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Trinity Soul University: A Casual Magic RP (OOC)

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    I would have to think how it would work a little for myself and how it will interact with my characters.

    Oh and BTW about that Hourai Elixir. I have to say that TRXD is right, Eirin did use the Hourai Elixir.

    Taken from the Touhou wiki
    Netherworld Team's has Eirin visiting Hakugyokurou as Yuyuko serves Tea that turns out to be poisonous as Eirin recognizes the ingredient and notes with her expertise that poisoning attempts won't work on her. Yuyuko hints at not using all her power and wonders about giving the rest to Youmu. Yuyuko reveals that after seeing the true moon both her and Youmu's eyes have been hurting and that she attempted to poison Eirin as to get her services for them permanently. Eirin answers she can't fix that problem but she will attend to other problems in the future. They talk about the death and Netherworld, or precisely the oddity of a ghost worrying about her health. Youmu comes in talking about a holy living spirit and Eirin realizing she's gotten case of insanity. She offers some therapy before making a medicine as she goes on to say she can't work for them directly as she drank the "medicine made with the princess' ability" (better known as the Hourai Elixir), which Yuyuko calls her greatest enemy. Youmu wonders about who'd want to make enemies with Yuyuko. Yuyuko then tells Youmu not to drink the tea as Eirin remarks on different treatments. It goes on to state that Yuyuko considers the hourai elixir-immortals her enemies as the elixir prevents death which in turn prevents new ghosts from arriving in the Netherworld, making it less "lively".
    Born in the light.
    Molded in the dark

    Never Forget,
    Keep Fighting.
    –Don't Forget.
    Always, somewhere,
    someone is fighting for you.
    –As long as you remember her,
    you are not alone.


      Friction? Sort of. Techonolgy is that friction. Or magic is technology's friction. OR BOTH! Basically, the two oppose each other, and Andril WANTS to use that energy thats created when the two are opposing each other. All my fancy explaining and stuff up there? He has no freaking clue. He knows that Magic + Tech = Reaction, and thats it. Now then, off to the RP world for Andril's first post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      I gazed up at the sable-haired maiden with eyes so full of warmth it appeared she was crying silently. My trecherous mouth opened, "Why do you look so troubled, Princess?"

      Slowly, she moved her eyes from the moon to me. She studied my imperfections before her for what seemed to be a blissful eternity before gracing me with her voice, "I've slain this land's only prince. What use, now, is a princess?"

      As the maiden left my presence, so too did my heart.


        But then how did she get a cold!? Dod Gammit ZUN
        I gazed up at the sable-haired maiden with eyes so full of warmth it appeared she was crying silently. My trecherous mouth opened, "Why do you look so troubled, Princess?"

        Slowly, she moved her eyes from the moon to me. She studied my imperfections before her for what seemed to be a blissful eternity before gracing me with her voice, "I've slain this land's only prince. What use, now, is a princess?"

        As the maiden left my presence, so too did my heart.


          @ Alay

          yep, It is friction exactly.

          Originally posted by wiki
          Friction is the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material elements sliding against each other.

          [...] When surfaces in contact move relative to each other, the friction between the two surfaces converts kinetic energy into heat.
          So the way I see it is that everything has a "coefficient of magical friction" which resists the "movement" of magic through it and then converts the energy lost from the "kinetic energy" of the magic through any medium into...magic.

          ... I can see how this could get really OP real fast.
          especially in an area where magic is being casted actively (i.e. battle)


            You forgot that its limited by a "techonolgy" factor. Again with math:

            Lets say there's an amibient, or even Active Technology in the area of 20, and a source of magic being applied to it is 10000000000000000000000000.

            One might think: Holy f***, thats gonna make SOOOO much for Andril to use!

            But it wont. The Metaformation only happens within that first twenty before the technology becomes saturated. It doesn't matter how much magic is being flung around ANDRIL, it matters how much Magic is being flung around Technology around Andril. Even them, if its a Dollar-Store Fan, only so much Metaform Energy will be produced before the fan simply goes blank while the magic goes crazy. Having a lot of people through around a lot of magic simply makes the point of saturation come quicker.
            I gazed up at the sable-haired maiden with eyes so full of warmth it appeared she was crying silently. My trecherous mouth opened, "Why do you look so troubled, Princess?"

            Slowly, she moved her eyes from the moon to me. She studied my imperfections before her for what seemed to be a blissful eternity before gracing me with her voice, "I've slain this land's only prince. What use, now, is a princess?"

            As the maiden left my presence, so too did my heart.


              Okay now that you are accepted Alayosho know that the current time in the RP is at about... 9:00 PM.


                Here is my app which Suisti-Chan is helping me with as we speak.

                First Name: Serena Tao

                Race: Cat/Girl Hybrid (pretty much a cat girl.)

                Age: 21

                Bio: Serena Tao is a cat girl from a tribe of Cat People far off from TSU. This tribe is mostly cut off from Modern Day society, and as such she has no idea on how modern day society really works.
                Originally Serena was just a normal everyday cat girl with no special powers or anything aside from those a Cat Girl would normally possess (like enhanced agility, and cat-like senses. This caused her to be a bit of a social outcast from the rest of the Tao tribe. However one day something bad happened. A mysterious man came by her town and did something bad, really bad. Something that changed Serena's life. One day when she was out playing with some wild animals when suddenly she found that she was somehow was capable the earth kind of... was easier to move. Like she could easily push rocks, or even pull stones towards her, ya know that sort of stuff. At first Serena was confused and after confronting the Village Elder she was told that she finally had discovered her element. Earth manipulation. She could more easily manipulate the Earth, and that she would have to go through extensive training in order to master it.

                Once she had finished talking with the Village Elder she had gone outside to hunt for some food for her tribe, it was her day to go out hunting after all. After she left her village, and entered the forest surrounding it she had began her hunting for a few hours but without much luck. That's when she met a strange cloaked young man who appeared to be starving, lost, and cold. Serena without much thought quickly rushed the young man all the way back to her village where the doctors began to take care of the young man. Unfortunately though she had no idea that this man would end up being the cause of her village's near destruction. The doctor's told her that they needed a few more herbs and stuff to make more medicine to help this man. Something seemed odd though... Serena felt like she shouldn't leave... like if she did something bad would happen. Though not one to disobey her elders she had left the village to find the specified herbs.

                A few hours after she left she had heard screaming, and the sound of children crying coming from her village's direction. This caused her to stop what she was doing as she instinctively ran back to her village only to see that her village was in shambles. The cloaked young man standing in the center while a mass of black tentacle-like appendages were emerging from a dark puddle directly under the man. These... tentacles were killing, and wrecking everything in sight. No mercy was being shown as not even the elderly or the children were spared. In a fit of anger Serena charged at the man ready to attack to try and defend her village however one of the tentacles had struck her chest, leaving a nasty gash across her chest and knocking her out cold. A few days later when she had woken up the man was nowhere to be found, her village in shambles, dead bodies, and injured people everywhere. Only one of the village elders, and a 3 children, and 2 others Serena's age had managed to survive. When she asked what happened the village elder told them that the person who attacked the village was some evil entity called the Resiam. A monster of shadows who takes the guise of a young injured man. The Resiam had been trying to get into the village but couldn't unless someone from the village would fall for it's guise, then bring the beast into the village where it will then attack. When Serena found the young man she had actually found the Resiam, and led it straight to the village it had been trying to destroy for ages. Fortunately though they had managed to fight it off, though with some sacrifices...

                The Village Elder said that the Resiam knows that there are survivors, and that it will return when it has recovered from it's wounds. He also told Serena that the only way to prevent it from coming back and killing the rest of her tribe she would need to find a powerful enough Light Mage, and that there is one person that would be perfect for the job. As you see several years ago a young man by the name of Daichi had came by the village to study and research the people of the Tao Tribe. This Daichi fellow also told them a bit about the outside world, how advanced it is, how magic has came a long way, and how he would be proud to take some of the people of the tribe back to his University to help teach them magic. Sadly the people had politely denied his offer, but they were happy he had visited. Daichi said that if they ever needed help with anything just come to the Trinity Soul University which is where they would find him.

                Since Tao was responsible for bringing the Resiam into the village (albeit unknowingly), she would be the one to go out and find Daichi and this Trinity Soul University. So she did... after all she was responsible for everything that had happened to her village within the past few days. After 3 long years of both getting distracted and dragged into several other messes with people she had met along the way she finally found the University. When she finally got there though her first thoughts was to find this Daichi fellow, but she got heavily distracted with all the commotion that went on throughout the opening ceremony, and she had ended up signing up for classes. Something she did not mean to do. Now had completely forgotten about her village for the time being, and is now a official student of the University.

                Gender: Female

                What Element/and or type of magic: Earth Magic.

                With her magic she can control the earth (like rocks and dirt), though currently she is still unskilled with her magic and can only move a single rock of her size or multiple rocks of much smaller sizes. Later on in the RP I might have it to where she can do more traditional stuff such as creating pillars of earth from the ground among other things.

                Luggage: Not much save for her outfit which is a special Tao tribe only outfit which has special blades she can extend out from her 'paws', though she can only do so under extreme rage. Oddly with her special sleeve paws she can still hold stuff without any fingers or thumbs (due to magic of course.) Also when she has her hood over her face you can only see two red dots for eyes, and her sharp teeth, other than that you cannot see the rest of her face aside from a dark blackness. The 'expressions' of her eyes can change along with her sharp toothy smile. Other than that nothing much except a bag full of trinkets and food she had gotten from people she met on her 3 year journey.

                Her normally:
                She stands at 5ft 7.

                Her different "faces" (these are just a few):

                Her without her hood:

                Why did you come to the University?: To find Daichi so he can come back to her village and help save it from complete distruction.

                Personality: She is a happy-go-lucky catgirl who only wishes the best for her friends and family. Her only desire is to protect those she holds dear to her heart, or who offer her food (although in her mind anyone who offers her food is a good person.) Serena also is not very intelligent. Like most cats her daily routine consists of eating and sleeping, and she can, and often will, forget anything she does or is told to do within three steps or seconds. Of course, it goes without saying that she is not totally dumb. She also has a short attention span, getting distracted very easily. As such she can easily forget what she was doing few minutes ago. There are exceptions to this though as she is still bent on finding Daichi, even if she forgot what she originally came to the University for. Due to her short memory she tends to give people simple, easy to remember nicknames. One thing that she will never forget are friends or people she considers enemies.

                Other: Sustic helped me with this app. He even helped write most of her bio. Yeah I know this is a reworking of Taokaka from BlazBlue (who I am using in ATWAG btw), but he still said I could use a reworked version of Taokaka. What can I say I like Taokaka as a character so muc h that I wanted to use her for the other RP's here. Don't be surprised if in other RP's I have characters based on Taokaka from BlazBlue, if not direct copies.

                Suggestions: None.
                Last edited by SereneGrace; 04-23-2014, 11:15 AM.


                  Originally posted by Alayosho View Post
                  You forgot that its limited by a "techonolgy" factor. Again with math:

                  Lets say there's an amibient, or even Active Technology in the area of 20, and a source of magic being applied to it is 10000000000000000000000000.

                  One might think: Holy f***, thats gonna make SOOOO much for Andril to use!

                  But it wont. The Metaformation only happens within that first twenty before the technology becomes saturated. It doesn't matter how much magic is being flung around ANDRIL, it matters how much Magic is being flung around Technology around Andril. Even them, if its a Dollar-Store Fan, only so much Metaform Energy will be produced before the fan simply goes blank while the magic goes crazy. Having a lot of people through around a lot of magic simply makes the point of saturation come quicker.
                  How Terminal Velocity Works with falling objects except now applied to magic

                  and to just state it:
                  The "magical coefficient of friction" is a function of the amount of technology in an area A

                  ok I tried to explain how this could work to myself 5 times and It's just making my head hurt because I can't think of how to convert magic into something that would work with friction formulas.

                  But in my attempts to do so, I found an issue.

                  Kiara's Memento Pocket Watch

                  From my understanding, your definition of technology is anything that is mechanical/manufactured.

                  This would mean that the Pocket Watch Kiara uses would hinder her magic, but it is meant to amplify it.
                  Also I thought that this was meant to be in a somewhat modern time so that it would be the same amount of technology as is today, which means that magic would be hindered everywhere.
                  The amount of technology would be relatively great.
                  Also this to me would also mean that magic could not easily affect any form of technology as it is a main factor of the coefficient friction which serves as the retarding force for it.
                  Now it seems from your example that distance matters.
                  The next question would be what would be the factor that determines the potency of technology and what is the definition of technology in this case and what kind of formula would determine it's strength?



                    Metaformation doesn't apply to everyone else, does it?

                    If it does, then a lot of tech would be destroyed. In fact, even the bus ride would not have been possible.

                    I don't think that it would be compatible to a lot of the things that have already happened.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Erm... That's what I've been asking about for the past two days.
                      It does not occur unless the mage INTENDS on causing metaformation or unless the mage uses magic DIRECTLY on technology. So most mages are fine unless they are bad shots (in the case of ranged spells) or have a lack of control over their magic.
                      Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

                      My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
                      My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
                      My NNID: OfficialTRXD



                        unless the mage uses magic DIRECTLY on technology.
                        That might be bad for me then and would limit a lot of what Jason can do, because a lot of Jason's magic involves manipulating things. That means that if he was to pick a lock with his telekinesis, the lock would probably explode. As for the fan, if he turns the blade with his own power, then the fan would explode or fry. That would also mean that he couldn't pick up anything that was manufactured, meaning he has to stick to rocks as projectiles.

                        When I think about it, it really would conflict with how Jason's magic works, especially when you think about how he literally grabs the atoms of an object, meaning that it shouldn't explode or be destroyed in the first place.

                        I'm not usually so adamant on a particular topic, but I really don't see myself using this metaformation, and allowing it to dictate what Jason can and can't manipulate.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Okay I know what to do...


                          Uh Alayosho mind uh... stop posting in the IC from here? I know you are not online by the time I post this, but before you continue posting we all need to figure out a way to make this whole Metaformation thing work properly. As the others do have points.


                          Listen Jasmine I know I said I wasn't going to accept your app because I helped with it, but I guess that is a bit BS so accepted. After all I really did help you with it, and I am the owner.


                            Thing is that is why I asked Alayo. I was actually concerned about those who use magic constantly. Much like Jason and a few others. It could be that the behaviour of telekinesis exempts it from the rules of metaformation or...

                            OOH! I've got an idea! I have one! It's COMPLETELY wacky but hear me out.
                            It's established that Telekinesis is a new magic, right? Like one that has only started to appear in the world? Well... What if... What if telekinesis was a kind of magic that derived from man's connection with technology? That it is not completely magic but it still can be considered one nonetheless? What if it is a magic that exempts itself from the rules of metaformation because it is on a fine line between magic and technology? That the interaction between the telekinetic and technology are perfectly safe because telekinesis is a product of both magic and technology. You get where I'm getting at this, right?

                            It can also helps to distinguish fire and other elements simulated by Jason's telekinesis and the magical elements. That the element created by Jason is one that lacks the spark of magic because it is created by magic and not with magic.
                            Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

                            My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
                            My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
                            My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                              @ TR

                              which still applies to everyone then and would restrict the application of magic in a modern setting.

                              Since in his last example he stated
                              Lets say there's an amibient, or even Active Technology in the area of 20, and a source of magic being applied to it is 10000000000000000000000000.
                              then that's the same as saying that the entire area has a passive retarding force on magic, which would apply to all magic at all times.

                              It's no different than air friction for a parachutist.

                              as you fall through a medium (air) there is a certain drag coefficient (friction) that is applied dependent upon the velocity you are falling.
                              at a certain velocity, namely terminal velocity, the force of gravity is equal to the force of drag caused by air.

                              except instead of falling, it's a spell
                              instead of air, it's some sort of energy in the area caused by technology
                              instead of velocity, it's something else


                              But then there's the problem with like Kiara's Pocket Watch

                              It's technically technology
                              so that would mean it would then hinder her magic
                              But I have it amplifying her magic and modifying it so that she could kill with her magic instead of heal everything.



                                I suppose that could work. When I thought about telekinesis, I thought that instead of deriving from a sort of magical force, it derived from within the person themselves. I suppose that would explain how it doesn't have the same effects on technology as magic does.

                                What are your thoughts?
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

