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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    @ S121

    Nothing in particular...
    Inu Sakuya is kinda just being cute right now. I mean I might have her point towards the book I had her retrieve specifically from the bag but atm I don't even have anything to do with it. (I have something in mind but I gotta work on it)


      And hopefully I am back for the night.

      I really hate my work. Now that there is a new manager that absolutely hates me. My job is now like a living hell. Granted my hours have been increased which means more pay so that's a plus.

      Aside from that OH DEAR GOD! The guy doesn't even deserve to be manager!

      Well aside from that what did I miss?



        Do you want to show the book to Six, then come up with a use for it later?


        Welcome back!

        You really didn't miss much, except for Dante and Komachi's storyline.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Ah I see.

          Well I don't know what to do in the IC here... I completely forgot where we were.


            Originally posted by WriggleRid3r View Post
            In all due respect, how long will it take all of your characters to finish their business?

            (Fed up of waiting)
            Well, ya know, you could respond with Daiyousei...



              While that's going on, we'd might as well finish the John/HM/Daiyousei/Auditor storyline.

              Hakurei Shrine - Gensokyo

              (So you're little more than a supernatural babysitter.), John mentally declared to Sebastian.

              That's when John understood who, or what Lust was. Many thoughts went through John's head. Why would a demon named Lust want to say "hi" to Isaac?

              (Wait, did Isaac and Lust...?), John's mind trailed off to Sebastian, not needing to finish the thought.


              We left off here.

              Training Room (Observation Deck) - Sector 4

              "Like Lily said, maybe in the future when there's portals to other worlds, we'll be there to stop Ran with you. I don't know how powerful this Ran is, but I doubt he's bulletproof, much less nuke-proof.", Dr. Neuman said to Chung.

              Lily gave Chung a small chuckle after hearing what he said.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                I just thought of how funny it would be if something like this

                Happened in the sequel... though without Meiling... since she is dead...

                Well it doesn't have to be with the residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, hell it could be with some sake down in the Oni Village for all I care.
                Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                  Hey, mega, in the series, is there anything or anyone by the name of Lucifer?


                    Dai's just kinda there, writhing in pain cuz John just freaking punched her off the ether.

                    (Trying to make people feel bad is my specialty nyahahaha >:3


                      There are many things similar to Lucifer.

                      Mundus for example is pretty much like the Devil in the Devil May Cry series.

                      Though the best example (and this is something you DO NOT FIGHT at all, in fact you get this weapon from defeating a boss named Berial) is the Devil Arm Lucifer:

                      Lucifer (Devil Arm):

                      Lucifer is a sword-summoning apparatus which appears in Devil May Cry 4, and is obtained from Berial's Hell Gate, which it was used to power. It is a hellish weapon worn like a backpack, and is able to spawn a countless number of spectral swords to hover around it. These swords can be rearranged, thrown, or wielded, and will explode either after a short duration, at a command from Dante such as a clap or throwing the rose held in his mouth, or once fifteen more blades have been spawned. It is wielded by Dante during the game.
                      Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                        @ Wriggle

                        Likewise here brudah

                        Oh and I thought of something else...
                        how would a "horror story" RP work?



                          Well, Meiling is a Youkai, so nothing says that she couldn't just come back to life after a couple of hours - to a couple of weeks.


                          Then I'm a heartless b*stard, 'cause I don't feel a thing.

                          No, I get what you're trying to do. I'll probably have John inspect her, soon after Wonder responds.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Brb. Shower.


                              @ S121

                              Youkai...they die...but...
                              plot twist, we'll find her by the gate sleeping.

                              ...and if wriggle is like me when it comes to tragedies, that won't happen


                                You know, I may be a Shakespeare, but I am also Todd Phillips.

