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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    So who's going to control the enemies?
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      It's free for all on control. I'll make some moves with em just to add another obstacle, and all I would say is just control like a small group at a time.

      The enemies are professional army grade soldiers with assault rifles and a handful of grenades. They're good at forming groups that concentrate fire to pin down an entire area and alternate fire among members.

      Tanks have 3 gunners manning anti-personnel guns (machine guns/Gatling Guns) and the main turret which fires anti-armor explosive rounds. The only reason they're not destroying the building the Hunter's and characters are in is because they want what's inside undamaged (some sort of terminal).

      There is soldiers laying anti-personnel mines that won't trigger on their own soldiers.

      Assume the enemy snipers have a clear shot of the main door of the building with the objective.

      The ally snipers are trying to take care of the enemy snipers, but risk getting shot by the tanks.

      Assume the ally snipers are in the floor above the objective room and assume the enemy snipers are 2 floors above that in the other building.

      The two allies in the building to the north are preparing to ambush the enemy in the connected building.

      Assume there are stairs or ladders in the buildings to reach the upper floors.
      Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-12-2013, 03:06 AM.


        It would be me Mr utsuh, Im ready to test your abilities, or your failures

        And I shall go to rest, my mind is leaving to the dream world

        Last edited by Kristia; 11-12-2013, 03:06 AM.
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          @ Kristia




            What kind of weaponry are they using? Aura-based?

            What effect would aura weapons have on MJOLNIR/AETHER armor plating? What kind of damage can they do to shielding?

            Are the buildings climbable, besides the ladders?


            Nighty night.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Aye, buildings are climbable.

              And yes, all weapons are Aura based.

              For damage I used this:
              - In addition, use these numbers for indexes of shield potency.
              Fighters: 1
              Ships larger than fighters, but smaller than Zeta Class Carriers: 2
              Zeta: 5
              Lambda: 8
              Kappa: 10
              Omega: 15
              Delta: 20
              Gamma: 25
              Beta: 30
              Alpha: 35
              Assume shields regenerate at a rate of [(Shield Index)^2]*0.01 per second.

              - Physical impact. Shields decrease by [(Force in newtons)*(0.5)]/[100*(Shield Index)] = percent drop.

              - Allows for shields to take physical trauma of an impact, however if the fighter were to ram into something solid (ex. mountain), then structural damage will occur regardless, however will be lessened by shields
              - Energy blasts. Assume the following categories of "energy blasts" and use an index number for each.
              - Light rapid (ex. assault rifles) Index: 1
              - Light charged (ex cannons that can be carried by soldiers.) Index 1.5
              - Heavy Rapid (Ex. Think Large machine guns, large enough to not be moved by normal means and typically used on vehicles) [Firing Rate of 10 shots per second*] Index 2
              - Heavy Charged (Ex Equivalent of Tank shells and AAA) [Firing Rate of 0.5 shots per second*] Index 3
              - Cruiser Rapid (Massive guns equipped on cruisers only.) [Firing Rate of 6 shots per second] Index 4
              - Cruiser Heavy (Massive cannons equipped on cruisers only, capable of slow repeated fire) [Firing Rate of 3 shots per second] Index 5
              - Cruiser Charged (Massive long charge time cannons equipped on cruisers only) [Firing Rate of 1.5 shots per second] Index 7

              *Fire Rate Set for Fighter combat

              - Shields drop as such: {[(Index of blast)^2]*2}/[(Shield Index)]= percent drop

              Let's say John's armor is greater than 0.5, but less than that of a fighter.

              Tank's have an index similar to gunships (2) if not slightly greater.

              Personal shields we'll say have index less than 0.5.

              On the armor plating itself, assume it has the toughness of shield index around a 2.

              EDIT: Let me know if the formulas still fall within realistic reason.
              EDIT 2: Let's just say this is for getting a rough idea =w= cause the more I think on it, the more this seems like it wouldn't really work...
              Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-12-2013, 03:30 AM.



                So maybe .08, or .09 for his shields? Is that okay? The reason I was thinking that was because of the amount of firepower it can stand against. Then again, these are energy-based weapons...

                As for shield regeneration rate, does John's shields still follow his Halo version, or the EG system? Was his old MJOLNIR shielding system integrated into the AETHER system?

                (MJOLNIR shielding has a 6 second delay before it can regenerate. After that, the regeneration process takes 2 seconds. Going off of Halo 4 shielding system)

                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Use MJOLNIR.
                  the other formula is more for vehicles anyway.

                  And honestly, go with w/e seems a decent balance. I mean, it would be hilarious if personal armor has shields as potent as a fighter's. And I know question the potency I had set for a Fighter's shields...
                  Oh well I ain't gonna bother with it too much.

                  Consider it a basic thing for an idea of what weapons can do.



                    Yea, I'll admit, I really want to pick .9 as his shield index, but that might be because of positive bias towards him.

                    Then again, .8 might be more appropriate. It might tone his shields down a bit, but it would make things more of a threat. He is supposed to be a walking tank, but he's not quite a literal tank.

                    What I figure is that the plasma weapons in Halo have been said to easily melt normal Titanium after 2 or 3 shots, so that would mean that the plasma would be well above 5,000 *F. The shields would have to be incredibly strong to withstand continuous fire from plasma weaponry, even if their weakness is plasma weaponry. I didn't take Titanium Alloy into account because there's no telling what other metal/material the Titanium has been infused with. What I do know is that it takes a lot of plasma to damage the armor. In the end, there's a reason he would be somewhere in the .8/.9 range.

                    Bah, I'll just flip a coin on .8 and .9 and see what I get.

                    As for the equations, this will take a while with all the times he might get shot. XD

                    I've already come up with a way to take down the snipers.

                    Quick question, where would a sniper rifle be on the damage index?
                    Last edited by S121; 11-12-2013, 03:53 AM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      @ S121

                      In the end I think it'd be best to don't worry about the formula and just use it as a rating system. Use what you know and what in Halo would be true. tbh it would be far more balanced than what I have.

                      So let's do this: Take Halo's stats and damage rates and shields., except maybe the armor and tanks and such take slightly more than that of Halo.

                      And snipers, let's say about light charged if not slightly less.



                        Ok, I'll try to find a way to integrate everything.

                        I don't really feel like turning on my 360 and testing out every weapon on Halo 4, so I'll go with the damage system to quickly calculate damage.

                        What I do know is that snipers in Halo can pierce shielding, but that's because of the bullet's caliber, along with balancing and gameplay reasons.

                        If only I had the books, where I would have a better view of the canon of the Halo universe. Heck, in one of the comics, John gets shot by 3 or 5 Hunters at once, but gets back up, while in the games, 1 is fatal.

                        That's the problem with Halo, too many inconsistencies... -_-; It all has to do with what John can actually do vs gameplay and balancing, giving players a challenge.

                        I do know that book John is much more powerful than game John. Game John is actually pretty sad compared to his book counterpart. -_-;

                        Bah! Enough with my rambling, I've got a battle plan to make.
                        Last edited by S121; 11-12-2013, 04:15 AM.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          So I want in. Can I have a quick recap of the story/events, player list and objectives so far so I can find out how best to build my character?

                          Here's the gist of it, though:

                          The Operator


                          Will draw tomorrow.

                          Human - Cyborg augmentations?

                          Intelligence and Stealth Operations. Highly versed in electronic systems, assassination, firearms and infiltration.

                          1x TOJINBO Heavy Industries Force Suit- Corvus MOD3.5.2C (Custom)
                          While severely outdated by today's standards, the the TOJINBO suit has been greatly enhanced by the Corporation to maintain its effectiveness. An Aurora Crystal Matrix has been woven into the fabric, allowing the suit to sustain itself with a reliable power source instead of relying on the restrictive and inconvenient power umbilical system. This power is used by the suit to maintain the Corporation's indigenously developed Operating System and Corvus stealth subroutines, which consist of an array of multi-lenses camera/pixel fibres applied in two layers above the Crystal Matrix. When the user's stealth is compromised for any reason, the TOJINBO suit's original functions can be recalled by the onboard computer- that being the nullification of incoming projectiles. Indeed, the final layer of the suit before the delicate undersuit and electronic wiring is made of Physics-Fabric, a material that when electrically charged, reacts against the slightest touch. Of course, the degree of the response is dependent on how much force is applied to the suit- a touch barely triggers any response, while a shove can cause the material to raise its density to match metal. The flaw in this system is that the suit will draw material away from unused parts to shore up its defences, which means that sustained fire over a large area of the body can lead to system failure, while a seemingly much more powerful anti-armor round against a single point will deflect harmlessly.
                          1x Corporation Operator Helm
                          A large helmet with integrated HUD, weapon-synchronisation and communication systems built by the Corporation.
                          1x Digital Storage Unit
                          A Corporation-made digital conversion device that scans non-organic objects and stores their dimensions, characteristics and replication details electronically. The objects can then be replicated back at base, given that resources are avaliable. The conversion process is lengthy and if the object has interior parts they need to be scanned independantly.
                          1x ARAGUA Security FM-204 Magnetic Pistol
                          Combining the ammunition capacity of a sub-machine gun with the portability and convenience of a pistol, the FM-204 fires magnetically charged tungsten-steel cubes at ultra-high velocity and thanks to its electrical power source, is nearly silent, producing only a quiet hum when the trigger is pulled. Includes automatic/burst/semi-automatic fire selection, fifty-round 'stick', 10-15 minute battery life and minimal recoil. Its accuracy is greatly reduced when fired from long periods of time due to stress placed on the magnets.
                          1x ARAGUA Security SR-267-56 Anti-Material Vacuum Rifle
                          A large, foldable sniper rifle with holographic sights and mission computer. Can fire a 40 centimetre slug with enough force to penetrate shields and light armor. Incredible range and can be fired in a vacuum. Accuracy can suffer when fired without sufficient preparation, very long loading and preparation time and cannot be used inside starships as the slug will punch through the hull, causing immediate and explosive atmospheric decompression.
                          1x Corporation Battle Cloth
                          An intriguing weapon of Corporation design, the Battle Cloth is little more than a souped up piece of Physics-Fabric with an electrical charge applied. All Operators are trained in its usage, including wrapping it around foes' necks, performing 'wet-towel spanks', using it as a temporary shield when struck by bullets or an enemy, or simply blinding enemies by throwing it in their face.
                          1x Interrogation Kit
                          All-purpose kit including various serums to induce stupor or otherwise subduing a foe and getting him to talk.
                          1x Digital Bag
                          A bag for simple storage.

                          The Operator, being an Operator, values honor, loyalty, sacrifice and stoicism above all. She heeds her orders to the letter, whether she likes it or not, and lacks self-direction, compassion or even a sense of self. She sees herself only as an extension of the Corporation.

                          Elemental Preference:
                          Dark, Matter

                          Created in the sterile chambers of the Corporation's Force Application systems, the Operator is just one of many agents that exist to exercise the Corporation's will. The Operators are the Corporation's eyes and ears, responsible for the collection valuable intelligence that their usual methods cannot detect, and recovering sensitive payloads from high-threat environment. Occasionally they may even be called upon to execute members of society that the Corporation feels cannot be allowed to live.

                          The Corporation is a faction dating back to the times on Earth- a pseudoconglomerate of several large companies, it is led by the 'Grey Men', an elite and enigmatic cache of idealistic capitalists who use the Corporation to influence events in order to maintain what they believe is a balanced world both politically, militarily and socially. As society has spread amongst the stars, so has the Corporation, using its massive pooled resources and hidden economic might to fuel research into advanced technology and maintain its massive Force Application Divisions- essentially a private, full-strength military fighting force. However, with the loss of the faction known as the Guardians, one of the Corporation's largest supporters in military equipment and funding, the faction has moved to even more secretive measures while they steadily recovered from their loss. Now, the Grey Men have deemed it ready to return to action, and the Corporation is now seeding its intelligence agents across the galaxy for reasons unknown.

                          Operator Code: BN4910
                          Handler: Class 7 Full Action
                          Combat Rating: 9

                          The Operator has performed many assignments for the Corporation before, including assassinations, reconnaissance, spying and even a few total exterminations. With the loss of the Guardians, she has been recalled to her home and placed in cryosleep for several years. Only now has she been awakened for a new assignment.

                          - The Corporation is a timeless entity that has existed since the early days on Earth, always in the shadow, and always watching over events. They occasionally intervene in happenings that they deem as aiding or hindering their enigmatic goals. While the legitimacy of their actions are debated, the Corporation's interest, for better or for worse, can be interpreted as for the best of the Galaxy.

                          - Cybernetic augmentations to increase the Operator's combat effectiveness have resulted in the removal or replacement of several non-vital body parts. Among these modifications is the HARPY combat module that has replaced most of her neck, resulting in the loss of her vocal cords. She cannot speak, and instead lets her Handler do the communication.

                          - Every Operator is assigned a Handler, a mission controller that monitors the situation from the safety of a Corporation vessel and relays enemy information, mission updates and may occasionally broadcast messages through the Operator's external communications systems. In cases of Operator rebellion or other inconveniences, the Handler is instructed to kill the Operator by utilising their suit's self-destruct.

                          -Subtlety is the hallmark of the Corporation. Every Operator is trained to utilise only the minimal amount of skills to ensure mission completion and weapons and rules of engagement are strictly monitored to ensure that the operation is carried out with minimal loss of unnecessary life and minimal waste of resources. As such, the Operators utilise a threat-system to govern the level of combat they can engage in. The system uses three classes: Bishop, Cardinal and Emperor, each representing a threat level from minimal to dangerous respectively.

                          - I would prefer not to introduce her with some past beef with Eleos, just for the fact that she's supposed to have just woken up from cryo. Even if they were to meet, her rigid mindset would only allow her to view him as an ally, enemy or assassination target.
                          Last edited by MyHatismyFriend; 11-12-2013, 05:04 PM.


                            @ hat

                            Thanks for reminding me why I really need to update the summary section fully ^^;
                            I'll get to that this weekend.

                            For everything else: the only thing I'll point out is this:
                            The Corporation -> Guardians
                            Basically it matches perfectly. The Third Faction in my story is exactly what the Corporation is.
                            I would highly recommend you consider that. Heck if you wanted you could say that the Corporation became the Guardians as early in the war, the Strike Fighters had succeeded in annihilating the original Guardians, and the Guardians were then revived by sympathizers...or in this case it can be the Corporation.

                            After I read the fact she uses a sniper I immediately said "AT LAST....ELEOS'S RIVAL HAS APPEARED...."
                            In short I would consider giving her a history with my main character, Eleos, who is an elite marksman assassin of the planet Senarious in the Egale System.

                            Just a few initial concepts.
                            Also feel free to use Aura energy as slightly more than just a power source...
                            Throw out some concepts that would spark ideas and what would be possible. (Also I would use Aura energy to explain how the guns can fire in a vacuum.)
                            Also I would explain the Digibag as another upgrade, consisting of the ability to convert any relatively small object (includes organics...though living things with organs tend to die....) into energy. There's a certain limit as to how many things can be stored, but its able to hold a lot of supplies.
                            Also I would add a sort of device that I forgot what I called them that would allow your character to interface with computers via telepathic thoughts. I think it was a Telelink or something...

                            Cyborg augmentations...If you do decide to go as Eleos's Rival I would say she would be normal Human. Or not as many augmentations.

                            Anyway that's my initial concepts you can use if you'd like.

                            Edit: player list is the participant list but not the character list. The map has more of that information

                            @ Everyone
                            ......You know I just realized.....
                            No one's gonna tackle any of the Native races of Venturia, are they? So far the only true Venturian we have is Pandre's character, Seiune, who is an Irian... And they haven't actually started really (probably cause of the rough start ( .-.); and life in general...)
                            Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-12-2013, 10:10 AM.


                              Wait... you can have two elemental preferences? If that's so mind if I make it to where Eve's is Light, and matter? It would kind of make sense with some of her abilities (which involves summoning things ranging from other androids to temporarily aid her, giant ass drills, harpoons, and even nanobots to aid her.)


                                @ SUSTIC

                                Yea, you could have two (It's the maximum I would allow anyway though not too many beings in Venturia have the natural ability to use 2. I would actually challenge most to use only one.)

