Research Laboratory - The Castle That Never Was
Cole was managing to hold his own. One of the crossbow wielders had been shot down by the girl and the other three had taken some damage from his lightning bolts. The fight was swinging in their favour, if hadn't already been in their favour. But as the fight progressed, the small platform expanded and reformed back into one of the test chambers, presumably his own.
As the room resettled and had taken shape, 24 more creatures appeared. 8 of them were a metallic grey and had no weapons. These 8 seemed to glide around the room and had long thin arms for attacking. Cole could guess that these used their arms for attacking. 4 of them were large and bulky wielding hammers. The hammer users appeared to slow and bulky so they did seem much of a threat to Cole. The remaining 12 of the newcomers were the most peculiar things of all. Cole could barely even comprehend the things' appearances. But Cole noticed that some of these 12 were contorting their bodies in various shapes. Are these creatures shapeshifters? Regardless, Cole knew that these 12 could not be trusted.
Cole moved his focus away from the crossbow wielders and towards the 12 shapeshifters. He then opened fire on each of the 12 shapeshifters with his lightning bolts.
The girl was taken back by the sudden transformation of the platform. She quickly noticed that she along with the man and the 3 creatures had been placed in a strange room with a glass tube in the centre. The girl quickly remembered that she had been put into one of these glass tubes after- After what? The girl couldn't not remember what had happened prior to waking up from the tremor. In fact, the last thing she remembered doing was- The girl tried to put the thought to rest and placed her focus back onto the creatures. Strange, the girl could swear that there were only 3 of the creatures. Now there were 24 more of them. How could the girl have not noticed them?
The girl then continues her process of singling out one of the creatures and firing at them with her danmaku. Although the fight would be long and arduous, the girl had no choice. She did not have anything else that could assist her in the battle. She didn't have any weapons or anything else that could speed up the fight.
Cole was managing to hold his own. One of the crossbow wielders had been shot down by the girl and the other three had taken some damage from his lightning bolts. The fight was swinging in their favour, if hadn't already been in their favour. But as the fight progressed, the small platform expanded and reformed back into one of the test chambers, presumably his own.
As the room resettled and had taken shape, 24 more creatures appeared. 8 of them were a metallic grey and had no weapons. These 8 seemed to glide around the room and had long thin arms for attacking. Cole could guess that these used their arms for attacking. 4 of them were large and bulky wielding hammers. The hammer users appeared to slow and bulky so they did seem much of a threat to Cole. The remaining 12 of the newcomers were the most peculiar things of all. Cole could barely even comprehend the things' appearances. But Cole noticed that some of these 12 were contorting their bodies in various shapes. Are these creatures shapeshifters? Regardless, Cole knew that these 12 could not be trusted.
Cole moved his focus away from the crossbow wielders and towards the 12 shapeshifters. He then opened fire on each of the 12 shapeshifters with his lightning bolts.
The girl was taken back by the sudden transformation of the platform. She quickly noticed that she along with the man and the 3 creatures had been placed in a strange room with a glass tube in the centre. The girl quickly remembered that she had been put into one of these glass tubes after- After what? The girl couldn't not remember what had happened prior to waking up from the tremor. In fact, the last thing she remembered doing was- The girl tried to put the thought to rest and placed her focus back onto the creatures. Strange, the girl could swear that there were only 3 of the creatures. Now there were 24 more of them. How could the girl have not noticed them?
The girl then continues her process of singling out one of the creatures and firing at them with her danmaku. Although the fight would be long and arduous, the girl had no choice. She did not have anything else that could assist her in the battle. She didn't have any weapons or anything else that could speed up the fight.