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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    shoot who's in the room with Robin?



      Six, Xehanort, Shepard, Vergil, Jack, Daniel, and a large amount of Spartan-IIIs.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Ok I'm going to have him make contact with Six.
        which I didn't specify...but that's what I meant.


          You know I just thought of something funny...

          What if some of the other characters were warped to my favorite Sonic stage from the Sonic Series.

          Casino Park from Sonic Heroes.

          It's a freaking city with slot machines, and pinball tables EVERYWHERE.

          Here is the stage if you are not familiar, and yes just for the added effect the characters who happen to get stuck there will be hearing the stage's theme.

          The stage: (Actual stage starts at the 1:06 mark.)

          Stage theme: (Just imagine it playing on every single speaker at full blast for our characters to hear.)

          Also for example: Raven, Six, and Robin get stuck in Casino Park and need to find a way out.

          Isaac, Zero, and Nitori also get stuck in Casino Park and Isaac's thrusters were damaged and stopped working, Nitori just wants to go through the place normally to enjoy the scenery, and Zero is just... there.

          Then John is there all alone. I wonder how everyone would be like if they were suddenly warped to Casino Park Zone.


            Well I'm out.

            Btw, S121, before the end of the rp season, I plan on finding someplace special to Snake. Hint hint, a country without borders.




              Nighty night.


              John would probably be annoyed by the music and warp out with a Corridor of Darkness, but not before finding the others.

              Six would most likely try to find the exit with Robin and Raven.

              Isaac would either perform a repair on the spot, or try and urge Nitori to stay close, so that the group doesn't get split up.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                I just thought of a blooper where Isaac, Nitori, and Zero are warped there and before he starts to make a repair he tells Nitori to stay close, but as he does he notices that Zero is completely gone (probably went off to destroy some Eggman Robots)
                Then as he turns to ask Nitori where if she knows where Zero went he finds that Nitori had also just disappeared. Probably went off to enjoy the giant pinball tables.

                Isaac: "Oh goddamnit"

                I also wonder what they would be thinking while there.

                Raven: "Dear god this music is so catchy... At least we have something to listen to until we find an exit... just one problem... how are we supposed to get past those large pinball tables?"

                Robin to Raven: "What's Pinball?"

                Raven: "... I'll tell you later..."
                Last edited by SUSTIC; 09-18-2013, 10:58 PM.



                  *John sees the pinball machines.*


                  *John uses his thrusters to cross the pinball tables.*

                  *Isaac finally gets his thrusters fixed, but now has to find Nitori and Zero.*

                  "Over 100 years old my ass. She still acts like a kid, wandering off when I said not to... That damn robot, too. Now's not the time to be a loner...", Isaac says to himself under his breath.

                  *Isaac then looks for the others.*

                  *Six looks at the pinball machines and then to Robin and Raven.*

                  "I don't know about you, but this looks like a dead end to me. Let's try to find another way across, not unless you feel like jumping down."
                  Last edited by S121; 09-18-2013, 11:28 PM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Raven: "Yea, let's go-" *trips and falls onto one of the pinball tables, and as he touches the table he somehow curls into a perfect ball and begins bouncing all over the pinball table. Next to Six an Omachao appears and begins flying around Six and Robin, all the while talking in a annoying voice. " Use Pinball Table Flippers Control Panel. Push the buttons to control the flippers!"*
                    Last edited by SUSTIC; 09-18-2013, 11:36 PM.



                      *Six stares at how Raven turned into a perfect sphere, then looks at Robin.*

                      "I think Raven's dead..."
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        *Suddenly Raven falls in one of the gaps in the table, and he teleports right next to Six and Robin in perfect condition except for the fact that Raven looks utterly confused, and banged up from hitting the bumpers and all.* "What the hell just happened!?"



                          "You fell onto the table and turned into a pinball."

                          And now for a video.

                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            im finally back *falls on couch*

                            what did I miss?
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              Raven: "I did? Huh..." *He then looks at the Pinball table, then back to Six. Almost as though he was thinking about pushing Six onto the table.*



                                Welcome back!

                                Well, Xehanort transported Six and the others back to Sector 2.

                                Xehanort teleported back as well and when Six saw him, he tried to kill him for killing the other Spartans.

                                Xehanort promised that the damage that he caused would be quickly undone by the light, which eased Six's anger.

                                Six then asked Xehanort about John's location, due to Xehanort talking about him earlier. Xehanort then said that John was in Gensokyo, helping with the battle against alien invaders.

                                Six asked how bad it was and Xehanort replied that the aliens had a nearly infinite supply of soldiers and had conquered thousands of planets and worlds.

                                Six then asked Xehanort if he would be willing to transport a team to Gensokyo, to aid the others in defending Earth.

                                Chung left the sector with one of the Spartans and just met up with Raven.

                                Gerard just woke up and is being examined by a doctor.

                                I will also be adding some super experimental weapons to the Spartans' arsenal.

                                They are called LAEVATEINN, SLEIPNIR, FAFNIR, and THOR.

                                The non-Spartans can use the FAFNIR weapons, but that's pretty much it.

                                Is Shepard still there?


                                "Not gonna happen. I'm over 1,000 pounds.", Six says as he readies himself for an attempt by Raven.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

