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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    Oh did I mention Eleos has a heavily modified sniper with the ability to turn into a mini rail-gun?
    Large caliber, check
    armor-piercing, check
    high explosive? "It's only the most unstable crystal in the entire galaxy that you can pack into a bullet that can explode with the force of a small nuke. Kinda rare though..." *Everyone clears the room as Eleos holds a few of these bullets*

    Anyway, the guns in Venturia have infinite ammo if you don't go trigger happy. If you do break the limit, then you just gotta replace the crystal in the gun.

    And sounds fine for how to get him here. Cause ya don't want him to go through the Passages of Fate =w=; It screws with memories most of the time.



      Passages of Fate?
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Passages of Fate, think of them as a sort of River Styx
        It's a bridge of sorts that connects Venturia of Part I (the Eternal Galaxy) to the Manor of Eternity/ The Halls of Time and then bridges from there to the Real Venturia (the Ethereal Galaxy).

        The Passages of Fate also serve other mysterious purposes...Which I reveal later on.

        In short I could bring anyone through em. Though depending on where they're coming from and of what time would determine some penalties of traveling through them.


          Cucoo, quick question before I post, what is the Beta Div doing in Conlustrare


            @ Pandre

            Usual patrol. They're currently moving to investigate the...uhm *making up some sort of indicator of location in the Solar Systems in relation to the others*

            Sector 7 let's say (12 sectors per solar system (think clock)). Sector 7 is the one closest to Egale System and thus where the NGO Beta Cruiser is. Beta Division doesn't know this yet. Anyone on board would be going about their usual daily activities.

            Also, remember: I'm going to say your on the Alpha Class Flagship of the Beta Division, and Alpha Class is about the size of a small planet so you got plenty of things to do if ya wanted to create something.


              so i assume all the pilot's fighters are on board? and the fox irian is somewhere in the cockpit


                le derp?

                Commander Suria (The fox Irian I assume you speak of here?), she is at the bridge of the Flagship, which I must pick out a name for...hold on...
                And generally, if your a Maverick, then your fighter is on the ship you're on, unless otherwise you got there via transport or something.


                The flagship of Beta Division is Veredus.

                EDIT 2:
                Going to get sleep
                night peeps
                Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-05-2013, 04:51 AM.



                  I'm an idiot for asking this but is the Beta Div in Conlustrare planet or Celestora system cause Conlustrare is under Helios


                    Originally posted by Pandre View Post

                    I'm an idiot for asking this but is the Beta Div in Conlustrare planet or Celestora system cause Conlustrare is under Helios
                    Oh god I kept saying conlustrare didn't I?
                    I meant Celestora >.<;

                    Celestora System

                    If I every say conlustrare is a system again, assume I mean Celestora

                    second time I derped that up x.x;


                    Edit @ Everyone

                    I love how this is turning out. I'm slowly ingraining everyone into the story, finding some key role they can have.

                    Nhiome I've set as a sort of illustration for Aion to see what Crystal Fusion does to someone and starts his questioning about who he is himself.
                    Mima I've got something special in part II that I have to work out alittle more. In the end it helps explain the Passages of Fate.
                    Mara is going to be a means to find Anankerisa.
                    Seiuna and Azune I'll work out after I see em in action but It would probably have something again tied to the differences between the Eternal Galaxy and Ethereal Galaxy
                    Master Chief ...gotta work on it but I'm thinking end of Part I and II he'll see some action.
                    Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-05-2013, 12:02 PM.



                      I was thinking of counting Cortana in with John.

                      Would that count as two Characters?

                      I'm also adding his ship's profile into my App.

                      I have everything, from it's size, to it's supplies.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post


                        Edit @ Everyone

                        I love how this is turning out. I'm slowly ingraining everyone into the story, finding some key role they can have.

                        Nhiome I've set as a sort of illustration for Aion to see what Crystal Fusion does to someone and starts his questioning about who he is himself.
                        Mima I've got something special in part II that I have to work out alittle more. In the end it helps explain the Passages of Fate.
                        Mara is going to be a means to find Anankerisa.
                        Seiuna and Azune I'll work out after I see em in action but It would probably have something again tied to the differences between the Eternal Galaxy and Ethereal Galaxy
                        Master Chief ...gotta work on it but I'm thinking end of Part I and II he'll see some action.
                        Except The Reaper.

                        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                          @ S121
                          I would say she's truly an independent character if she can exist elsewhere other than John's suit
                          (has never played Halo thus not really familiar with finer details myself :x)
                          Otherwise I wouldn't bother making a completely separate app for her, just have her details in a section of John's.

                          @ Mima

                          Still kinda working on it...I'm trying to think what would happen with it...
                          If it targets NGO only, it'll be interesting if he meets Revere, especially if it use that line about 'escape from your past' on him.

                          Reaper: Do you think you can escape from your past?
                          *Revere begins to laugh manically*
                          Revere: 'Escape from my past? THIS IS MY PAST!
                          Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-05-2013, 12:29 PM.



                            She can fit anywhere that has a large enough system.

                            Now that I really think about it, she would most likely be a second Character.

                            You also forgot to mention what you have planned for the Reaper. I'm curious and Mima wants to know.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
                              @ Mima

                              Still kinda working on it...I'm trying to think what would happen with it...
                              If it targets NGO only, it'll be interesting if he meets Revere, especially if it use that line about 'escape from your past' on him.

                              Reaper: Do you think you can escape from your past?
                              *Revere begins to laugh manically*
                              Revere: 'Escape from my past? THIS IS MY PAST!
                              The Reaper targets anyone it deems "unjust", not just NGO. It'll target anyone from any faction, as long as it sees him/her as "unjust".

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                @ S121

                                I think Cortana might find a way to communicate with a certain spirit of the crystals I had (The same ghost girl that led Mima through the passages)

                                And Ik I forgot the Reaper. Depending upon some of the things it does in these next scenes...I might have something for it to do...

                                @ Mima

                                Alright...then it could be an interesting thing to have...
                                Especially later on.

                                Revere would be probably its ultimate goal in part I.
                                Though Revere has to die by Aion's hands, otherwise it would create a time paradox.

                                spoiler alert that tells what Revere is:

                                Revere is Aion from the future where the galaxy winds up being destroyed regardless of his efforts. Thus he knows of certain events in the story.
                                Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-05-2013, 12:49 PM.

