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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    Good to hear.

    And on another note, I called it. I called it! XD

    Halo Spoiler
    I knew the Didact was still alive! XD
    Come on, there was no way a simple pulse grenade would have killed him. Heck, this guy is even shown to be a match for an entire TEAM of SPARTAN-IIs! XD
    Last edited by S121; 10-21-2014, 12:45 AM.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      So it seems Era of the Void and Era of the Dawn have been explained even further. And as such reinforces all other points.

      Now it leaves the conclusion...
      Why did the Caeles not return after Era of Echoes?
      Did they still fear the Nihiliods?
      Or was there something else?

      Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk



        What did you have in mind for that "something else"?
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          1) maybe they didn't want to return cause they found something better in their alternate timeline...
          ...maybe that something is Heaven's Forge.

          2) maybe they decided the Eternal Galaxy is a lost cause and that conquering another version of it not infested by Nihiliods would be easier?
          I mean if they were making the Gaia computer before humans even existed, they could probably easily do that.

          Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk



            Quite possible. Perhaps it was a little bit of both. Perhaps their new "dimension" is simply to their liking. After all, they gave the technology to warp reality. What's stopping them from creating their own "Heaven" of sorts? Maybe that's why they call it "Heaven's Forge".
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Im impressed with the free time you got Utsuh, just saying. I'm busy to the point of exhaustion

              Something I noticed about those three previews is that the Spartans aren't as godly as everyone thinks and the didact has a freaking knife in his eye and still overwhelming a full team of spartans.

              In another note.. SUS, you are needed in EG to keep going on the story
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                From what I remember when I was talking with S1 one time he said that the Spartan's are as strong as they say they are. Spartan-II's are freaking powerful (not godly powerful), but the Didact is just far superior to them in power. S1 if I remember what he said, said that the Spartan-II's armor (including John's) is a Class 2, which is pretty powerful, while the Didact's armor is a Class 12.

                Then again that is just from what I remember S1 telling me. To be honest I don't know shit about the details of Halo 4, just a summary of what happened in it. I know of the Didact, I know he was a threat, I know Cortana pretty much died in Halo 4, and I know that the Didact was defeated in 4. I just don't know any of the specifics. So... :I

                Also working on a post right now...


                  [OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

                  ...And now I face my final task...
                  Defining Heaven's Forge...
                  ...oh this was the part I was not looking forward to.

                  Heaven's Forge...
                  What is the secrets of Heaven's Forge...?
                  The Passages of Fate? They...must be...
                  In an old scene I had in my head, Aion had entered the strange realm that I titled the Passages of Fate...
                  To retrieve the sword Iris.
                  When he was there, Mercurius and Arke seemed to also be there but were not.
                  ...this could coincide with the part where Aetheron and Erebos had retrieved Arke and Anankerisa brought Mercurius to the Galaxy.
                  If the Passages of Fate are actually Heaven's Forge...
                  Then that means Heaven's Forge is a place anyone not Caeles could not truly "comprehend."
                  It exists at a point at all times in the timeline of the Universe.
                  The scene I had long ago was that it is perceived as a hallway consisting of a floor and ceiling with walls of water flowing upward that cast a ghostly blue light upon everything. Outside of this, everything else was...
                  The void...?
                  Heaven's Forge exist...
                  In the void...?
                  Time itself...means nothing to the void.
                  A timeless place...
                  It would be the ultimate feat of creation... To defy the void and build within it...
                  To make it a location...
                  Where nothing exists...
                  ...nothing exists except the Caeles.
                  Heaven's Forge exists in the void.

                  This is why...I didn't want to deal with it.
                  The Caeles are defying everything by building in the void.
                  ffs they are existing in the very place that we define as a place where nothing exists.
                  But wait...
                  If that is so then it is no longer the void.
                  The Void project...
                  It was meant to...wipe out everything so that the Caeles had a clean slate to build in.
                  Not the ACTUAL void.
                  They went too far at first...
                  The Unknown Caeles that became the Void was a mistake.
                  They thought they could harness it to access the Void.
                  What they wanted was a universe of empty space.
                  So they went to an alternate timeline to try again...and there they succeeded.
                  The Caeles managed to wipe out a Universe...
                  They just...casually wiped out a universe and built within the nothingness left behind in the absence of a Universe.
                  They literally made an alternate timeline where only they exist. Not even a universe exists.
                  Nothing exists except the Caeles.

                  Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk
                  Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-21-2014, 09:16 AM.


                    Wait, wasn't the Passages of Fate that thing Mima went through at the beginning of Part 1? It was sort of like a maze, if I remember correctly. If it is like that, who knows what could be hiding among other pathways. Could be sort of like a hub.

                    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                      There was a reason why no one ever saw the truth of heaven's forge...
                      Maybe to non Caeles it appears maze like?
                      That would explain why no one has ever seen it all.

                      Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk


                        Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
                        There was a reason why no one ever saw the truth of heaven's forge...
                        Maybe to non Caeles it appears maze like?
                        That would explain why no one has ever seen it all.
                        Maybe people can see it, but there's the huge maze in the way, and it's guarded ala Minotaur style. One could theoretically get through it, but it would take quite a while, especially if it's guarded with the guardian trying to attack you the whole time, making it near impossible to get through.

                        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                          Or maybe...
                          it's hidden by an illusion.
                          Perhaps there's a few "levels" to it.

                          First challenge is to first get there.
                          Easier said than done.
                          I would think Venturia would have left at lest one sure way of getting there.
                          Possibly tied to the GAIA Computer...
                          A separate component of the GAIA Computer...
                          And it might be near where it is right now...
                          ...In the Sanctuary.
                          Perhaps if one enters the Sanctuary through the Halls of Darkness, an alternative version is found that-
                          ...has the GAIA Computer's Rift Gate accessible.
                          And the Halls of Darkness are guarded by Demonarcs.
                          So there's the first step.

                          Second up, the Illusion that is the Passages of Fate.
                          So the hope here is that after all of that, finding the Passages of Fate (which pretty much allows for traveling in time, see past/present/future, etc etc.) would be reward enough.
                          Now if you somehow break through the illusion that is in place to hide Heaven's Forge, then you would enter the next step.

                          Third up is the part that would resemble a labyrinth. Guarded by... illusions and various artificial entities, getting through this is more a brain bender and cannot be plowed through by brute force. Consider it a filter to keep out those not intelligent enough to be worth the Caeles' time. Of course, in the spirit of making it seem like this would still be the end of the line, there are still grand rewards to persuade one to not try and go any further.

                          The final part is where the Caeles live. The true Heaven's Forge. Because I never intended on any character really reaching this place... I never really thought about how it would be or what it would look like...



                            Well, I try to get on here at any opportunity. Of course, that will change soon. The job opportunities here are a lot better than the ones in the Alamogordo area. I guess this at least gives me the opportunity to get work done on the PALADIN Arc. It's hardly halfway done, even though I've been working hard on it. -.-;;

                            Like Sustic said, SPARTAN-IIs are really as powerful as I made them out to be, especially when partnered with an AI. It's just that The Didact is EVEN MORE powerful. XD

                            For example, The Didact's armor is so durable that it can shrug off a storm of armor piercing rounds as if they were foam darts. The only reason John was able to stab thriugh The Didact's eyepiece is because the kinetic energy of a SPARTAN-II's punch is roughly equivalent to getting shot by a .950 JDJ (approx. 52,450 Joules. A Barret .50 cal sniper rifle has approx. 20,195 Joules.). Even then, all of that force had to be concentrated into the very tip of a knife. 0-0

                            If you thought John was OP, the Didact would quickly change your mind. It always goes to show that there is always a bigger fish. There is always someone stronger or faster than you, and as powerful as they are, SPARTAN-IIs are no exception. ;p

                            Then again, The Didact is a hyper-advanced alien, and is one of the highest ranking members of his species. It's no wonder he is so dangerous. He took on an entire team of the best SPARTAN-IIs... Still not faster than Kelly though.


                            What would happen if someone does reach The Caeles? Would they be hostile?
                            Last edited by S121; 10-21-2014, 11:06 PM.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              I would guess they would be surprised at first, considering the circumstances.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                @ S1 + Mima
                                Suprised, yes. If you managed to reach them by your own will, then they would be slightly impressed and would give you the time of day. But that would probably be it. They still would consider anything not Caeles to be inferior to them.

                                And I think I sorted out the situation with Venturia herself.
                                First, when they found out she put in that bit of code that would generate new beings when the Phoenix Code activated, they banished her to live among her creations.
                                Because she had to flee back into Heaven's Forge before the second Phoenix Incident, they then banned her from doing anything more in the Galaxy as punishment.

                                And then there's Anankerisa...
                                two things probably happened. Venturia sent her to help the Venturians fight the Nihiliods. Unfortunately, Sol found her first and...he manipulated her views on "how to help."

