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I just love to blur that line :P
It's just something that begs to happen, cause it breaks the norm a bit. Also I'm still torn a bit,
We'll have SCAE and ACO, two human factions with SCAE having Game Characters as allies and ACO as pure humans. We have the "Good" and we have the "mid" but what would be the "Bad" ?
Would any organization the currently exist fill that role?
Neo-Yakuza is more of a gang that want to use characters for their own end. As for Organization XIII, they are a organization made up of characters so I guess they are kind of different.
Born in the light.
Molded in the dark.Never Forget,
Keep Fighting.
–Don't Forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
–As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
but just by knowing that (and knowing that, what I'll nickname, "Organization: Unknown" has similar functions), I think the Neo-Yakuza would complete the trinity of factions.
There's usually a few small-time gangs and clans looking to stir trouble. Maybe a character is running it and is planning to cause trouble for the laughs, but they need lackies to do things.
In that case of having a game character cause (more) trouble, I have Grima, the final boss of FE:A
He has a religious cult known as the Grimleal, which worships The Fell Dragon (Grima) as a god.
Though I personally wouldnt bring the Grimleal in cause I just dont want to deal with them since there's very little known/stated about them.