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Eternal Galaxy Project

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    With Irians, I think that appearance would be dependent on the creatures of the galaxy which would be ongoing... So I think a Bestiary section would need to be added to the Encyclopedia.

    So if we put that aside, we're looking more at culture now...
    ...Which might be based on the creatures...

    Maybe the fact that Irians are so dependent on the creatures... Having some aspects in that might be a be necessary first in order to understand Irians... the grand scheme of things, Irians might be more complex than I originally thought.

    Thoughts on how to approach this or should we come back to this?

    On Blade Fighters...
    Computer systems perhaps... Because Nemesis.
    I don't have time right now but you might remember my use of her as an AI of Androids in the RPs.

    Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk



      Maybe we should come back to the Irians at a later time.

      As for the ship's computers, what we know is that it can hold an AI. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if the computer held a couple hundred Peta bytes of information, software, and some star charts. As for processing power, I don't think that the ship would have a particularly extraordinary computer. It would most likely be designed to comfortably process all that needs to be processed when in combat. If anything, I imagine that the computer would be fairly small and decent. After all, I don't think they need a supercomputer to control a spacecraft.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Yeah, not really over the top on processing...
        Current day fighters have sensors throughout the aircraft to signal the pilot if something is wrong in the aircraft. This is helpful to actually "fix" an aircraft in mid flight... at minimum when it comes to minor damage such as any leaks or damage to wings and such. In addition, Autopilot is capable of controlling the aircraft through basic navigation. Radar can detect missiles in the air, can track multiple targets, and allows for pinpoint precision missile strikes. If this is modern day... even if there were lulls in technology, Venturian tech could be far more advanced here, especially with AIs. Autopilot with the AI could be actually combat effective, capable of more advanced maneuvers. Navigation systems could be capable of calculating the optimal path to fly in an attack run at low altitudes through complex terrain (such as cities). Now the curious thing would actually be speed limits...

        In space, there is for simplistic thinking, no friction. You could almost accelerate indefinitely until you reach the speed of light. So I realized that accelerating to too great of a speed would actually make space combat very challenging compared to normal air combat... Because changing direction takes time and energy at greater speeds. You can't really make a complete 90 degree turn in space as easily as in the air because in a frictionless environment, an object in motion will remain in motion... and in this case in the direction that it was originally going.

        For instance, if you're going 2,000 m/s going one way in space, to make a sharp, perfect 90 degree turn, you would have to accelerate in the opposite direction to stop the 2,000 m/s and then turn, and then accelerate in the new direction.

        So I would imagine the computer would also have to be capable of aiding the pilot in maneuvering in space. This also would point towards the needs of the maneuvering thrusters and capabilities of the engines of a fighter.

        In atmosphere, wings are the "energy free" method of lift and maneuvering. Space would require thrusters to do anything.
        In addition the engines have to be capable of escaping an atmosphere and gravity of a planet (or any celestial body.)

        ...Or maybe the fighters themselves are not alone capable of reaching escape velocity...
        ...The smaller carriers...

        So two possibilities is that 1) Fighters alone are capable of breaking free of gravity and atmosphere or 2) A secondary vehicle is needed to carry the fighters out if they do enter atmosphere.
        I kinda like the second option cause it adds a new wrinkle to war tactics. Suddenly the location of a base could serve multiple purposes....




          I think that option 2 would be best, only perhaps that larger fighters could probably escape a planet's atmosphere as well, depending on the thrusters.

          That being said, it is possible to use some sort of "booster frame" to give a smaller fighter a means to escape the atmosphere. It could latch on to a ship and provide them extra thrust.

          Ad for maneuvering in space, perhaps the fighters also have small bit powerful RCS thrusters to help them make sharper turns.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Perhaps. Possibly an application for some of the other tech I'm thinking about could help.
            That's for later though.

            Also Option 2 could add one more thing to the Blade fighters to make them feared....
            Because of the Nova Engine could possibly allow it to *almost* break free of atmosphere.... Though I would imagine overheating to be an issue. So they could almost screw up some tactics. If fighters were a primary offensive force, then luring them into atmosphere and then engaging their carrier would effectively trap most of them. Any fighter capable of getting out of this trap would be troublesome...
            This would help for my concept of team combat. Fighters that can break atmosphere could somehow "carry" another fighter that can't. They somehow share energy between them and thus can break free easier. A Blade fighter has energy to spare with the Nova Engine so they would be the ultimate support fighter to assist others in this.

            So now I'm touching on their power source... and the main problem I have: how can I explain how they can share energy remotely.



              Well, perhaps Gaia energy can be wirelessly transmitted. It's not out of the question that Gaia energy would have properties different to those of electricity. Maybe there's a mechanism that allows the energy to "bleed" to other sources, kind of like radiation.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                The projected Gaia Shields might be what allows this. Anything within the shield could leech off of the energy between the shield boundary and the source. Two craft projecting their shields around each other to form one large shield could allow the two to essentially combine their energy sources. Effectively, they would be creating a makeshift Nova Engine out of each other. And it can be chained from ship to ship...
                Though this would restrict how far it can be transmitted... which then brings into question: how would the GAIA Computer store and then transmit energy to the Daedalus Project...
                ...oh wait.... GAIA Computer generated a giant boundary around the Galaxy, forming a boundary around the Daedalus Project should be easier...
                Or else we would have one hell of a chain of ships going from Dua to the center of the Galaxy....

                Thoughts on possible limitations here?



                  Perhaps the load of energy on the machines? What happens when you have too much power being pumped into an electronic device?

                  If all the normal fighters pumped their energy into each other, they would still have the same power output, if not less. The only way it would work is if one ship has significantly more power, but then you have to worry about the circuitry.

                  They would need machines capable of taking that extra power, "overload capable" circuitry in their ships that work in accordance to the sci-fi "needs more power" trope. (DAMN YOU, TVTROPES!!!)
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Eternal Galaxy Project

                    I was about to say "afterburners" as an explanation but that wouldn't address everything. Unless we said that the tech is not capable of being overloaded quite as easily as electrical devices and said that Gaia doesn't behave at all like electricity (yet can still be conducted via wiring...)

                    Or the excess goes to the crystals which can store the excess effectively until some insane limit. The original concept of a Nova Engine was that should the crystals generate too much energy, they would cause an explosion similar to that of it's namesake. And that was with just two crystals that could fit in one fighter. Perhaps it could be a property of Corlaviri that allows this overcharge to happen...

                    Using the Nova Engine, two crystals in sync can hold almost the same amount of power as a Nova before fault. Perhaps it scales from there.

                    Hardware failure would be like normal overheating. If more energy is directed to it that is...

                    Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk
                    Last edited by Cucoo5; 12-02-2014, 08:19 PM.



                      That sounds like a good idea. Like you said, it would also explain how the Nova Engine is possible.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Right... so that explains the Nova Engine and thus the capabilities of Shields in that regard as well as how Gaia Energy works with Corlaviri Crystals.

                        Anyway I'm going to direct things back to characters for a moment... cause I realized that this is sorta a big deal for how I work with characters.

                        Starla's origin story.
                        Once upon a time ago before I decided to scrap the idea because I wasn't feeling it.... I Had something similar to Star Trek with a planet going poof much like with Vulcan. Had Aion be a part of the evacuation crew that found Starla staring blankly curled up by some rubble. Didn't click for me and still doesn't.

                        Joking thought just came to mind (because somehow I was going to make this a possibility just to make things interesting...) For some reason I wanted to tie the destruction of Starla's home planet to her being the root cause. The joking thought that I kinda don't want to go with for some reason... is that she did it and that's why she then helped with the Daedalus project because deep down she's a planet destroying maniac.


                        As funny as it would be to say that the "Fine Vatian woman" is actually plotting to destroy planets for fun science...
                        I can't take it seriously.

                        Looking at one thing I had in Shinka...
                        "The sooner I can get Nemesis done..." She stopped her sentence as she closed her eyes and relaxed, then she finished it in her mind. "The sooner I can figure things out on my own."

                        I like this part on multiple levels... but I'm not certain what I can do from here...

                        ...and as soon as I typed that I think I might have a possibility.

                        She wants to figure things out on her own...
                        What it could mean is that she's tired of only being told what others want her to know. She could have been living an extraordinarily straight forward and normal life. Doing basic research and such...
                        ...but then she got extra curious and rebellious.

                        ...aaaaand I type that out and think it doesn't quite work either. It's not clicking...
                        I feel like that one piece of monologue is what could define her origins... but... what could cause it?





                          What if she had an encounter with the Infecta? What if she was either spared by an Infecta, or encountered an unarmed and helpless Infecta? It might cause her to question the things that Ragnarok says about them.

                          I think the thought I'm trying to get across is, what if she honestly doesn't know what to think when it comes to the whole war?

                          As an alternate possibility, what if what she means about "figuring things out for herself" is that she feels as if she is on the wrong path, that where she is now us not quite what she had imagined or hoped for herself in the past? What if she is confused or lost on where her life is going and wants a way to stand back and try to figure things out, try to find where things went wrong? She is uncertain who she wants to become.

                          What are your thoughts?
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Originally posted by S121 View Post
                            I think the thought I'm trying to get across is, what if she honestly doesn't know what to think when it comes to the whole war?

                            As an alternate possibility, what if what she means about "figuring things out for herself" is that she feels as if she is on the wrong path, that where she is now us not quite what she had imagined or hoped for herself in the past? What if she is confused or lost on where her life is going and wants a way to stand back and try to figure things out, try to find where things went wrong? She is uncertain who she wants to become.
                            I think this would work for both Shinka and EG.
                            because in terms of EG (hence why I brought the conversation here) She took part in the creation of the Daedalus Project. Uncertainty pretty much rules the Galaxy...
                            ...and maybe...
                            ...Ok it just clicked.
                            To add more depth to it, she could be extraordinarily confused because of her visions. She might have been frightened by the things she saw and, when her time came to try and unlock the Praemoneres in her mind, she refused. For a long time, unlike other Vatians, she was uncertain about what her version of the future told. She was afraid to look. Yet it kept haunting her. She saw something... and she's trying to forget. And she's afraid that unlocking her mind would make it all the clearer and even harder to forget.

                            She had a vision where the thought itself is empty. She's terrified of that.
                            She wants to forget about the thought that doesn't exist. She's worried that it will consume her....

                            Now how this could translate to Shinka... not 100% certain...




                              Well for what reasons did she become a scientist? What did she hope to accomplish by becoming a scientist?

                              Either that, or the Stella race in Shinka has visions too. Do they?
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                In terms of EG:
                                Originally she became a scientist in an attempt to develop something to wipe out Nihiliods. When she helped make the Daedalus Project, she probably became worried about what would happen with it when it fell into NGO control. Nemesis was her second project and experiment to create something that would be effective against Nihiliods but independent of control while retaining morals and therefore would not just be a weapon.

                                In terms of Shinka...
                                ...Maybe she helped design a super weapon that is still being built and then she went on to Nemesis for similar reasons as above...

