I encountered a new bug.
When I opened the Mod Pack today it said there was an update or something. When I decided to update, I let it download. It loaded naturally. Knowing that the server itself probably isn't updated yet, I decided to hop onto Singleplayer Creative...
What happened then is completely weird.
I try selecting the new world I made, game just closes.
I get INTO the world. I open inventory. I click on the Creative mode search tab. Game Closes. I use NEI in ANY way, shape, and form. The game closes.
I do anything in Singleplayer and the game closes...
Any ideas as to why this might be happening? I even allocated more RAM to FTB in general.
If you need to find the crash-reports well... Can someone tell me where exactly to find them?
IDK if other people who might have updated have this bug, but I know that there are people who REALLY like to play Single Player in general for many various reasons. So this is a bit of a problem if other people have it. This seems to always happen whenever I log into the game. I try doing anything on a singleplayer world, and it's like every little thing can cause the entire modpack to just close.
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RTY 2 Bugs and techincal stuff
The pickaxe of the core's secondary usage does not highlight gensokium ore.
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I understand a lot of people are upset with katrix because of the difficulty of the mod pack and the bugs we've encountered. I know the game can be frustrating and a lot of the shit that happens really isn't' fair. But this is the first time (i think) that katrix has ever attempted to make a mod pack like this. He spent months working on it and even created a brand new mod that we and we alone would get to enjoy. When he finally finished he didn't even get to enjoy the mod pack he made cause he almost immidetly started working on version 2.1 to try and fix all the problems and make the difficulty more balanced. I understand why a lot of you are upset but cut the guy some slack. He's working hard so all of us can have fun and i can't imagine all the work he's doing is easy or fun.
tldr be nice to katrix he's trying his best.
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Alright, I've managed to get most stuff working with new version, there is a crash bug with creative, but it seems like a thing that just comes and goes. The thing that I'm stuck at however is the Twilight Forest issue. Problem here is that I need to remove all of the biomes from TF, but I need to get that information from somewhere. Doesn't help either that TF is closed source.
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I'm sure the spawn rate thing of stuff in the twilight forest is known,if its a bug or not I'll make this post anyways.
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Alright, so after discussing with a few players on RTY I've come to the descicion that I will nerf creepers in the next update. The nerf will NOT however just be turning down their blast radius. Sure, they'll be a bit slower (a bit) and have a slightly smaller radius, but the majority of the nerf will be comming from the fact that I will be adding 1.5 - 2 seconds of fuse time to the creepers. This will mean that people will have a larger chance to actually get away from a blast, while at the same time keeping them deadly if you are for example cornered.
As a temporary solution, Yukari now also has a quest to get a diamond shield, which will keep you alive from a blast with iron armor as long as you block it correctly.
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Ok so questions:
When mining are you getting ambushed by creepers or is it when you're trying to secure an area to mine?
Are you using F7 to its fullest extent to keep areas you previously explored safe?
Do you use dirt or any other material to barricade sections temporarily to prevent mobs from getting into areas you secured?
If you answer no to either of the last two then there's your problem.
I raided one cave near my house and I only died to creeper when I was advancing into a new part of the cave and there were two of them.
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Originally posted by troublexassassin View Postbut can we at least turn it down on the creepers. No one is having fun because of them.Last edited by bluppo8; 09-08-2015, 07:25 AM.
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Originally posted by 99465 View PostThe RTY has been made very difficult to give players a challenge.
Players can also get way OP compared to vanilla, so he made it harder to compensate.
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The RTY has been made very difficult to give players a challenge.
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Originally posted by jessespy View Postis the server up or is this a bug it says i got outdated client?
It's a placeholder 'till Remi hosts.
Originally posted by PhantomNerifes View PostKatrix, we need to have a talk about the difficulty of the server. immediately.
Players can also get way OP compared to vanilla, so he made it harder to compensate.
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Katrix, we need to have a talk about the difficulty of the server. immediately.
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