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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Goodmorning everyone.


    Sorry for falling asleep in mid-conversation. It seems to happen a lot, doesn't it?
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Effing classic world exam was effing hard

      Back to class!
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




        Good luck in your next class!
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Oh hey guys.




            Just listening to music.

            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              The name of that song reminds me of one of the bosses in Elsword



                What is the boss like?
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  It's called the Durahan and it's basically is a giant suit of armor without a head. It's also the boss of the first dungeon of the Feita Region (which is the point where the plot thickens, and is no longer about chasing after petty thieves and trying to retrieve the El Stone [which you retrieve before the beginning of the Feita Region.])

                  The Durahan is a pretty simple boss.
                  It's boss room is also pretty simple. Think the battlefield stage from super smash bros except larger and no pits at all. It's a pretty normal room except for 3 platforms in the middle of the room. 2 side by side over the main floor, and 1 more hanging right above the first 2 platforms and is dead center.

                  The boss itself has a few attacks. The boss is like I said a giant suit of armor that towers over you, and is lacking a head. It's weapons are a sword and shield.

                  One is he simply slashes with his sword, and tries to smashes you into the ground with it (I think), another is where he simply charges from one end of the room to the other and if you get caught by the attack he drags you across the room with him, the attack does constant damage if you get caught but it isn't much of a threat. Simply jump on the platforms above. When he charges from one end of the room to the other he also activates super armor making him invulnerable to knockback.

                  Another move is where he impales his sword into the ground, causing a series of blades to erupt from one of the platforms for a second.

                  His strongest attack is a very large purple laser that he fires out of his shield. The laser does decent damage as it hits quite a lot. I'd say at least 10-15 times or so for decent damage. Simply jump to the highest platform to avoid.

                  He will occasionally stand still and block with his shield, and when he does he takes greatly reduced damage and is unphased by knockdown. Simply get behind him when he does this.

                  For the first boss for one of the harder towns in the game he is quite dangerous. His attacks can pack a punch if you have just gotten to Feita, and are around level 38 or lower. Though if you have the right gear sets and accessories he won't be much of a threat.

                  Like I said. He is a boss whose attacks can pack a decent punch, but are somewhat easy to avoid and predictable.



                    Well, Sekibanki can make her head float and shoot lasers out of her eyes!

                    Nah, I get what you mean. He's a dangerous boss. It does give me an interesting idea though.

                    Headless Horseman vs Sekibanki.

                    One chops off heads and one doesn't have her head completely attached.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Dangerous boss? HA! Compared to the boss before him the Dullahan is a cake walk.

                      The Nasod King is an absolute beast, and he is a MASSIVE boss. He's... not annoying, he's just frustrating as all hell.

                      The Nasod King is MASSIVE. His boss room is much larger than most boss rooms in the game, and he is so large that you don't even get to fight him directly. He's only in the background, and the only parts of his body that make it into the actual field are his hands, and guess what? HIS HANDS ARE NOT EVEN HIS WEAK SPOT! You would normally think that for a large boss you would have to damage the hands to defeat him if the hands are the only thing that makes it into the field, but NO!

                      King Nasod seems indestructible. No hidden barriers like Ignis and Leviathan, not reliant on mobs like the Alterasian Turret, and you can't even hit him since he's so big! However, his weakness is actually right in front of you! You'll have to destroy each of his El Energy extractors. Destroying the extractor will also disable the Nasod King from using Energy Surges from the corresponding extractor you had destroyed. Destroying all four extractors brings out the Nasod King's true form, the King Nasod Powertrain! (As quoted from the wiki.)

                      Yea, and the King Nasod Powertrain only stays out for a short amount of time, and get this... he has access to one of the most annoying moves in the game when it's out. He also

                      His NORMAL moves:
                      Fist Attacks:

                      Crusher (Summon): The Nasod King uses his gigantic hands and smashes them on the far sides of the stage, creating a large tremor to knock any player down. This also summons Nasod minions to protect it. You have to jump AS SOON AS the Nasod King's fists touch the ground. If you don't you will be damaged and knocked down.

                      Crusher (Flatten): The Nasod King uses his gigantic hands and slams them into the stage twice, while this does not generate a tremor or summon minons this will flatten the player for a significant amount of time. (while flattened you cannot attack or anything.)There are two versions of this, striking different areas in each.

                      Sweep: Putting one hand onto the far left or right, the Nasod King slides it throughout the entire stage catching and continuously doing damage to any player caught (however sometimes it simply throws the player away after the first hit). This one is a pain to dodge.

                      Energy Surges: The Nasod King clenches his hands together, and releases a surge of pure yellow energy. He uses any of the 4 elements randomly to attack the entire stage as listed below.

                      Fire Roll: As the Nasod King clenches his hands together, the screen glows red. Fire will then roll around the entire stage, dealing heavy damage and burning any player who gets caught.
                      Usually it is recommended to destroy this core first in parties due to its damage output.
                      Sometimes it inflicts high damage once, but there are times when it locks player in place and continuously damages them. The latter can be more deadly than the former.

                      Lightning Strike: The screen darkens as the Nasod King clenches his hands together. At a flash, lightning will be shot all around the stage precisely striking any player. The lightning does heavy damage and stuns you, leaving you vulnerable.

                      Earth Shaker: The Nasod King releases his energy to summon an earthquake. A rain of rocks will then fall throughout the stage distracting every player.

                      Blizzard Shower: The screen glows blue, as the Nasod King summons showers of ice raining upon the stage, freezing any victim who gets hit.

                      Powertrain Moves:

                      When the player successfully locates and brings out the Powertrain, King Nasod will struggle as much as he can to keep you away from his weak spot, bringing out new moves that you've never seen before. These moves are much more lethal and destructive than his normal ones, so watch out!

                      Homing Missiles!: While you're attacking the Powertrain, King Nasod will launch out a horde of homing missiles straight at you. They don't look much, but these missiles, at large numbers, can easily be lethal to any player.

                      Laser!: After the Nasod King launches out his Homing Missiles, the Nasod King will charge up a yellow beam of energy like when he's charging an Energy Surge. It doesn't seem much, but underestimating is a huge big mistake. The King Nasod will launch a laser unlike no other; the laser is gigantic and covers literally the entire height of the stage and does unbelievable damage that will take at least half of your HP. This is the Nasod King's strongest move. I seriously don't know how to dodge this move. I avoid it by timing a special active at the right time to use the invulnerability you get during special actives to avoid the laser.

                      The King Nasod is literally one of those bosses where you just "get in and pray that you won't die" kind of bosses. His attacks are so large scale they can be hard to dodge, and even do a lot of damage. Oh and guess what? HE ISN'T EVEN THE FREAKING FINAL BOSS!!! HE IS ONLY THE HALFWAY BOSS OF THE GAME! The Nasod King's stage is also right before the Dullahan Knight's stage, and the Dullahan Knight is a pushover.

                      Every time I go in I will at least die once with my Veteran Commander. I have far better luck with my level 44 Blade Master, and that's just because of the Blade Masters Bloody Accel special active which is so damn useful in dungeons as it acts a very powerful slash attack that has large range, and is a 30 second buff that gives you +20% physical attack power, and you you steal a little bit of health per attack on an enemy. (The health leech is about 10% of the damage inflicted to the enemy.) Any attacks dealt to enemies during this 30 seconds also can inflict the leg wound status on enemies for 5 seconds, and during this status effect they lose health quite quickly.



                        So in other words, he's a "random difficulty spike" boss.

                        The develpoers thought, "You know what? Let's screw with the players, just for the hell of it."
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          There's a Dullahan in Golden Sun too.

                          Secret boss of the "will rape the hell out of you if you try to fight it normally" variety.

                          So, you spam Daedalus and Eclipse to beat him.

                          THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.


                            Most games seem to have that "one boss..." that is just difficult for all the wrong reasons.

                            Though I have been with players who fought the Nasod King and defeating him in a matter of seconds as soon as the Powertrain as soon as it emerges, but that's just because they are high level and actually know what they're doing. As well as having the best skills, and good gear.


                              Now that I think about it, I play games where there's not many bosses, like Skyrim.

                              There's bosses, but I don't think they qualify.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                                Well anyways I'm surprised none of the scientists have examined Chung's damaged armor, and Disfrozen Portal yet. I mean there was a large spike of energy with it in the area.

                                At least some scientists in one of the Sectors had at least seen the Energy Spike and decided to go check it out?

                                Though... I really wouldn't take Chung's armor and Disfrozen Portal when he is asleep... it will end badly...

