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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Aw... I wish I had someone I can share my interests in gaming and all with.

    I used to be in a relationship in my final year of Highschool, but that didn't last long. I have never been able to keep a steady relationship.

    I feel like I'll be Forever Alone except for my brother, and few remaining friends IRL...

    Though there is one of my fellow co-workers, we seem to be pretty good friends...

    Oh what am I kidding! I'll always be alone



      That's what everyone thinks, but in the end, they are proven wrong by fate.

      You actually have it pretty good. With me, I never had a relationship. I stopped trying after nearly breaking the first time. I look back on it and see that it could never be counted as one. IRL, I have absolutely nobody to talk to and had no friends until I came on the Forum and tried to open up. (Loner.) In fact, I actually disliked people until I took a leap of faith and forced myself to trust people. That being said, I am not bothered in the slightest about sharing this because it's simply the truth.

      My point is, if I can somehow find a way to no longer be alone, then so can you.

      Take it from someone who had very low self-esteem, you've always got a lot more going for you than you think.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Yea I had that speech given to me by my brother (when he was trying to get me to move out last year no less.)

        I have been hanging out with a fellow co-worker of mine lately, and she seems pretty cool. Though I doubt she's even looking to be in a relationship.



          More often than not, you have to work at something to get what you want.

          As for the co-worker, it all depends on chemistry. Does she like you? How much? How long has it been going on? (Relationships are not simple. Why do you think I haven't tried yet?)

          I'm not going to lie to you and say that I have all the answers, but if there is one thing I should say, it's that you shouldn't stress yourself over things and doubt yourself. In the end, you'll only undermine yourself.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Well we've known each other for about half a year now, and we are pretty good friends. We do enjoy some of the same things and all. It's just... I'm sure she isn't really looking for a relationship yet. I'd rather just take things slow, and I do know relationships are not simple. I am happy with how my life is running right now anyways.


              Originally posted by SUSTIC
              I am happy with how my life is running right now anyways.


              Then why are you complaining?

              (I'm not trying to give you a hard time, it's just that if everything is fine, then there's nothing to worry about.)
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                I don't know why I'm complaining, I do that a lot even when everything is fine.



                  Ahh, it's no problem.

                  I do it every once in a while too.

                  I suppose it's kind of like mood swings.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    I swear


                    That's what it seems like right now.

                    You know what would be funny? Technically Chung is under 18 and doesn't have any parents, and Raven is 27. What if for some reason in the sequel Lily and Raven do get together (assuming Lily will also be in the sequel) and they take Chung in as their son xD? That's kinda messed up if you ask me!



                      Chung: "...I'm not callin' you daddy..."

                      Raven: *trollface*

                      Anyways, I think it's official, she's not a minor character anymore. She's now at a similar level as HM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Raven: "Oh you don't have too... but you are stilling calling Lily mother!"

                        Chung: "-.-"

                        Yea you're right. Lily has officially become more than a minor character (seriously, that's kind of surprising.)



                          I get too into my characters.

                          Jack and Daniel were not supposed to have names, or even complex personalities. I just happen to really flesh out characters.

                          Heck, Lily was supposed to be just some random Spartan Wesker was supposed to fight.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            It's always like that for me.

                            Hell on one of my most successful RP's that I made (which was a magical highschool type thing based on several different animes, and only focused on Elemental Magic ended up with a NPC character which was a human puppet [a puppet made from the resurrected body of a alchemists dead wife] that became one of the most detailed Important NPC's along with the teachers of the RP. [The teachers were also Important NPC's. Originally the nurse was a normal NPC, but everyone liked her and so did I and as such I expanded upon her.])



                              I think it's because if there's no depth to the character, then they feel static, sort of artificial, as if they are mindless drones meant only to interact with you.

                              If they have a personality, they become more relatable, more likable. You feel an emotional and psychological connection with the character. You feel terrible when they get hurt, and get that heart-warming feeling when something good happens to them.

                              I feel like I should say more, but I can't quite put anything else out there.

                              You get what I mean, right?
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Yea I get what you mean.

                                The nurse character I just mentioned was depicted as a Sadistic, yet caring nurse who always loves to experiment with medicine. If she develops a new type of medicine she will be sure to test it on you.
                                She may have been sadistic to an extent (she loved the feel of pain, and get this... she was pretty much immortal. You could rip her apart and everything, and yet she would just get back up and put herself back together. You would have to literally destroy both her heart and brain to kill her.) Though despite her being somewhat crazy, and a bit of a sadist she still cared for the students and she was a top notch doctor. She would patch you up if you were even pushed to the brink of death.

                                Anyways that's all about her. She became one of the more favorite Important NPC's among the Important NPC's. (Aside from the Water Magic class teacher for obvious reasons... damn this one member of the RP had a character that was desperate for her.)

