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[IC] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    Helios System
    Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

    Switching from the funeral topic, Kiara answered Mara. "Actually...we can do one better. We could...reverse engineer a Bioroid body. It would be 96% Organic with the nanobot blood. It functions like any body. The only reason we haven't used them is because of that event that many years was it since the AI shut down? A few thousand?" Kiara turned to Joe.
    "Pfft! Don't look at me, I failed that unit. was covered up a bit. I guess even the great beings of the Venturian Galaxy have a dark side. And here in the past it was humans that took all the blame." He chuckled to himself. "Fast forward a millennia later and now it's humans and Venturians trying to set things right."


    Nero sighed to himself. "Right...we've established that fact a few different ways already. How about more of who she really is. Preferably focusing somewhat on the good parts so we can take something from this and turn it for the better? I mean...she was evil. Why not start anew with the good aspects with...a slight touch of the bad? We're all good and evil. No point in hiding it...but what's done is done." Nero sat down and leaned forward. "So, let's hear it, shall we? Oh...and I know you all are...uh...spirits...but you need anything to drink? If...physically possible?"

    Sol Inceneron
    Inopia - Underground Temple

    Dalia smiled wryly. "You don't have a couple of hours. The gang that controls this area will be coming round soon. If there's something valuable in your ship, I would suggest grabbing it now before they loot it."
    Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-22-2013, 11:52 PM.


      Helios System
      Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

      Knowing about the many trial and errors that the experiments on organic/mechanic fusion was something she rather didnīt want to remember since she was in fact a result from those experiments that somehow managed to survive the madness of process

      "I have the equipment and enough silver blood to start the process, just tell me when to start." Mara said rubbing the back of her neck
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Helios System
        Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

        Cortana was pleased to hear about getting a body, but was evan more happy to hear that they could give her an organic one.

        "Wait, an organic body? That's possible?", Cortana asked in a surprised tone.

        If Cortana had a body, everyone would have seen her smiling widely at the idea. After taking a moment to think of all the possible scenarios, Cortana spoke.

        "Okay, but if it's okay with you guys, I would like to play a part in designing it. There are some parts of the human body that could be worked on, such as the bones, cardiovascular system, nervous system, and muscles. We don't want it being easy to damage.", Cortana said to the group.

        John was interested in the idea as well. He remembered the time Cortana told him how much she wanted to be able to actually feel, not just emotionally, but physically feel the sun's warmth, feel cold, feel anything. This was Cortana's chance to get everything she had ever wanted.

        "I think it's a good idea.", John said.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Helios System
          Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

          "You don't have to use your equipment and your nanobot blood...actually I would not recommend using your blood cause you might wind up cloning yourself. Remember, the nanobots carry a bit of you, as soon as they adapt to you they become you. That's why I use clean nanobots. Otherwise you might accidently turn someone into you! Even though that might be nice, it's not exactly good for the person... Besides, you're on a Iupiter class Cruiser. We can sustain life here for theoretically a few million years. We have some advanced equipment that can duplicate and modify a body almost perfectly, cell-by-cell. The brain is the only thing that for some reason doesn't work...So we can't say we can clone someone organically. But that's where Bioroid systems take over." Kiara explained.


            Helios System
            Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

            "Very well, im glad you have the chance to design your own body, yet most of the bodies that are mechanical and organic are quite strong, the organs can be damaged to a lot of stress, but the bioroid can survive for a lot of time before the damage starts to actually cause hindrance. Itīs thanks to the nanobots, these celular machines are around the blood of your body working in all the ways possible of repairing, protecting and related parts of the body systems, the blood becomes silverish, but that is just a normal effect." Mara explained to the AI

            Hearing Kiaraīs warning, the bioroid nodded in understanding
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Helios System
              Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

              "Actually Mara, a true Bioroid is no different in most aspects than a human. Though if the lady AI has something in mind...perhaps it can be improved. Actually..." Kiara thought about it. "We could try to graft some more organics onto you Mara. We can make some organic replacements for your prosthetics. It's tricky but possible...Not exactly the first option but considering everything you've been through..." Kiara smiled, remembering Mara's outburst. "We can try. Would you like to see if we can replace some of your cypernetic parts with organics?"


                Helios System
                Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                "I think what Cortana meant is that she wants to have more protection in some areas and to check the bodyīs form like being slender or petite, she must have a body that she wants of preference" Mara explained to Kiara

                Yet the moment that the medic offered the idea of replacing mechanic parts with organics made her stop in her standing form "Put organic parts back?" she said more as a question to herself than to the people surrounding her. The white haired instinctly touched the area just below her stomach for a quick second, but quickly removed the limb from that location
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Helios System
                  Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                  After hearing about the Nanobots, Cortana had another set of questions and asked them. Unfortunately for everyone around her, she asked too many questions. She was so used to speaking with Spartans and other AI that she forgot to slow down. She couldn't help it, she was just excited about finally having a body.

                  "Are the nanobots capable of regenerating themselves? Could they be used to.. infiltrate a computer system? The reason I'm asking is because it's one of my jobs. I can effortlessly infiltrate enemy systems and use their technology against them. Can the nanobots passively upgrade certain things? If not, then I could show you how to make them perform that task. Can the body be overclocked? How fast are the nanobots able to respond to commands? Is the body immune to EMPs? How about radiation? How fast can they regenerate lost tissue? How fast is the body's average reaction time? What is the tensile strength of the body's muscles? Approximately how much information can be stored in the body's brain? How fast can it run? Does it need sleep? Does it sleep, or does it just turn off?", Cortana asked the group.
                  Last edited by S121; 10-23-2013, 12:39 AM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Helios System
                    Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                    Mara got out of her trance thanks to the AIs questions

                    "This is what I know about the nanobots. They do regenerate by themselves thanks to the liquid used as blood, infiltration wasnīt implemented on them since the nanobots work for the bodyīs health or thats in my case. Upgrades are possible, but I suggest that they are only for your bodyīs needs and no military styled upgrades. Overclocking is something the mechanical parts can easily do, Im far stronger and faster than a normal human, but then you can lose your mind because of being overpowered. EMPs arenīt effective for what I know, I was attacked by one and only got a bit of a headache, but that was it and disappeared in a minute or two. Since your body is still organic, Radiation is something you shouldnīt go through although the mechanical protection will work for some time. Reaction time depends on how your brain is coordinated with your augmentations going from normal velocity to split second time. Information storage is again cordinated with the personīs mind acceptance and limits. Sleep is needed, but not for much. I usually sleep 1-3 hours per day, but can either sleep the 7-8 hours like a person or donīt sleep at all but long term consequences will start causing problems with your organs she responded what she could
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Helios System
                      Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                      Joe looked between the three girls as though he was completely lost. "Ok I one's speaking the native language of Venturia anymore..."
                      He then responded to each girl, going from Kiara, Cortana, then Mara.
                      "Ok, what did you just say...what did you ask...and..." He stopped, as though restraining himself from speaking what was initially on his mind. "...And yes we can technically replace most body a certain degree of...*ahem* effectiveness..."
                      Joe coughed loudly looking about slightly, avoiding Kiara's glare. "RIGHT THEN! I- I'll check on Arrow! Ciao!" And with a quick salute he ran off.
                      "Of course..." Kiara smiled wryly and then addressed shook her head. "Anyway, Bioroids are quite literally no different in function than Humans. Though it is possible to...maybe modify the natural organic material to adapt slightly to what you seek...and the brain is capable of functioning normally with a slight added effect where in normal Bioroids, you can recover your entire being from it. There's plenty of possibilities, and yes, it is possible to use an experimental system known as Aura Sensors to patch into a computer framework. Come, we can head down to the medical ward and discuss this further. We can have you prepped probably by the time Aion prepares the required materials...for..." She trailed off. "Anyway, let's get going. Lissa? Will you be alright?"
                      "Yes, I'm fine, thanks Kiara. I'll also check in on Captain Aion."


                        Helios System
                        Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                        "Right, lead the way.", Cortana said, but quickly remembered that she didn't have a body yet.

                        "Ehm, John? Care to lead the way?", Cortana asked John.

                        "No problem.", John calmly said, actually smiling about Cortana's excitement.

                        While following Kiara, Cortana had even more questions and ideas, so many that it would have taken Kiara hours to answer all of them, so Cortana decided to ask only one and talk about one of her ideas.

                        "Does the body need food? Oh, and I might actually have a way to make the Aura Crystal reactors more effective. After looking through Chief's suit, I quickly learned how the reactors work, as well as how you would be able to charge them. If you combine the Aura Crystal with a Fusion/Plasma Hybrid Reactor, you could actually create an Aura Crystal reactor capable of quickly regenerating after being depleted. The final design would be roughly the size of a heart, so I know where it's going. I could tell you how the reactor would work, if you want. Does the body use an Aura Crystal Reactor?", Cortana asked Kiara.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Helios System
                          Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                          And so Kiara started down the same path she and Mara and Terrisa took earlier.
                          "Oh? An Aura Crystal Core? but would be in a more android like body. Again, Bioroids are no different in function that any living being. They need food, sleep in some regards, but not as much exercise as normal because of the nanobots' abilities to make little tweaks like that. Aura Crystals and organics...they...tend to not mix well. A thing called crystal fusion sometimes happens when a living being touches an aura crystal with their bare hands. a disease...takes and crystalizes some internal organs and then kills the host. Most of the time, though, the crystal dies before fusion can even happen so normally that doesn't happen." Kiara explained.


                            Sol Inceneron
                            Inopia - Underground Temple

                            "oh...oh hell!" Nhiome spun around and entered the ship again, shouting over his shoulder, " The valuable thing is the ship" He decided to ignore the outerdamages for the moment, he went to the engines and checked the problems. As he had expected, it was a connection problem that was due to carelessness, but the other engine was still fine and it would be enough to do what he had in mind, he exited the ship again and asked the woman, " I can get the ship moving, it will just drag along the ground, lifting it, even with only one engine would probably send it rocketing into the wall, the ship is designed for the vast emptiness of space, not these close confines. But that should be fine, the hull is designed to endure the friction that comes with extreme speeds. On second thoughts, I could probably rig a shield. So is there anywhere safer I could move the ship?"
                            How many times can you die a day~?
                            How many times have you died a day~?


                              Sol Inceneron
                              Inopia - Underground Temple

                              Dalia slightly rolled her eyes. "Well....there is...but..." She went over to the cliff she just climbed. "It's down there." She pointed to an area under the ruined temple entrance near a bridge of stone that spanned a lava river. "There's a cavern there that no one goes to. If you're good, you should be able to thread the needle and get into it."


                                Helios System
                                Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                                "Ohhh, so it's an actual... human.. body...", Cortana said, still amazed and exited by the fact that she would soon be human, or at least as close to it as possible.

                                Soon, she would be able to walk and do everything every living being takes for granted. She would be able to feel the textures of the walls, the solid floor beneath her feet, and the sun's warmth.

                                "Well if that's the case, then I might base the body off of a Spartans' body. I'm used to John doing things like jumping off buildings, so it would be a little hard to break the urge to do the same. Do you have technology capable of creating matter from digital information? If so, then I would need Ceramic Carbide.", Cortana said.

                                John was a little intrigued by what exactly Cortana was going to do with Ceramic Carbide, but if he was right, then she was going to turn herself into a Bioroid Spartan... As if Human Spartans weren't dangerous enough. At that thought, John simply sighed at the combination of super-human and machine.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

