide alert switch, ready to flip it in case anything happened.

                              Hangar Bay M

                              Aion was the one that answered John. "From what I heard, any time we're ready." He then turned to Joe, "I'm assuming you're itching for some action, huh Joe?"
                              "You know it!" He said with a great grin plastered on his face.


                                Helios System
                                Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                                Hangar Bay M

                                John didn't seem to react to Joe and Aion's banter. All he wanted to do was quickly go through the training program and become better orientated with this time period's technology and weapons.

                                "Let's go.", John calmly said, almost in an emotionless tone.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

