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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    Fine then... I think it would probably work better in Part II anyways.


      @ Neo

      @ Book

      Oh I just realized...
      what hand did Nhiome use? The normal hand or the hand with the Aura Crystal Fusion? Just a particular detail I like to use in things. Depending on what you choose will determine what I do next, both scenarios I would like to use, but only get one chance to use em, so I just want you to pick one or the other :P The Crystal Fusion is on his left, correct? And what would be his dominant arm?


        Now I need to figure out where Deimos would start.

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


          I would almost say have him start in Sol Incineron or Celestora. He might be able to start in Venion...

          The reason I say Sol Incineron or Celestora is because they tend to have more temples and such to explore.
          Venion does have Temples, but they're not ruins... >w>...


            Eh, that'll work. Sol Incineron or Celestoria it is.
            Oh yeah, a planet for said system.

            Name of Planet: Videc

            Solar System: Sol Incineron

            Sector: 4

            Continent(s): There are no continents on the planet, more or less small islands mostly made up of obsidian. Ruined towns, cities and temples can be found on the larger of them.

            Ocean(s): There is but one continuous ocean that streches all across the planet, known by humans as the Ocean of Hades, as it is made of blitering hot lava. Some say they can hear roaring coming from within the lava, though this is unconfirmed, and usually dismissed as tall tales.

            Feature(s): Other than the large lava ocean, the obsidian islands are dotted with temples, built by unknown creators, and the ruins of cities and towns built to try to colonize and exploit the oceans of lava as an altenate fuel source. None ever succeeded.
            Last edited by Koishi; 11-17-2013, 12:29 PM.

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.



              the crystal fusion is in his right arm, his dominant hand is also the right one, so yeah, he grabbed the orb with the hand with crystal fusion.
              How many times can you die a day~?
              How many times have you died a day~?


                @ Book

                Ok good...I'll have fun with that then in my next update post

                @ Kristia + S121

                I'd thought I'd just point out what I initially had planned

                Bioroid =/= Cyborg.

                Bioroids and Cyborgs are two very different things, but similar in concept only.

                Bioroids function off of organic...organs. Muscles are organic. Bone is organic. Everything is organic. In other words, Bioroids don't have limiters because, one, they don't use Aura energy, and two, they would have natural limits due to calories and whatnot. The nanobots in their blood allows for functions to exceed normal human capacities as well as being able to heal faster (things such as muscle tear and bruising and all of that)

                Cyborgs are your stereotypical cyborg with mechanical prosthetics and what not and have to have Aura Energizing those parts. They can also be part Bioroid.

                The reason I didn't put this was because I only had the one Bioroid in the entire story. And in a metaphorical sense...
                Bioroids...are like...zombies. And that's sort of what I initially had with the one girl who was the only bioroid I had planned out initially. She was a princess in the Egale System and she had died recently, but had no idea because her parents had reanimated her as a bioroid and she simply thought she was asleep. But her soul was gone, only her mind and emotions were left. She seemed perfectly normal. But then the Nihiliod happened...

                And again, that was my initial concept and my concepts have been changing slightly as things go.


                  @ Kristia

                  just to confirm (this is me worrying slightly because we're touching on something that I have a particular definition for)

                  When you say limiters, you are not referencing Aura Limiters, correct?

                  Aura Limiters: The devices I had initially mentioned about for like weaponry and that which regulates crystal energy to prevent the over exertion of a device on the crystal.

                  Anything that doesn't use Aura energy wouldn't have limiters.


                    you are right in that cucoo

                    in limiters im meaning in mechanical ones. A robot has no limit of strength, therefore it has inmense strength

                    So since a bioroid is combination between mechanical and biological parts, the person will interact with society daily, the limiters will work to maintain the person´s pgysucal abilities to not cause problems

                    example: a bioroid without limiters may break a person´s hand by handshaking, so by having the limiter the bioroid won´t destroy the bones accidentally
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Ok ^^;

                      Also that brings out what I had in my prior post before the double post

                      Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
                      This was my initial concept:

                      Bioroid =/= Cyborg.

                      Bioroids and Cyborgs are two very different things, but similar in concept only.

                      Bioroids function off of organic...organs. Muscles are organic. Bone is organic. Everything is organic. In other words, Bioroids don't have limiters because, one, they don't use Aura energy, and two, they would have natural limits due to calories and whatnot. The nanobots in their blood allows for functions to exceed normal human capacities as well as being able to heal faster (things such as muscle tear and bruising and all of that)

                      Cyborgs are your stereotypical cyborg with mechanical prosthetics and what not and have to have Aura Energizing those parts. They can also be part Bioroid.

                      The reason I didn't put this was because I only had the one Bioroid in the entire story. And in a metaphorical sense...
                      Bioroids...are like...zombies. And that's sort of what I initially had with the one girl who was the only bioroid I had planned out initially. She was a princess in the Egale System and she had died recently, but had no idea because her parents had reanimated her as a bioroid and she simply thought she was asleep. But her soul was gone, only her mind and emotions were left. She seemed perfectly normal. But then the Nihiliod happened...

                      And again, that was my initial concept and my concepts have been changing slightly as things go.
                      Take a human, Vatian, Irian, what have you, drain it of its blood and replace some organs with something designed for nanobot blood, and you get a Bioroid.

                      Cyborg is standard stereotypical cyborg with all the machinery.
                      Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-18-2013, 07:47 PM.


                        RANDOM IDEA TIME!!!

                        Hey Cucoo I saw this picture, and it made me think of a idea for a creature that could be encountered sometime in the far future of this RP.

                        It's HUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGEEE


                          so huge bosses? I got some from a beautifully insane game

                          here is a pic of the boss

                          And the size of your character compared with her
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            Soooooo. No updating?

                            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                              Giant Hydra? Already had planned for Egale System.

                              Giant women?
                              ....Anankerisa when she's mindf*cking ya.

                              Coming this Friday.


                                @ Kristia

                                Please tell me what concept your using for the bioroids ( ToT)

                                Are you thinking Bioroid or Cyborg?

                                It sounds at this point your thinking more Cyborg based on my initial concepts

                                Originally posted by From the Character Creation Template notes of OP

                                Androids: They would need a good sized Aura crystal core to run I would say (about the size of a Melon...)
                                Their abilities would be overall greater than any physical organic being, but if they exert themselves too far, the crystal would die and therefore, they would "die" until someone were to replace their core. Also could say a limiter would prevent that from happening and have the android be exhausted.

                                Bioroids: (Think like purely organic androids) which would be organic beings that instead of blood, would have some form of nanobot system. They don't need Aura crystals and use organic processes for energy.

                                Cyborgs could be a cross between the two and meet somewhere in the middle. Cyborg appearance would be more natural looking ( a bit like Luke's hand in Star Wars for example)

                                Also...I finally reached the type character limit in the OP. gg XD looks like my archive will have to go poof. Oh well...
                                Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-19-2013, 12:48 AM.

