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[IC] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    Venion System

    The knight did not immediately respond to the Reaper's question. Instead he walked over to the discarded picture that was of the two knights and the girl and picked it up. "Ah...I remember this day..." He tossed the picture onto the controls that the Reaper was looking at. "Events of the past always have a way to come back to haunt the present. Wouldn't you agree?"

    Helios System
    Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur
    Hangar Bay M

    "Right, its meant to test you to reveal your own limits." Kiara said as they walked to the training room which was not far. "I'll just be in an observation deck watching. I've been in my share of battles back during the one revolt of two Dark mages back on my home."


      Helios System
      Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

      "That is my name.", John said to Commander Sullivan in a serious, cold tone.

      Cortana sighed at the entire conversation and interrupted them.

      "John... His name is John... You see, Spartan-IIs don't like to give out their names and identify themselves as their Spartan Designation Number. They were trained to be that way.", Cortana calmly explained to Commander Sullivan.

      John glanced over to Cortana and gave a slight frown under his helmet. He was a little annoyed that she decided to give his name out so freely.
      Last edited by S121; 11-10-2013, 01:38 PM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Venion System

        The Reaper brushed the picture away from the console.

        "Get to the point or leave." The Reaper said in a monotone voice.

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


          Helios System
          Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur
          Training area

          "Well then, where can I register for the training?" Mara sked to Terrisa until they rerached the an officer

          "Oh hello there, is this here were the training simulators are?" the bioroid asked to the officer
          Last edited by Kristia; 11-10-2013, 03:37 PM.
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Helios System
            Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

            Main Observation Deck

            Commander Sullivan smiled and gestured to Cortana to not speak for John. "I want to hear it from him." He looked at John once more. "Now, your name. The name that makes you Human."
            Joe leaned sideways and whispered to Aion. "What's the Commander doing?"
            "At this point...I don't know."

            Training Area

            "Why, yes, yes it is. And you just need to sign in here. Currently a large group just got here before you..." The man confirmed as he handed Mara the notepad. "And I see you're here to watch again, Kiara?"
            "Ah, yes. I have some friends that are about to take the tests and I wanted to see..."
            "Of course, of course... And It seems your little mission was a success?"
            "Well, I think I didn't really have to do anything to get Aion to get here. He was ready and the entire guild rallied to him."
            "The entire Hunters' Guild of Duon? Well...that is quite the following..."
            "Yes, it is. For a Maverick Pilot, he commands respect among his peers."

            Nero's Study

            "Ha! Now that's a classic..." Nero looked over to some point in the room as he tried to gather his thoughts and as if he was trying to figure out another thought that he wanted to voice but didn't know how to put it. " are....I want no...ugh....brain...not functioning..." he put a hand to his forehead and sighed at his own failing.

            Venion System

            "Hmph, such manners when it is you who is trespassing in my domain. But I suppose it is all justifiable. What I seek is a few simple answers. First, how did you come across this picture?"

            Helios System
            Zephyr - Old Continent

            Hajime laid near the shores of a lake near the crash site of his ship. Sleeping on top of a rock nearby was a man wearing a red bandanna and jacket with blonde hair and glasses.
            Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-10-2013, 03:51 PM.


              Helios System
              Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur
              Training area

              Mara signed the registration and gave it back to the officer "Here you go and thank you" she said walking towards the simulators

              "There is indeed a lot to see and face on this ship alone, the galaxy is so big" the white haired went on with her thinkering
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Helios System
                Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                Cortana nodded at Commander Sullivan and took a step back to her original standing position, out of the way of the conversation. She then observed what Commander Sullivan was trying to do.

                John was getting irritated by being prodded for his name, so he finally said it. What Commander Sullivan didn't know was that all Spartan-IIs preferred to be called by their number. Even Dr. Halsey would annoy them when she insisted on calling them by their names instead of their designation numbers.

                "... John.", John said to Commander Sullivan in an emotionless tone, with the smallest amount if irritation in his voice.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Venion System

                  "Whether it is your domain or not does not matter to me. This ship is my domain. Secondly, about the useless photograph, I picked it up after fighting a god-like entity masquerading as a little girl. Pathetic and unjust, she was." The Reaper said. "Is that all?"

                  Helios System
                  Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                  "What's wrong, youkai got your tongue?" Mima said.

                  Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                  You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                    Helios System
                    Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                    Main Observation Deck

                    Commander Sullivan smiled. "That's what I wanted to hear." He then turned and paced in front of the group. "War is a machine. Cold, heartless, all consuming. We can fight all we want against it, but we cannot hurt it. We cannot cause the war pain. It's a machine. It knows no pain." He stopped and turned to face the group as a whole. "Ah...yes...but what if we broke the well oiled machine? What if we broke it, then replaced it with a living being? A being that can feel pain. Something that can feel loss." He walked up to John. "We have men that are soldiers, those that help maintain the perfect function of the machine of war as they only follow orders, only do what the machine of war tells them." He walked to the railing of the deck that overlooks the central training area. "What we need are soldiers that are men."


                    Training Area

                    The room was a large firing range with a form of pods along the walls in smaller hub-like systems with a central terminal. in each hub.
                    Kiara looked up at the observation deck and noticed Commander Sullivan looking down at them and the rest of the group of Hunters, John, and Cortana. "Hey, look! They're up in the main observation deck with Commander Sullivan."

                    Nero's study

                    Nero smiled at Mima's comment slowly regaining his composure. "I guess you could say that. I was...wondering if you'd..." He looked over to a window that was open to the main corridor that connected all the turrets of the ship. There were a few of the gunners spying on him and Mima. He immediately changed what he was about to ask. "...if you'd like to meet my team here. They're a crazy bunch and...honestly I would completely understand if ya decide not to."

                    Venion System

                    "So you met the embodiment of the galaxy itself? So she finally revealed herself...interesting." He looked at Reaper with a wry smile. "You really should not dismiss things so easily and take them lightly. There are things and people in this Galaxy that...can erase you from existence." He smiled and bowed slightly. "Heed the Passages of Fate. Take nothing for granted. Farewell." And with a snap of his fingers, he vanished in a shattered rift similar to that Anankerisa used.


                      Helios System
                      Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                      Main Observation Deck

                      John had quickly calmed down after giving his name. It was nothing to truly be angry over, just annoying. Once Commander Sullivan finished speaking, John spoke.

                      "You say that as if we have no morals or mental capacity. I may be a Spartan, but I know when to break protocol.", John said to Commander Sullivan in a calm tone.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Helios System
                        Delta Division Flagship | Excalibu

                        Training area

                        "Well, letīs see how they are doing, shall we?" Mara asked to Kiara while looking at the surveilance room where the spartan and the AI

                        Actually, Mara was excited for the training session to see how well she was fitted for both her physical and emotional states
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Venion System

                          The Reaper let out a sigh. "If it doesn't have to do with my job..."

                          The Reaper set coordinates for the Helios System. "It doesn't matter to justice."

                          The Reaper's ship then sped off, away from the Venion System.

                          Helios System
                          Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                          "You have a team? Of what, exactly?" Mima asked.

                          Nova continued to work, and eventually, she finished, and began checking all the systems of her ship.

                          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                            Sol Inceneron
                            Inopia - Temple of the Lost

                            Nhiome turned around just as Dalia disappeared through the hole. After a brief glance in the Demonarc's direction, he instinctively jumped in after her.

                            As he fell, a thought flashed through his head, Well, at least a death by falling would be less painful than death by that creature.
                            How many times can you die a day~?
                            How many times have you died a day~?


                              Helios System
                              Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                              Hangar Bay D

                              X stopped as the two Drone Pilots paused. He could not hear what they said clearly from the distance he was at. However despite what they thought X continued to follow them. He was bent on seeing the Training Area, and what was going on in there. The only way he would stop is if he was forced to.

                              Outside the Delta Division Fleet

                              "Understood. I'll be docking soon." She said as she shut the communication channel off so she could easily pilot her ship toward Hangar Bay M-259. As she drew closer to the Hangar Bay she prepared to dock.


                                Zephyr-Old Continents-Hajime's Crash Site

                                It had been a good few hours since Hajime's ship had crashed in a forest on one of the Old Continents on Zephyr.

                                The water of the lake had crashed against the shore. Occasionally splashing Hajime. Finally after a good hour though he had finally woken up. "Ugh..." He said as he woke up. The cold waves of the lake continued to crash against the shore. The sound of the waves crashing against the shoreline had caused Hajime to turn around and evaluate his surroundings. "... W-Where am I?..." He muttered as he slowly stood up. His condition wasn't too good. His left leg was still wounded from the gunshot he had received while he tried to escape the planet, the crash didn't help much at all. Thankfully he had landed in the lake, and was eventually brought to shore by the current. After evaluating his surroundings, and his condition he sighed. "Is this... the old continents that I heard about?" He said to no one in particular as he looked at the dense vegetation around him. As he looked up in the sky the New Continent Alphos could be seen looming in the distance West of his current location.

                                "This must be the Old Continents... judging by my location I must be miles away from Alphos... at least I have that to keep my spirits up... the farther away I am from those New Continents the better..." Hajime said as he began to limp away from the lake. In hopes that he could find the ship he was using. As he did so he noticed a young man sleeping on top of a rock.
                                "What's someone doing all the way out here? Either way perhaps he could help me find my ship..." He thought as he began calling out to the man sleeping on top of the large rock.

