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Trinity Soul University: A Casual Magic RP (OOC)

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    Grotias, Earth Mage. Dorm Number, unassigned.
    Dave, Earth Mage(?). Dorm Number, unknown.

    I'll have to see about who else...
    Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

    My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
    My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
    My NNID: OfficialTRXD



      Remember that the lists do not include NPCs so I won't need those but I do need to know who is using who as well.
      "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."



        Wouldn't it be a good idea to kind of seperate the Dorm room thingy into Male and Female?
        Born in the light.
        Molded in the dark

        Never Forget,
        Keep Fighting.
        –Don't Forget.
        Always, somewhere,
        someone is fighting for you.
        –As long as you remember her,
        you are not alone.



          I just copied what I have on Notepad (Which isn't the seperated list)

          Sent by Tapatalk
          "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


            Can't you use the previous list?
            Born in the light.
            Molded in the dark

            Never Forget,
            Keep Fighting.
            –Don't Forget.
            Always, somewhere,
            someone is fighting for you.
            –As long as you remember her,
            you are not alone.



              There, it's sorted. Happy?
              "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."




                @TRXD of whoever else is controlling those nurses in the infirmary

                Still waiting for a response.
                Born in the light.
                Molded in the dark

                Never Forget,
                Keep Fighting.
                –Don't Forget.
                Always, somewhere,
                someone is fighting for you.
                –As long as you remember her,
                you are not alone.


                  Darn it... I wasn't 100% sure if you wanted my nurses or not. But given that it was Julie who took Sinuda's blood, it would make sense if she came back. That or SUSTIC can just use Hanna.
                  Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

                  My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
                  My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
                  My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                    FINALLY IT'S DONE!!!

                    Name: Alexis Eudocia

                    Race: She is an Ejaei: A race of humans from another separate plane of existence much similar to Earth but more magical/medieval style instead of magical/modern. This plane of existence or "realm" is called Gran Terra. The Ejaei's are a race of proud warriors, and noblemen. The Ejaei are like humans in almost every way, save for a few differences. All female Ejaei's have black hair, while the males have silvery white hair. The Ejaei's also live a bit longer than humans (they can live up to 200 years before passing away. Their bodies though do age at the same rate as a human save for the Gran Ejaei's which age slower than humans.) Other than that they are pretty much similar to humans in every shape, way, and form. The Ejaei are also people of honor, chivalry, and loyalty. They fight to uphold their honor, rarely backing down even in the face of eminent death. They also have a strong moral code, doing what is right rather than doing what is considered better. Those they befriend/grow attached to on an emotional level they will be extremely loyal to. Meaning that if Alexis ever befriends someone she will try to be loyal to them. She will never betray them, she will always try to fulfill her promises, and she will always be there for said person. The Ejaei as a race of warriors are trained physically to be at top physical condition when they reach the age of 12. Meaning that she is quite well built even if she does not seem like it. They don't actually start combat training until the age of 18, and they finish when they are 30 (meaning as an Ejaei Knight she is actually still sort of a rookie.)

                    The Ejaei though are not capable of directly using magic, as they can only use magic through items, weapons, and books. Sort of like witches the Ejaei can recite words to use a spell, but unlike witches they are all restricted to their own element (which they discover when they find a special artifact all Ejaei must earn through a ritual. The object is a necklace with a certain item or "symbol" that dictates what magic they possess.) For example Alexis has dark magic, but she can only use it through a weapon, or recite dark magic type spells. Though she focuses on using combative type magic with a blade that only really works for her, and other dark mages from her realm. The Ejaei also aren't as resistant to things like diseases as the Ejaei can get sick quite easily, but luckily they recover quite quickly as well. The female Ejaei also have a natural scent of lavender, while the male Ejaei give off a natural roasted chestnut scent.

                    Age: 21

                    Bio: Alexis was a proud knight of her village in the realm of Gran Terra. She had always fought at her strongest, but when compared to the other Ejaei of her village she is not only still a considered her a rookie since she is only 21, and had been training for 3 years now but she is also still not as skilled as the other Ejaei. She wasn't looked down upon however, as the other Ejaei like all Ejaei still respect her and acknowledge that she is still a rookie. Alexis continued her training, but she was still having a hard time trying to keep up with her fellow Ejaei.

                    One day though her home village had came under attack by a lone Gran Ejaei, an elder Ejaei by the name of Yiannis. Yiannis was corrupted, he was evil. He was the pinnacle of almost everything the Ejaei stood for: honor, chivalry, loyalty. He had none of it save for a strong will to fight til he could no longer fight. He lost it all to a cursed set of armor that drove him to act the way he was. The armor granted him power, and with the sword of darkness he had the strength to take on even the strongest of warriors in Alexis's village. Due to her rank she along with the other rookies were left alone in the burning village.

                    She had approached the deadly Yiannis, and the two got in a clash. The battle waged on for what seemed to be an entire day until both were exhausted. Seeing that the elder Gran Ejaei Yiannis was having a harder time recovering, Alexis saw her chance to strike. With one swift blow to the neck with her sword she had sliced the elder warrior's neck wide open, causing Yiannis to bleed out until he eventually died. Alexis looked down at her defeated open. She was a rookie, yet was able to defeat a man far stronger than her... at least she thought she did... Turned out that Yiannis had let her win. He saw that she was still young, weak, and vulnerable. The armor he had not only gave him power, but it was cursed in the fact he couldn't take it off unless he had been killed in battle. The reason why he even attacked Alexis's home village was to try and find someone "worthy" enough of his armor.

                    When fighting the young Alexis he decided that she was worthy of taking the armor. He knew full well that if he were to let himself get killed in combat by someone that his opponent would take his armor and weaponry as a trophy... Which Alexis did not knowing the armor was cursed. She didn't take all of the armor. She only took the gauntlets, the Greaves, part of the chestplate, and the sword. Little did she know the armor was cursed, and as such the very next day she had found herself unable to take her new armor off. It was stuck to her body. She was still able to oddly change clothes as her clothing would phase through the armor, but the armor just would not come off. Alexis found herself looking everywhere for a way to remove the armor. She spent days looking for the one thing she could use to remove it. One day though she heard of a great alchemist named Mard who had lived in a tower far from her home village. She heard that Mard could be the only one possible of removing the armor, and as such she sought him out.

                    After a month of traveling she had finally found the tower, and the middle aged alchemist. She told him the story of her armor, and how she couldn't remove it. Mard was both surprised and confused by the properties of the armor. It was indeed cursed, but it also had some sort of dormant power... that couldn't be accessed. As if it needed the rest of the armor. Something that Alexis didn't want to put on. She had a hard enough time dealing with part of the full armor set that she couldn't take off. As such she begged Mard to help her remove her armor. After enough pleading Mard agreed, and as such he began work and after a few weeks Mard finally thought he had it. With a few potion explosions, and part of his tower being destroyed he looked at the area and saw no trace of Alexis. In fact he found that not only was Alexis gone, but his tower had ended up in some place unknown to him.

                    Now Alexis, and her new alchemist "friend" Mard are both in the "Earthly plane" of well... Earth. Alexis is currently unconscious, her clothes tattered (she still has her armor and sword) at the shores of the lake on TSU campus. While Mard is in his damaged tower far, far, far from TSU (like one week travel by walking from TSU, three days by car.)

                    Gender: Female

                    What Element/and or type of magic: Dark Magic via sword. The sword she possesses has special properties as it is made out of some mysterious black metal. The properties of the sword are that iT is embued with dark magic. when swung it leaves behind a trail of dark magic sort of like a sword embued with light would leave behind a trail of light when swung. Also when unsheathed it also gives off a dark aura that is of itself visible in the form of a black smoke that constantly wraps around the blade. The only thing she currently has knowledge of being able to do with the sword is that when she stabs it into a solid object or wall she the blade will sink into a black "puddle" of sorts, and then 5 seconds later the blade will emerge from a black puddle somewhere else within a 6 yard radius. She however does not have full control of where the blade will emerge from, as she rarely uses her sword. Even though the sword she has is part of the cursed armor it is his only way of using dark magic. She may also be a warrior, but she doesn't have much skill when it comes to using blades still.

                    Luggage: Currently her armor she cannot remove that does possess a power that will only activate if she were to ever find, and put on the rest of the armor, and a sword that has a black blade as listed above.

                    Appearance: She stands at a pretty 6ft. She currently does not have that Japanese school uniform as of now. As her clothes were blown up when the Alchemist Mard was trying to remove the armor with Alchemy. Said process ended with the two of them in the "Earthly Realm".

                    Why did you come to the University?: She did not come here on purpose. Mard's alchemy had accidentally sent her, and him (though Mard and his tower are a few days travel by car away) to this world. She is currently unconscious in her armor, with her clothes torn and tattered from the alchemy explosion. She is also at the shore of the lake on school campus... unconscious.

                    Personality: She like other Ejaei is Honor bound, as such she is a warrior that will refuse to give up in almost any situation. This can be both good and bad as one she won't quit unless she has very good reason to. It's bad because she won't know when to quit... this can result to her fighting to her death. She also has a strong moral code, as she does what she thinks is truly right. She also is loyal to others she befriends (kind of hard to as she does not speak much to complete strangers.) Though if you befriend her you will have a friend that will never attempt to betray you, will never hide secrets from you unless she is bound to keep another friend's secret from you. In that case this can actually cause her to have something similarto a mental breakdown as:

                    1: If she keeps a secret another friend told her from you, and you are her close friend she will feel obligated to tell you.
                    2: The secret is that of another friend, and due to her loyalty she tries her hardest to keep it from anyone. Especially if the secret is personal.

                    Other than that she is surprisingly stern, and even cocky for a young Ejaei. She often times gets herself into fights that she never originally intended to get into. Alexis though is well meaning, and even quite kind to others she meets. Unlike other Ejaei she refuses to speak to others verbally unless they have earned her trust (like actually talk. She will answer questions though.) Deep down is a rather shy girl though. For example if she develops feelings for someone expect her to have bouts of extreme nervousness around that person. Other than that she is surprisingly active physically, and emotionally. As she does react more emotionally to certain things. Another thing that other Ejaei do not really do.

                    Since she is from a different less advanced realm where both culture, and technology are different, she is going to be quite oblivious/confused about new technology and culture of of this world.

                    Other: I referenced another character in the app. Mard. He will be a pivotal role in her story, and the overall story as well. Though I won't work on his app for a good while now, and he will have an NPC App. Mard won't appear though for a good long while (two-three weeks IC time.) This future character Mard has the same concept, career (alchemist), and name as a character that an old friend of mine had in an old RP that I no longer RP with. The character Mard in this RP will be to commemorate the original Mard that my friend had. There will be differences between my Mard, and my old friend's Mard at least.
                    Last edited by SUSTIC; 04-15-2014, 12:49 PM.


                      I FINISHED MY APP FOR ALEXIS!!!

                      She is my new main female character. I will still use Kaname, but she is going to be more of a NPC status character from here on out. Alexis is my new main female.



                        Looks good to me.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Wait what, it's snowing now?

                          Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk



                            Well yeah. It's still Winter in the RP. I mean it's just after Winter break. It's not major snow. Just a little bit of snow sprinkling here and there.


                              Well crap, I must be missing details. I need to reread things.

                              Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk


                                Hey SUS, what kinds of merchandise is in the store?

