that's the hard part...
Nemesis is the primary one where I had incorporated her the most... such as when Aion names her a part of the Hunters' Guild. She was both battle android and the improved AI for Aion's fighter "Eclipse Blade."
There's two things she could have done: Stayed with Starla or followed Aion. Starla, Kiara, Terrisa, Eleos, and Nero would have stayed on Alcyon as it was the least affected planet during the War of Eternity and would be a sort of haven, although they would also be on guard should anything happen. Aion and Joe would have probably went back to the Helios System to deal with the Nihiliod threat there. Aion would have eventually went back to the Manor in order to initiate the barrier containing Aurora, leaving Joe and the other Hunters to deal with the Nihiliods...
...the problem is that Nemesis could be at either location and it would make sense. Nemesis could be on Alcyon to help protect those there or could be on the offensive and be at Duon to fight back the Nihiliod swarm.
MIMI would have a greater chance of staying at Alcyon because she effectively is just a little girl and can't fight (for she's not made for that or even programmed)... but at the same time there could be a scenario where she goes with Nemesis in order to help her as the two together are much more effective than separated due to her shield projector and advanced sensor array.
It could go both ways... and I don't know which to go with...
Nemesis is the primary one where I had incorporated her the most... such as when Aion names her a part of the Hunters' Guild. She was both battle android and the improved AI for Aion's fighter "Eclipse Blade."
There's two things she could have done: Stayed with Starla or followed Aion. Starla, Kiara, Terrisa, Eleos, and Nero would have stayed on Alcyon as it was the least affected planet during the War of Eternity and would be a sort of haven, although they would also be on guard should anything happen. Aion and Joe would have probably went back to the Helios System to deal with the Nihiliod threat there. Aion would have eventually went back to the Manor in order to initiate the barrier containing Aurora, leaving Joe and the other Hunters to deal with the Nihiliods...
...the problem is that Nemesis could be at either location and it would make sense. Nemesis could be on Alcyon to help protect those there or could be on the offensive and be at Duon to fight back the Nihiliod swarm.
MIMI would have a greater chance of staying at Alcyon because she effectively is just a little girl and can't fight (for she's not made for that or even programmed)... but at the same time there could be a scenario where she goes with Nemesis in order to help her as the two together are much more effective than separated due to her shield projector and advanced sensor array.
It could go both ways... and I don't know which to go with...