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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    FOUND IT! The sniper is camouflaged to the exact right of the large rock in the middle.


      @ S121

      Ah XD Well that is interesting. They are like two different views of a similar aspect. Eleos watched his homeland degenerate due to the bio-computer gathering and killing resources. He watched his world crumble, quite literally. Then when the final stand happened, he ended everything...but for what? That is the question that haunts him.

      @ SUS

      Aye XD When you see it, you get all happy that you found it. Now imagine if it you were the one he was aiming for...
      Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-22-2013, 05:29 PM.



        And John's world was figuratively destroyed.

        They actually have a lot in common.

        John saved Humanity, but for what? In the end, he had absolutely nothing left. He was alone.

        It will be interesting if they both meet. I'm sure Eleos will do research on John (wiki profiles) before targeting him.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          @ S121

          Haha ya.
          In a sense I think Eleos in that regard of researching things would be like the fanon interpretation of Hatate then... XD

          And speaking of which...

          oh and another picture on the snipers front then I'll get back to other things


            Alright that's it. I give up. Even when people tell me where I still can't see him.

            Anyway good night
            Born in the light.
            Molded in the dark

            Never Forget,
            Keep Fighting.
            –Don't Forget.
            Always, somewhere,
            someone is fighting for you.
            –As long as you remember her,
            you are not alone.



              Haha! Love the bored sniper! XD

              How would they be like the fanon interpretation of Hatate? Do you mean they would be the depressive kind?


              The sniper is wearing a slightly grey uniform. Once you find the grey, you'll find him.

              Nighty night.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                @ S121

                Ninja edits~

                I meant with the researching via like Google and such.

                If you think about it...Google has all the game character's weaknesses...


                Oh and on the IC, I don't know what else Six could find at the bottom of the lake...
                What do you think?
                Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-22-2013, 05:48 PM.




                  I actually have John use that tactic every once in a while to quickly gather intel on a current target. What helps is that John can do it while fighting, thanks to his reaction time.

                  In the RP, Wiki profiles are sort of protected by the government as a public record, almost like a biography of a famous person. Of course, they're also used to regulate Characters and keep tabs on them, and if need be, as a guide to take the Characters down.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
                    @ S121

                    Ah XD Well that is interesting. They are like two different views of a similar aspect. Eleos watched his homeland degenerate due to the bio-computer gathering and killing resources. He watched his world crumble, quite literally. Then when the final stand happened, he ended everything...but for what? That is the question that haunts him.

                    @ SUS

                    Aye XD When you see it, you get all happy that you found it. Now imagine if it you were the one he was aiming for...
                    Me: *Dressed in a soldier's outfit.* That Sniper must be among those rocks somewhere...

                    *1 Hour of staring at pile of rocks later.*

                    Me: I don't see him... WAIT A SECOND I JUST FOUND- *headshot*


                      Ninja Edits~

                      @ S121

                      Oh and on the IC, I don't know what else Six could find at the bottom of the lake...
                      What do you think?

                      Oh and I found this: Touhou Riders: Shoot the Bullet



                        Well, the SCAE is a group separate from the government. They are kind of like that organization from X Men 2, or Elfen Lied. They are a group of humans that think that Characters do not belong in this world and that they should be eliminated. They use technology and magic stolen from captured Characters as a means to eliminate other Characters. If they find a Character that has helpful abilities, they experiment on them, take their abilities away, and outfit their soldiers with the reverse-engineered tech/magic. If a Character is too powerful, they spy on the Character and find their weaknesses. If they have a weaker friend, the will kidnap them and use them as leverage. If the Character has a particular weakness, they will outfit their soldiers with the appropriate weaponry and eliminate or capture the target.

                        Think of them as an evil Prometheus Labs.

                        as for Six, I was thinking that Renamon would tell him to stop, that it's too late. You see, there have been cases in the Halo universe where a Spartan died and was later put in cryo until they could be fully revived. Six is trying to find Robin's body so that they could try to revive him. Little does he know that Robin's body is gone.


                        Why does Momiji have wings?
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Originally posted by S121 View Post


                          Why does Momiji have wings?
                          I was asking the same question...
                          "Oh there's Momiji in the-
                          she's a Wolf Tengu...
                          WHY DOES SHE HAVE WINGS?! ( />3<)/"

                          And aye, it'll be interesting to see
                          Plus I gotta find the app I had for Eleos and make one for Morgan and Lady Palutena and I'm thinking on just scratching the second daughter concept so I'll just bring those 2 in primarily.

                          Also, Hyrule arc. Will we be doing it?
                          Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-22-2013, 06:10 PM.



                            We should be doing it.

                            Wonder said that it was HM's first target. The only question is, "What incarnation is he attacking?"
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                              I officially have my favorite Active in Elsword...

                              Quick rundown on Actives and Special Actives.

                              Special Actives are attacks that use MP, and are pretty much the skills in the game. They can be powerful, or have other effects.

                              Examples would be:

                              Chung's Dread Chase, Carpet Bombing, and Chaos Cannon attacks are Special Actives.
                              Raven's Revolver Cannon, Hellfire Gatling, and Ignition Crow (one of my favorite Special Actives) are Special Actives

                              Normal Actives are basically like Special Actives, but usually have different effects, and are weaker. Except they can be more useful because they use less MP, and they have shorter cooldown periods.

                              For example.

                              Raven's Breaking Fist skill is generally weak, but because of the speed (and the fact he dashes forward to punch) can be used to help extend combos, as it can interrupt your current combo when you activate it. Allowing for long combos.
                              Actives also don't have to deal damage
                              Raven's Shadow Step technique is one such active as it basically allows him to dash forward through enemies and obstacles without taking any damage.

                              Well my favorite active is the Bleeding Slicer:
                              Raven cuts targets with a downwards crescent slice when he is on the ground while a upwards slice when he is in midair, causing targets to go into Bleeding status which is a status where the opponent loses health. Attacking a target with the debuff will cause the duration to last longer. It can also be stacked up to 3 times if you manage to hit the target with the Bleeding Slicer while the opponent is in the Bleeding status will cause the Bleeding status to intensify. Causing even more damage over time, as well as resetting the time of duration of the status. Since it can be stacked up to 3 times, and you can continue to attack the opponent to prolong the status, as well as continue to stack the Bleeding status up to 3 times to cause heavy DoT (damage over time)

                              Due to the fact that you can stack it up to 3 times the wiki says it can potentially make it the strongest DoT attack in the game. Making it highly useful to wear down an opponents health.


                                I previously said that he would be attacking OoT unless Cucoo has another say in it.

                                Also, I'm back. Wriggle, need post from Daiyousei. I'll be gone for a while. Doing bio for Nuncius.

