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[IC] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    Helios System
    Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur
    Mara's ship

    Kiara nodded in understanding and stayed quiet for a moment and then realized something. "Oh! The others were heading for the Training Grounds! Should we join them? I personally want to see if Joe is all that he says to be: he was bragging about his strength the other day." She smiled a sarcastic smile. "I doubt he is as strong as he says."

    Training Area
    Everyone got onto the lift and were transported into the main observation deck. At first glance, the space seemed more a command center than a simple place for viewing the training sessions. An elderly gentleman with strong features in a Commander's uniform turned around and looked over the group.
    "Ah, so you've finally made it here...good... good..." He walked up to the group and stopped in front of Aion. "You must be the successor of Orion, Captain Aion Leonares. It's been awhile since I've seen you last."
    "...Commander Sullivan, sir." Aion responded in almost a forced monotone voice that carry a certain respect for the man.
    Sullivan nodded in acknowledgement and turned his attention to John. "And you are the soldier from earlier. I personally welcome you now. I've heard you come a long way from home, both in the physical and chronological sense. What is your name again?"


      Helios System
      Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

      Training Area

      "UNSC Master Chief Petty Officer Sierra-117", John calmly said to Commander Sullivan.

      Cortana let out a barely audible sigh at John's introduction. To her, his introduction was the equivalent of her stating her service number and not her name. It really didn't bother her that much, but it was a shame that he would squander the gift of being an actual human. He wasn't a machine.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Helios System
        Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur
        Mara's ship

        "Sure why not? It will be nice to see how everyone trains, I have to train my muscles, let´s enjoy the training" Mara said getting up and walking to the ship´s exit

        "Shall we?" The bioroid offered her hand
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Sol Inceneron
          Inopia - Temple of the Lost

          Nhiome looked back at the trapper Demonarc. He followed her towards the doorway, but paused there and asked her, "This thing is gonna get out sooner or later right? So won't we be trapped if we go into a room?" Nhiome kept his pistol ready, but after checking it, put it away. The aura crystal in it had been nearly drained and could not be used for a period of time, and he couldn't spare any aura crystals right now. Instead, he kept the welder as a main weapon, keeping an eye on the Demonarc.
          How many times can you die a day~?
          How many times have you died a day~?


            Helios System
            Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

            Soooo, you made it so you have mouse ears and an innate love of cheese?" Mima asked, somewhat perplexed.

            "I have known you for less than an hour. I don't know you yet, and i'm not liable to trust you or your allies, to be blunt. No is my answer." Nova said sternly with a glare that could be felt through her helmet.

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


              Helios System
              Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

              Hangar D

              X turned to the Drone Pilots, but remained quiet. He just stared at them... as though he was scanning them. "X" He finally said... quite bluntly at that.
              Immediately afterwards he turns to walk back to his ship.

              Helios System
              Delta Division Fleet

              Outside of Fleet

              Outside of the Delta Division Flagship there was a ship drifting outside.
              Suddenly a communication broadcast was sent from the small ship to the flagship.
              Last edited by NeoFox; 11-08-2013, 03:56 PM.


                Helios System
                Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur
                Hangar D

                "...freak." The one Drone pilot puffed. "Whatever. Let's see what those loser Mavericks are up to. It's their turn in the training sessions, right?"
                "Is that really worth while anymore?"
                "Heeelllooooooo? Of course it is! Besides, accidents happen..."
                "Are you nuts??? Are you trying-?"
                "Shut it! C'mon, nobody likes those damn Mavericks anyway!"
                The group then started to head for the training area.

                Nero's Study

                "It wasn't something I willingly did to myself. It happens with every Life Hacker after a certain point. We adopt the 'animal' characteristics that either represent our true selves or our polar opposite." He then put back on his bandanna. "It's sort of reality's way of messing with us for messing with it. Bizarre things happen when you mess with existence itself."

                Hangar Bay M - Mara's Ship

                Kiara blinked twice at first and then tilted her head with an almost curious look. "Sure-" She smiled and took Mara's hand as they walked back into the hangar bay.

                "...Aw... what kind of reason is that? I feel I can trust you, why don't you feel the same? Why do people have to overthink things...! It's no fun when you overthink things! If everyone stopped listening to their silly heads and started listening to their hearts then there wouldn't be anything bad happening! You gotta wake up...! Please! Don't be like the others-! They keep on going on and on and on about nothing but not being able to trust anyone-! If you don't trust anyone, then what's the point? Everyone has their theories about the purpose of the war, well I have mine! Its to drive everyone apart! If everyone got back together and stood as one, like the Hunters' Creed, then the war would end! The war would lose because we can trust. We can still have trust in each other-! I won't let it win! I won't let the war tear apart all of us! All of us as one family...! My family! Our family!" Terrisa stomped her foot down as tears began to well up. her voice was beginning to tremble as she held back crying outright. "Together we're stronger than some stupid war and everything it spawns! Why can't people realize that?!...Why can't everyone wake up...?! C'mon!!" Terrisa tried to pull Nova along again.

                Training Area

                "Your name." Commander Sullivan looked at John with an expression both stern and caring. "Not your title. We all have titles... but the titles carry little. A name can carry more weight than a title ever will.
                Your name."

                Command Deck

                A communications channel opened. The officer looked down at the screen. "What...?" He clicked it on and spoke through it. "This is Officer Larz of the Delta Division Flagship, Excalibur. State your name and affiliation."

                Sol Inceneron
                Inopia - Temple of the Lost

                "Don't worry, this is all a part of the same temples I'm used to. Each room has a secret passage in the walls. We don't have to worry about being trapped." Dalia looked around the room using Arke as a light source as the blade glowed faintly. "In this sort of room..." She looked down and saw an ancient rug. "There should be something below..." she went down and started running a hand across the stone floor. "Hey, see if you can find something odd. They never have the same thing mark an entrance but there's always something. groove, mark, vague symbol, maybe even something else in the room points to it...there's always something..." she crawled across the floor systematically on her hands and knees looking.


                  Helios System
                  Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                  When John was told to give his name to Commander Sullivan, John gave him his SPARTAN Designation Number, just like how he usually did in the UNSC.

                  "Sierra-117, or S-117, otherwise known as Spartan-117.", John said to Commander Sullivan in a slightly emotionless tone.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Helios System
                    Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur | Hangar D

                    X seemed unfazed by the Drone Pilot's response. As they were leaving X overheard their conversation. This garnered X's interest...

                    X then decided to follow the Drone Pilots whether they like it or not.

                    Helios System
                    Delta Division Fleet

                    Outside of Fleet

                    Once the communication channel opened up the image of a relatively young woman with short black hair, dressed in some sort of skin tight stealth suit can be seen. "My name is Terra, and my affiliation is with the New Genesis Hunter Force on the planet New Genesis. I came here because I had tracked someone that I have been hunting down to your fleet."


                      Helios System
                      Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                      "Im actually eager for the training session, I wonder what to start with, hacking, or speed, maybe strength, that sealed door was a bit tougher to move than I thought" Mara was thinking outloud as she and Kiara walked to the training rooms

                      "And what about you? anything you want to start with?" the bioroid asked to the nymph

                      (Just to know, Kiara can be titled as a nymph or human?)
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Helios System
                        Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                        "Who said I ever cared about the war? I've never been affiliated, or want to be affiliated with the war. Look, i'm an engineer, as I said, but i'm also a bounty hunter. If you were my bounty target, I would kill you where you stand. You talk about everyone being together, but that's not the way of sentient beings. They have an urge to kill, to fight one another, to prove who is the strongest. Being together won't change that, and it may simply fall back on you in the long run, possibly even leading to your demise." Nova pulled her arm away from Terrisa and rose her to meet her face to helmet, a faint glow of her eyes seen through the helmet.

                        "It's nature, it always was nature, and always will be nature. You can't stop the flow of nature or you risk far greater than you would if you left it undisturbed." Nova then put her down, turned and started waalking away.

                        "Well I think it makes you look adorable." Mima said, pinching his cheek while chuckling.

                        Venion System

                        In a blur of motion, The Reaper sliced to and fro the underbelly of the ship, revealing wiring, leaking fuel, and finally a way inside the ship. It burst through the small hole, coming into the main compartment of the ship, ripping open the door to the pilot's compartment, causing Selarious to turn around, barely dodging a kunai as he rose a organic looking pistol towards the Reaper, who quickly disarmed and cutted Selarious.

                        Sirens filled it's ears, so it quickly tapped some keys on it's arm, teleporting him back to his ship. It then watched as Selarious's ship exploded.

                        "Justice has been served." The Reaper muttered, looking to the pistol now lying in it's hands, examining it. "And I get a prize."

                        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                          Sol Inceneron
                          Inopia - Temple of the Lost

                          Nhiome entered the room too, but was at a loss what to look for. He then went to the wall opposite the entrance, and using the welder, started examining it. He tried looking for what she had mentioned, but could spot nothing unusual. He gave up and stepped to the doorway to keep an eye on the Demonarc.
                          How many times can you die a day~?
                          How many times have you died a day~?


                            Sol Inceneron
                            Inopia - Temple of the Lost

                            Dalia frowned as her search proved futile.
                            "Nothing..." She went over to the wall opposite of the door. " least we don't have to worry about that Demonarc while we're in here...I guess we have time to-" Right before she could finish her sentence she leaned an arm against an empty torch holster on the wall, which shifted and a trapdoor opened under her. "Kyaaah-!?" Dalia fell to the darkness below and the trap door began to close.

                            Helios System
                            Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                            Nero's Study

                            Nero blushed slightly trying to hide a smile with a somewhat forced look of indignation. "It'" He finally gave in and laughed with Mima. "Ha...never would have thought....never would have thought I'd see the day where I'd screw up and have someone figure out the whole ear thing..."

                            Venion System

                            "Congratulations." An man in a black ornate cloak and knight's armor stood behind the Reaper. "You've done me a slight convenience in ridding my realm of a rat. It nagged at the back of my mind for some time now, but it was not worthy of my attention. on the other hand, you're worth my while...for you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

                            Helios System
                            Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                            Hangar Bay M

                            Terrisa watched Nova walk away with tears starting to flow down her cheeks. "....'Those ignorant of the time in which they live in will find themselves cast into an abyss which is born from the chaos. That abyss is the war which shall define an era. Thus those ignorant of the war are doomed to fall.'...I don't want to see anymore fall...I...I want to help everyone." She closed her eyes and began to walk away towards where Kiara and Mara were. as she walked, she put on a strong face and pushed aside her feelings.

                            Kiara smiled. "Actually these training sessions are more combat oriented. Commander Sullivan actually designed the tests himself. They test your judgment in combat. I've seen a few and...they can be brutal. Imagine grown men crying like babies." Kiara smiled wryly. "It's more an emotional test to see how far you can go before you break."

                            "Hai Kiara! Mara! Heading to the training area?"
                            "Oh! Terrisa! There you are. Yes, we are heading there. I just have to see what your brother can really do."
                            "Mhm- Did he say anything about his abilities?"
                            "Why, yes he did."
                            "Hehe, well whatever he said, halve it. Anyway I want to see Arrow's abilities...he's only recently picked up his swords so I would imagine he's a bit rusty."
                            "Oh? I saw him with that one sword, but he is skilled with a blade? That's rare..."
                            "Mhm! He used to be able to hold his own in training, but I've never seen him use a sword in a few years."

                            Hangar Bay D

                            One of the Drones noticed X following. "...hey...its following us..."
                            "Bah, just ignore him. He'll go away eventually."
                            They eventually reached the entrance to the training area where they gathered and seemed to be busy with a terminal, looking at some data logs.

                            Command Deck

                            "Oh finally...someone with credentials." The communications officer sighed in relief. On Terra's end, he appeared as a young man of moderate build with blonde spiked hair and a silver basic officers jacket and a hoodie underneath.
                            Then he addressed her directly. "Running a profile check, please wait." As he said this, the computer began to run through New Genesis databanks. Finally it came positive. "...ok good...Ok You're clear to land. Hangar Bay M-259 is currently open. You may proceed with your approach."

                            Training Area - Main Observation Deck
                            Commander Sullivan seemed to sigh slightly though his expression barely changed. "So you are nothing more than a number? Disposable? So when you die, there would be nothing of your existence save a number that gets taken off a tally? You are human, correct? What is your name."


                              Venion System

                              "I don't know who you are, but I'm not in the mood. Tell me what you want, or leave my ship. I don't care which." The Reaper said, not even turning to face the man as it tapped buttons on the console.

                              Helios System
                              Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur

                              Nova returned to the hangar where he ship rested. Pulling out a cutting laser and some other various tools, she set to work, already forgetting the girl that she had met. It was an inconvenience to remember useless things.

                              "Elementary, my dear Watson." Mima chuckled herself.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                Helios System
                                Delta Division Flagship | Excalibur
                                Hangar Bay M

                                Nera greeted Terrisa "Its good to see you again Terrisa, as Kiara said, we are heading to the training zone, I need to practice my abilities in combat" she said as they walked towards the desired location

                                "So it is both a combat and emotional training? looks good" the bioroid comented to Kiara
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


