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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    I'll try and come up with a planet tomorrow, maybe two.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      alright sounds good

      just make sure to take into account the sectors available. when ya do ^^;

      @ Mima

      alright, your turn...
      what do ya want to see happen with Mima, specifically, or any of your characters?


        Up to you, man. It's your story.

        However take care that the Operator is currently stealthed, which makes her invisible to the naked eye and the TOJINBO's native material renders it passively invisible against most sensor technology.

        In other stuff, I've planned for the Corporation to be a completely independant faction- with covert operatives imbedded in any other faction that has major trading going on, thanks to their puppet companies. Because of this they should have access to some intelligence that is at least general knowledge about the Shards. If you can, could you provide me with a list of information the Corporation should logically have?


          @ Hat

          The only thing that is common knowledge is the bedtime stories/myths of the Shards.

          I have two videos that I had thrown together haphazardly that are the short stories of the two legends, one of which is of the Shards, and the other is of the Blood Tome/Guardians of the Halls of Time.

          EDIT 2: fix'd

          I have to work out the more specifics of them...

          The prologue is actually a part of the legend of the Halls of Time
          Upon the revolving cogs of fate does our lives hang. The threads golden with the hue of eternity. The clock turns and the hour hand points to a new time, a new era. Yet we live on, ignorant of the tick of the clock of fate. Nay, our lives are not defined by the clock, rather the events that doth unfold forth from it. As the new age dawns, threads will be cut. Lives will plummet into the abyss of history, forgotten. As they fall, war rises and ravages the hanging threads like a tempest most ferocious. Many lives, many of the golden threads are battered by the onslaught, helpless to change it. War defined their fate. War was the plague that the clock hands brought to help define the new era. But as war storms and thunders and starts the inferno that consumes all that it touches and reduces all to mere ashes...those with a will to change cruel fate stand up from the smoldering embers. With hope and strength of the heart, they force the clock of fate to change again, to move on to a new time, to bring new fortune. And so it does. The war ends and the hands bring peace.

          Peace and war, life and death. For every shift in the clock of fate...

          And honestly, if there is anything else you want and maybe happen more specifically that you would need in order to fulfil any plans ya have, just let me know.
          Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-15-2013, 06:48 AM.


            Here is my app for Raven

            Name: Raven

            Gender: Male

            He stands at 6ft 1

            Race: Human/Irian/Cyborg (He models his fighting style after wolves, and bears a slight resemblance to a wolf.) He is part cyborg, because his entire left arm is missing.

            Profession and/or Talents: Raven is a professional with a blade. In fact some would say he is a master with one. As he is known inflict fatal wounds on his enemy's vital points. He leaves his enemies injured and numb until their bodies decide to give up before they could react. He was known as a true Blade Master... but not anymore. That title has been stripped from him since he got his new, more advanced mechanical arm.

            His sword, his mechanical arm, and the clothes on his back. His mechanical arm is a prototype weapon capable of firing, bursts of heat, turning into a drill, and many other things. This makes him more of a threat in close combat than before. The only downside to this is that since it's still a prototype it's not fully complete, and in turns amplifies his rage to massive levels. When he unleashes his rage he goes into a sort of out of control state where his physical strength is increased, but he literally loses control of all his senses. Thus attacking anything and everything near him. Luckily it's not that easy to get him angry...

            Personality: Quiet, and well reserved. He usually keeps his emotions under control, yet he is still haunted by his past. If he is reminded of what happens he will usually go into a berserk rage. He also has great respect for those who are strong, skilled, and honest.

            Elemental preference: Wind/Fire.

            History: Raven once was a youthful kid who enjoyed his training in swordsmanship. Long Before the Bio-Computer incident he knew Eleos for a short time. As Raven was part of the Crow Mercenaries in his older years. Then he was only at the rank of the Sword Taker before becoming a true Blade Master. At that time he had a few run ins with Eleos and challenged him, yet Raven always lost to Eleos. He grew to have great respect for Eleos due to his skills, and he finds a strong rival in Eleos. Before the Bio-Computer incident Raven had finished his training and became a Blade Master. One day he was framed by some unknown assailant and as such was blamed for the murder of several men. Shortly afterwards he was arrested, and tortured... he lost his arm... Fortunately his fellow Crow Mercenaries had managed to find him and help him escape. They then decided to hide out on the outskirts of town. Eventually they were found, and and a large battle between the Crow Mercenaries and the local law enforcement ensued. Raven was the only survivor of this battle. All of his comrades died trying to protect him... even his wife who was part of the Crow Mercenaries had also sacrificed his life for him. This was an event that scarred him, and made him leave the planet. Where he had managed to get a new arm. He had no clue about what was going on back on Planet Senarious during that time.

            Bio: Now he has returned to Senarious. Unsure of what happened to the planet while he was gone.

            Notes: The Crow Mercenaries was an old organization of mercenaries that was formed many, many years ago. Before the Bio-Computer incident, and such everyone one of the Crow Mercenaries had been killed off. All except Raven that is.

            [Answer the following about your character]
            Where do you want them to start and why? (For the why feel free to ask me about things to figure it out): Senarious. I thought that maybe Raven and Eleos could come across each other since Raven had returned to the planet.

            What would your character(s) do with the near unlimited power of the Shards of Starlight? (Ability to create and/or destroy entire Galaxies when all 6 are together)
            What would they do with the power of Gods?: He would be confused with such power. In fact he might try and use it to revive his old Crow Mercenaries members, and restore his arm. Other than that... he wouldn't know what to do with such power.
            Last edited by SUSTIC; 11-15-2013, 07:45 AM.


              @ Sus

              Looks good, but one problem...

              define how he challenged Eleos in the past...
              dependent upon what ya had in mind I might have to suggest something else ^^; Eleos is definitely a situational character when it comes to certain things.

              Also you mentioned his arm is capable of heat blasts and fire type attacks? Unless you had something in particular about the Light elemental, I would switch it out with Fire.


                I was hoping you would decide on "Raven challenged Eleos in the past"

                Also the heat based attacks aren't from a light aura crystal or anything. They are powered by the arms heat generator... but yes I did mean to put fire instead of Light ^^; I kind wrote that not too long ago... after I just woke up...


                  Hm, I found something awesome for the Reaper, especially since it's of the armor I based his off of.
                  Click Here

                  Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                  You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                    @ Mima

                    It reminds me of what I intended Demonarcs to look like.

                    Also I want to know what you had in mind for your characters and what you would want me to do to get them there?

                    @ SUS

                    Its fine, just something I shoulda clarified with the elementals...
                    It's whatever your character can naturally manipulate. even with technology, some things won't be as effective if they don't match the character's natural ability.

                    For instance, if you have a passive fire elemental preference, then anything that uses heat elemental will respond to you better. It isn't blaringly obvious and life deciding, but it is present. Also its more for something else I have in mind...
                    Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-15-2013, 08:12 AM.



                      Ah I see now.

                      The wind element thing is sort of a passive element for Raven. After all it can explain why he is much faster with a blade than normal right?


                        Eh, I don't know.

                        The Reaper probably would fight someone, though I don't know who.

                        Nova, no idea.

                        Mima, no idea.

                        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                          So... how is everyone today?



                            I may not have gotten a single minute of sleep, but I feel wide awake.

                            It's one of those nights.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                              I tend to have those nights often. Those nights that you just can't sleep, and they feel like they go on forever...

                              I hate those nights. I end up feeling like complete crap the next day.



                                I don't usually feel like crap the next day. Usually, my sleep pattern returns to normal the next night.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

