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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Sorry we are kinda near the end of the RP... all the people who fought in the Devourer Arc are now celebrating over their victory since the Devourer was killed. It's kind of late to get back into the RP again until the sequel RP comes out...

    I guess you went with Wriggle right?

    Also I made a post with Guts Man, Zero, and even the big idiotic ice Robot Frost Man who is making a small area of snow for him and the other Ice Type Robot Masters that remain.



      So it was not planned to launch a "Rebuild of Gensokyo" arc right after the resolution/completion of the great battle ?
      And if not and if this RP becomes definitely closed, have you one recommend to me ?


        Originally posted by TossMan View Post

        So it was not planned to launch a "Rebuild of Gensokyo" arc right after the resolution/completion of the great battle ?
        And if not and if this RP becomes definitely closed, have you one recommend to me ?
        All the World's a Pokemon

        The Infinity Project

        Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight

        And we are going to have a sequel to this one, so you can join back in that.



          The people in Gensokyo are all celebrating in the Ancient City to unwind and relax first. There won't be a Rebuild of Gensokyo arc as Gensokyo reconstruction will be taking place between the timeskip between the end of this RP and the beginning of the sequel RP All the World's a Game 2 or so. So a Rebuild of Gensokyo thing won't be physically happening as it will be done in a sort of timeskip of sorts between this RP and the soon to be released sequel RP.

          Also what Cucoo said. Those are decent and active RP's (except The Infinity Project as it is quite inactive. It just needs people who will ACTUALLY POST THERE!)



            Thanks ! I'm reading


            So the sequel will not be released before a while ? Thanks !



              My guess would be Yuuka.

              It only make sense, plants and all. (Actually flowers, but that's being too specific. Many plants have flowers.)

              Welcome back, everyone!
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                No it should be released soon. As soon as this RP is officially over (which will be soon) Wriggle and the rest of us will begin work on the sequel. I already have a story arc of my own for the Sequel to help things start off once it is released.


                  Toss man, revive Alfred! In hell, maybe, I don't care.


                    @ Tossman

                    Totally not shamelessly promoting...but...
                    If you read mine and actually consider, let me know on any questions. There's a few thousand slots still for anyone to come in with. And I mean that quite literally.

                    And tbh consider all three of them. I would like to see SUSTIC's get up and running a bit quicker. And I should post on his...but I gotta work out how to execute Eleos's next move in it =w=;

                    Also...I keep saying this...but not going through with it...

                    RP REVIVAL: SANCTUARY
                    MAKE IT HAPPEN



                      Don't worry. Soon, Alfred will be back as the psychopath we all love to hate.
                      Earlier I said he could develop rich interactions with some Touhou characters, and moreover he's not really hard to play. No cons, only pros.
                      He will be revived.
                      *sardonic laugh*


                      I'm still reading... I will probably make my choice tomorrow, but in any case thanks a lot for your availaibility and support. (Formal powa~)
                      Seriously, thanks , i'll surely profit of your wise words, but for now, i'll just say "nighty night"
                      Last edited by TossMan; 10-29-2013, 06:34 PM.


                        And you, sir, gets a point.




                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Alright, I'm off for the night.

                            Good night
                            Born in the light.
                            Molded in the dark

                            Never Forget,
                            Keep Fighting.
                            –Don't Forget.
                            Always, somewhere,
                            someone is fighting for you.
                            –As long as you remember her,
                            you are not alone.



                              Nighty night.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Welp I got back into actually playing PSO2 again, just that recording things of it are horrid =w= my screen capture program lags the game like hell...
                                Oh well
                                anyway what's possible on this front?

                                What would be some of the possibilities for the beginning of season II? Just curious cause I want ideas for Lisa and Morgan =w=

