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Trinity Soul University: A Casual Magic RP (OOC)

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    Not by much, but "She's at a level similar, if not slightly greater than her grandfather" and her grandfather is a master right? If that's so then... wouldn't that make her incredibly dangerous to fight against? Either lower her skill level to a more reasonable amount (I don't really want much characters that are overly powered right off the bat. You could weaken her, or add some weaknesses like say... she has low stamina even for a vampire, and can't fight for too long before tiring out, or... something to make her seem a bit more balanced please.



      Bookdragon, and Major Mario. Your characters will be receiving roommates.

      Kage's roommate will be Azeruk, while Major Mario Sarah will be sharing the same room as Spira.


        Copy that, Sarah will share the room with Spira.



          What does Kiara have, just to confirm



            Kiara has room 207 A.



              Also is it too much to ask to have this information on everyone in like the OOC OP?



                I'm currently working on that Cucoo. I'm just waiting until the right time (like everyone actually gets their rooms.) So I won't have to update it often.


                  Originally posted by Mima View Post
                  Ah, to hell with it, i'll join the RP.

                  Name: Soane

                  Race: Vampire

                  Age: Unknown, though she looks around 19

                  Bio: Soane originally was part of a rich family of vampires, who gained their money and fame through blackmail, threats, and backstabbing. When Soane was only a toddler, a rival family had enough of them. Hundreds of people stormed the family's mansion and the parents sent their head maid to get her away, sending along with them a magical statue of a panther which could summon a panther known as Guen as a guardian. The head maid and Soane escaped, but the parents died, and the mansion burned to nothing but cinders.

                  Eventually the maid led her to an uncle of the family, a master swordsman. There, Soane lived a decent life, training in the ways of her uncle. She grew to an equal skill to the uncle, and even beat him in combat. Then, the uncle died of old age, due to him not being a vampire like the rest of the family. Soane herself inherited the house, but later moved out, looking for something new to enjoy in her oddly simple life.

                  Gender: Female

                  What Element/and or type of magic: Wind

                  Luggage: A pair of scimitars, a refilling vial of blood, and an almost indestructable onyx figurine of a panther, from which she can call Guen, along with

                  Appearance: Soane has long black hair, going down to her waist. Her skin is somewhat pale and her eyes are red. She wears a trenchcoat with armor hidden underneath, and wears combat boots. She also has a belt which holds her schimitars and panther figurine.

                  Why did you come to the University?: Moved out, discovered I have a little bit of magical abilities, so I applied so I can see if I can become more powerful with those abilities.

                  Personality: Despite her skill with swords, she's actually quite laid back, though she doesn't talk to many people except her panther. She's not one to gloat, and would rather be near the back end of the class than the front. she has an observant eye quick to catch the slightest mistake, and due to this, will try, try, and try again to get something right. But, if it comes down to it and she warms up to you, she can be quite caring and sweet, though she knows her limits.

                  Other: Though she is a very experienced swordsman, she doesn't pick fights unless someone attacks her first.
                  Okay now that I gave this more thought, and that minor tweak of how she isn't much of a fighter unless someone attacks her first I'd say accepted... just don't... go cutting people in half.


                    Now remember people each Dorm is like an apartment rather than your traditional dorm at a normal college.

                    Each dorm contains 1 medium sized living room, 3 small bedrooms, 1 small bathroom, and 1 small kitchen.


                      Actually, Katrix Jody posed a good question. How does magic work here?


                        It's magic. What more do you need to know?

                        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.



                          It's like Mima said. It's magic. Some spells and types require chanting, others don't. Not only that but if one is creative, and puts enough effort into it they can create their own techniques with their magic.


                            PRESTO CHANGO YOUR FACE I WILL REARRANGO



                              How's this for a spell?

                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                                It was more supposed to point out the fact the Spira knews next to nothing about it. She have used it twice.
                                Born in the light.
                                Molded in the dark

                                Never Forget,
                                Keep Fighting.
                                –Don't Forget.
                                Always, somewhere,
                                someone is fighting for you.
                                –As long as you remember her,
                                you are not alone.

