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*Is about to say no*
........in canon...there was no mention for there was no situation of it that I'm familiar with where a CAST does go through that. The only mention of their "computer" side that I know of is in Phantasy Star Zero where Ogi states that a CAST can live without a body as their entire being is in their head. And then there was the situation where Ogi gets a body and there was residual memory in the body that caused him to talk like a cowboy, and he worked on changing and isolating that part of the Body's memories during the course of the mission (so he was programming and fighting at the same time) While defragmenting a map file that the prior CAST that owned the body had.
I have no idea the extent of their abilities in that regard. If it was possible to infect a CAST with a virus, I think the events of PSZ would have been different with Mother Trinity attempting to assimilate the CASTs to her will rather than go and outright destroy them.
So I'm going to go off a judgment call and say because of the course of action taken in PSZ, CASTs can counter a virus.
Okay... I was just asking because of the dangerous Sigma Virus that will be in my arc.
As a virus, the Sigma Virus has the ability to infect and corrupt its targets. The Sigma Virus is however quite diverse; not only does it cause Maverick behavior in Reploids, it also has the ability to make Mechaniloids go berserk. On the flipside, however, the Sigma Virus when exposed to an insane robot (i.e., Zero) would have the opposite effect. Also, on its own it can drive Reploids to insanity, but under Sigma's direct control it has also been shown to become an effective tool in subtly manipulating a Reploid's heart or even controlling them completely like puppets on a string. Once infected, the Sigma Virus is relentless and the infected can not be easily returned to normalcy. Only when the host itself has died, does the Sigma Virus die along with it. Therefore the only option for most infected Reploids is to be retired by the Maverick Hunters. HOWEVER that is, until the production of the cure (Mother Elf) that was developed sometime between the X and Zero series. . The exceptions to the rule that the virus dies with its host are Sigma and Zero. Sigma uses the Sigma Virus as a means to revive himself after each defeat, whereas Zero is constantly spreading the virus even after death.
Question is... how would you describe Lisa? Sane or... insane?
Also in that regard I would think the Virus would be confused with a CAST as they technically have two minds: Their body and actual Head. I think Lisa would be able to isolate it to her body, which would still affect her in general, but if her body is destroyed, so would be the virus, but Lisa would not be dead.
And would you be implying that it would turn her "sane"?
....a sane Lisa....
What have you implied?!
Actually if I recall it made Insane machines more powerful, not Sane (usually) so Lisa might actually get a power boost >->
Zero was only ever truly insane when Sigma first found him (which was when Sigma was still leader of the Maverick Hunters.) After that Zero had become quite a normal machine. Not insane at all (yet with the Maverick Virus [which turned into the Sigma Virus] in Zero's systems it didn't make him a maverick, but did turn him to his original self as seen in X5. Insane, yet with one thing on his mind. Fighting and killing X.)
If anything Lisa might still be insane, but will get a power boost from it and/or become sane.
It would be far funnier if she became sane. *Has already thought of the scenario*
Actually, in that case of power boost...I would use the virus as a means for introducing the subclass system. One of the best Subclasses for a Ranger is Hunter (The melee class instead of the other Ranger Class, Gunner... go figure...)
That would allow for stances to occur and thus give her the power boosts. Also I would open it up so she can have also the Gunner Subclass so she can use Twin Machine Guns...
Those are fun TwT
Yea I see the difference... She looks calmer, and not like she just drank a million cups of coffee.
The only major downside to it I can see as well is the fact that BECAUSE she would be infected by the Sigma virus she might also become a sort of puppet for Sigma... but what if...
What if since Lisa is something different from a Reploid and stuff Sigma won't be able to control her?
Lisa insane before the arc starts... during the arc she becomes sane, and by the end of it she's insane (since the Sigma Virus will be getting wiped by a certain AI from Halo.)
I would have it where if he tried, he would only be controlling the body. And if he miscued it, she would react and possibly lock down her body systems and prevent it from happening again.
And with Lisa, I would actually have her body get destroyed somewhere along the way. wouldn't that be hilarious
*Lisa as a head with her "Will Kill you in your sleep" eyes looking at you.*
"Hello~! Mind helping me? I have a bit of a slight problem here. Oh how inconvenient! I can't shoot things like this! Oh, what is Lisa to do? Ufufufufufu~"
And I would also assume that the systems of a CAST are definitely different from reploids. So that would factor in.
And I just discovered nightmare fuel for the next few years...
I also thought of the perfect opponent for Lisa... I'll give you a hint...
This guy can be insane, if not more insane than Lisa at times, is chock full of weapons all over his body and in his body, and is going to be fighting John...
Okay the guy is Vile:
Vile is a very arrogant, violent and rude character who has a very unstable and enraged mind. Though he used to be a member of the Maverick Hunters, he never once considered himself as one, and had a habit of not accepting orders from anyone except himself, which often resulted in fierce arguments with his commander and partially to his own arrest and labeling of being a Maverick.
Because of an irreparable short circuit in his electronic brain, Vile developed a strange, almost sociopathic passion for hunting down Mavericks and totally annihilating them, while causing as much damage as possible on the territory. This also includes innocent bystanders and comrades alike. This passion is also what may have led to his own arrest and labeling of being a Maverick.
In all incarnations of the character, Vile holds a deep grudge against X and looks down on him for the fact that despite X having a lower rank than him, he received more attention. He is also a traitor of both the Maverick Hunters and of the Mavericks.