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[IC]All the World's a Zerg Rush - An AtWaG spin-off RP

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    Shield of Aiur

    Hank was quite surprised on how fast they got their, and more to the point, the various foreign and very deadly weapons around him. His hands shook a little from excitement. He wanted to try out those. Badly. Regardless, he held himself back, as a more regal looking Protoss spoke to him.

    "As long as you can point me in the direction of somewhere to clean afterwards, lead on." Hank replied.

    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


      Shield of Aiur

      The Protoss High Templar escorted Hank to the central command chamber of the mothership. As it was the center of the ship, it was very busy with Protoss crew members scurrying around like busy bees. One figure, however, stood more gracefully and more authoritatively than any Protoss, facing Hank and the High Templar who, upon noticing the Protoss figure, bowed in respect.

      "An honor to meet you, brave human. I am Executor Selendis." Selendis greeted Hank. Selendis was very tall, even for the taller-than-average-human alien race of the Protoss. She was easily 3 meters tall, and every single centimeter oozed power and grace. Selendis' eyes burned brighter than any other Protoss in the ship; her nerve strands tied into a two-side up, imitating the hair style. Her attire was similar to the traditional Chinese dress, except the upper portion was adorned into an armor shining in gold. "May I be honored to know your name?"


        Shield of Aiur

        "Hank J. Wimbleton." Hank replied in a plain, near emotionless manner. "I would shake your hand for rescuing me, but.." Hank's hands and gloves were still coated in blood. "It'd be rather messy, considering the blood. Fighting those things and others with nary a break will do that."

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


          Shield of Aiur

          Selendis seemed to enjoy the little banter with her new guest as her crow's feet slightly rose to form the closest thing a Protoss can make as a smile. "I understand that feeling all to well, Hank J. Wimbledon. I have countless scars of battle from my share of fights with the Zerg. I thought they would stay dormant after they attacked Korhal and slew Mengsk... but seems like the root of all evil has returned to this quadrant of the galaxy."

          "Executor Selendis, the Elders seek your attention." Another High Templar reported to Selendis who, hearing the news, made a sort of sighing motion. Out of all the Protoss Hank has seen, Selendis was the most humane and relatable- the others seemed too uptight.

          "Tell them I will be there." Selendis gave command, and the High Templar left to relay the message. "I will have to inquire about the progress of Zerg invasion later; the Elders of the Protoss seek my attention. You are welcome to wander the Shield of Aiur; I'm sure there will be some sort of facility that will suit your need to burn time. High Templar Eos will guide you to wherever you wish to go."

          With that, Selendis hastily left the command center, leaving Hank with Eos, the Templar who escorted Hank to Selendis.


            Shield of Aiur

            "Hm." Hank said, rubbing his chin, before turning to Eos. "Firstly, DO you have somewhere to wash? Really, I smell horrible right about now." Hank stated. It was true. He reeked of death, guts, and gore. His formerly black suit was now looking a little like Santa Claus, albiet with a horrible smell, no beard, and a penchant for leaving blood everywhere he walked.

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


              Shield of Aiur

              "Of course." High Templar Eos answered, levitating several inches off the ground as it glided out of the central command chamber. "We too do not wish to smell like Zerg carcass. Follow, I shall lead you to where you'll be staying."


                Shield of Aiur

                Hank nodded and followed along, looking at the ship around him. It was quite a bit more bright than he was used to. Grey was the color of almost everything in Nevada. Well, aside from the blood, that is. The bright whites and golds were a refreshing change of pace. He was lucky he had his goggles to block out some of the brighter things.

                He checked his weapons in the meantime, checking his left rounds and hoping he could sharpen his axe's blade sometime in the future a he paced alongside the templar.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  Ostankino Tower | Moscow, Russia

                  As they waited for the Youkai´s gap, Nera took the data pad and started uploading the information they had of the Zerg to the ship´s computers, Renamon on the other hand was at the galaxy map, but it showed Earth, covered by yellowish and purplish miasma "It is slower than the Reaper invasion you know" she heard the commander behind her "Those mechanical monsters took most of the planet in one single day, millions died in the first week or got indoctrinated by their corruption, but here" she walked to the map "We can work on a smaller scale war" she said with a faint smile
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Clearing - Forest | Gensokyo

                    "True.", John said to Hazama before growing silent for a brief moment.

                    Now that John thought about it, Yukari and him were not on the greatest terms right now. John may have possibly understood why she might have felt the need to hide the invasion, but he did still feel a little upset and angry about the entire ordeal. That, and he was sure that him leaving the house so suddenly with her in her current state would have left her in tears. There could be a chance she didn't want to talk to him after he returned home. Although John didn't show it, he felt slightly frustrated and felt the smallest tinge of anxiety spread through his chest when he thought about how things might turn out for the worse at home. Sure, John was angry at her, but he knew he wouldn't hate her forever for it, and hopefully Yukari wouldn't resent him for him leaving without so much as giving a reason. Just in case, perhaps it was a good idea to have options when it came to intel sources. At the very least, perhaps this Hazama would know something about the Zerg that even Yukari didn't know. After the moment had passed, John looked back up to Hazama again.

                    "I don't have any priceless artifacts on me at the moment, but would I be able to have your contact info?", John asked Hazama.

                    The Shard - Ruins of London - London

                    Lily quickly stood up and followed Raven and Chung up the stairs, quickly taking point in front in case there were hostiles. Unlike her usual demeanor when off duty, it seemed Lily was almost robotic in her actions and behavior. Of course, Lily always took on a more serious mentality when on a mission, but this felt slightly different as she moved past Raven and Chung, not even acknowledging them as she passed.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Shield of Aiur

                      One could fit an entire city into this ship... in fact, the Protoss already have, with alien architectural buildings towering all around the main central station. The purposes of these buildings were similar to those in regular city, although there were a lot more outposts where Protoss warriors readied their weapons in case of an attack. The Protoss mainly walked on foot, although there was also a heavy traffic of hovering vehicles whizzing above the pedestrians, guided by a holographic wall that worked as roadsides.

                      Eos did not speak or put up a petty chat until the two arrived at one of the larger buildings in the metropolis and entered the warp elevator to be transported to the top-most floor. It looked like a hotel penthouse of sorts, with glass dome above that displayed the universe in every angle, a large bed, modern furniture with sleek and immersive design, and, the one thing Hank was looking for the most: a walled-off bathroom to the side with built-in shower booth inside.

                      "We always treat our guests with utmost respect, human or Protoss." Eos bowed and left Hank to his lone company. "If you need any more service, you may call for assistance with a button next to the door. Farewell."

                      Ostankino Tower | Moscow, Russia

                      "I am both glad and also worried to know that there were invasions that worked on faster pace than the Zerg." Stukov confessed, looking over Commander Shepard's shoulders. "You've conquered them, I'm sure you will reclaim this planet."

                      That's when Stukov's... appendage... growing out of his shoulder twitched. He immediately shot up, left the ship, and looked around in frantic spins before re-entering the ship to tell the three a grim news.

                      "I can sense an enormous amount of Zerg forces massing here. The Swarm's Overlord must have seen this ship heading to the tower. You, you said we have a shortcut, right? How long do we need to wait for it?"
                      Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 07-16-2015, 06:12 PM.


                        Ostankino Tower | Moscow, Russia

                        Shepard heard the Zerg human commenting about her war and she decided to explain"The reaper war was something that in terms of months managed to conquer most of the galaxy, they knew where to hit us from the beginning, trying to separate us by attacking each Home world" She said looking at the map of Earth "We had to outmatch their intelligence with the combination of all the races and the help of the work of an extinct species that fought and lost against the Reapers in their cycle"

                        Then the trio noticed that Alexei went out and back with grim news, Renamon answered as she walked to the ship´s entrance "Between five and 10 minutes, we must stay in the area though, we can´t risk the Zerg from getting through it" She said and looked at the tower, jumping to its highest point"

                        "Well then, you heard her" Jane said heading to the pilot seat "We might not be able to go sky high, but a dogfight isn´t a bad option either"
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Ostankino Tower | Moscow, Russia

                          "I must not been seen by their Overlords, lest the Swarm takes note of my betrayal." Stukov readied his psionic energy, forming a gaseous green ball of energy, and addressed the commander. "I will help you with thinning out the number of Mutalisks; take care of their Overlods in the air."

                          Stukov then broadened his target audience to include the beasts outside. "I need to connect with the three of you to form a neural pathways. This will allow me to send telepathy to all three of you. Would you all be so kind as to lend me one of your arm for a few seconds?"


                            Clearing - Forest | Gensokyo
                            BGM: Blazblue Chronophantasma OST - Explorator:

                            "Pffffft, contact information. Who needs contact information? Just call my name, and I'll show up, provided I'm not busy." Hazama stated, his signature grin plastered across his face. "But I've gotta tell you, man to man. If there's anything I've learned about women with god-like powers, it's that you should never trust them. I learned that one the hard way. See you!"

                            Hazama stepped back behind the cast a teleportation ars magus. It never ceased to surprise him that, even without seithr, his seithr-related abilities remained. He reappeared atop a skyscraper in St. Louis. He glared down at the ground below, the carnage, the death, the suffering. He opened one eye, and his grin turned into an evil smirk as he observed the chaos below.
                            Last edited by Kilelicus; 07-16-2015, 11:25 PM.
                            Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                            "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                            Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                              Shield of Aiur

                              As Eos left, Hank sighed a little, moving into the bathroom. "I need a vacation."

                              Hank took off his bloodied clothes, putting them on the ground for now, taking off his goggles as well, leaving his weapons on the bed Under his clothes, lmoast his entire body, head to toe, was covered in bandages, partially bloodied. He took them off carefully, revealing the many, many scars of his past, shots and wounds that killed him many times before all over. The bandages also dropped to the floor soon after, as he let the warm water and soap wash the stench of death away for now.

                              Soon after, he got out, washing the blood out of his clothes with the showerhead, and leaving them on the sink counter to dry as he put a new layer of bandages on along with his goggles. He moved out to the room, shaking out ome slight cricks in his neck, before sitting on the bed, disassembling and re-assembling his weapons over and over until his clothes were dry enough to wear. It was a hobby of his, and it pased the time. He occasionally looked up at the display of the universe, tilting his head a little in curiosity at the display.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                Ostankino Tower | Moscow, Russia

                                "I would let Renamon hold your hand, but.." Nera pointed to the airlock where the vixen jumped to the tower "Yeah, but I can contact her normally" she said and lifted her paw for Alexei.

                                Meanwhile, Renamon was on the tower´s top, her digivice starting glow withing the confines of her claws, giving her some of the stored energy into her system ("Just relax and prepare for it") she thought taking calming breaths.
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


