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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    Ah. That's why they were not as powerful. (Also explains how the magnum in Halo 2 looked different than in the first game...)

    Also I liked both the music, fighting, and the story for Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo: Reach (yes I know it takes place before the first game.) I liked Reach's story, just not as much as the others. I did like it when we got to fly a Saber in Reach.


      Originally posted by S121 View Post
      Goodmorning everyone.


      I didn't see them on your map. That's what I was paying the most attention on.

      Ok, I'll just have to do what John does and improvise.

      How many gunships are there? What are their positions? What is there altitude? What formation are they using?

      I think I even mentioned it along with the map where I said that I didn't include the gunships because I wasn't certain how to portray the 3rd dimension on a two dimensional map. ^^;

      But there's only like 5 of them at an altitude of...
      I would say low-mid stratosphere
      Originally posted by Wikipedia
      Stratosphere: 12 to 50 km (7 to 31 miles)
      The cannons have a pretty good aim and they simulate projectile explosives, except not as potent. They have a decent blast radius to make them dangerous to normal personnel.
      Also they have some standard guns on them (traditional Vulcan cannons almost) so they will come in for strafe runs. Gun ships have typically 2 anti-personnel launcher style cannons and 3 Vulcan cannons (tail, top, front)

      They're currently doing patrols of the airspace (circling like vultures, patrolling the perimeter, watching for movement on the ground.)

      Also on the topic of taking down something big...

      Daedalus Project.



        You're going to have to control the Gunships when they perform strafe runs.

        I have an idea on how to take them out. Remember how John has thrusters and can hijack vehicles?

        Once he gets a gunship, he can rely on his superior reaction time to allow him to outmaneuver the other gunships.

        Time for a Halo moment. Should be epic...

        Post incoming...
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          @ S121

          And the Hunters would be jealous because they're technically only pilots and thus seeing the reversed roles would illicit some funny reactions :P

          And alright, I'll control the gunships.

          Oh and make sure to read my battle sequence out, I've had Aion thin down some of the ranks. And make sure to remember the mines. ^^;



            Understood. The path I planned out actually keeps John out of the path of the mines. I kind of forgot about them, but it just turned out that way.

            I also gave a nod to Aion's actions in my post. John approves.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              GODDAMMIT I GOT AN IDEA FOR ANOTHER PLANET, AND ANOTHER CHARACTER!!! This time based off of the character Elsword.


                @ SUS

                throw it at me. Most ideas are welcome here. The only ones that aren't are the ones that would completely and utterly somehow manage to conflict with every single aspect of the story and cannot be salvaged.

                @ S121 + Everyone

                Actually, could I get some opinions on Aion's battle sequence? What opinion do you have now of Aion as a swordsman/ fighter in general?


                  Eh I already scrapped the idea because I think I have enough characters here.

                  Anyways the idea was a planet that was sort of like the world of Elsword. You know, a few old fantasy medieval kingdoms here and there with of course factories and stuff for androids. With a guild on the planet called the Royal Knight's which Elsword (with an edited backstory and stuff for the RP) would have been a Knight in training and stuff.


                    @ SUS

                    So it would be like Alcyon (See the Shattered Ice Flower RP's OOC)



                      Yea, but a bit more "modern." (I did read over Shattered Ice Flower's OOC.)



                        Wait, so Aion doesn't have personal energy shields?

                        Do the soldiers have them? If they don't, then John just wasted ammo. 0_0

                        I'm going to have to perform some edits.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          @ SUS

                          Ah...Ok I see what ya mean...

                          @ S121

                          He does, but he doesn't rely on them. Primarily he only uses them to block shots (i.e. he will concentrate them as a sort of...literal shield to block an oncoming attack if his sword won't.)
                          And yes soldiers do use them as a passive system. You're fine.



                            Oh, ok.

                            So swords (futuristic energy type) can pierce shields, right? If so, then it would actually fit into the whole Halo Energy Sword game mechanic as well. I don't think a normal sword would be able to pierce shields, so perhaps Aion's swords use the shielding technology similarly to how an Energy sword pierces shields, right?

                            Just trying to figure out the system.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              My thinking is was that in relation to a bullet, the energy edge of a sword would be like getting hit by an infinite number of bullets all at once, because it would be continuous energy burn. So with that logic: a laser or a sword is more deadly than a bullet, but a bullet is easier to work with for most. The other thinking is Star Wars.
                              ...Jedi stuff...

                              EDIT: I'll update the battle sequence later. Need to do some other things now ^^;
                              Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-19-2013, 05:12 PM.


                                You know, I had a scene where Aion and the group become temporary "Sky knights" (riding giant birds/dragons)

                                ...and then I saw this...

                                Idk when where or how...
                                But I will have this in the story in one scene.
                                I will have it.

