I am in process of constructing four apps that will be considered as sort of "resistance" force against Project Candice.
And with that, my quota for the characters are filled.
Name: Corona
Age: 15
Race: Human
Height: 147 cm (4 foot 10)
Weight: 40 kg (88 lb)
Gender: Female

"Hey, Adeku?"
"What is it, Corona?"
"Will you always be next to me, no matter what happens?"
A young boy, presumably in his early teens, looked flustered when he heard the question from a beautiful girl around the same age sitting in front of him. It was sunset, and the gentle breeze of the ocean wind blew through the girl's hair. Her hair was blazing red like the sun itself, her face radiant like the name she was given. The boy regained his posture and smiled at the girl,
"Of course. I will never leave you."
Corona was the talk of the school. With a perfect combination of beautiful, cute, and sexy, the girl was the dream of most, if not all, male students of the school, receiving respect and jealous glances from the other girls. Every day she would be pelted with love letters, gifts, and request for date from the boy students, but Corona's heart was elsewhere.
The middle school next to Corona's school attended Adeku, Corona's childhood friend whom she knew ever since kindergarten. It would've been an understatement to say that those two went everywhere together. They were inseparable, through good or bad. When Corona, somewhat lacking in intellect in studies other than chemistry, would have trouble studying for a test, Adeku who was a model student would privately help her study in their spare times. Every day after school they would walk together, going to different places to hang out, including but not limited to the local park, the nearby harbor, and even each other's home. They had next to no concern for each other's privacy, so events that would be extremely awkward or embarrassing for strangers or even distant friends would be jokingly considered as an everyday event. Eventually, the relationship between the two would elevate from friendship to love.
Corona one day decided, Adeku is the perfect man for her, and scrapped whatever pocket money she had to prepare a proposal to her boyfriend. She was only able to afford a cake, a rose, and a toy ring, but she hoped that the thought would count and went to Adeku's house at night to find out...
That Adeku was missing.
"Miss Kumazaki, is Adeku there?"
"Oh... Corona? I thought Adeku was with you." An amiable-looking woman in her late 40s greeted Corona.
"Huh? What did he tell you?" Corona asked dubiously.
"He left the house around an hour ago saying he was going to his friend's house. I automatically deduced that he would be spending the night at your house." Adeku's mother replied. Corona knew by then that something was up...
After filing a missing person's report at the nearby police station, Corona began thinking of where Adeku could've went off to. The question was solved rather quickly, however, when Corona received a picture text message from Adeku... or rather, someone who took Adeku's cellphone. The picture was of Adeku, bloodied and tied up by his wrists, with a paper displaying a well-drawn symbol of the Japanese Yakuza. After confiscating Adeku's phone, they must've thought a phone number with label "Most precious" was his mother, and sent it to Corona instead, thinking that the recipient would not know their location. Unlucky for the Yakuza, however, Corona has been to the location of the Yakuza agents' hideout with Adeku many times. In normal situations, Corona would report this to the police, but when she saw that Adeku's life was in danger, she took off running to the location...
Okazaki harbor warehouse, number 3.
When Corona arrived to the warehouse, there were Yakuza guards already waiting for her. They didn't want to spill an innocent blood that would spoil their reputation, so they instead honored Corona's request to see Adeku and escorted her inside. It was their mistake, however, to show Corona the bloodied remains of Adeku... because something snapped in Corona as soon as she comprehended what she saw with her eyes. Her hair, already blazing red, became a literal fire. Within seconds, the warehouse was incinerated into pile of ashes, the Yakuza agents that captured Adeku disintegrated along with the warehouse.
After recovering from the rampage, Corona opened her eyes to find that she was surrounded by burning remnant of the building and that her hair has changed its color, from blazing red to ashy white. There were no signs of life around except for herself and Adeku, who was surprisingly untouched. Kneeling next to her boyfriend, Corona tearfully proclaimed...
"I meant to tell you this before but..."
"I love you."
After the funeral of Adeku, Corona was approached by a strange lady wearing a formal black dress with even darker corset. The woman too had silver hair, but her silver was glossy and refined in contrast to Corona's ashy white hair, but what really scared Corona was the woman's eyes. The eyes were so pure and blue it may as well be made of ice. The woman, other than the otherworldly looks, was very respectable in her demeanor.
"Excuse me... you're Miss Corona, aren't you?" The woman asked in English. Corona understood and spoke English fluently, as English was now widely used and adopted as a second language in Japan.
"Yes... yes I am." Corona answered.
"I am deeply sorry for your loss, Miss Corona." The woman gave her condolences. "I heard from the deceased's family that you were the closest person other than family that the deceased had. I'm sure the impact must be very hard to bear."
Corona couldn't say anything in reminiscence of Adeku.
"My name is Mariette." The woman introduced herself as Mariette. "I have a speculation why the deceased may have been targeted by the Yakuza."
This piqued Corona's interest.
"Can you tell me?" Corona asked. Mariette looked around and, seeing that there were still a lot of grievers, silently took Corona to the nearby coffee shop. After ordering for two caffe macchiato, Mariette began...
"In United States, there was a governmental project that created superhumans to be used in wartime combat. I am one of the first superhumans ever created, born from an unknown woman's egg cell. However, the project was unsuccessful, and the test subjects were determined rogue status by the government. Now, they have a different project... one that's specifically designed to hunt down and eradicate not only the failed superhumans, but dormant psychics and half-breeds as well."
"The Japanese mafia has been advocating for the purity of humanity, and also has been persecuting psychics and half-breeds as well, and the new project from the United States government, Project Candice, is well-received by them. I have reasons to believe that the deceased's family, or the deceased himself, would have had connection to one of the superhumans.
"I'm pretty sure you remember what you did in that warehouse. Sooner or later, you will be attacked by automated robots with advanced American weapons. You're putting yourself, your family, and everyone around you in danger."
"I am forming an organization with a vision that will destroy Project Candice and create a more equal ground for humans and superhumans alike. I need comrades to help me achieve this goal. As a fledgling psychic, will you help me fulfill my vision?"
After leaving her parent's home, Corona met the other psychics in Mariette's home in Yokohama. At first, Corona couldn't trust anyone with such dynamic change in environment, but when she first encountered the mindless SEDs she realized that her life as a normal human is now over. It is time for her to hone her skills as a pyrokinetic and avenge Adeku.
Corona is bubbly, happy, and energetic, almost like a flame burning brightly. It will take a lot to bring Corona down, but, just like an extinguished fire, it will take a lot to bring her back up as well. She isn't the smartest girl around, and can be air-headed sometimes, but when it comes to chemistry, Corona is the ace.
Pyrokinesis - Pyrosynthesis
Corona has discovered a knack in pyrokinesis, specifically pyrosynthesis, or creation of fire. An overwhelming amount of fire can be created by combustion of her hair. While Corona can create a lot of fire at once, her pyrokinesis is still amateur.
- Corona is knowledgeable in basic chemistry.
- Corona took Karate in elementary school and therefore knows her hand-to-hand combat. She is nowhere near the master-level though.
Name: Aya-Rania Halberg
Age: 29
Race: Human
Height: 181 cm (5 foot 11.25 inches)
Weight: 72 kg (158.7 lb)
Gender: Female

Born from a Japanese mother and a Swedish father, Aya-Rania Halburg, or as she prefers to be called Ari, is... was, a news reporter on NHK and an extremely famous blogger. Her exotic looks, perfect figure, and a hidden comedic side attracted a lot of fans to her, although no one knows why she suddenly stopped continuing the path of limelight...
Ari loved computer, and was never away from it. She went on internet for hours on end during weekends, and so her father, a computer programmer, restricted Ari's computer usage when Ari became 14. He knew the dangers the overusage of internet had on a child as young as Ari, but he also knew that in this damn age there is absolutely no way someone can live without a computer. So Ari's father moved Ari's computer to the living room where either him or his wife, Ari's mother, could supervise Ari's usage.
Ari quickly began exhibiting withdrawal symptoms. She grew sullen or got angry at her parents easily because of either not watching enough cat videos or not being able to follow up on what her friends were talking about all the time. Stuck in her room all day without nothing but studying to do bored Ari so much that she wished only for one thing:
I wish I could use computer anywhere, everywhere, without being physically burdened.
And then she was awakened.
A flash of light pierced through her room, more specifically her own body. When Ari awoke, she felt something inside her. It was warm, but not like those natural heat warmth, but warmth caused by heating of a machine... like a computer that has been operating for awhile. Ari instinctively reached out, and suddenly a holographic screen of her computer's desktop appeared. Shocked, Ari tried something else. She tapped lightly on the internet browser icon and voila, the internet browser was open, faster than any other computer can react to, ready for its user to access.
Ari first gaped in confusion, then, after slowly realizing what had happened to her, smiled menacingly, chuckled, and laughed. She had heard of people with psychic powers, but her, of all people, to get this magnificent ability to channel her computer in front of her? This is amazing. Absolutely amazing!
Ari utilized her ability to fulfill her dream of gaining internet fame to the next level. Using her ability to the fullest of extent she could possibly reach, Ari was able to launch her own small blog and Youtube channel into something greater. She gained her share of spotlight really quickly, partly because she was growing up into a ravishing beauty and partly because she was this really funny teenage girl who had this awesome power. It wasn't long until she became a viral force on various social media sites on the internet, to the point that anyone who has delved even a tiny bit into internet knew about her.
Eventually Ari realized that the life of luxury on the internet wasn't enough. She had to step it up and get a real job, and as much of a revenue Youtube gave her, it wasn't a stable enough job for her taste. She wanted stability, not adventure. Ari hated studying conventional subjects like math and science, but journalism fascinated her, to the point that Ari went through an ordeal to become a news caster and a talent. Her fame over in Youtube carried over to the showbiz, turning her from an Internet star to a mixed media superstar in just a few years.
Her life of fame couldn't last forever, of course. With Ari's psychic ability well-known all over the globe, she became the number one target of Project Candice, and had to go through several attempts of assassination. Every time, Ari was able to slip away thanks to her bodyguards and her sheer luck, but Ari was growing anxious how the repeated attempts would eventually lead to the death of someone around her... her bodyguards, while still alive, were injured several times because of these crazy robots, and their quantity and quality seemed to increase every attempt. Ari knew that she had to sacrifice something for her supporters, her fans... so she decided to take a break from all the limelight, deleted her channel and blog, and went into an on-the-run living style.
And so she went on for 2 years, evading public eye and the Project Candice altogether while trying to survive, until she met a rather perplexing young lady... younger than her, but somehow her demeanor made her look so elegant and mature...
"You're... Aya-Rania Halberg... aren't you?" The lady asked. She was wearing a maroon dress with long hemline as if she was in a fancy dinner party.
"Huh? N... no, I don't know anybody by that name..." Ari lied, afraid at first that this lady was someone who was sent to assassinate her as well. She was a wreck, like a diamond in a rough. Behind the dirty cape and the musty casual attire was a radiant beauty, but no one was able to recognize her... until now.
"Do not worry, I am not with Project Candice." The lady reassured.
"Project Can- I don't know what that is." Ari continued trying to deceive the woman, but she slowly realized that this lady knew a lot more than what Ari thought she knew.
"Perhaps this is not the place to talk. Shall we go to a more private area?" The lady suggested. Ari wondered if this was a trap at first, but realized she wouldn't have anything to lose- she was sick of this life on the run, and decided to follow the lady to the nearest coffee shop where, surprisingly, the lady that she followed bought caramel macchiato for the two of them.
"My name is Mariette." The lady introduced herself as Mariette. "I'm sure you must be confused right now, but let me explain everything to you."
"Those robots that have been trying to find you and kill you... they're American. More specifically, they're affiliated with what's known as Project Candice. This Project is dedicated to creating robotic units to quell the world of superhumans and psychics, returning the world of "pure human" state."
"So the reason they're trying to get me is because of my ability?" Ari asked.
"Correct. You have an unique gift, and that particular gift gave you fame. The purity extremists believe that to be a huge threat to humanity, and therefore you were most likely targeted as number one target for Project Candice."
"Well can I do anything about it? I'm tired of being on the run." Ari complained, to which Mariette smiled.
"I have a vision that will turn this world fair for both humans and superhumans to live in, that includes the psychics and the half-breeds. And that plan involves destroying the world of such evil that is Project Candice. However, I am alone and I need help. Someone like you... who has the power to turn the world into our cause... will be a great help."
"Can you join me in my cause, Miss Aya-Rania...?"
Aya-Rania, or Ari, is sometimes a bit over her head. Coming from the life of fame, she still depends on attention, and likes to steal the show. She likes to lift the mood for everyone around her and make people laugh, even if that means making herself look ridiculous in return. She isn't book-smart, but she knows a lot of random stuff thanks to her frequent toiling on the internet.
Lumikinesis - Holographic Images
Aya-Rania can create holographic images by being able to physically shift the electron particles in the air, forming interweaving patterns of lasers that form into things that she want. She is extremely restricted, only able to form things like computer screens, or things of that nature, but she has one condition.
That is cats.
For some reason Ari is able to create up to 5 holographic cats that serve as her companion with little-to-no effort. These cats are sentient, roaming around and doing cat things until Ari decides to dismiss them, in which they disappear into specks of light, keeping their memories intact. They have absolutely no function in battles though.
- Ari is really skilled in socializing, creating firm arguments, and other internet skills. She can convey emotions in her blogs to sway many of her fans into doing something or stopping from doing something. This makes her a powerful tool of persuasion.
- More of a lack of skill, Ari has no experience in hand-to-hand combat or any combat in general, but she is agile, possibly because of her really long legs.
- Again more of a harm than a boon, Ari likes to eat. And yet she never gets fat. It's as if all those calories go to her breasts instead.
I... I guess this... even though this is technically forecast and Ari is a news caster + star performer...
Name: Gigante
Age: 40
Race: Human
Height: 195 cm (6 foot 4.77 inches)
Weight: 90 kg (198.4 lb)
Gender: Male

"You were born to be a protector, muy nieto. You must use your power to guard, not harm..."
"My abuelo told me that." A giant of a man with dark skin and long, moppy black hair said, sitting in front of a table facing a rather stern government official. His red eyes gazed at the official's blue eyes as he tapped his foot rhythmically. After a bit of silence, he continued: "He was the only honest man I've known in my 40 year life."
"I was a big boy, bigger than anyone in my age and even bigger than someone several years older than me. And with larger size came strength. I was a bully, I took down anyone who opposed me. But that gave me troubles. My parents were busy and could not control me nor none of my 7 brothers and sisters. So they sent me, the biggest troublemaker, to my abuelo who raised maize alone. Working on the fields taught me a lot of things: but mainly that I must use my power for good and not evil."
"Is that why you were wreaking havoc in the shops and breaking the peace?" The official asked, his eyes glancing arrogantly at the giant man. The giant man did not flinch, he merely chuckled.
"Peace?" The man laughed. "No... you have no idea what goes on outside of your little office. There are people starving out there, mister. No man or woman or children should ever suffer through what they are suffering through. They need a savior... a warrior... a protector. They need a giant to shelter them, and I intend to do just that."
"You do understand that you have still caused damage to properties not owned by you." The official pointed out. "Either you will have to serve your time in jail, or you must pay your fine within the next 30 days."
The man was silent for a minute, and eventually sighed. "Alright, I'll come back with the fine."
After the interrogation, the giant man left the police station to go back to the streets he call home when he was approached by a woman... the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, wearing a dress blacker than night that contrasted her porcelain-pale skin and silvery white hair. Her blue eyes weren't clouded like that interrogator... her gaze seemed to pierce through the giant man, reading his thoughts and minds like a book.
"Mr. Gigante?" The woman asked. The giant man, Gigante, stood there, motionless, for a few seconds before he could speak.
"How do you know my name?" Gigante asked back. The woman smiled, more radiant than the sun. "Who are you?"
"Perhaps this isn't the best place to talk." The woman commented, looking around. "Why don't we go somewhere a bit quieter?"
Gigante first thought this to be a trap, but somehow he was entranced to chase this woman. What could he possibly lose, he thought, as he followed her to wherever she'd take him.
"I don't drink coffee." Gigante commented as the woman brought two cups of murky brown drink. The destination the woman took Gigante was a fancy coffee shop: the kind that Gigante in his financial state would never be able to afford regularly. There weren't a lot of customers, and the two were sitting at a remote table, so the environment was very quiet, save for the gentle classical music playing in the background.
"Maybe you should. It helps with exhaustion and clears one's minds to think better." The woman commented as she took a sip. Looking down at his own cup, Gigante wondered how anyone could drink such a dirty looking beverage, and took a sip. Instantly, bitterness coursed through his tongue.
"I'll pass. Too bitter." Gigante kindly denied himself the drink as he placed the cup down.
"If you'd like, adding sugar, cream, or milk helps neuter the bitterness of a pure coffee. Although that tends to add up in calories." The woman suggested. This whole thing is pointless, Gigante thought, and he grew impatient.
"Did you drag me all the way here just to drink coffee?" Gigante growled impatiently. The woman smiled, half generous and half apologetic.
"My apologies. I do get distracted sometimes." The woman said, about to reveal some hard truth to Gigante.
"My name is Mariette. Although my name to you right now doesn't mean a lot of things. I know a lot of things that you don't know, and for someone with a psychic power like you, I could be a lot of help for you."
"Psychic? The hell does that mean?" Gigante asked in confusion.
"About 3 hours ago, while wandering aimlessly in the town's shadiest sides, you witnessed adolescent girls being sold like slaves. Enraged at the sight, driven by your desire to protect the poor, your arm grew to some sort of a kite shield, and you saved the girls from being driven to their despair. The police came, but all they saw was you and a warehouse in wreck. They arrested you for property damage."
"Wait... how did you know my arm-" Gigante stuttered. "Who are-"
"Your arm's transformation... it is the manifestation of your innate psychic power, awakened by some sort of stimulus: in this case having an overwhelming desire to protect those young girls with bright future. But those psychic powers come with a price... in this case you'll be haunted by robotic beings of a secret government project called Project Candice. In fact, several LEOPARD SEDs should be storming into the coffee shop right about..."
As Mariette finished her sentence with a word "now", three robots with technologies not seen by Gigante bust through the shop through the window. Customers and employees alike screamed in terror as they hid under the table or at the back of the kitchen, while the robots were instead focused on Gigante and Mariette.
"Que Cono-" Gigante gasped, instinctively beginning his arm transformation but stopped by Mariette who rose from her seat, gazed at the three robots, and-
The three robots fell into pieces, their appendages dismembered. Sparks sprayed into the sky as what was left of the robots were unpowered, left beyond repair. Mariette didn't move a finger.
"I trust that will suffice?"
"Dios mio..." Gigante swore. For the first time in his life, he was scared of a woman.
"Project Candice produces endless amounts of these robots to hunt down and eradicate psychic and superhumans in the name of purity in humanity. That includes you. I have a vision that will bring equality between humans and the superhumans, but I need help from newly emerging psychics like you. Tell me, can you help bring my vision into reality?"
Exposed to hardship at early age, Gigante has turned into an adamant, pessimistic man. He hates those that habitually trick others to gain personal profit, and tells the harsh truth rather than the sweet lie.
Viral Cell Growth/Transformation
When willed, Gigante's arms can turn into an indominable shield that can protect himself and his allies, or bash the skulls of enemies if need be. This is done by the psychic power stimulating the skin cells on Gigante's arms to rapidly undergo mitosis. Mathematically, in that short time, Gigante's arm undergoes through mitosis 6,000 times faster than normal. As time progresses, the shield-like arm becomes hardened, until the texture becomes treebark-like and the hardness becomes comparable to a 10-cm thick reinforced steel. The arms certainly become bulletproof, and sometimes can even block explosives of moderate power. They do not have nervous system coursing through the new cells, so Gigante feels no pain while blocking things.
- Living in the streets gave Gigante his unique fighting style, although it is very unrefined, like street fighting. It relies more on brute strength than speed and form.
- Gigante has knowledge on several basic activities, some very surprising. A few of them include: cooking, fixing appliances, Chinese, bus driving, and tennis.
- Gigante wasn't exposed to education, so he's not very smart. He is, however, street-smart, and can tell if someone's lying or not a lot better than most people.
Name: Mariette
Age: ???
Race: Human?
Height: 171 cm (5 foot 7.32 inches)
Weight: 55 kg (121.25 lb)
Gender: Female

No one knows who she is. No hospitals have noted her birth, no school realized her enrollment or graduation, and no government has the records of anything on her. This mysterious woman one day appeared with a grim news to all psychics and superhumans: American government has started a worldwide project to eradicate every inhumane humans from the face of the earth. She claims that she has a vision that could bring harmony between humanity and the superhumans, and asks for help from other psychics around the world. Most turn down her offer, often ridiculing her for trying to "bring down" the level of psychics to that of a lowly, common humans. Those that ridiculed or turned her offer down were later killed by mysterious robots within a week.
Mariette is elegant in everything she does: even slipping on a banana peel and falling on the ground face-first would look gorgeous and regal if Mariette did it. This in turn causes pressure to others around he, and thus she looks very hard-to-approach. In reality, however, Mariette is compassionate and fair, not hesitating to sacrifice her regality to appease others.
Force of Will
Mariette can cause things to happen simply by willing it to be. The thing Mariette want to happen must be very specific, or nothing will happen. The more impact the thing Mariette wants to happen has in the world, the more strain it causes on her mind. For example, willing an enemy in front of her to stop hurting her is easy, but willing an entire mountain in front of her to collapse and dissolve into dust would be impossible as it would literally melt her brain. Either way, this is one of the strongest psychic ability and is not to be treated with lightly.
- Mariette has absolutely no CQC talent. She doesn't need to, however, as her ability is not restricted by range.
- Other than combat, Mariette has handful of miscellaneous skills. She is the best cook between the four resistance members, and she has a knack in interior design.
And with that, my quota for the characters are filled.
Spoiler: White Diablo Cats (There's a reason behind this name, and it's funny. Trust me on this one :^) )
Name: Corona
Age: 15
Race: Human
Height: 147 cm (4 foot 10)
Weight: 40 kg (88 lb)
Gender: Female

"Hey, Adeku?"
"What is it, Corona?"
"Will you always be next to me, no matter what happens?"
A young boy, presumably in his early teens, looked flustered when he heard the question from a beautiful girl around the same age sitting in front of him. It was sunset, and the gentle breeze of the ocean wind blew through the girl's hair. Her hair was blazing red like the sun itself, her face radiant like the name she was given. The boy regained his posture and smiled at the girl,
"Of course. I will never leave you."
Corona was the talk of the school. With a perfect combination of beautiful, cute, and sexy, the girl was the dream of most, if not all, male students of the school, receiving respect and jealous glances from the other girls. Every day she would be pelted with love letters, gifts, and request for date from the boy students, but Corona's heart was elsewhere.
The middle school next to Corona's school attended Adeku, Corona's childhood friend whom she knew ever since kindergarten. It would've been an understatement to say that those two went everywhere together. They were inseparable, through good or bad. When Corona, somewhat lacking in intellect in studies other than chemistry, would have trouble studying for a test, Adeku who was a model student would privately help her study in their spare times. Every day after school they would walk together, going to different places to hang out, including but not limited to the local park, the nearby harbor, and even each other's home. They had next to no concern for each other's privacy, so events that would be extremely awkward or embarrassing for strangers or even distant friends would be jokingly considered as an everyday event. Eventually, the relationship between the two would elevate from friendship to love.
Corona one day decided, Adeku is the perfect man for her, and scrapped whatever pocket money she had to prepare a proposal to her boyfriend. She was only able to afford a cake, a rose, and a toy ring, but she hoped that the thought would count and went to Adeku's house at night to find out...
That Adeku was missing.
"Miss Kumazaki, is Adeku there?"
"Oh... Corona? I thought Adeku was with you." An amiable-looking woman in her late 40s greeted Corona.
"Huh? What did he tell you?" Corona asked dubiously.
"He left the house around an hour ago saying he was going to his friend's house. I automatically deduced that he would be spending the night at your house." Adeku's mother replied. Corona knew by then that something was up...
After filing a missing person's report at the nearby police station, Corona began thinking of where Adeku could've went off to. The question was solved rather quickly, however, when Corona received a picture text message from Adeku... or rather, someone who took Adeku's cellphone. The picture was of Adeku, bloodied and tied up by his wrists, with a paper displaying a well-drawn symbol of the Japanese Yakuza. After confiscating Adeku's phone, they must've thought a phone number with label "Most precious" was his mother, and sent it to Corona instead, thinking that the recipient would not know their location. Unlucky for the Yakuza, however, Corona has been to the location of the Yakuza agents' hideout with Adeku many times. In normal situations, Corona would report this to the police, but when she saw that Adeku's life was in danger, she took off running to the location...
Okazaki harbor warehouse, number 3.
When Corona arrived to the warehouse, there were Yakuza guards already waiting for her. They didn't want to spill an innocent blood that would spoil their reputation, so they instead honored Corona's request to see Adeku and escorted her inside. It was their mistake, however, to show Corona the bloodied remains of Adeku... because something snapped in Corona as soon as she comprehended what she saw with her eyes. Her hair, already blazing red, became a literal fire. Within seconds, the warehouse was incinerated into pile of ashes, the Yakuza agents that captured Adeku disintegrated along with the warehouse.
After recovering from the rampage, Corona opened her eyes to find that she was surrounded by burning remnant of the building and that her hair has changed its color, from blazing red to ashy white. There were no signs of life around except for herself and Adeku, who was surprisingly untouched. Kneeling next to her boyfriend, Corona tearfully proclaimed...
"I meant to tell you this before but..."
"I love you."
After the funeral of Adeku, Corona was approached by a strange lady wearing a formal black dress with even darker corset. The woman too had silver hair, but her silver was glossy and refined in contrast to Corona's ashy white hair, but what really scared Corona was the woman's eyes. The eyes were so pure and blue it may as well be made of ice. The woman, other than the otherworldly looks, was very respectable in her demeanor.
"Excuse me... you're Miss Corona, aren't you?" The woman asked in English. Corona understood and spoke English fluently, as English was now widely used and adopted as a second language in Japan.
"Yes... yes I am." Corona answered.
"I am deeply sorry for your loss, Miss Corona." The woman gave her condolences. "I heard from the deceased's family that you were the closest person other than family that the deceased had. I'm sure the impact must be very hard to bear."
Corona couldn't say anything in reminiscence of Adeku.
"My name is Mariette." The woman introduced herself as Mariette. "I have a speculation why the deceased may have been targeted by the Yakuza."
This piqued Corona's interest.
"Can you tell me?" Corona asked. Mariette looked around and, seeing that there were still a lot of grievers, silently took Corona to the nearby coffee shop. After ordering for two caffe macchiato, Mariette began...
"In United States, there was a governmental project that created superhumans to be used in wartime combat. I am one of the first superhumans ever created, born from an unknown woman's egg cell. However, the project was unsuccessful, and the test subjects were determined rogue status by the government. Now, they have a different project... one that's specifically designed to hunt down and eradicate not only the failed superhumans, but dormant psychics and half-breeds as well."
"The Japanese mafia has been advocating for the purity of humanity, and also has been persecuting psychics and half-breeds as well, and the new project from the United States government, Project Candice, is well-received by them. I have reasons to believe that the deceased's family, or the deceased himself, would have had connection to one of the superhumans.
"I'm pretty sure you remember what you did in that warehouse. Sooner or later, you will be attacked by automated robots with advanced American weapons. You're putting yourself, your family, and everyone around you in danger."
"I am forming an organization with a vision that will destroy Project Candice and create a more equal ground for humans and superhumans alike. I need comrades to help me achieve this goal. As a fledgling psychic, will you help me fulfill my vision?"
After leaving her parent's home, Corona met the other psychics in Mariette's home in Yokohama. At first, Corona couldn't trust anyone with such dynamic change in environment, but when she first encountered the mindless SEDs she realized that her life as a normal human is now over. It is time for her to hone her skills as a pyrokinetic and avenge Adeku.
Corona is bubbly, happy, and energetic, almost like a flame burning brightly. It will take a lot to bring Corona down, but, just like an extinguished fire, it will take a lot to bring her back up as well. She isn't the smartest girl around, and can be air-headed sometimes, but when it comes to chemistry, Corona is the ace.
Pyrokinesis - Pyrosynthesis
Corona has discovered a knack in pyrokinesis, specifically pyrosynthesis, or creation of fire. An overwhelming amount of fire can be created by combustion of her hair. While Corona can create a lot of fire at once, her pyrokinesis is still amateur.
- Corona is knowledgeable in basic chemistry.
- Corona took Karate in elementary school and therefore knows her hand-to-hand combat. She is nowhere near the master-level though.
Name: Aya-Rania Halberg
Age: 29
Race: Human
Height: 181 cm (5 foot 11.25 inches)
Weight: 72 kg (158.7 lb)
Gender: Female

Born from a Japanese mother and a Swedish father, Aya-Rania Halburg, or as she prefers to be called Ari, is... was, a news reporter on NHK and an extremely famous blogger. Her exotic looks, perfect figure, and a hidden comedic side attracted a lot of fans to her, although no one knows why she suddenly stopped continuing the path of limelight...
Ari loved computer, and was never away from it. She went on internet for hours on end during weekends, and so her father, a computer programmer, restricted Ari's computer usage when Ari became 14. He knew the dangers the overusage of internet had on a child as young as Ari, but he also knew that in this damn age there is absolutely no way someone can live without a computer. So Ari's father moved Ari's computer to the living room where either him or his wife, Ari's mother, could supervise Ari's usage.
Ari quickly began exhibiting withdrawal symptoms. She grew sullen or got angry at her parents easily because of either not watching enough cat videos or not being able to follow up on what her friends were talking about all the time. Stuck in her room all day without nothing but studying to do bored Ari so much that she wished only for one thing:
I wish I could use computer anywhere, everywhere, without being physically burdened.
And then she was awakened.
A flash of light pierced through her room, more specifically her own body. When Ari awoke, she felt something inside her. It was warm, but not like those natural heat warmth, but warmth caused by heating of a machine... like a computer that has been operating for awhile. Ari instinctively reached out, and suddenly a holographic screen of her computer's desktop appeared. Shocked, Ari tried something else. She tapped lightly on the internet browser icon and voila, the internet browser was open, faster than any other computer can react to, ready for its user to access.
Ari first gaped in confusion, then, after slowly realizing what had happened to her, smiled menacingly, chuckled, and laughed. She had heard of people with psychic powers, but her, of all people, to get this magnificent ability to channel her computer in front of her? This is amazing. Absolutely amazing!
Ari utilized her ability to fulfill her dream of gaining internet fame to the next level. Using her ability to the fullest of extent she could possibly reach, Ari was able to launch her own small blog and Youtube channel into something greater. She gained her share of spotlight really quickly, partly because she was growing up into a ravishing beauty and partly because she was this really funny teenage girl who had this awesome power. It wasn't long until she became a viral force on various social media sites on the internet, to the point that anyone who has delved even a tiny bit into internet knew about her.
Eventually Ari realized that the life of luxury on the internet wasn't enough. She had to step it up and get a real job, and as much of a revenue Youtube gave her, it wasn't a stable enough job for her taste. She wanted stability, not adventure. Ari hated studying conventional subjects like math and science, but journalism fascinated her, to the point that Ari went through an ordeal to become a news caster and a talent. Her fame over in Youtube carried over to the showbiz, turning her from an Internet star to a mixed media superstar in just a few years.
Her life of fame couldn't last forever, of course. With Ari's psychic ability well-known all over the globe, she became the number one target of Project Candice, and had to go through several attempts of assassination. Every time, Ari was able to slip away thanks to her bodyguards and her sheer luck, but Ari was growing anxious how the repeated attempts would eventually lead to the death of someone around her... her bodyguards, while still alive, were injured several times because of these crazy robots, and their quantity and quality seemed to increase every attempt. Ari knew that she had to sacrifice something for her supporters, her fans... so she decided to take a break from all the limelight, deleted her channel and blog, and went into an on-the-run living style.
And so she went on for 2 years, evading public eye and the Project Candice altogether while trying to survive, until she met a rather perplexing young lady... younger than her, but somehow her demeanor made her look so elegant and mature...
"You're... Aya-Rania Halberg... aren't you?" The lady asked. She was wearing a maroon dress with long hemline as if she was in a fancy dinner party.
"Huh? N... no, I don't know anybody by that name..." Ari lied, afraid at first that this lady was someone who was sent to assassinate her as well. She was a wreck, like a diamond in a rough. Behind the dirty cape and the musty casual attire was a radiant beauty, but no one was able to recognize her... until now.
"Do not worry, I am not with Project Candice." The lady reassured.
"Project Can- I don't know what that is." Ari continued trying to deceive the woman, but she slowly realized that this lady knew a lot more than what Ari thought she knew.
"Perhaps this is not the place to talk. Shall we go to a more private area?" The lady suggested. Ari wondered if this was a trap at first, but realized she wouldn't have anything to lose- she was sick of this life on the run, and decided to follow the lady to the nearest coffee shop where, surprisingly, the lady that she followed bought caramel macchiato for the two of them.
"My name is Mariette." The lady introduced herself as Mariette. "I'm sure you must be confused right now, but let me explain everything to you."
"Those robots that have been trying to find you and kill you... they're American. More specifically, they're affiliated with what's known as Project Candice. This Project is dedicated to creating robotic units to quell the world of superhumans and psychics, returning the world of "pure human" state."
"So the reason they're trying to get me is because of my ability?" Ari asked.
"Correct. You have an unique gift, and that particular gift gave you fame. The purity extremists believe that to be a huge threat to humanity, and therefore you were most likely targeted as number one target for Project Candice."
"Well can I do anything about it? I'm tired of being on the run." Ari complained, to which Mariette smiled.
"I have a vision that will turn this world fair for both humans and superhumans to live in, that includes the psychics and the half-breeds. And that plan involves destroying the world of such evil that is Project Candice. However, I am alone and I need help. Someone like you... who has the power to turn the world into our cause... will be a great help."
"Can you join me in my cause, Miss Aya-Rania...?"
Aya-Rania, or Ari, is sometimes a bit over her head. Coming from the life of fame, she still depends on attention, and likes to steal the show. She likes to lift the mood for everyone around her and make people laugh, even if that means making herself look ridiculous in return. She isn't book-smart, but she knows a lot of random stuff thanks to her frequent toiling on the internet.
Lumikinesis - Holographic Images
Aya-Rania can create holographic images by being able to physically shift the electron particles in the air, forming interweaving patterns of lasers that form into things that she want. She is extremely restricted, only able to form things like computer screens, or things of that nature, but she has one condition.
That is cats.
For some reason Ari is able to create up to 5 holographic cats that serve as her companion with little-to-no effort. These cats are sentient, roaming around and doing cat things until Ari decides to dismiss them, in which they disappear into specks of light, keeping their memories intact. They have absolutely no function in battles though.
- Ari is really skilled in socializing, creating firm arguments, and other internet skills. She can convey emotions in her blogs to sway many of her fans into doing something or stopping from doing something. This makes her a powerful tool of persuasion.
- More of a lack of skill, Ari has no experience in hand-to-hand combat or any combat in general, but she is agile, possibly because of her really long legs.
- Again more of a harm than a boon, Ari likes to eat. And yet she never gets fat. It's as if all those calories go to her breasts instead.
I... I guess this... even though this is technically forecast and Ari is a news caster + star performer...
Name: Gigante
Age: 40
Race: Human
Height: 195 cm (6 foot 4.77 inches)
Weight: 90 kg (198.4 lb)
Gender: Male

"You were born to be a protector, muy nieto. You must use your power to guard, not harm..."
"My abuelo told me that." A giant of a man with dark skin and long, moppy black hair said, sitting in front of a table facing a rather stern government official. His red eyes gazed at the official's blue eyes as he tapped his foot rhythmically. After a bit of silence, he continued: "He was the only honest man I've known in my 40 year life."
"I was a big boy, bigger than anyone in my age and even bigger than someone several years older than me. And with larger size came strength. I was a bully, I took down anyone who opposed me. But that gave me troubles. My parents were busy and could not control me nor none of my 7 brothers and sisters. So they sent me, the biggest troublemaker, to my abuelo who raised maize alone. Working on the fields taught me a lot of things: but mainly that I must use my power for good and not evil."
"Is that why you were wreaking havoc in the shops and breaking the peace?" The official asked, his eyes glancing arrogantly at the giant man. The giant man did not flinch, he merely chuckled.
"Peace?" The man laughed. "No... you have no idea what goes on outside of your little office. There are people starving out there, mister. No man or woman or children should ever suffer through what they are suffering through. They need a savior... a warrior... a protector. They need a giant to shelter them, and I intend to do just that."
"You do understand that you have still caused damage to properties not owned by you." The official pointed out. "Either you will have to serve your time in jail, or you must pay your fine within the next 30 days."
The man was silent for a minute, and eventually sighed. "Alright, I'll come back with the fine."
After the interrogation, the giant man left the police station to go back to the streets he call home when he was approached by a woman... the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, wearing a dress blacker than night that contrasted her porcelain-pale skin and silvery white hair. Her blue eyes weren't clouded like that interrogator... her gaze seemed to pierce through the giant man, reading his thoughts and minds like a book.
"Mr. Gigante?" The woman asked. The giant man, Gigante, stood there, motionless, for a few seconds before he could speak.
"How do you know my name?" Gigante asked back. The woman smiled, more radiant than the sun. "Who are you?"
"Perhaps this isn't the best place to talk." The woman commented, looking around. "Why don't we go somewhere a bit quieter?"
Gigante first thought this to be a trap, but somehow he was entranced to chase this woman. What could he possibly lose, he thought, as he followed her to wherever she'd take him.
"I don't drink coffee." Gigante commented as the woman brought two cups of murky brown drink. The destination the woman took Gigante was a fancy coffee shop: the kind that Gigante in his financial state would never be able to afford regularly. There weren't a lot of customers, and the two were sitting at a remote table, so the environment was very quiet, save for the gentle classical music playing in the background.
"Maybe you should. It helps with exhaustion and clears one's minds to think better." The woman commented as she took a sip. Looking down at his own cup, Gigante wondered how anyone could drink such a dirty looking beverage, and took a sip. Instantly, bitterness coursed through his tongue.
"I'll pass. Too bitter." Gigante kindly denied himself the drink as he placed the cup down.
"If you'd like, adding sugar, cream, or milk helps neuter the bitterness of a pure coffee. Although that tends to add up in calories." The woman suggested. This whole thing is pointless, Gigante thought, and he grew impatient.
"Did you drag me all the way here just to drink coffee?" Gigante growled impatiently. The woman smiled, half generous and half apologetic.
"My apologies. I do get distracted sometimes." The woman said, about to reveal some hard truth to Gigante.
"My name is Mariette. Although my name to you right now doesn't mean a lot of things. I know a lot of things that you don't know, and for someone with a psychic power like you, I could be a lot of help for you."
"Psychic? The hell does that mean?" Gigante asked in confusion.
"About 3 hours ago, while wandering aimlessly in the town's shadiest sides, you witnessed adolescent girls being sold like slaves. Enraged at the sight, driven by your desire to protect the poor, your arm grew to some sort of a kite shield, and you saved the girls from being driven to their despair. The police came, but all they saw was you and a warehouse in wreck. They arrested you for property damage."
"Wait... how did you know my arm-" Gigante stuttered. "Who are-"
"Your arm's transformation... it is the manifestation of your innate psychic power, awakened by some sort of stimulus: in this case having an overwhelming desire to protect those young girls with bright future. But those psychic powers come with a price... in this case you'll be haunted by robotic beings of a secret government project called Project Candice. In fact, several LEOPARD SEDs should be storming into the coffee shop right about..."
As Mariette finished her sentence with a word "now", three robots with technologies not seen by Gigante bust through the shop through the window. Customers and employees alike screamed in terror as they hid under the table or at the back of the kitchen, while the robots were instead focused on Gigante and Mariette.
"Que Cono-" Gigante gasped, instinctively beginning his arm transformation but stopped by Mariette who rose from her seat, gazed at the three robots, and-
The three robots fell into pieces, their appendages dismembered. Sparks sprayed into the sky as what was left of the robots were unpowered, left beyond repair. Mariette didn't move a finger.
"I trust that will suffice?"
"Dios mio..." Gigante swore. For the first time in his life, he was scared of a woman.
"Project Candice produces endless amounts of these robots to hunt down and eradicate psychic and superhumans in the name of purity in humanity. That includes you. I have a vision that will bring equality between humans and the superhumans, but I need help from newly emerging psychics like you. Tell me, can you help bring my vision into reality?"
Exposed to hardship at early age, Gigante has turned into an adamant, pessimistic man. He hates those that habitually trick others to gain personal profit, and tells the harsh truth rather than the sweet lie.
Viral Cell Growth/Transformation
When willed, Gigante's arms can turn into an indominable shield that can protect himself and his allies, or bash the skulls of enemies if need be. This is done by the psychic power stimulating the skin cells on Gigante's arms to rapidly undergo mitosis. Mathematically, in that short time, Gigante's arm undergoes through mitosis 6,000 times faster than normal. As time progresses, the shield-like arm becomes hardened, until the texture becomes treebark-like and the hardness becomes comparable to a 10-cm thick reinforced steel. The arms certainly become bulletproof, and sometimes can even block explosives of moderate power. They do not have nervous system coursing through the new cells, so Gigante feels no pain while blocking things.
- Living in the streets gave Gigante his unique fighting style, although it is very unrefined, like street fighting. It relies more on brute strength than speed and form.
- Gigante has knowledge on several basic activities, some very surprising. A few of them include: cooking, fixing appliances, Chinese, bus driving, and tennis.
- Gigante wasn't exposed to education, so he's not very smart. He is, however, street-smart, and can tell if someone's lying or not a lot better than most people.
Name: Mariette
Age: ???
Race: Human?
Height: 171 cm (5 foot 7.32 inches)
Weight: 55 kg (121.25 lb)
Gender: Female

No one knows who she is. No hospitals have noted her birth, no school realized her enrollment or graduation, and no government has the records of anything on her. This mysterious woman one day appeared with a grim news to all psychics and superhumans: American government has started a worldwide project to eradicate every inhumane humans from the face of the earth. She claims that she has a vision that could bring harmony between humanity and the superhumans, and asks for help from other psychics around the world. Most turn down her offer, often ridiculing her for trying to "bring down" the level of psychics to that of a lowly, common humans. Those that ridiculed or turned her offer down were later killed by mysterious robots within a week.
Mariette is elegant in everything she does: even slipping on a banana peel and falling on the ground face-first would look gorgeous and regal if Mariette did it. This in turn causes pressure to others around he, and thus she looks very hard-to-approach. In reality, however, Mariette is compassionate and fair, not hesitating to sacrifice her regality to appease others.
Force of Will
Mariette can cause things to happen simply by willing it to be. The thing Mariette want to happen must be very specific, or nothing will happen. The more impact the thing Mariette wants to happen has in the world, the more strain it causes on her mind. For example, willing an enemy in front of her to stop hurting her is easy, but willing an entire mountain in front of her to collapse and dissolve into dust would be impossible as it would literally melt her brain. Either way, this is one of the strongest psychic ability and is not to be treated with lightly.
- Mariette has absolutely no CQC talent. She doesn't need to, however, as her ability is not restricted by range.
- Other than combat, Mariette has handful of miscellaneous skills. She is the best cook between the four resistance members, and she has a knack in interior design.