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Wait, she said that his mind would be permanently damaged even if he did defeat him.
"Turning myself into ethereal being.. it takes a lot of energy. Be glad I was able to intervene, or otherwise your mind would've been damaged beyond repair even if you would've defeated the nightmare."
Well, you could probably say that Richter comes across the Longsword spar and thinks it's a real fight. If not, then I might be able to set up a chance meeting with one of the Spartans, like some remnants of the Neo-Yakuza (with Wriggle's permission), or PALADIN are trying to set up shop, or are looking for Characters. Depending on the situation, the Spartan would aid Richter in the battle, and would take him to Prometheus Labs for questioning afterward.
Which scenario would you like?
Originally posted by S121
Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.