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Trinity Soul University: A Casual Magic RP (OOC)

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    Lesse, all the magic types I know:
    Light (not sure the term)
    Deity Summoning
    Pure Magic (non-elemental)

    Methinks that's all I know.

    Just listin'.
    Last edited by Lunasa Prismriver; 05-12-2014, 07:24 PM.


      A lot of those are already magic types Lunasa.

      Astral, Lunar, Telekinesis, Pure Magic, Elemental, Transformation, Transmutation Illusion, Light, Deity Summoning IS a part of summoning just only reserved for future NPC's I will have, and others are in the RP (transmutation being a part of alchemy.)

      Technomancy IS NOT ALLOWED AS OF YET as I said before magic, and technology combinations (like devices actually directly using magic and vice versa) are not yet figured out.

      I was talking about magic types that are not labeled, like more original magic ideas that I could add to the list.


        Hat the flargh is 'phantomancy?' Thomas' POC? In that case... I like that name better.

        There is Grezcht's Bone Extension. What 'mancy' it is... Beyond me. Have phun...

        Is Animal control considered? For Ray?


          I just scrolled through and realized...

          No time magic?

          Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk


            Bullshitmancy a.k.a. the anime effect or just pulling random shet out of your ass.


            Phantomancy, poltermancy, spectermancy, control of ghosts.

            The arm thing probably goes under miscellaneous manipulation.


            I forgot k

            Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk
            Last edited by Lunasa Prismriver; 05-12-2014, 07:19 PM.


              @ Lunasa

              Ah, no I was looking more at SUS because it isn't even in the OP List of Magic.

              ...which means I get to have some fun...

              Spoiler: Pardon the dust, still working on these. 90% done.

              Name: Selene Izayoi

              Race: Human

              Age: 19

              Gender: Female

              Type of magic: Time

              - Silver Pocket Watch with a "Shadow of the Crescent Moon" symbol on it. (Serves as a regulator for her power)
              - Small satchel bag/pouch on her belt


              Why did you come to the University?: To discover the full potential of her abilities.

              Personality and Bio:
              A young girl who's past is a mystery in of itself. She is curious and always eager to learn something new. She sometimes plays with her powers.
              Originally she was an orphan with no memory of her past prior. She was adopted and raised by a mysterious man for a brief moment before left to fend for herself for some time, although the man that had adopted her continues to help her indirectly by giving her the means to get into university with the help of Aetheron.


              Time Manipulation Model:
              I have an extensive model that is derived from a few things. I will actively reference this wiki page for ideas. Though expect me to use my own adaptation primarily.

              Standard and Advanced Time manipulation.

              1: Ability to create areas of stopped time. Affects everything within a radius. The more areas and the bigger the area(s), the harder it is to control and maintain.
              2: Ability to accelerate the time of an area in either direction of time. (i.e. age something or make it "younger".) This is incredibly difficult to control and maintain (in other words attempting to reverse a person or object back or forward in time (make younger/newer or older) takes an incredible amount of energy and thus could kill the user as it would drain the user of his energy as well.) To make the change permanent would need aid of more power sources/casters, otherwise the affected region would just return to the way it was. More like a means to "see" into the future or past.
              (Similar to Age Manipulation ability from the Superpower Wiki)

              Time Phase:

              The ability to slip into a different time stream in order to "travel in time."
              There are 3 main types of Time Streams: The one flowing forward, backward and the one that isn't moving at all.
              There are sub streams of the first 2 moving at various speeds. When the user phases into a stream, they expend energy. For the entire period you remain in a time stream different from the natural, you expend energy. Thus it is possible to die in a time stream.

              Each time stream has a certain rule:
              The Stopped Stream - Easiest to enter. Like when Sakuya stops time in the world, except the user is not stopping time, the user is experience the world as if time was stopped. This allows the user to navigate the world as it is at the moment the user phased into that time stream. They cannot interact with the world except if they were to bring something else into the time stream which would then drain their energy faster if unaided.

              The Forward Stream - To eliminate the possible argument that the normal time stream could be considered forward flowing, let us put the condition for it that it is the natural time stream that the dimension exists in. Now looking at the forward stream you would be in the stream and exit at a certain point in the future as yourself in the future of the current state of the present and past (fluctuations of the entire time stream...I'll discuss this towards the end). Now the aspect that will be the same between the forward and backward will be the fact that once the user enters the future version of the user, they will retain their present self for a certain period of time before they return to their future self unless they expend more energy to remain that way, which would ultimately prove dangerous. In other words the user would experience the future for a glimpse and then fade into what they will be. Now it would be possible to phase back and attempt to return to the user's own present time, however as the user has already expended energy, they would be too weak to survive the trip. Thus traveling into the future is extremely risky as the user in the present would fade away from existence.

              The Reverse - Similar to traveling into the future however the more practical, yet still challenging to manipulate. The user would return to their past self (with similar conditions as stated above where the user has a limited time before returning to how they were, unless they expended energy to remain their present self over their past self.) Now the practical aspect is that by returning to the past, the user could change something (like write some knowledge into a book.) in order to change the future. Most of the time, it becomes extremely difficult to change the future the further back one goes as time is flexible and will attempt to return to the way it was before the user attempted to change it. Thus quickly going back to change an event is the easiest (i.e. the user is about to get crushed because they triggered a trap. could go back and stop themselves from triggering the trap, However this is more a one time deal as to continually go back would exhaust the user and thus prove fatal.)

              Now for Fluctuations of the Time Stream: The reverse aspect contains a portion of what I mean. To go back and change the future in the past would then mean one could then travel into the future and see the result. However, again the implications of traveling to the future still apply.

              End result: Time Phase costs stamina and life force, and the cost is proportional to the extent of the effect/traveling in the stream. Moving forward or backward in time is the most costly of the 3 and also the riskiest as what happens to the user is unknown when going to the future but going to the past is more straight forward, however could still prove futile.

              Name: Aetheron

              Race: Prometheos

              Age: Appears in his 30s but is much older.

              Gender: Male

              Type of magic: Time [Mastered]

              - Blood Tome/ Book of Secrets and Prophecies
              (Note: This "title" is for show only. The pages actually appear blank except for the brief writing that will appear from time to time.)
              - Ceremonial Sword

              This with a white/silver patterned cloak incorporated into the shoulder guards and hiding the rest of the armor.

              Except with a calm, kind, regal attitude/air about him.

              Notes: Aetheron is blind, so eyes have a silver iris and white pupil. He also wears a silver metal mask to hide his eyes.


              Personality and Bio:
              An old master of Time Magic who appears reserved at times. Calm and collected with a very kind nature, he speaks with the flair of a nobleman. His armor and ceremonial sword are forgotten most of the time because of his cloak.

              Other: Capable of Chronolock (able to exist outside time and space, becoming immune to nearly everything)
              Prometheos - Mortal Gods (More than Demigods, but less than at the same time.)

              Last edited by Cucoo5; 05-13-2014, 03:24 PM.



                Hmm... This could work brilliantly into the number of ideas that I have regarding TSU or this could be the sole item that ruins a couple of my plot points. It's a very interesting concept. One that even follows up from an old one that SUSTIC and I made before he completed scrapped it. I need to think more about it and discuss it further with SUSTIC and some of the others. Including...


                @Wriggle! Wriggle! Wriggle!
                I just had a brainwave! It's a COMPLETELY insane one but with this new concept that Cucoo made, it would be a great one. (Also, I need to speak to you about some other things.)
                Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

                My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
                My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
                My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                  cucoo, that aetheron guys has a female breastplate or the illusion of one

                  (just woke up, good morning)
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    I had a feeling you were going to pick up on the starchild concept.

                    Tbh, It works perfectly on my one issue of who would be her parents.
                    To say that she is born from, let's say a nebula, would make alot of things make sense (primarily in EG).

                    Though I'm also looking at keeping Aetheron 100% accurate by saying he's Prometheos.

                    To say he's human seems odd to me.

                    The face seems slightly feminine so it might seem that way. But I think that the armor is mainly masculine... Though it could be either way.

                    Sent from my Bad Apple!! iPhone using Tapatalk


                      Either the Starchildren are literally formed from interstellar material. Or the Starkind are very similar to Lunarians. A race that did originate from another land (or another world) with heightened magical attunement (especially to ancient and non-physical magic).

                      And come on... When my main character is Lunar Mage who loves all interstellar objects and concepts, of course I would jump on it.
                      Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

                      My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
                      My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
                      My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                        @ TR

                        To say that they are a race that are from another world would bring back my original issue: Who would be Selene's parents?
                        To say that she is born from "stardust," or what have ye, would cut that issue out completely...
                        because if I wanted her to have parents, I would be looking at Sol and Luna... which makes things... complicated on a whole lot of different levels.


                          things like that could be revealed as the story flows guys, let´s just enjoy the ride
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            aye, though the main thing is that Selene and Aetheron are two key players in EG that I haven't gotten quite as solid as I would like...
                            So far, by throwing Starla and Nemesis into the waters in Shinka Knights, I finally got them to a point where they make sense.
                            So far, by looking at Selene and Aetheron a little harder, I've been able to nix the issue of Selene's lineage. The more I think on it, the more I want to keep it like I have it because it just works a lot more simply than any other way. I've been going on with Selene's lineage issue for 2 years now... and saying she's a Starchild would keep things simpler than what I've been going at with trying to give her parents.


                              Do Selene parents truly matter? Unless her "parents" are massive detail about Selene, I wouldn't think about it until the time came. Improvise if you must.

                              I mean, I've had to improvise on the spot and deal with what other people have done. Trista's parents? They were never supposed to be important or even mentioned outside of Trista's backstory. Ever. But due to Wriggle's influence and me improvising, Trista's parents own an ice-cream parlour in a quiet town in California and Trista's mother is half-British.
                              Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

                              My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
                              My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
                              My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                                If I went with Selene having Parents, they would become pivotal.

                                Because 1) Selene appears at a point where the story has already started in EG, which means she had to have come from somewhere.
                                Now I could say that she was an orphan and that she is like Luna and Sol and got her powers from becoming a Guardian of Time
                                The problem is she is supposed to have been born with her abilities
                                Therefore lineage matters.
                                Then I would be looking at every character I have that could be a candidate
                                The Mother is easy: Luna. She's the only one that naturally gains Time manipulation aside from Aion, Nyx, and Aetheron.
                                The Father? The only one that would make sense is Sol, but that would create issues as I would then be staring at the problem of: when in the timeline is Selene born?

                                Plus I'm staring at the fact that In EG, I'm working with the "Time Limit" gimmick like LoZ: MM where the events of EG have happened a few thousand times, except for those of Phoenix, HAX SIGN, and The Legend of the Blood Tome.

                                Selene is born outside of the loop, which limits her lineage to those that exist outside the loop.
                                So I'm still restricted to Sol and Luna or I use my latest gimmick and say that she is born from something else entirely.
                                Insert the Starchild gimmick.
                                And it's the only thing that...after 2 years of beating on this...makes sense.

