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[IC] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    Helios - Sector 6

    "You're essentially saying that he's impossible to beat. I'll have you know that impossible is nothing but a word used to mean difficult.", John said to Aion in a tone implying that John had first-hand experience with the impossible.

    John had heard countless times that things were impossible. Beating the Covenant, stopping the Flood, stopping the Didact, saving Cortana, all said to be impossible.

    With the sudden change of topic, John thought about Starla and how she was able to quickly modify the Aether armor in less than a minute. Now that he really thought about it, he also realized that she had pointed ears too.

    (I guess she was one. I should probably send her the fighting data later, even if it was a starfighter battle. Cortana did manage to integrate the suit into the fighter.), John thought.

    "I met someone like that. I believe her name was Starla. She managed to fuse my old MJOLNIR armor's systems with the AETHER's. I'm still a little surprised that MJOLNIR armor is sought after and valuable even in this time period, 519 trillion years later.", John said to Aion.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Helios - Sector 6

      The bioroid was getting tired of finding nothing "Hay Joe, isnīt there anything we can use to trace their paths or something?, there should be a clue of it around" she asked still scanning the area

      "Hm.. there must be a way to contact them, low or high frequencies can work, even using echo sounds may be of use" the white haired trailed off with the ideas
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Helios System
        Near Dua and Duon

        "My name's Nova, and i'm not affiliated with anyone, really. I have three ships on my tail, and they ain't the most friendly kind, my ship ain't going to be able to handle this continued fire much longer, could I ask for a little help, possibly?" Nova asked as another blast rocked her ship.

        "And make up your mind in a timely manner, possibly." Nova added.

        Helios System
        Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

        "Neither is common sense, apparently." Reimu chuckled. "Mima, pick up the other orb, would you?"

        Mima then tapped the orb to see if it was safe, which it then started to hover in the air.

        "Or tap it, that works too, I guess." Reimu commented.

        Then, next to the orb, another figure like Reimu appeared, though this one was a bit shorter, with yellowish hair, golden eyes, wearing a black and white outfit along with a witch's hat, who hastily looked around.

        "Eh, where am I?" the girl asked.

        "In the future." Reimu said.

        "Oh, cool." the girl said quite calmly, then noticing Mima. "Mima, is that you? Still looking as ghostly as ever, I see."

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


          Helios - Sector 6

          "I thought sound doesn't work in space?" Terrisa tilted her head in thought.
          "It d-" Before Joe could complete the thought, two blips appeared on the edge of long range scanners. "Noise on long range!"
          "Hm?! It's two ships!"
          Joe quickly tried to open a channel to the two ships. "Arrow! Come in, Arrow! C'mon matey, give me a sign!"


          "Screw impossible." Aion chuckled. "If it were impossible, then I would be insane cause I'm still going at it." Then his mood changed when he heard the name. "Starla? ...Starla Monroe? So she's developing the Aether armor, now? Huh..."

          Just then, Aion heard the channel open with Joe's voice on the other end.

          "Oi! He's alive! Hahaha!!"
          "We were worried!" Terrisa chimed in.
          Aion then took on a grave tone. "Sorry guys...ran into a slight...problem."
          "I'll say! ...wait...wasn't there 15 fighters in your squad?" Joe then realized that something was indeed wrong. "Arrow...the squadron...what...what happened?"
          Aion was silent for a moment and hung his head in sorrow.

          Helios System
          Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

          "Confirmed. Proceed to the fleet. We'll deal with your attackers." Commander Sullivan then opened a channel to the other ships that were attacking Nova. "Assailants of Nova, This is Commander Sullivan of the Delta Division Fleet. Desist your assault or face the consequences." He then contacted Nero. "Nero, prepare the gunners. We need to bluff some thugs."


          " there's three girls in my study. Dammit...the females...they're taking over..." Nero thought to himself as his one eye started to twitch. " what's going on here?"
          Then Commander Sullivan came through on his communicator. "...hold that thought." Nero said before quickly addressing the Commander. "Roger. Preparing gunners." He then ran over to a cluttered desk and swept off a few things, revealing a sort of communications terminal which he flipped a switch on. "Alright peeps, big dog says warm up yer guns and get ready to show off yer biceps, we're gonna put on a lightshow for some bullies. Have fun!" He then switch off the device and turned back to the three. "Sorry about that...anyway..."
          Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-20-2013, 05:33 PM.


            Helios System
            Near Dua and Duon

            "I'll try my best." Nova replied, doing one last burst of speed, getting close to the fleet, but not exactly in it. The three ships did not respond, and kept firing and chaisng the ship.

            Helios System
            Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

            "Uh, did I step in at the right time, or...?" the girl started.

            "No, Marisa, you're fine, I tihnk." Reimu replied. "Oh, and Mima sort of lost her memories."

            "Seriously now?" Marisa turned to Mima. "You better remember me at least, don't you?"

            Mima shook her head, making Marisa frown.

            "Darn. You'd think you would at least remember your apprentice." Marisa said.

            "Apprentice.. I think I do remember something about an apprentice, a mrs. Kirisame, if I remember correctly?" Mima explained.

            "See, you do remember me!" Marisa smiled a bit.

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


              Helios System
              Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

              Commander Sullivan hoped the mere sight the combined forces of
              1 Iupiter Class with 400 billion cruiser cannons
              5 Orcus Class with 100 billion cannons each
              10 Ares Class with 25 billion each
              12 Athena Class with 1 million each
              34 Apollo Class with 2 million each
              50 Kappa Class with 1.5 million each and
              79 Vulcan Class Battle ships with 500 thousand cannons each,
              thus more than a total of 1.15 trillion cannons,
              would, alone, scare them off.
              "Fools." He said to himself. "Scare them off, Open fire."

              Nero heard the command in his earpiece. "Aye aye cap'n." He then turned to the 3 ladies. "Sorry about this but I gotta do my job real quick. He then walked over and turned on the turret communications. "Ladies and Gentlemen! Fellow kinsmen and comrades, do lend me thy ears! Three, unfortunate ships, have decided to pursue their prey as it seeks shelter in this fleet. Now, let them know what the definition of fear is! HAVOC! AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR!!" He then picked up a fiddle and prepared to start playing, an absolute evil look plastered on his face. "Let them burn."
              Suddenly, a chant rose up from the outer decks of the entire ship and the others of the fleet.

              HWOO! HWOO! HWOO! HWOO! HWOO! HWOO!

              Then the guns all began to fire near the assaulting fighters, the cross-fire thick and almost impossible to proceed.

              Nero then began to play.


                Helios - Sector 6

                Right now, we must focus on taking you guys out of here, we donīt know what may lurk on the darkness" Mara said in an objective tone

                "If someone needs medical assistance, my vessel has equipment for it, please contact as soon as possible" the white haired said towards both ships
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Helios System
                  Near Dua and Duon

                  The ships stopped for a moment afte rthey started firing, seemingly porccessing the situation. Then, they cloaked, and broke off, disappearing into the darkness of space.

                  Then, Nova came on the communications again. "Thank you for the assistance. I'd hate to ask for more, but may I possibly dock at one of your ships to make repairs? They did heavily damage my vehicle, and I don't know how much longer this little engine can hold."

                  It was true, the ship was heavily damaged, sparks flying off and wiring exposed.

                  Helios System
                  Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                  "Huh, sounds almost exactly like the music my friend Alice used to play. She was a wiz when it came to the violin" Marisa commented.

                  "She sounds nice." Mima said.

                  "Actually you two used to fight a lot. Ever since tht incident in Makai, you two have been rivals for quite a while. How many years has it been since then?"Marisa asked.

                  "I think he said something like over a billion." Mima answered.

                  Marisa whistled. "There's a time when you feel old, and then there's a time you feel OLD." Marisa chuckled.

                  Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                  You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                    Helios - Sector 6

                    As soon as Mara sent out the offer for medical assistance, John spoke.

                    "Yes, we have one other person with us. Her ship was damaged, so we pulled her about and put her in one of our ships. It looks like she'll be fine, but we need to make sure.", John calmly said to Mara via his com system.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Helios - Sector 6

                      "Revere. Revere found us. He killed all but us 3. The girl was left for dead, the only reason she's alive right now." Aion responded to Joe.
                      Terrisa also had a saddened look on her face. "He's back...? But I thought..."
                      "That bastard decided to show his face again?"
                      Aion nodded.
                      "...Damn..." Joe leaned back in his seat. "
                      Aion, Joe, and Terrisa were quiet. Aion then responded to Mara. "Sector 6 is pretty much open space. There's nothing here. Nonetheless, yes, we need to get back. We have to report what happened." He then turned to John. "I wouldn't risk transferring her over to another ship again. Let's just get back to the fleet." Next he glanced to the severed wing of his fighter. "Joe, I need to ride in your wake, Eclipse Blade's shields are down pretty bad and aren't regenerating."
                      "Let's go."


                        Helios - Sector 6

                        John looked at the unconscious girl in his fighter to make sure that she was still in good condition. Luckily, she was. The only thing that was wrong was a couple of scrapes from what John assumed was her ship taking damage.

                        "Understood. The girl's fine, so we should probably just head back.", John said to Aion.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Helios - Sector 6

                          "Alright then, we must go to the flagship as soon as possible, we arenpt that far from them" Mara said to everyone

                          The bioroid then looked at Terrisa, "Terrisa, just in case check all the scanners, we may be fast, but any sudden appearance may be dangerous for the pilot." she asked to the girl

                          ("I donīt want anyone to be killed in a space can") the white haired thought
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            Helios - Sector 6

                            Joe chuckled slightly. "Ah, that fighter there is a standard issued MAV Fighter, it's got G-Diffusers. Anyone in the cockpit can't feel any G-forces. My fighter also has em. Aion's on the other hand...uses G-Dampeners."
                            "Personal taste. When I'm in atmosphere, I prefer to feel the wind under my wings." Aion explained.
                            "Aye. Well no point in staying any longer..."
                            "Right...right... Let's fly." Aion said then fell into formation as Joe took point and extended and combined his ship's shields with Aion's.

                            After a few moments, the group landed again in Hangar Bay M of the Delta Division Flagship.

                            Helios System
                            Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                            "Acknowledged. You may proceed to Hangar Bay M-301." Commander Sullivan responded.
                            "Wait...Sir...isn't that supposed to be for the one squadron that hasn't come back yet?"
                            "...True...but I fear that the worst has befallen them."
                            "But sir? You always-"
                            "My boy, When you are as old as me, and seen everything I have, you'll understand."
                            "...Yes, sir." The Hangar Coordinator looked slightly confused but accepted Sullivan's words.


                              Helios System
                              Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                              Hanger Bay M

                              As soon as John landed in the Hanger bay, he quickly took Cortana's chip, placed it into his helmet, and gently carried the unconscious female pilot from the inside of his ship. Her tally plate was still magnetically attached to one of John's holsters, so he didn't have to worry about it. Once John left the ship, he then walked over to Aion's fighter and spoke as he exited the ship.

                              "Where's the medical ward?", John asked Aion.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Helios System
                                Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                                Just when Aion was about to respond, Kiara could be seen rushing to the four vessels. "Hey!!" Though she soon slowed to a stop when she caught sight of what happened to Aion's fighter, the clean cut that severed off the entire right side wing section. "Ho- w-what happened?!" She then saw the unconscious girl in Johns arms. "Ah! Lissa!" She then ran to her and then ran to a terminal in the far wall, unfolding out a levitating stretcher and some equipment on the side. She rushed it over to Lissa. "Quick, put her down on this! And tell me what happened to her!"


                                "According to what I saw in the Archives, I think you lot are alittle over 519 Trillion years old. Though I must say, for being so old, you look young enough to be someone's daughter or sister of this time. Huh...anyway..." Nero shook his head.

