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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Dad is at SCAE headquarters, guys. I should have clarified it.


      I am very hesitant to use a RTS character in this considering how OP they usually are, but if it is unusable then i understand completely and with think of something else, or maybe one of the base units if still favorable.


      Timezone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

      NPC Character of Choice:
      The ARM Commander or "ACOM" including his mech.

      Game of Origin: Total Annihilation, an RTS created in 1995.


      [CONSTRUCTION] the ability to create defensive and offensive structures within seconds through nanolyth technology, such as:
      -Generators (solar powered, wind powered, tidal powered)
      -Metal Mine (50 meter deep, on land or underwater)
      -Metal synthesizer (uses lots of energy to make small amounts of metal)
      -Light laser tower (weak but fast firing)
      -Torpedo launcher (weak but long range)
      -Radar/Sonar station (can detect anything within a kilometer radius)
      -Unit producing factories (will not be used for fairness sake, unless essential to plot)
      -Dragons teeth (keeps the war machines away)
      -Resource storage facilities (metal or energy)
      **Build limit set to 15 to keep fair, or may not be able to build at all**

      [RECLAIM] the ability to quickly deconstruct any mass of matter, organic or artificial, to be converted to metal or energy.

      [MINOR METAL AND ENERGY GENERATION] constantly generates miniscule amounts of electricity and metal for constructive purposes, but may be used in other ways.

      [CAPTURE] the ability to reprogram or reconstruct any machinery to serve the commander. Does not work on organic matter.

      [CLOAKING] can completely cloak himself for 10 minuets, but uses up all of his energy, so any structures will be rendered useless in the meantime.

      [SUPERIOR TACTICS] the strongest attribute of the commander. Using a virtual view of his location he can see everything that happens around him. He can communicate with all of his allies on any comm channel with minimal effort. He also has 513 years worth of knowledge under his belt.

      [COMMANDERS ARMOR] the metal that makes up the commander's mech has been made both chemical and physically strong, twice as good as battleship armor and is partially reflective so lasers are weak against it. It is however ineffective against heat and acids can slowly eat away at it. it can regenerate very slowly after 10 minutes of inactivity.

      **Any of these abilities can be nerfed due to technical difficulties or situational limitations. Metal deposits will be rare and so not many things will be built right away**


      [LASER CANNON] not the strongest weapon, but can destroy a civilian car in three hits. Has a range up to 15 meters.

      [D-GUN] sacrifices all of the commander's energy to disintegrate everything 15 meters directly in front of him. Shot takes form of a red and orange glowing sphere that moves slowly in the direction shot. Can go through anything no matter the density or makeup, but sucks up all of the energy that the commanders structures use so everything will power down for 10 minutes.

      [SLOW] the commander's mech is very heavy and big, so it moves and turns at a snail's pace.

      [NO UNDERWATER COMBAT] though he can build underwater, all weapons are rendered useless until on dry land again.

      [WEAK TO AIR ATTACKS] the commander is to slow to aim and shoot at most, if not all moving aircraft, so he is rendered defenseless if confronted by planes or helicopters.

      Appearance: The commander himself is one of thousands of clones of the original commander who died a millennium ago. His physical appearance has been seen by very few, but it is to be assumed that he looks around his late 50s but still physically fit, probably covered in many battle scars.

      His command mech is about 7.5 meters tall and 5 meters wide. It is old and rusted, but sturdy. It follows a basic humanoid shape: two arms, two legs, a torso, a pelvis, and a head. On one hand it has a large cannon that takes up the entire lower arm, and on the other it has a nanolyth cannon. The head is decorated with a pair of sharp, horn-like plates, and the body is covered in blue stripes.


      The commander is very experienced in warfare and has a brilliant mind for strategy. Though he follows the same path that the ARM rebellion believes in, Keeping humans human and preserving the life on planets, he has begun to question the methods he has been using till now. Creating an army of clones, directly placing them into giant moving weapons and sending them to their doom is now an unacceptable option, having being thrust into this world where human casualty is frowned upon. He has learned to properly appreciate his comrades and protect them instead of using them and then disposing them.

      He is brave, strong willed and kind to those who require help, yet ruthless towards his enemies.

      Lawful good. (He despises oppression and wishes to protect those who are weak)

      Biography: The war between the ARM (an army of human clones) and CORE (humans who transferred their minds into machines) has raged on for 4000 years, and after consuming almost a galaxy's worth of resources in their battles, both sides were reduced to a fraction of what they used to be, their technology lost over the years and the civilians they once protected nearly nonexistent. During the final days of the war the last remaining ARM commander re-awoke from his stasis to the arm losing. After winning battle after battle, and hopping from planet to planet, he was able to defeat the CORE, their commander, and deactivate CORE PRIME, their supercomputer-encased home-world.

      After winning the war against the CORE, The ARM prospered as a civilization, with the commander as their leader. But their peace did not last long, as a deactivated CORE commander re-awoke and started construction on a device that could colapse the entire galaxy, and create a new one in his liking. Right as the ARM commander had reached the CORE base and destroyed the machine, him, his troops, and the enemy where transferred to the real world. After arriving and regaining their senses, the two armies resumed their battle. The arm commander emerged victorious, but not at the cost of all, and probably the last, of his troops.

      Two years later, after refusing deals from many countries to share the technology his mech held, he had decided to wander across the globe, building the Eco-friendly energy-producing structures that once powered his armies for anyone that needed them, free of charge. He has set up residence in the antarctic where no one owns territory or resource, and only fights if it is to free the oppressed.

      Traumas: The many years of sending cloned soldiers to their demise has made him insecure about losing his subordinates and comrades. He also has an irrational hatred for high intelligence A.I. Due to the CORE.

      Notes: Most of the stuff I put down for this character in the personality section is not included in the game, due to being an RTS. But these are the most logical and likely characteristics that the commander would have based on his motives, inspiration, and decisions. Also, if there are any aspects of his abilities or weaponry that might be too OP, then feel free to say and i will edit accordingly.
      I myself can be on at random times but i will check back regularly from 9:00 AM to 11:00 PM. Also this is my first RP so any tips would be greatly appreciated.
      Last edited by topio1; 04-29-2013, 01:34 PM.
      There is so much that I could put here but I'm just gonna do this...


        Huge Updates incoming. ETA: 10 - 20 minutes. You guys have something to write about now


          Why the hell are you controlling my character?

          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


            Wriggle, you are to either stop roleplaying or stop using other people's characters. It doesn't matter if it's for one sentence or one post. Without their EXPRESS PERMISSION, you are to NOT perform any actions with anyone else's characters. No more controlling John, no more making Remilia do actions. It all stops now.


              Darn, my tyranny ends here. I was just trying to keep things interesting, but looks like I'm not wanted anymore.

              Adieu, my friends. You won't see me again.


                Originally posted by WriggleRid3r View Post
                Darn, my tyranny ends here. I was just trying to keep things interesting, but looks like I'm not wanted anymore.

                Adieu, my friends. You won't see me again.
                Um.. you really are leaving?
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  Originally posted by Kristia View Post
                  Um.. you really are leaving?
                  I have a tendency to go overboard a little bit to follow what I think is best for the story. And when I mean overboard, I MEAN OVERBOARD, more so than this situation where I supposedly used other people's characters to fulfill my storyline. Whenever this predicament happens, I just abandon, not only the RP but the society. I know for a fact that I create destruction wherever I go, (I was told that I ruined several RPs whenever I joined.) so for the benefit of others, I leave. I guess I overstayed my welcome.

                  Au revoir. I hoped that I was a better member, and not just a drama-causing man that you will forget.


                    ok.. but seriously? it was just a little mistake, you donīt need to leave
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Originally posted by WriggleRid3r View Post
                      I have a tendency to go overboard a little bit to follow what I think is best for the story. And when I mean overboard, I MEAN OVERBOARD, more so than this situation where I supposedly used other people's characters to fulfill my storyline. Whenever this predicament happens, I just abandon, not only the RP but the society. I know for a fact that I create destruction wherever I go, (I was told that I ruined several RPs whenever I joined.) so for the benefit of others, I leave. I guess I overstayed my welcome.

                      Au revoir. I hoped that I was a better member, and not just a drama-causing man that you will forget.
                      I could understand leaving the RP, but the society? That's just overreacting. we're not going to shun you just because you made a mistake on a RP, that would be absurd.
                      There is so much that I could put here but I'm just gonna do this...


                        Originally posted by Kristia View Post
                        ok.. but seriously? it was just a little mistake, you donīt need to leave
                        Originally posted by topio1 View Post
                        I could understand leaving the RP, but the society? That's just overreacting. we're not going to shun you just because you made a mistake on a RP, that would be absurd.
                        Like I said, I have a tendency to try and lead. It's kinda like Narcissism, kinda like Condescending. And I know for a fact (again, experience) that when you stay at a society where your flaws are exposed, their reaction towards you change. They grow cold. They don't reply to your questions. I already feel like that in Mumble.

                        And yeah, I am overreacting, like Kilul's poll post. But his was based on emotional unstability. (NO OFFENSE KILUL, please don't yell at me) I base mine on my desire to not be hated by the mass.

                        Not to mention that things around me were going bad...


                          wriggle, I got an idea for your character so you can still RP, since Yuuka has both a serious and calm side, she also has a sadistic and manipulative side, so you can post about your struggle with what side takes control

                          I hope this helps

                          And we all got our problems, heck Im adding part of myself on the story too
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            Originally posted by Kristia View Post
                            wriggle, I got an idea for your character so you can still RP, since Yuuka has both a serious and calm side, she also has a sadistic and manipulative side, so you can post about your struggle with what side takes control

                            I hope this helps

                            And we all got our problems, heck Im adding part of myself on the story too
                            Thanks, but that's not the problem. If I continue RPing, I might start taking control of John, or Renamon, or Mima, or Remilia, or any other characters that would otherwise be kept untouched. And the problem persists on the forum, where I take a condescending approach to other members, which immediately violates the rule number 3 and 4.

                            Also, just for the record, I'm not saying this because Suika just said something about me. I noticed it too. I just can't help but lead. I love setting paces for things. And when I can't do so, I grow uncomfortable, sort of like "I don't belong here."

                            Again, I might be ranting because a really close friend of mine in college got in a pretty serious car accident and I got anxious. Maybe if I just go to sleep and wake up the next day, I might get better.


                              Originally posted by WriggleRid3r View Post
                              Like I said, I have a tendency to try and lead. It's kinda like Narcissism, kinda like Condescending. And I know for a fact (again, experience) that when you stay at a society where your flaws are exposed, their reaction towards you change. They grow cold. They don't reply to your questions. I already feel like that in Mumble.

                              And yeah, I am overreacting, like Kilul's poll post. But his was based on emotional unstability. (NO OFFENSE KILUL, please don't yell at me) I base mine on my desire to not be hated by the mass.

                              Not to mention that things around me were going bad...
                              I'm not mad...

                              Anyway, metagaming is a big no-no in RPing. I can understand that you like to be a leader, but you need to be a little more patient.
                              Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                              "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                              Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                                again, the use of manipulation can be used to lure the characters but giving them the choice to speak, with patience, everything can work.

                                Im sorry for what happened to your friend, A good rest can help you

                                Still.. donīt leave the RP, it was good yesterday ._.
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


