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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    it's like...denying to hug Flandre
    Same basic principle

    and I think I scared off the certain someone that I tried to subtly and indirectly contact via indirectly addressing the fact they were looking here =w= oh well I tried somethinf and now...
    blah I'm tired...but still gotta get chem done
    for the organizations of SCAE and ACO, we need to figure out something to add to them.
    Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-09-2013, 06:21 AM.



      So Cucoo...

      Aside from planning out SCAE, ACO, and other things... how are ya?


        still working on chem that's due in 2.5 hrs.
        Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-09-2013, 06:39 AM.


          How much do you have done?

          Anyways I'm contemplating on whether or not to play Terraria for the Xbox... or start playing Elsword again...


            I've just started Elsword cause of looking for something to replace DFO and SUSTIC

            and I'm upset slightly with the skill update for Eve's Code Architecture. It feels like they nerfed it =w=;

            Anyway, another thing:
            I'm wondering how EG: SoS will turn out because once the story gets out of Helios, I have nothing when it comes to the story except for basic plot points.



              I prefer EVE's Code: Battle Seraph and Aisha's Battle Magician classes. I don't know what changes they made to Elsword's skill system lately, but I guess I'll find out xD

              Anyways I could probably help with EG: SoS. Depends on what you want to happen once the story gets out of Helios.


                @ Neo

                it ain't the what, it's the how

                I have the entire 40 chapters planned out in terms of what has to happen, but I have nothing else. The first 6 chapters I had scripted out and I have certain scenes in each section planned out but it's the how to get to them that will be interesting.

                once chapter 6 is done, that's the end of my script.


                  Oh and I'm putting my combined character roster into one post here for later.

                  NPC Character of Choice: Morgan (Female version)

                  Game of Origin: Fire Emblem: Awakening

                  Power: Wields various "offensive type" magic (Fire, Lightning, wind. Can have a skill that allows for dark magic. Also has an incredible ability to "read" opponents, knowing strengths and weaknesses and moods even at a glance.

                  Weapons: Tomes and Swords

                  Weaknesses: Grima + Mortal, Unlike Robin's case of being able to tie into Grima.

                  Appearance: Change hair to green

                  Personality: (As from Wiki)

                  Morgan is similar to the Avatar, having amnesia when they are introduced, though they remember the Avatar at least and their goal of becoming a tactician like they are. Morgan has a childish enthusiasm and is quick to play with others. They have a certain level of innocence and have an optimistic outlook of life, willing to see everything good about the world rather than the bad. Despite this though, they have their own insecurities regarding their memories. They express distress over the fact that they cannot remember their other parent and nearly every other memory that is not related to the Avatar. Nevertheless, they love their other parent and their siblings if they have any. Morgan moves around the most out of anyone in the army. Their birthday is May 5th.


                  Morgan is similar to the Avatar as their origins are a mystery. What is known is that Morgan is the future child of the Avatar who traveled to the past. Because of the Avatar's ability to marry all characters including the other future children, it is speculated that Morgan is a child from another timeline. However the possibility lies that Morgan hails from the same ruinous future as the other children through supports with their siblings who remember Morgan, but mostly in this case alone. Regardless of their origins, Morgan was apparently accompanying a much older Avatar, but somehow was caught in the flow of time and was transported into the past. Morgan awoke alone in a grass field just like the Avatar, but has lost most of their memory. Since then, Morgan traveled the world hoping to reunite with the Avatar.

                  In Morgan's paralogue, Morgan eventually arrives in the Ruins of Time. Alone, Morgan is attacked by Risen. Luckily, The Avatar, Chrom, and Chrom's army arrive to the Ruins of Time in search of the legendary Naga's Tear. Morgan and the Avatar eventually meet and talk. Though Morgan is confused by the Avatar's younger appearance they are happy to be reunited and joins Chrom's army. After leaving the ruins, Morgan is shocked to learn about the future and the fact that they time-traveled. Morgan shows distress for the fact that they cannot remember anything else aside from their memories of the Avatar and the fact that they are trying to become a great tactician like them. Nevertheless they take joy in knowing that they will be with the Avatar more closely now, eager to learn from them firsthand.

                  After the war, Morgan would never recover their memories; however, they were not troubled by this. Scholars would speculate that they came from a different timeline from the other children.

                  In Morgan's support with the Avatar, they spend much of their time trying to outwit them in various ways. The Avatar, however, effortlessly dodges a pitfall they made and found the book Morgan was trying to hide from them in a matter of seconds. Finally Morgan is defeated by the Avatar in a game of strategic wits, but once the Avatar is alone, they realize that Morgan nearly beat them and decides to study harder to stay ahead and motivate Morgan. In Morgan's support with their other parent, they spend most of the time desperately trying to remember from staring intensely into their face and to the point of bashing their head into a wooden post, hoping the impact would jog their memories. They finally do remember a small memory of an older version of them calling Morgan by name. Morgan's other parent promises to continue to help them recover their memory in any way possible.

                  In the future where the children came from, Morgan was present if they have a sibling. Female Morgan's sibling supports involve her asking her sibling about anything she did in the future. Her sibling, in return, worries about her drastic attempts to recover her memories because she was their only family once their parents died. In their final support, her sibling tells her that it is probably better not to remember the future because of the horrible memories it may bring. Morgan is thankful for their concern but still wishes to remember everything because even if there are bad memories, there are good ones too. Her sibling offers to help in anyway they can, but tells Morgan to spend some time with them because she needs to make new memories while trying to recover her old ones.

                  Morgan is part of the Justice Cabal along with Cynthia and Owain.

                  Traumas: Grima. Loss of memory.

                  NPC Character of Choice: Link

                  Game of Origin: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

                  Power: the power of the Triforce of Courage, the Master Sword, the Ocarina of Time, and Hylian magic.

                  Weapons: his inventory from Ocarina of Time along with any different items from Majora’s Mask


                  Inventory (part 1)

                  Ocarina of Time

                  Hero's Bow (Arrows x50)
                  Fire Arrow

                  Ice Arrow

                  Light Arrow

                  Bombs (x40)

                  Bombchu (x40)

                  Deku Sticks (x30)

                  Deku Nuts (x40)

                  Magic Beans (x20)


                  Fairy Slingshot (ammo x50)

                  Megaton Hammer

                  Powder Keg (x1)


                  Lens of Truth

                  Hookshot (Longshot range)

                  Bottles (×6)

                  Inventory (Part 2)

                  Bottle Items

                  Lon Lon Milk




                  Blue Fire

                  Poe Souls


                  Shard of Agony

                  Gerudo Token

                  Giant's Wallet

                  Biggest Quiver

                  Biggest Bomb Bag

                  Bullet Bag (biggest)

                  Golden Scale

                  Golden Gauntlets

                  Hover Boots

                  Iron Boots

                  Kokiri Boots

                  Kokiri Tunic

                  Goron Tunic

                  Zora Tunic

                  Hylian Shield

                  Mirror Shield

                  Master Sword

                  Biggoron Sword

                  Great Fairy's Sword


                  (All Happy Masks + the 4 transformation masks [including fierce deity])


                  Din's Fire

                  Farore's Wind

                  Nayru's Love


                  Zelda's Lullaby - (Effect to be determined)

                  Epona's Song

                  Saria's Song - (Additional Effect to be determined)

                  Song of Storms

                  Sun's Song - Sun effect only, does not progress night and day.

                  Song of Time - OoT Effect only

                  Inverted Song of Time - (Effect to be determined)

                  Song of Double Time - (Effect to be determined)

                  Song of Healing - Standard effect (additional to be determined)

                  Song of Soaring - TBD

                  Sonata of Awakening - Standard effect

                  Goron Lullaby - Standard effect

                  New Wave Bossa Nova - Standard effect

                  Elegy of Emptiness - Ben Drowned Standard effect

                  Oath to Order - TBD

                  *Warp songs - To be determined*

                  Weaknesses: mortal weaknesses, however, thanks to magic spells, he is able to resist most attacks.


                  Personality: steadfast and brave. He will do all in his power to aid those in need and will stand in the face of danger.

                  Morality: heroic justice

                  Biography: As the Hero of Time, Link protected the sacred realm from Ganondorf by traveling through time itself. After being successful in his quest, he returns to his childhood time to ultimately stop Ganondorf from entering the sacred realm thus preventing the adult timeline. Then, he went in search of Navi, and found himself tricked into going to Termina. There, he stopped Majora’s Mask from destroying Termina, if not, the world.
                  After this, he returned home…
                  However…Something happened…

                  Notes: I will have Link talk in Hylian. There is a high probability I might forget to keep the original text and then we won’t have what he says…
                  To be honest, I won’t matter much. His actions shall speak louder than words.

                  Eleos "Gunner" Mithras

                  A highly trained elite marksman. He was an assassin part of an operation known as "Reaper's Call."

                  - Dual modified revolvers (S&W 500 Magnum) (.50 AE)
                  - Modified bolt-action sniper rifle
                  - Dual Semi-automatic modified hand gun w/ Fully automatic switch (FN Five Seven)
                  - C4 (Timer and remote detonator)
                  - Flash mines/land mines
                  - Grenades
                  - Napalm/Incendiary Bullets
                  - String and Rope
                  - Grapple Hook

                  He would have a bag like a messenger bag with the explosives. His belt has ammo clips for his automatics and the usual bandolier for his revolvers and sniper. He also has two pouches with incendiary/Napalm rounds and other special bullets for specific missions.

                  Explosive count...
                  he would have
                  C-4 x 8
                  Frag Grenades x 3
                  Flash Grenades x 2
                  EMP Grenades x 2

                  Ammo count...
                  I would need to work this out but for now:
                  Automatic x 200 (in prepared clips of 20 each so 10 clips)
                  Revolvers x 75
                  Sniper (Normal) x 100 (Railgun) x 5
                  Special Bullets x 10 (dependent on mission)

                  For more specifics on his sniper
                  It's a bolt action 0.50 Cal
                  capable of being loaded with 5 bullets at a time (no clip)
                  and he modified it to utilize armor piercing rounds as well as "normal" bullets.

                  Ok so his hand gun would be a modified FN Five Seven then (And I'd probably leave it as semi-automatic with a switch for going fully automatic cause I just realized, he's used to single fire with bolt action sniper and revolvers...)
                  And the Revolvers would be using the 0.50 AE
                  Weaknesses: Women (Though when he's aiming to kill, he won't hesitate.)

                  (Going to use this as the closest match to what I had in mind)

                  - messy dark brown/black hair underneath his Fedora.
                  - Sharp-green eyes.
                  - dark brown coat and ragged pants with chain links and gun holsters and dark red shirt
                  (what I had prior:

                  Take the Desperado's look in this first picture and mix it with the second one

                  Then take the concept of weapons from this picture

                  Add the personality that's portrayed in this video

                  Replace jacket with leather jacket and change up the color pallet to more browns and blacks and reds and you get what I had in mind for Eleos

                  Sharp wit and even sharper eyesight. He can think fast on his feet and can smooth talk out of most situations. Despite his joking and "charming" nature, he tends to be agitated when nothing exciting is going on

                  He has an incredible sense of right and wrong, even though he sometimes doesn't follow it himself. He is not afraid of taking a shot even if the possible collateral damage is severe.

                  Eleos is an elite marksman part of a group of assassins that were key in "Operation: Reaper's Call." During one mission against a dictator, he led a last stand of the people against the dictator's army. Then he had to take the final kill shot through his team mate, Neria, who was to be his fiancé, thus killing her as well as the dictator. In the end, there was no one left of the country which he had just liberated. Thus no one knows of his exploits and he became a phantom, doing odd vigilante like tasks while remaining hidden.

                  Notes: I combined his bio/traumas cause they are one in the same. Also that's the short version. Anything longer and I'd have to post the entire novel I have on him.

                  NPC Character of Choice: Risa (Though I will be referring to her in the ideal English translation Lisa)

                  Game of Origin: Phantasy Star Online 2

                  Psycho Ranger chic...(wait...that's a power?)

                  Weapons: Assault Rifles, gunslashes, and Rocket Launchers...big ones... need I say more?

                  Weaknesses: In canon...CASTs are resilient. Literally, they can survive without a body. Their entire being is in their head.

                  Fan Art:

                  Official Concept Art:

                  In Game:

                  Personality: Psycho crazy hot robot gunner chic. NEED I SAY MORE?!

                  Morality: Shes...good...even though she keeps talking about torturing things with guns...

                  Biography: She is an ARK member (sort of like civilian militia/ mercenaries) She teaches Ranger and Gunner ARKs the way of the gun...and also helps on client orders. I can't really speak for her history cause I just now got the story translation patch to work and I can't really say anything more about her.

                  Traumas: I have no idea, but she is crazy
                  ...crazy hot... *COUGH*

                  Notes: because PSO2 is an MMORPG technically, it's tricky to figure out her past...especially when everything about the game is still in Japanese officially as it hasn't been localized yet.


                  Oh and when I was searching through the pics, I find this:

                  you all have no idea how complete my life is now. LISA IN A MAID OUTFIT?!? YES!~<3


                  Game of Origin:
                  Xenoblade Chronicles

                  Control over the Monado and thus, future sight.

                  The Monado

                  Might use the final Monado, which is known as Shulk's Monado or Monado III

                  Another description of the Monado

                  He's still mortal.
                  His visions won't kick in unless someone is about to die or if a paralyzing hit is about to occur.


                  He likes to think things through and is very methodical in his approach to most situations. Early details show that he is able to wield the Monado due to the fact that he was one of the only known survivors on a previous expedition to retrieve the sacred weapon. He first acquires the sword when his home, Colony 9, is attacked. His first act upon acquiring the "destined weapon" is to fight for an end to the war with the Mechon and avenge Fiora.

                  14 years ago, Shulk was part of an exploration team that went into the Valak Mountains. Shulk was lying around dead exploration members around the Monado within Ose Tower in the Valak Mountains when his body was found by Dickson, who took Shulk to Colony 9.

                  It is later revealed that Shulk had been killed along with his parents during the Monado expedition and that Zanza had possessed his body and laid dormant within. This allowed Shulk to carry on living without knowing about Zanza. After Zanza leaves Shulk's body he is believed to be dead; however, he is revived by Alvis.




                  ◾Talent Art: Activate Monado - Monado Arts become available. Generates Shulk's Aura while Monado Art is activated. ◾Shulk MonadoEnchant Enchant - Allows allies to damage Mechon for a time and boosts attack power.
                  ◾Buster - Damages enemies in a straight line. Mechon suffer double damage.
                  ◾Shield - Blocks Talent Arts of equal level or lower. Best used when Shulk has a vision.
                  ◾Speed - Improves evasion of a single ally.
                  ◾Purge - Damages single target at a distance. Removes Auras and Spike effects and inflicts Aura Seal.
                  ◾Eater - Damages enemies in front, removes all buffs and inficts Bleed.
                  ◾Armour - Reduces all Physical and Ether damage to the party.
                  ◾Cyclone - Damages all enemies around Shulk. Enemies suffering Break will be Toppled

                  ◾Slit Edge - Damages single target. Attacking the target's side will reduce Physical Defence.
                  ◾Back Slash - Damages single target. Attacking the target's back will cause double damage (also generates aggro).
                  ◾Light Heal - Restores HP to a single ally.
                  ◾Shaker Edge - Damages single target, Dazes if target is Toppled
                  ◾Air Slash - Damage and inflict Break on a single target. A side hit may inflict Slow.
                  ◾Shadow Eye - Reduces aggro and increases damage of next physical arts
                  ◾Battle Soul - Sacrifices half of Shulk's HP to refill a portion of his talent gauge
                  ◾Stream Edge - Damages multiple enemies in front of Shulk, inflicts Break and fills talent gauge

                  NPC Character of Choice: Lady Palutena

                  Game of Origin: Kid Icarus

                  See the wiki ^^;
                  (The spoiler box contains the specific section...but...

                  Power of Flight

                  Palutena's primary abilities shown in the games are utilitarian, such as granting Pit, a flightless angel, the Power of Flight. This power only lasts five minutes, limited by Pit's wing's tolerance of the Power of Flight.

                  Some Other Powers

                  In Uprising, Palutena grants Pit grind rails, food, and vehicles to aid him in his quest. She is also responsible for arrows that guide Pit through levels (a power made possible through her "Palutena Super Sensor," as she calls it), and can expose weak spots on enemies such as Aurum ships (which she calls her "Power of Weak-Point Exposure").

                  Powers in Anime Shorts

                  In the anime shorts, Palutena is revealed to be a potions master, as she is able to (unintentionally) make vegetables into animate beings through an overdose of her potion. Later she uses her "Power of Caging" to try to stop the mutant carrots. After she learns that the potion can be washed off she uses her "Power of Maelstrom" to make it rain.

                  Power to Transform Objects/People

                  In Chapter 20, it is revealed by Viridi that Palutena turned Pit into a ring. This may be her own power or the Chaos Kin's.


                  While she is mostly supporting, Palutena is shown to be quite adept offensively as well. Palutena is the boss of Chapter 20 in Uprising, being controlled by the Chaos Kin, which must be destroyed while not harming the already weak Palutena, and defeating her instead of the Chaos Kin will result in an "I'm Finished". While she has been noticeably weakened by resisting the Chaos Kin for three years, Palutena shows that she is very adept in battle, wielding her staff and shield.

                  "Palutena Glam Blaster"

                  A fierce attack Palutena uses to finish the Three-Headed Hewdraw if Pit doesn't finish the last head quickly enough, killing it in one shot. {C
                  PalutenaVPPalutena launching light at Pit
                  HasofcdAdded by Hasofcd

                  PalutenaHPPalutena preparing to launch her light projectiles
                  HasofcdAdded by Hasofcd
                  Palutena has the ability to levitate, effortlessly and seemingly indefinitely; even when she swoons from resisting the Chaos Kin, she does so in midair. {C Projectiles{C
                  PalutenaCYE"Cover your eyes!"
                  HasofcdAdded by Hasofcd
                  Palutena boost a plethora of light-based projectile attacks. She can create three balls of light above her either horizontally or vertically. If horizontal, Palutena will fire three bolts of light at the same time up to three times in quick succession, launching a total of nine shots with great horizontal range. If vertical, the bolts will fire one at a time from the bottom to the top, rapidly firing off up to nine shots in a flurry of light.

                  "Cover your eyes!"{C
                  PalutenaTFaS"Time for a sacrifice!"
                  HasofcdAdded by Hasofcd
                  Palutena raises her shield and charges her light power, then unleashes it blinds her target with light, if in range. This lasts for about three seconds.

                  "Time for a Sacrifice!"{C
                  PalutenaPY1&KBMThe columns of light and the slow-moving halo
                  HasofcdAdded by Hasofcd
                  Palutena shoots a large, slow-moving ball of teal light that hone in on her target. Palutena can shoot up to three in quick succession.

                  "Kneel before me!"{C
                  PalutenaPY2Slow-moving halo and its own projectile
                  HasofcdAdded by Hasofcd
                  Palutena waves her staff and shoots three fast-moving columns of light across the stage.

                  "Poor you!"

                  Palutena launches a slow-moving halo that resembles her own across the ground. The halo hones in on her target and chases it, and it additionally shoots its own light projectiles at her target, up to three times before evaporating. {C
                  PalutenaTMS"This might sting!"
                  HasofcdAdded by Hasofcd
                  PalutenaSpin1Palutena preparing to use her Counter on Pit
                  HasofcdAdded by Hasofcd
                  While Palutena seems much more comfortable at a distance, she possess a swift melee attack in which she twirls, surrounding herself with rings of light, knocking her target back. She will use this as a counter to being melee attacked in Chapter 20, or if her target is extremely close to her. {C
                  PalutenaSpin2Palutena executing her spinning attack
                  HasofcdAdded by Hasofcd

                  "This might sting!"

                  When her target is nearby, Palutena raises her staff and zooms forward in a huge column of light, blazing toward her target at great speed. This attack also cover a great distance, allowing her to essentially move across the stage.

                  PalutenaCSPalutena summoning a Centurion
                  HasofcdAdded by Hasofcd
                  Palutena is able to summon Centurions and Centurion Knights (depending on the Intensity) to aid her in her battle. She will only summon one at a time.

                  During the three anime shorts she displays the ability to summon storms, cages and a "video display" for Pit to view.

                  Weapons: staff and shield

                  Wiki sayz:
                  Despite being a divine goddess, Palutena also seems to be somewhat of a damsel-in-distress, as she was kidnapped and held captive by Medusa and needed Pit to rescue her.

                  Originally posted by Wiki
                  Palutena's personality is not explored much during the first two games, although the general description is that she's a "pure-hearted and kind" goddess who puts her people before her own welfare.

                  With the advent of Kid Icarus: Uprising, it is revealed that Palutena is rather light-hearted and a little playful. She gets along swimmingly with Pit and banters with him multiple times throughout the adventure.

                  She is also very intelligent and knowledgable, helping Pit with various enemies, hinting at the best direction to take and how to get past certain obstacles. She is so successful at aiding Pit with information, in fact, that Hades calls her "Professor Palutena" and "Know-It-All Palutena" in the game's commentary multiple times.

                  She is notable for being the only deity to be aware and admit that the gods' fighting is what causes so much suffering.
                  See the rest of the wiki for more

                  Morality: Divine Goddess who seeks the good for all mankind

                  Originally posted by wiki
                  Palutena (パルテナ Parutena), also known as "Lady Palutena," is the Goddess of Light, rightful ruler of Angel Land and patron deity of Pit.
                  Traumas: Kidnapped by Medusa

                  Notes: Wiki
                  Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-24-2013, 06:53 PM.


                    Good morning everyone


                    Ansem the Wise and Ansem, Seeker of darkness is not the same person. It was more something like. "Master Ansem doesn't like me experimenting with the heartless. Well then I will trap him in the Realm of darkness, go completely crazy, turn everyone else in this lab into nobodies including myself." If Ansem, Seeker of darkness and Ansem was the same person tthen it would kind of make sense that Xemnas (Ansem rearranged with x) and their complete Terranort was the same person.

                    Also, even tough it kind of is correct, I would say it is more correct to say that Terranort is Ansem the Wise's apprentice.

                    Another thing you could do is to add Aqua and Terra and link them to Terranort and Aquanort as Possessed by Xehanort or something
                    Born in the light.
                    Molded in the dark

                    Never Forget,
                    Keep Fighting.
                    –Don't Forget.
                    Always, somewhere,
                    someone is fighting for you.
                    –As long as you remember her,
                    you are not alone.


                      Morning guys!

                      I'll post my things here:

                      Name: GlaDos123

                      Timezone: um....I don't know...

                      NPC Character of Choice: Raven

                      Game of Origin: Rune factory 3

                      Power: Can turn into a phoenix.

                      Weapons: Short sword

                      Weaknesses: She can't stay in her phoenix form for long. She is not a very friendly person, so she is generally disliked. If she stays in her phoenix form for too long, she'll be instantly knocked out cold.


                      Personality: Quiet, standoffish, incredibly shy, blunt with words, comes across as mean and harsh, is actually nice on the inside.
                      Morality: Neutral, doesn't really care what happens, unless someone hurts someone she cares about.

                      Biography: She was found in the desert nearby a flourishing town, collapsed, after the local blacksmith, Gaius, took her in. She was scared of everyone, so she never seemed to talk much, but after meeting Gaius, she started opening up to people. She is a very skilled blacksmith, and every weekend, sells ores in the market. Her parents are dead.

                      Traumas: At one point, she burnt the lover of her guardian, Gaius, to a crisp, and was banished from the town, Gaius cursing her as she left.
                      Notes: I might not roleplay much. Raven will open up if someone gets to know her well.

                      Name: GlaDos123

                      Timezone: um....I don't know...

                      NPC Character of Choice: Junko Enoshima ( ENOSHIMA JUNKO CHAAAAAAAN >)

                      Game of Origin: Dangan Ronpa

                      Power: Giving everyone ultimate despair

                      Weapons: A pistol, a few grenades, a plush bear she controls ( named monobear) Plus her ability to respond to arguments fastly, as well as being a model.

                      Weaknesses: She's more Brains then Brawns, preferring to win a battle of words, not strength. Her many personalities makes it quite difficult for her to respond normally to people, usually making it difficult for her to work in teams.

                      Depressed one:
                      Teacher one:
                      Despair loving:
                      Acting like her puppet, monobear.:
                      Cute one:
                      Ruler one:
                      Mysterious one:
                      Personality: Many different ones, Teacher-like, crazy psycho sticking out her tongue, ruler who thinks they're above it all, cute little girl, mysterious woman, depressed, and finally, Despair-loving.

                      Biography: After locking many virtual students in a school and forcing them to murder themselves, she was pinned correctly as the mastermind, almost dying as a result. Luckily, the events of this roleplay happened, making her manage to survive, but realizing that she was a failure, she has to find a new calling since she's felt the worst despair of all.

                      Traumas: She's felt the despair of death, as well as killing her own sister, Mukuro Ikusaba, for her own benefit, and having to live with it. Based on her actions 9 students perished, including her sister, making her plans useless now.

                      Name: GlaDos123

                      Time zone: um....I don't know...

                      NPC Character of Choice: Touko Fukawa/ Genocider Shou

                      Game of Origin: Dangan ronpa

                      Power: Very good at writing literature, as well as her other personality, being a murderous psychopath.

                      Weapons: normally, she uses a book, her other personality uses scissors

                      Weaknesses: She has multiple personality disorder, as such, her personalities have separate emotions and memories, and she can switch personalities
                      with a simple sneeze, causing her to forget what she was doing. Her alternative personality murders anyone who she finds attractive, but most of the time she can compose her personality. Her normal self is also not very good at socializing, quick to accuse and agree, stuttering, and most of all, drooling over the people she lies. Her normal self also faints at the sight of blood, while her alternative personality adores it, if she faints, she switches personalities
                      Appearance: Touko:

                      Personality: Her normal personality is shy, awkward, and nervous, making quick decisions and accusations against anyone except herself and her beloved.

                      Biography: During the course of Dangan Ronpa, Touko was closed to being murdered almost every trial, but was saved thanks to her multiple personalities. She sees the mastermind about to be executed, when a light flashes, causing her to lose everything she ever knew, Togami, her novels, her fame, and finally, her sense of hope.

                      Traumas: After seeing many of the deaths of the series of the game, she thinks she's finally going to spend time with the guy she had a huge crush on, Byakuya Togami, the events of this roleplay happens, causing her to freak out, realizing she has no one to fall back on. Her multiple personalities have costed her many so called "friends" and many locations to live. Touko was bullied so she has a shell around her, causing her to avoid any loud rambunctious people.
                      Last edited by GlaDos123; 11-09-2013, 12:45 PM.
                      I don't know what to put here. XD



                        I would recommend you to update your links
                        Born in the light.
                        Molded in the dark

                        Never Forget,
                        Keep Fighting.
                        –Don't Forget.
                        Always, somewhere,
                        someone is fighting for you.
                        –As long as you remember her,
                        you are not alone.


                          While it doesn't seem sensible to toss this post into this slithering sea of statements and watch as it drowns amongst them, I feel like I should clarify a few things about what I had originally intended.

                          I always had a vision that SCAE, Special Character Apprehension and Elimination, were the good guys of the world. They're in the right like the BSAA is with Bioterrorism. They're the cream of the crop, the best of the best, and basically big damn heroes. The problem with them is that they are a police force. They dabble in paperwork and investigations, wasting some time here and there, and occasionally they may nab someone who doesn't deserve to be nabbed, just like the modern-day police. Another grievance with them is that they're not who they seem to be. There are a few higher-ups (directors, advisors and such) who are corrupt and strive to line their pockets with wealth and power. Sometimes the characters they apprehend are experimented on and drained of their power, but not by them...

                          The mysterious 'Organization', which has always been unnamed and referred to as 'The Organization', is comprised of scientists, researches, thugs, anarchists, and war-mongers who have the smarts and skills necessary to carry out their goals. What are their goals, you may ask? Why, to make sure that humanity reigns supreme once again. Characters who come from games are nothing more than pawns in their eyes. They have been created by humankind, and as such, they are owned by humankind*. A figurehead like Mario is nothing more than property owned by the people, or more specifically, Nintendo (Shigeru Miyamoto). Driven by this belief, the 'Organization' feels it is necessary to assert their dominance by painting characters in a bad light and trying to remove their rights. This is just a taste of what they do. Their main purpose or desire is to capture characters and extract their powers and memories for their own benefit. For humanity's benefit. SCAE tries to stop them from time to time, but they are supported by unknown corrupt officials in the 'Righteous' ranks.

                          When the 'Organization' carries out their goals, they care little about suffering and loss in the short run as long as progress is made. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. I had it in my mind for the 'Organization' to be the token bad guys, but with a certain charm to them that made players question their stances. To make this point even tougher, I made it so that the 'Organization' utilized brainwashed characters to do their bidding and make a ruckus to paint other characters in a bad light. The more demented and misguided characters may even be found working for the 'Organization' out of their own free will. Hell, I had Byakuren Hijiri work for the 'Organization' out of her own free will. She believed she was helping everybody and bringing peace to the world, but how wrong she was... Another idea I had was to provide hope indirectly through this 'Organization'...

                          Scientists and researchers, motivated by greed, would continuously take steps towards a portal of sorts to the videogame universe. With every character experimented upon, they take a leap forward. With the portal, they would be able to snatch characters at their leisure and do with them as they saw fit. With agents supplied with character powers at their disposal, they would be near-unstoppable. The reason for this idea was to provide the player with some sense of urgency, should they become aware of the 'Organization's' goals. It also provided them with hope. The portal could be used to return the character to their own world, returning them back to where they belonged. Or, it could just muck up everything again.

                          * "You're no human being. You're a dog without a leash, lines of code in a physical form. Your memories, your experiences, your skills... All of them were created and given to you. Don't you understand? You only exist because we made it so. Your only reason to exist is to be controlled and subjugated by higher powers, the player..."

                          And there we go.
                          Last edited by Major Mario; 11-09-2013, 01:08 PM.


                            Good morning. Happy three-day weekend.


                              Fixed the links. I have no three day weekend. -n-
                              I don't know what to put here. XD


                                Goodmorning everyone.


                                No worries, I'll be sure the message gets to Cucoo and the others.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

