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[IC]All the World's a Zerg Rush - An AtWaG spin-off RP

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    Ostankino Tower | Moscow, Russia

    "Then pardon me..." Stukov held Nera's paw and focused, his eyes closed. From his admiral's coat sleeves, a thin tentacle shot out, wrapping itself on one of Nera's fingers for 3 seconds before retracting back to its nest within Stukov's arms.

    "Don't be so afraid about that: it won't hurt you." Stukov reassured the lucario who must've been shocked about the tentacle. "That was done so that I can telepathically communicate with you. This way, we can alert each other and cover each others' blind spots."


      Ostankino Tower | Moscow, Russia

      "That.. was weird, and I have seen some weird stuff" commented the Lucario actually weirded out, but not shocked "But back on track, we got the Swarm incoming" she said now with her serious tone. Nera closed her eyes and could feel her partnerīs energy surge "We already got a big support dealer guys, how is this baby in a dogfight?" she asked the Commander

      Shepard just smirked "The Normandy may look big, but she is one heck of a fighter, too bad we arenīt in space, that is where she can truly shine" she said as the vesselīs shields were at perfect state and the core was vibrating with energy "Letīs do this"
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Clearing - Forest | Gensokyo

        John remained quiet and still after Hazama disappeared, the only sound in the area being the wind gently blowing through the trees. This Hazama person was quite unusual, enigmatic from John's perspective. It still struck John that of all the people he would look for, it would be him, especially considering that there were more powerful beings he could have contacted. Then again, perhaps Hazama was telling the truth when he said he felt John was the man for the job. Either way, John now had another source of intel. After removing his hand from his gun and standing up, John began to walk back to the house, quietly thinking about the advice Hazama had given him. Sure, perhaps Yukari was not truthful with him, but she had her reasons, right? Of course, there were a lot of things she did not share with him, things he still didn't even know about her. He didn't think too much of Hazama's remark, but it did get John thinking that he should talk with Yukari and tell her to be more open with things like this, and not to hide so much about herself and her daily activities.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Shield of Aiur

          After a while, Hank felt enough time had passed. He picked up his clothes, feeling around. A little damp still, but passable. But what to do to pass the time otherwise... Hank thought to himself a he finished putting on his clothes. Weapons. He was VERY interested in those quite alien and advanced weapons these Protoss had. Perhaps he could "test-drive" a few. He wondered if they had something for that. Perhaps that fellow who brought him here could help.

          Hank remembered something about there being a button next to the door to call him. So, he went up and pressed said button and waited.

          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


            Ostankino Tower | Moscow, Russia

            The Swarm arrived quickly. Hordes of ground units swarmed the tower. While they were large in numbers, it took a lot of them to realize that the tower isn't going to topple down just by having a few Zerglings slam into it. Instead, a particularly smart Hydralisk used its sharp claws to start advancing up the tower. Other units that were capable of climbing up the tower followed the smart Hydralisk, closing in on the four heroes' position. Those that were not capable of climbing the tower could only stare and watch; possibly catch any Zerg units that would lose balance and fall.

            While the ground unit advanced slowly, the flier saw no reason to not start their assault immediately. A cloud of Mutalisks were gliding towards the tower, aiming their piercing glaive worms at the ship Normandy. However, the Mutalisks are only distraction to their heavy hitters approaching the tower slowly but surely.

            "Let me take care of those mindless Mutalisks." Stukov volunteered, overcharging his green psionic energy and blasting the closest Mutalisk off the skies. "Focus all salvos on possible Overlords: they must NOT notify the Swarm of my betrayal."

            Shield of Aiur

            The answer came immediately. A female Protoss wearing their own version of maid outfit answered Hank's call with a dignified but humble smile and a bow.

            "Do you seek my service?" The Protoss maid asked Hank.
            Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 07-25-2015, 01:09 AM.


              Ostankino Tower | Moscow, Russia

              Renamonīs digivice was so bright that it would blind anyone around her as the light enveloped her body, transforming her. Each piece of her body felt like changing and morphing, her paws becoming hands, her snouth becoming a mouth and so on with each part of her body. With the use of a golden staff, a powerful quake that could make some of the Zerg lose their balance.

              "Might as well use the big guns already, they bring us their arsenal too" Sakuyamon spoke with a faint smile as she launched an Amethyst wind attack. At first some petals appeared on the air, but soon were followed by hundreds until it became a storm of cherry blossoms that would explode in contact with any monster
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Yakumo Household - Gensokyo

                After a few minutes of brisk walking, John was back at the Yakumo Household. He wasted no time walking down the path and heading up the stairs of the deck, but when he reached the front door, he saw a note stuck onto the front door. John grabbed the note with a small tinge of curiosity flowing through his mind and read what the message said.

                Dear John:

                I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you about the Zerg taking over the world. I was afraid you might overwork yourself like in the invasion, and wanted to try and settle the issue on my own.

                I'm heading to Eientei to talk to Eirin about something. If you see this note and I'm not home yet, come to Eientei too.

                Love you,

                John's eyes turned away from the note as he considered what was written in it. This entire situation was a very serious one, one that John had to admit would cause him to push himself to his very limits to save the world, but it was necessary. Was Yukari concerned that he would push too far and get himself killed? John lightly exhaled through his nose as he thought about her actions. Although Yukari may have had him in mind when she did what she did, he felt she should have at least gotten some help from someone else, or at least when things started to look bad. John figured that he would just have to talk about it with Yukari, and now that he had taken some time to cool off, he could approach Yukari and calmly talk about things.

                Doing just as the note directed, John opened up a Corridor of Darkness and entered inside.

                Eientei - Gensokyo

                Just then, a Corridor of Darkness opened up near the front of Eientei, and John stepped out. As he left the portal, it closed behind him and he continued up the stairs to the deck and up to the front door. He then proceeded to knock on the door, hoping someone would answer.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Shield of Aiur

                  Hm, not what Hank expected, but it would do.

                  "Two things. One, there is some Zerg blood in the restroom, and I don't really have anything to clean it up. Two, do you know where I can get a map of this ship or something similar?" Hank asked, adjusting his fingerless gloves for a moment.

                  Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                  You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                    Eientei | Gensokyo

                    A few seconds after John knocked on the gates of Eientei, he could hear a faint trace of struggles that grew louder and louder.

                    "Agh- stop it- Ow! I'm coming, give me one seco- Yeow!"

                    The door opened, revealing as usual Reisen. However, her usual attire of serafuku under a dark blazer were in ruins, as well as her ears and her exposed legs.


                    "Hello-" Reisen greeted without enthusiasm or power until she felt a nibbling on her back. "OW!"

                    Reisen reached for her back and pulled out what looked like a horrible amalgamation of a mini crab and a cow, his relatively large pincers playing with a ripped fabric off Reisen's blazer.

                    "Sorry about that. Princess has been looking for ways to create a perfect Chimera... says it's from a comic series called Fullmetal Alchemist." Reisen chuckled. "How can I help you?"

                    Shield of Aiur

                    "I will clean the Zerg filth right away." The maid nodded. She may not have the outward look of a human, but her servitude was still appreciatable. "As for the map... I'm afraid I do not have one at the moment. There's a brochure with the map of Shield of Aiur at the ground floor; you may take one if you'd like."
                    Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 07-19-2015, 04:11 PM.


                      Eientei - Gensokyo

                      John was not expecting such a sight when Reisen opened the door and simply stood there with eyes wider than before, though it was only for a split second.

                      "Is Yukari here?", John asked Reisen, his eyes still on the... creature she was trying to fight off. After a moment, John looked back at Reisen with just a hint of perplexity and added one more question,"Are you going to be okay?"
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Eientei | Gensokyo

                        Reisen threw the crab-cow chimera as far as possible, sending it flying into the air. "I'll be fine." She answered, raising her hands in the air making a double v when she unwillingly struck a bird perched on a branch down with the chimera. "I can just put on some healing ointment- Eh? Yukari?"

                        Reisen stared into John in confusion. "No... Yukari isn't here... although she was around Eientei until she spoke into some crystal and left into a gap. Tewi saw her."


                          Eientei | Gensokyo

                          John was slightly disappointed that he just missed Yukari, that she was already on her way to another location. Despite that, John retained a rather neutral expression as he asked his next question.

                          "Do you know where Tewi is?", John asked Reisen.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Shield of Aiur

                            Hank nodded. "Thank you."

                            With that, Hank slid past, weapons on his back, and went to the ground floor through the warp elevator. He looked around a little after he stepped off. "Now where would brochures be...?"

                            Hank was a little out of his element. Hotels weren't his thing. Neither were aliens. Mixing the two never went well.

                            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                              Ostankino Tower | Moscow, Russia

                              The cherry blossoms attracted the Zerglings who chased after them like little puppies. Too bad for them that, when they catch the cherry blossom leaves, their mouth or their claws will be shredded to pieces. Roaches and Hydralisks, however, were not interested in the pink leaves, sparing themselves from a horrible death. However, the quake from Renamon's golden staff did break their balance, hindered from advancing forward temporarily.

                              Eientei | Gensokyo

                              "Follow me." Reisen invited, her red eyes of lunacy activating. Reisen had a habit of doing this to people: lure them to follow her into either an untimely death or a condition of being hopelessly lost. She had no reason nor way to kill John, of course, but old habits die hard. "Oh, do be careful of any spills and the chimeras."

                              Shield of Aiur

                              The front desk was empty; the staff member was out for a late breakfast. There were Protoss enjoying a leisurely day: watching the alien, holographic newspaper and drinking alien coffee. Other than the fact that the every denizens were over 2 meters, the scenery looked so much like a regular human city.

                              The tranquility, however, broke into pieces with the sound of glass breaking. A female Protoss warrior wielding a deadly plasma blade was chasing after a Protoss thief who broke through the glass wall of the main lobby holding a large bag of bluish crystals. The thief looked like he was about to outrun the warrior until the female Protoss activated some sort of an ability to blink right in front of the thief, tackling him and subduing him right in front of Hank.

                              "You are NOT getting away, scoundrel!" The female Protoss warrior's eyes burned with justice as she poised to strike down the thief.

                              "No! Mercy! I surrender!" The thief cried out, which prompted the warrior to stop her assault. Two more Protoss warriors appeared into the scene and, with the female Protoss warrior's motion, arrested the thief. With the deed done, the female Protoss had time to get a breather from what seemed like a very long chase.


                                Shield of Aiur

                                Hank watched the scene unfold and made no attempt to intervene. Things such as this were commonplace in Nevada. After the thief was taken awya though, he spoke.

                                "Decent form in the tackle. Would've focused more on the windpipe myself, but that's preference speaking." Hank spoke. "The teleport was interesting though. I could do a lot with something like that."

                                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.

