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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Welcome back, Wriggle.

    It seems as if every Touhou game has difficulty spikes.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      I don't know if I posted this, but here is Raven's theme

      What do you think? In my opinion it kind of suits Raven. Though it sounds like a theme for a prologue where the dreaded past of a character would be explained.

      Also meet the Crow Rider:

      Created by the Nasods the Crow Rider is a perfect copy of Raven, able to match his fighting style almost perfectly, as well as having a Nasod Arm (but not the same one the Veteran Commander has so no Overheat ability.) I want to introduce him in the future, maybe in a sequel.

      Also I'm imagining that Lily and Raven might end up as a couple for some reason (even though I bet Lily isn't going to be that important after this whole mess)



        Hmm... I never really intended to have Lily and James become anything but simple obstacles for Wesker, but I could probably flesh them out into characters.

        I was actually planning on introducing other Spartans as cameos during the assault on the Neo-Yakuza base, like Spartan-777, otherwise known as "Devin Triple-Seven".
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          I feel ashamed on Elsword right now T-T I was playing arena and my opponent simply did a few hits of damage then ran away from me the hole arena match T-T

          Anyways you don't have to flesh them out, I was just saying.


            Naw, just give the word and I can flesh them out to be characters. Of course, I'm not talking about full fledged characters like Raven, Six, Renamon, etc. They'll be minor characters. Besides, John is planning on going to London soon, not only to meet Dr. Halsey, but to meet Ansem the Wise as well.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              No you don't have to. It's just with how Lily had been talking with him that gave me that idea.


                Anyways, seeing as how Wesker never reached Sector 4, I'd might as well introduce Jack and Daniel.

                (Jack) Spartan-728

                Height: 7' 2"

                Weight: 1,400 lbs

                Abilities: Spartan-V. Similar to that of a Spartan-II. The only difference is that he is slightly weaker in all areas compared to a Spartan-II.

                Fully Automatic Shotgun (Bullet Storm): The Fully automatic Shotgun is more like an assault rifle than a shotgun, but it uses 12-gauge ammunition. He likes to use explosive shells. This bastardization of rifle and shotgun was created by Dr. Halsey as an improvement to the AA-12. The shotgun also doubles as a rifle. It uses .50 Caliber armor piercing, high-explosive rounds. The shotgun has technology similar to the XM25. The user can program the shells to explode after a certain distance, killing soldiers trying to hide behind cover. That being said, Spartan-728 likes to make them all explode after putting multiple shells inside of his victims...

                25mm Grenade Launcher: This 25mm Grenade launcher is pretty much your average grenade launcher, except for the fact that it fires the grenades twice as hard as a normal one. This allows the grenade to embed itself into someone's body before exploding. It was developed by Dr. Halsey as a way to send grenades through armored cars, but it also works very well for people too. This was first discovered by Spartan-728. He has scratched the name "Big Daddy into the butt of the launcher and often uses that as its name.

                M6D-MX Magnum Pistol: The M6D Mark X Magnum Pistol is a modification of the M6D used by Spartan-IIs. This pistol is capable of firing 12.7x40mm M225 Armor-Piercing High-Explosive Rounds and can shred through the Ceramic Titanium armor on a Scorpion tank. This weapon's advantages over the old M6D is its higher muzzle velocity. This causes the weapon to give the bullet more force, allowing it to do more damage to its target. This also allows the explosion to be more severe, allowing the shrapnel to travel faster and cause even more damage to its target. This gun was developed by Dr. Halsey as a means to defend against rouge Characters. The M6D-MX is located on Spartan-728's left thigh.

                2 Ceramic Carbide Katanas: These Katanas are made of the same material as a Spartan's bones. They are virtually indestructible and never lose their edge. These are not Spartan-728's most used weapons, but they are his favorite. He is even more lethal with these than he is with his guns.

                Ceramic Carbide Combat Knife: This Combat knife is made out of the same materials as a Spartan's bones. It is virtually indestructible and never loses its edge. It is located on Spartan-728's left collar bone.

                1 Spartan Laser Arm Module: Spartan-728's right arm is not only armor, but a weapon as well. The weapon is a miniaturized version of the Spartan Laser, but can still do the same amount of damage as the original. Not only that, it also charges its power back up, letting it be fired over and over again. This was Dr. Halsey's attempt at integrating weapon systems into the MJOLNIR armor.

                Morality/Personality: Spartan-728 is by no means a nice guy. If he is ordered to kill somebody, he will do so with a smile. He is not bound by fear. In battle, he is merciless and cruel. Despite his faults though, he does follow some kind of moral code of his own. He does have honor. He won't kill innocents and despite his sadistic tendencies, he does have some good in him. It's not very often, but sometimes he'll show some form of mercy, depending on his mood. He's not a robot by any means. He is a person that can still be talked to in a normal way and will on occasion, help those in need.

                Traumas: Not known. Not even Daniel knows. That being said, there are times when he seems to go into a trance over seemingly random events.

                (Daniel) Spartan-636

                Height: 6'7"

                Weight: 1,350 lbs

                Abilities: Just like Spartan-728, except slightly weaker strength, but faster speed and reaction time, as fast as a Spartan-II. He is very proficient in hand-to-hand combat and frequently uses his blades.

                2 Fully Automatic .50 Caliber Pistols: These pistols were originally built by Dr. Halsey to quickly take down armored vehicles and tanks. Spartan-636 liked to use them anyway, due to their sheer stopping power. The pistols use armor piercing, high-explosive rounds, just like some of the UNSC's weapons. They can switch from semi-automatic, to full-auto.

                Shifter Assault Rifle/25mm Grenade Launcher: The Shifter Assault Rifle is one of Dr. Halsey's new creations. This gun is built to adjust it's barrel interior for various ammunition sizes and types. It can use 9mm to .950 JDJ ammunition and can even use 8-gauge shotgun shells. The gun also comes with a 40mm grenade launcher attached to the bottom of the gun.

                2 Titanium Alloy Machetes: These weapons are made out of a Titanium Alloy similar to the MJOLNIR's armor plating.

                Ceramic Carbide Combat Knife: This Combat knife is made out of the same materials as a Spartan's bones. It is virtually indestructible and never loses its edge. It is located on the right side of Spartan-636's torso.

                3 Thermite Grenades These grenades were developed by Dr. Halsey as a way to melt through tank armor. They are known as "lava in a can", due to the heat that they produce once activated. Once the grenade explodes, it shoots Thermite everywhere in its radius and melts flesh, bone, and metal.

                Morality/Personality: Spartan 636 is much more stable than his partner, Spartan-728. They are almost exact opposites. Despite their differences, they both are close friends. Spartan-636 is a serious person, but can also be a laid back individual. He tends to keep Spartan-728 in check.

                Traumas: None really. He's pretty much your average person, except for the fact that he's a Spartan-V.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  I thought of a good way to allow some of the characters train whenever they need it.

                  His name is Glaive

                  He runs Henir's Time and Space. A place outside of Space and Time where one can fight past enemies to train and become stronger. Depending on how far one makes through Henir's Time and Space they will win Pieces of Time and Space (also known as Time Space Fragments) which in turn can be traded to Glaive for special items. Raven knows where one can find Glaive, and how to contact him.

                  He could be beneficial to the group to aid in training.



                    We don't want to introduce too many characters at once, or else the story will become bloated.

                    That happened earlier in the RP, but we quickly remedied that.

                    That being said, he's not off the table, it's just that we'll be moving to another thread soon, and it wouldn't make sense to introduce him now. I have a feeling that if we do introduce him, it could trigger another story arc.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      I don't plan to introduce him soon. I was thinking that in the next thread or so during a Story Arc where a big threat was coming up and the group had to prepare or so Raven could ask for Glaive's assistance.

                      Glaive would only be there for a bit part in serving to help the groups to prepare for any bigger threat by allowing them to go to a realm outside of space and time to fight against previous enemies to train. He would be sort of a... pop in, pop out sort of character. Popping in only to help characters train, then leaving after his help is needed. After all in Elsword he only serves to run the Henir's Time and Space. He has no real effect on the story. That's how I intend to keep him.

                      Only there for our characters to train, and gain equipment.


                        Ahh, ok.

                        I'll try to get Halsey's application in as soon as possible, but it will be hard.

                        That being said, I'll keep posting, but it will take a longer amount of time.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          It's okay I'm in no rush. I actually run a night shift at work tomorrow anyways.


                            I might need to stop for now.

                            It's 4:12 AM and I need to get ready to go to the gym with my dad.

                            I'll have everything ready tomorrow, ahh-umm today... Later, at a different time... Hours from now.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Okay, see ya.


                                Ok I got into me dorm now (humid as i'll get out even though Michigan) so I'm gonna use this as spare thinf I can get into during free time =w=;; maybe

                                anyway I had three or so charas In mind for me in possible the next season(?).
                                First 3 are from PSO2
                                Name: Lisa (cirnopedia says Risa)

                                Official "partner card" which is like a mini bio

                                Name: Risa ( リサ )
                                - Female
                                - Cast
                                - Ranger

                                - Assault Rifle

                                Skills/Photon Arts
                                - One Point
                                - Homing Emission
                                - Diffuse Shell
                                - Weak Bullet

                                - Daredevil
                                - Braves Adversity
                                - Battle Ready


                                Name: Zeno
                                Official "partner card"

                                - Zeno ( ゼノ )
                                - Male
                                - Human
                                - Hunter

                                - Sword
                                - Gunslash

                                - Cruel Throw
                                - Nova Strike
                                - Twister Fall
                                - Aiming Shot
                                - War Cry

                                - Senior (he's wise beyond his years)
                                - Braves Adversity
                                - Fiery

                                Name: Azanami

                                Official "partner card"

                                - Azanami ( アザナミ )
                                - Female
                                - Human
                                - Braver

                                - Katana

                                - Tsukimi-sazanka
                                - Kanran-kikyou
                                - Asagiri-rendan

                                - Poser
                                - Braves Adversity
                                - Battle Ready


                                From Fire Emblem: Awakening

                                Robin (aka Avatar, the character you take the role of, default name is Robin so...)

                                Talents: A skilled Tactician who wields Tomes and Swords

                                Weapons / Starting Gear: Magic Tomes and Swords.

                                Weaknesses: Mortal even though...

                                Personality: (As from Wiki)

                                The Avatar's history is shrouded in mystery, making them the army's greatest enigma. Despite this, the Avatar's skill in war tactics is unparalleled, allowing them to guide Chrom's army to victory over opposing forces greater in number and possibly even experience. They are highly ingenuitive, creating strategies on the fly and even creating new war tactics out of pure inspiration. Because of their strategic mind, the Avatar is highly perceptive of the army's feelings and can figure out the source of most people's inner turmoils in a matter of a few important conversations. Tiki notes that they are similar to Marth due to their charismatic nature and ability to befriend everyone they meet. They firmly believe in the concept of forming bonds within the army, believing that these bonds make them stronger than if they were to fight separately. After learning of their heritage, the Avatar faces a bit of inner turmoil themselves, but depending on the Avatar's choices, the Avatar finds their own solutions to their problems.

                                MAY CONTAIN FIRE EMBLEM: AWAKENING SPOILERS

                                In the original timeline, after the Avatar and Chrom defeat Validar at the Dragon's Table, the Avatar becomes possessed by Grima and kills Chrom. The Avatar's conscience is completely taken over by Grima, who uses their life force to reawaken his dragon form. When Lucina attempts to escape to the past, Grima follows her to the past in the now dead future Avatar's body. Upon returning to the present, Grima tried to fill the present Avatar with his memories; however the Avatar's Heart of Grima was not strong enough to retain the memories, and this resulted in the Avatar's amnesia. However, the Avatar is occasionally flashed with their future version's memories from time to time, resulting in migraines.

                                At the beginning of the game, the Avatar is lying unconscious on the roadside, when they are rescued by Chrom's Shepherds. Despite losing their memory, the Avatar has great knowledge of fighting battles and serves as the vigilantes' tactician. Leading Chrom and the Shepherds through a long campaign to protect Ylisse from the Plegia, the Avatar becomes Chrom's trusted advisor for war and ultimately leads to Chrom's victory over Gangrel.

                                Two years after Gangrel's defeat, Valm intends to invade Ylisse. Chrom and the Avatar decide to talk to the new king of Plegia who is none other than Validar, whom was slain in Emmeryn's assassination attempt. Validar also introduces his hierophant, who looks exactly like the Avatar, and even introduces themselves by the same name. Nevertheless, Validar gives Chrom and the Avatar the necessary provisions to go to war. Later that night, a voice calls to the Avatar. Validar appears and reveals that the Avatar is his child, but flees once Chrom appears. The Avatar shakes off this event as a Risen ambush attacks Chrom's army. After nearly fending off all the Risen, one manages to warp in behind Chrom, but Marth suddenly enters the battlefield and saves him. After Marth reveals that she is Lucina, she shares a moment with Chrom, the Avatar and Lissa where she tells them about the future which she came from: a future where everyone in the army dies. If Lucina is the daughter of the Avatar, Lucina will share a tender reunion with her. Despite this new development, Chrom and the Avatar prepare to travel across Valm to stop Walhart. Occasionally the Avatar is stricken with migraines, but they ignore these headaches and focuses on their goal. After a long campaign, the Avatar leads Chrom's army to victory over Walhart and the Valmese forces.

                                After taking down Walhart, Chrom and the Avatar receive news that Validar is going to give them the final gemstone for the Fire Emblem, but Validar betrays Chrom and tries to take the Fire Emblem from Chrom. The Avatar, Chrom, and Lucina attempt to flee the castle, but right when they are about to escape, Validar warps in and attacks Chrom. Validar orders the Avatar to take the Fire Emblem from Chrom, which they do against their will, and gives it to Validar, who disappears after taking the Emblem. Later, Lucina decides to talk to the Avatar privately. After watching Validar control the Avatar, she deduces that the Avatar killed Chrom against their will. Lucina reluctantly decides to kill the Avatar to prevent this from happening. However, just as she is about to do this, Chrom stops her and tells her to trust in the bonds of the army, which she complies. Alternatively, if Lucina is married to the male Avatar, regardless of his choice, she will not go through with it after he tells her to find someone to keep her happy when he's gone. If the Avatar is her mother, Lucina is conflicted and cannot bring herself to kill her own mother.

                                The Avatar tells Chrom that if they are controlled yet again, Chrom must kill them before they kill anyone else, which Chrom reluctantly agrees to. Upon reaching Validar at The Dragon's Table, Validar reveals that the Avatar was born to be the vessel for the Fell Dragon Grima because the Avatar possesses the Heart of Grima. The Avatar bears the mark of Grima on their right hand, a symbol of their role as Grima's vessel. However the Avatar's mother, a former member of the cult, the Grimleal, smuggled themselves out of Plegia and raised the Avatar away from Validar and the cult for the safety of her child. After defeating Validar, it appears that the Avatar is "possessed" by Grima yet again and "kills" Chrom. However this is a ruse, revealing that due to a Premonition, they knew what was going to happen, so they prepared countermeasures to prevent this. The Avatar also did not really kill Chrom, but managed to pull back their power to prevent damage. The duo proceeds to take down Validar.

                                After the battle a mysterious black figure warps in and takes on the appearance of the Avatar. They explain that they are the future version of the Avatar where Lucina came from. The Avatar refuses to become Grima's vessel, but Grima decides that it is not necessary, since he can perform the ritual again in his current body and proceeds to awaken his dragon-god form. As Chrom and Lucina flee the building, the Avatar quickly seizes the Emblem themselves from Validar's corpse. With the Emblem in hand, they depart to Mount Prism in order for Chrom to complete the Awakening Ritual to finish off Grima once and for all. Chrom completes the trial and unlocks the true power of the Falchion. Naga speaks to Chrom and the Avatar. She tells them that if Chrom deals the finishing blow to Grima, he will not be killed, but be put back into a deep slumber. However, if Grima "destroys himself," he can be fully destroyed. Naga points them to Origin Peak to meet Grima. Upon arriving at the peak, the Avatar realizes that, since they were meant to be Grima's vessel, they have the power to slay him. However, Naga warns them that if they do that, they will perish, too, since their heart is connected to Grima's. Chrom refuses to let the Avatar sacrifice themselves, but the Avatar still considers going through it.

                                Chrom's army gets onto Grima's back, but are instantly struck by a spell that severely weakens the army. Grima gives the Avatar the choice to take the power of Grima or perish. Regardless of their choice, Grima pulls the Avatar into a dark void and tells them after merging that he will kill Chrom's army and severely weakens the Avatar. Out of ideas and hope, the Avatar lies in despair. However, a sound pierces the darkness: the voices of Chrom's army, telling the to stand back up and fight. The Avatar breaks free from the void and Naga fully heals the army to proceed to face Grima.

                                Two endings will occur based on the Avatar's choice: slay Grima with their own hand or let Chrom finish Grima. If the Avatar lets Chrom finish Grima, Grima goes back into a deep slumber, only to awaken at a later time in the distant future. The Avatar feels guilty whether they should have sacrificed themselves, but Chrom denies it by saying that everyone agreed with the Avatar's choice. In the end, with Grima asleep, the world is safe for the time being. Chrom assures the Avatar that they belong to them, not to Grima and that their future descendants will be able to seal Grima, just like they did. The Avatar still feels guilty, but their family, if they are married, will reassure them of their choice.

                                If the Avatar decides to slay Grima, after killing Grima, the Avatar's body begins to disappear. The Avatar shares their last words to Chrom about their friends and comrades, thanking them for their time together and hoping that they will meet again. Everyone is saddened by the Avatar's sacrifice, but Chrom gives them hope by saying that the Avatar is not dead and will return, as Naga told them that the Avatar can return if their bonds and beliefs are strong enough. Chrom and Lissa decide to look for the Avatar while the others continue to rebuild their countries and wait for the Avatar's return. In the epilogue, the Avatar is back in the same grass field where they were found asleep by Chrom and Lissa. As Chrom helps the Avatar get up to their feet, the Mark of Grima no longer appears on their hand, meaning that they're no longer connected to Grima. Chrom welcomes the Avatar back by saying that their ordeal is now over.

                                For many years afterwards, many historians, poets, and bards did their best to recount the Avatar's deeds, though the Avatar's history and personality was generally inconsistent in these stories. If the Avatar is married though, the only thing shared among these stories is the Avatar's love for their spouse.

                                Anyway, I like Avatar/Robin a lot so...
                                MOAR PICS~ because I might just go with him/her (how many females do we need?)

                                EDIT: there is a high probability I might just do avatar.
                                EDIT 3: Robin's Appearance may vary...unless I do Morgan (who I would do for Female)
                                Last edited by Cucoo5; 08-26-2013, 03:18 PM. Reason: SO MUCH DERP

