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[IC Board] All the World's a Game - Season II

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    Outside Rena's Apartment - Santa Cruz - California | Night

    "I'd rather you ask Rena... about El Energy. After all she's an elf, and in my world her race requires El Energy to exist. All I'll say is that El Energy is a powerful natural energy that flows throughout my world thanks to the El Stone. Without the El Stone El Energy would grow powerful and unstable... Dark El would then consume the land... Rena, and her race would also cease to exist once all traces of El Energy are gone..." She replied as Rena came running back out from the Apartment with her bow, and outfit she was wearing earlier. "Okay guys I'm ready. Are you all ready?" Rena replied.
    Last edited by SUSTIC; 12-30-2013, 11:52 AM.


      Yakumo Estate - Gensokyo - Mayohiga | Day

      Takoizu was a little surprised to hear that the house being destroyed was a natural occurrence. If that was the case, then Yukari might not be as angry as Takoizu previously thought. After Takoizu changed her eye color back to it's normal color, she heard Ran speak.

      "Let me just get the living room cleaned up, and serve you something. Would you like some Oolong tea?", Ran asked.

      Here was Ran, doing all of the work and cleaning up a mess she didn't even cause. In Takoizu's mind, that was unfair, so she decided to clean the mess up herself. Besides, she wold need to tell Ran about who she is sooner or later, and this would be an opportunity to do so.

      "Here. I'll help you with the living room.", Takoizu said to Ran.

      "Oh, and Eirin came by and wanted to give you something. I placed it in your room. Why don't you go check it out?", Takoizu added, hoping that Ran would follow her advice and temporarily leave the room.

      Outside Rena's Apartment - Santa Cruz - California | Night

      "Yep. We're ready.", Isaac said.

      Isaac wanted to leave now, but he also wanted to learn about this strange energy called El. What was it? Why was it important to Rena's life?

      "Hey Rena? What's El Energy?", Isaac asked in a curious tone.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Hakurei Shrine

        Otori nodded.

        Well, Yukari nor John had ever told me their secret location of the house. I guess that's because I never asked. Curse me. And it's not like I've been to Wriggle's house much, either. But I guess Nitori and the others can help. Hopefully the Tengus don't give me much trouble. They shouldn't. At least I brought my old MSF badge.

        "Right. Thanks, Reimu. Oh, and, uh..."

        Otori handed Reimu 10,000 yen. "Buy yourself something nice. You look like you just got out of bed."

        I winked in mischeif and left for Youkai Mountain. This'll be fun...
        Last edited by wonderweiss; 12-30-2013, 02:24 PM.


          Gensokyo - Banished Library | Day

          Shulk nodded, "If she is from the future...she knows one future." He then explained further. "It's no different than my visions. I can see what would happen, but I can't see what will happen. Although, my visions primarily only show what happens in the immediate future, so I can imagine what the effect would be of my immediate action. If she came from a more distant future, how will she know if she changes one thing, that she perfectly prevents the future she wants to prevent from happening later? In my world, I saw the passage of fate as it changed from my actions, but...Your daughter...she doesn't have the ability to see the future as it changes... does she?"

          Hyrule - Lake Hylia

          The green capped man nodded and headed into the portal, where his physical body was fragmented by the magic, turned into dark shards, and reassembled on the other side at Lon Lon Ranch. As he walked ahead, he looked about while rummaging in his pouch for an item... The Lens of Truth. He pulled out the peculiar purple and red colored magnifying lens and held it at the ready.


            Gensokyo - Banished Library | Day

            John turned to Shulk as they walked and gave Shulk an answer to his question.

            "If she is Yukari's and my daughter, then she might have inherited Yukari's ability to manipulate boundaries. I'm not an expert on the subject, but from what I've been told, there's boundaries between everything, whether it's imaginable or unimaginable. For all we know, she could be messing with the boundaries of time, giving her something similar to your visions. According to the research I've done on reality warping, the ability to manipulate boundaries is one the the most powerful forms of reality warping.", John explained to Shulk.

            "To be honest, I don't have all the answers when it comes to messing with time, or even manipulating boundaries. You would have to ask Takoizu about it.", John said to Shulk.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Gensokyo - Banished Library

              "No, you don't understand. What I'm asking is, do you realize what could happen if she changes the future? She came from a different timeline, different from our current one." Shulk explained. "By telling you that she is your daughter...she already compromised this timeline. She compromised your actions. She has already changed an aspect of our future by doing that alone. The question is, how much did she change by doing that?"


                Gensokyo - Banished Library | Day

                "To be honest, I don't know. I'm not going to claim to know how time travel works because I'm not the one doing it. If she's Yukari's and my daughter, then she's got a really good head on her shoulders. I highly doubt she would have revealed herself if she didn't have a good reason to. From what she's told us, the future can't get any worse. She said the world was going to end and that everyone died. To be honest, I don't really blame her. Sometimes, you need to take the greatest risks to save humanity.", John said to Shulk.

                "You'll need to ask her. The closest thing we have to time travel in my universe is Slipspace travel, and that doesn't even count. It's just traveling through black holes and dimensions."
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Gensokyo - Banished Library | Day

                  "Or maybe, we need to ask someone else who has traveled in time before..." Shulk added. "Someone that knows what the consequences are of changing the past."


                    Youki Mountain

                    Otori had just about reached the fot of the mountain now.

                    "Alright, I'm here... now what?"

                    He thought. Then, he decided on using it. He inhaled deeply, preparing to use his power: the Oroborus blood. Then...

                    "... gah, screw it, I'll just walk."

                    He begins his slow accent..


                      Gensokyo - Banished Library | Day

                      "Are you implying that she shouldn't have come back?", John asked Shulk in a slightly curious tone sa he raised an eyebrow in his helmet.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        ACO Helicopter - Russia | Day

                        The leader grumbled slightly to himself. "I think the phrase 'right now' hasn't sunk in yet." He then pulled out a cigar and started to light it as he rested. The other ACO members were also starting to rest. "The day the world will be truly peaceful enough that we don't have to worry..." He smirked with his eyes closed.

                        Gensokyo - Banished Library | Day

                        "No! That's not what I mean! What I'm saying is that everyone must tread carefully. We're trying to change the future, and we will change the future together! But..." Shulk seemed uneasy but shrugged it off.


                          Yakumo Estate - Gensokyo

                          "Oh it must be my sleeping pills." Ran hypothesized as she grabbed a dustpan, not acknowledging the fact that Takoizu offered to clean the room herself. Whether she did not hear it or if she was ignoring Takoizu was unknown. "I'll have to go to Eientei and pay the pharmacist once Im done here."


                            Banished Library

                            "Time is a fickle thing. Mess with it too much, you could possibly cause a paradox, mess with it too little, your choices won't matter. It's all about moderation." HP said, appearing next to the two.

                            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                              Gensokyo - Banished Library

                              Sakuyamon thought about what the swordman was saying and spoke "Since she is already here, the future surely has changed so we canīt backtrack and make it as nothing happened" she said matter of factly

                              "Come on, we got someone to save" the priestess said going forward

                              Lon Lon ranch

                              Midna was looking at the place were the disruption occurred "Interesting glass you got over there, might as well check this disruption over here, the girl was singing here and suddenly got teleported in a moment"
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Gensokyo - Banished Library | Day

                                "Ture. I don't know too much about time travel. We never talked about it much in my universe and I never needed the information on it until now.", John said to The Higher Power.

                                "But what?", John asked Shulk in a curious tone.

                                All of a sudden, Renamon appeared from the city and spoke to them.

                                "Understood.", John said to Renamon as he followed.
                                Last edited by S121; 01-02-2014, 05:11 PM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

