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Trinity Soul University: A Casual Magic RP (OOC)

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    Please don't close the contest until I get home and can make an app. I love making apps
    Born in the light.
    Molded in the dark

    Never Forget,
    Keep Fighting.
    –Don't Forget.
    Always, somewhere,
    someone is fighting for you.
    –As long as you remember her,
    you are not alone.



      I think it lasts the whole month.

      Sent by Tapatalk
      "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


        Teacher Name: Helena

        Age: 33

        Gender: Female

        Although she doesn't always such formal wear as on the picture. Most of the time, she'll pick something that's a little bit easier to get around in, while still being a bit formal such as this. A few of the crystals can also be excluded.

        Biography: Helena is normally a calm and collected person, doing one thing at a time. She also likes to have a certain amount of order and harmony around her, and if there is not, then she will either find a way to make some more order, or leave the area. She isn't the person to do everything herself tough. It's not uncommon that she makes others do her work. This means that she is one of the people on the school that posts most jobs for students on the job boards. She is serious in her teaching tough, and it may be the one area where she normally want to do everything herself.

        Helena also have a certain liking for art and music, although just as everything else, she prefers it to be orderly and harmonic. Although not to a big extent, she also likes to at times sit down and make her own pieces of art and music. When she does play a bit of music, she finds it quite enjoyable to use her magic to make sound in crystals. The most frequent type of crystals that she uses are ice crystals.

        Due to her music, she does have some contact with Ms.Mizu as she is the one making the ice crystals for her. As for the other people in staff, the one she have the least liking for is most likely Mr. Hinote due to his anger and because he tries to act "cool" all the time. She also have a little of a dislike for Ms. Momone due to her clumsiness. The people she prefers spending some time with is at times Ms. Dark, although she thinks she's a bit too cruel. The people she prefers to speak to the most tough is Master Hama and Mr. Daichi. When it comes to Nurse Hannah, she just tries to avoid her altogether.

        Magical Capabilities: While Helena is very experienced with all types of sound magic, her area of mastery is the inaudible spectrum, meaning sounds too dark or light to hear with a human ear. The most basics things she can do with this is things like shattering glass, although it have many more uses than just that. For example she can affect many organs in the human body like eyes or the heart by making a low pitched sound at just the right frequencies. This can cause many different effects from seeing things that are not there to heart problems. If she makes sounds high pitched enough she can affect other animals in the area. In fact, she can even use her magic to blow someone up if she hits the right frequencies.

        Born in the light.
        Molded in the dark

        Never Forget,
        Keep Fighting.
        –Don't Forget.
        Always, somewhere,
        someone is fighting for you.
        –As long as you remember her,
        you are not alone.


          SUSTIC, mind if I cut in again? Sarah Hunnigan is still on my mind.



            Sure. She had been in dormant NPC status since you left, but since you wish to bring her back I am taking her out of that state. She is now back under your full control.


              Um, quick question... If I do not win the contest... Can I still enter the person as a student? (With revision included, of course)



                Yes with revision you can make your entry into a student for the RP after the contest is over.


                  Originally posted by SUSTIC View Post

                  Sure. She had been in dormant NPC status since you left, but since you wish to bring her back I am taking her out of that state. She is now back under your full control.
                  Could you give me a brief rundown on what you've done with her, if anything? Also, how do the Training Grounds look? Any Player Characters there?



                    I have not done anything with her at all. Hence why she was in Dormant NPC Status. Meaning she was NPC but was not being used unless someone decided to use her for something. Thankfully nothing had happened with her.

                    It is also a new day in the RP (second day, and it is only around 8 in the morning.)

                    As for the Training Grounds it looks kind of like this:

                    Except with training dummies here and there, some wooden shacks as well, and a few other pieces of equipment that can help with magic training outdoors.

                    I currently do not think that anyone is at the Training Grounds in the RP. Though I have nothing to do with my character Drake so I can possibly send him there.


                      Aeneas and Sha Yun (injured) should still be there, just about to take Sha Yun to the infirmary.


                        Originally posted by SUSTIC View Post

                        I have not done anything with her at all. Hence why she was in Dormant NPC Status. Meaning she was NPC but was not being used unless someone decided to use her for something. Thankfully nothing had happened with her.

                        It is also a new day in the RP (second day, and it is only around 8 in the morning.)

                        As for the Training Grounds it looks kind of like this:

                        Except with training dummies here and there, some wooden shacks as well, and a few other pieces of equipment that can help with magic training outdoors.

                        I currently do not think that anyone is at the Training Grounds in the RP. Though I have nothing to do with my character Drake so I can possibly send him there.
                        Thank you. You've been very helpful. I'll work on a post now before I have to work.


                          Okay I have another announcement!

                          Well several announcements...

                          First is the Sound Magic Teacher Contest is going to be ending on the 20th instead! Yay!

                          Also I have a friend on DeviantART who is a pretty good artist.
                          (Here is a link to his DA page: )
                          Well my friend Funnio is actually willing to draw 3 characters of TSU for us. Only 3. So far 2 have been chosen. Those two are my character Andrew, Wriggle's character Sha Yun, and that is it so far.

                          So is there anyone wanting to see a character of theirs redrawn? If so let me know! Remember I will only choose one character, as he is only going to do 3. So please let me know. If you do have a character you want redrawn, or redone in appearance let me know in a PM telling me the details of the character's appearance of how you picture him/her.


                            I mentioned in Mumble about Zero. Guess you forgot about that already.

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                            "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


                              No I did not forget Zero. I just want to wait to see how many people want their character redrawn.


                                I wouldn't mind my character, Sarah Hunnigan, being redrawn. If it'll help spark someone's creativity, all the better.

                                Sent from my iPhone

