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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Originally posted by NeoFox View Post
    @ S121 yea the US Military. Though he could probably be stationed in Japan.
    Also, hot Mokou is hot. (If you catch my drift)


      @S121 Thanks that will definately help a lot

      EDIT: @WriggleRid3r Ha!


        I'll go to sleep now. Please don't leave me behind.
        Born in the light.
        Molded in the dark

        Never Forget,
        Keep Fighting.
        –Don't Forget.
        Always, somewhere,
        someone is fighting for you.
        –As long as you remember her,
        you are not alone.


          Originally posted by Katrix View Post
          I'll go to sleep now. Please don't leave me behind.
          Oh god, fall in to your sub-main character storyline, men!


            Originally posted by NeoFox View Post
            Does anyone have a good idea on how I can start? I can't think of one >.< I have a hard time starting out in an RP >.<
            Start somewhere interesting~ Both of my chars have started waayyyy off from Japan. Manhattan and rural France, to be exact. Try to make the geographical location a part of your opening scenario. I incorporated the geography, demographics, and country into the actual story for both characters as I had them start out.


              Don´t worry Katrix, im sticking with you atm.
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                Kinda already started....


                  well.. guess I´ll go to sleep, Ktrix and I´s situation is that we are resting in the street near the antique shop

                  goodnight ^^
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Shit's getting real in Melun. xD


                      I feel like I should have started X out in France. Actually I might have an idea to get X to France.


                        Just as planned! not really. gimme a sec, thisl take a while...
                        There is so much that I could put here but I'm just gonna do this...


                          @neo, Eh. I wouldn't bother with it. Once the battle at Melun is over, Remi's getting the fuck out of there and that'll basically be the end of any real action in France, unless someone revisits it later in the RP. France was more of Remi's really long prologue section.

                          @top, threw you a curveball there xD


                            @Remilia. Ah okay then. I would hate for Remilia to fight X... X would not stand a chance at his current power >.> Heck even with the Ultimate Armor (which I will not be using in this RP. Heck I am not even going to use any of his armors) I don't think X would stand a chance against her. Though with his true power unlocked X might stand a chance.


                              Remi's going on a bit of an OP rampage right now... xD Granted, she's getting buttfucked over at Melun but that aside... lol


                              Topio, after discussing with JJ for a bit, the idea we came up with is that your remaining forces will basically go "wtf" and retaliate with full force, not injuring Remi as bad as before with the energy canister, but enough that she goes "ohfuck. I'm gonna just nope my way out of here" and escapes through a smaller tunnel in the sewers, small enough that your guys can't pursue. At that point, the Spy will appear and you'll give him a quick debrief on what just happened, after which the Spy will continue to chase after her since he's normal human size, letting him access whatever Remi can access.

                              But again, this just an idea we had. If you have any way of elaborating and stuff, by all means

                              Scratch that. Spy's going to try a failed assassination attempt, causing Remi to nope the fuck out of the sewers and back above ground, where you can wait in ambush or something like that. Just make remi go boom at that point.


                                Topio, I'm sorry if I screwed up your post too much. I tried to make it with very minimal change to the setting. As what Remi posted above, the only thing that will happen is that Remilia jumps out of the sewers.

