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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Goodmorning S121. Sleep well?

    I also thought of something... what if after X and Zero's fight at the end of my story arc Zero does not get his Zero series body... but rather... his truly original body (well a exact replica of it developed by the Maverick Hunters, and a certain blue AI from Halo.)

    Zero's original body from the first X game:

    Yes that is his original body. His slightly bulkier build is the body he obtains in X2 and onward.


      @ Neo

      I think Lisa is just as bad.

      She always talks about how to kill things slowly with guns
      She will shoot at allies for fun (to scare them more than anything)
      She enjoys shooting things

      "Who's there? ...Oh, another Arks member. Don't startle me like that."
      "You see, Lisa is a sniper. I don't like when people sneak up behind me. You'd better be careful."
      "Anyway, Lisa hasn't gotten to shoot anywhere near enough, so I'll be going now. Fufufu... Going to shoot them full of holes... Fufufu."

      Part 2
      "...Good day. How are you? Lisa just finished a job and I'm feeling good. I just happened to see you and came to talk."
      "But you know, guns really are nice..."
      "They leave no trace and your enemies dance around and they fall... Doesn't it just send shivers down your spine?"
      "It feels like you're in complete control... Ah... Talking about it has made me want shoot some more."
      "Okay, Lisa taking off! Farewell! Adieu!"

      @ S121

      Velcome back~



        Well knowing me, I just might fall back asleep before too long.

        Isn't that the body he has now?
        Last edited by S121; 11-14-2013, 09:43 AM.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



          I now imagine Vile and Lisa actually meeting each other a few times before their actual battle, developing a sort of rivalry for each other in terms of who can do the most damage to others in the shortest amount of time (and with Vile's built in weapons he can easily be destructive. With weapons like a powerful shoulder cannon, a grenade launcher in his legs, a gatling gun built into his hands, able to fire his fist like a rocket, and able to generate VERY powerful electrical attacks as seen in Maverick Hunter X, and X8.)

          No it's not. That's his original body. The body Dr. Wily originally built him with .
          His current body which is basically his original body, but after heavy repairs and such after his many deaths.

          His true original body:
          Last edited by NeoFox; 11-14-2013, 09:26 AM.



            Ahhhh, now I see.

            It's the basic shape, but there are slight differences (shoulders, feet, torso, etc.).
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Yea. His current body is actually the repairs that Sigma and the X Hunters (a group of Reploid's working for Sigma that were trying to kill X) gave Zero between X1 and X2. It was basically making his body more advanced and stuff.

              I actually thought that after Zero is damaged he is fully repaired, and not put in a replica of sorts. Instead Alia, Cortana, and Douglas had to actually remove a lot of the more advanced systems in his body. Thus making Zero have his true original body with slight memory loss (won't remember any of the events that happened during the RP. As such Zero won't remember Nitori, John, Isaac, or anyone else he met.)

              With his true original body I imagine Zero's systems (his Z-Brain, and Z-Heart which gives him his power and stuff, and is also what contains his "unknown power") will still be in tact, and his memories gone. I also imagine that Zero's original body's weapon systems may not be as advanced as they were before, but he will still be incredibly powerful physically. I also imagine that he won't be using his Z-Saber anymore as it was literally completely destroyed in his battle against X.



                You do know you hust gave away one of your plot twists, right?
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  I know. I'm not good at keeping secrets. Besides I have a feeling it would have been quite obvious with the hints I gave in the past. At least there will be some things still kept secret.


                    @ Neo

                    Lisa can destroy things with the almighty power of Photons. All arguments are now invalid
                    Her two main weapons, assault rifles and launchers, have all of those abilities and then some.
                    No, really, they do. Photon Arts grant a lot of different types of abilities.

                    I'm not going to copy and paste the Assault Rifle, Launcher, and TMG Photon Art Lists...
                    Instead, here's the link to find them

                    EDIT: Gunslashes also count as Ranger Weapons so she'll have those as well.
                    Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-14-2013, 09:44 AM.



                      I just thought of the most random thing...

                      VilexLisa. The literally insane lovers... a date to them would probably involve killing everything in they come across :P


                        @ Neo

                        Insane indeed. XD

                        anyway I'll be back, gotta do a few things.

                        @ S121
                        Oh and Lisa has something similar to Spartan Time with a TMG photon art

                        Messiah Time
                        Gunner Twin Machinegun photon art. Dive into the fray with both guns. Time appears to slow down as you dance and fire in a circle.
                        @ Katrix
                        curiosity, could androids have nobodies?



                          Anything can have a nobody I guess as long as it have the 3 elements of a being. A body which it uses to move around in, a Soul which gives the body the energy to live and a heart which tells the body what to do.

                          Also, did you see the Ice Cap Zone discovery?
                          Born in the light.
                          Molded in the dark

                          Never Forget,
                          Keep Fighting.
                          –Don't Forget.
                          Always, somewhere,
                          someone is fighting for you.
                          –As long as you remember her,
                          you are not alone.


                            @ Katrix

                            I glanced at it and once I played the two individuals together myself is when it registered in my head.
                            That is something else XD

                            and that would be an interesting thing to look into...
                            would a CAST, an android that is nothing more than a computer with mobile functions and a learning AI that has advanced to the point where they have individualized personalities and emotions....would it technically have a heart and soul?
                            Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-14-2013, 11:54 AM.


                              Soul is easy. A machine is driven by electricity so yes.

                              Now with a heart could you please describe in a easier way. (is it one android or multiple, what do you mean by mobile functions, does learning AI mean a AI that can learn or a AI that is designed to be used as a teacher)
                              Born in the light.
                              Molded in the dark

                              Never Forget,
                              Keep Fighting.
                              –Don't Forget.
                              Always, somewhere,
                              someone is fighting for you.
                              –As long as you remember her,
                              you are not alone.


                                Good day folks.

