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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Already jumped out of the sewers. Ended my post with her jumping out, not knowing what the fuck was waiting for her outside.


      Originally posted by Remilia_Scarlet View Post
      @neo, Eh. I wouldn't bother with it. Once the battle at Melun is over, Remi's getting the fuck out of there and that'll basically be the end of any real action in France, unless someone revisits it later in the RP. France was more of Remi's really long prologue section.

      @top, threw you a curveball there xD
      Don't you worry. Other than the characters, you can have as much controllable humans as possible. I can possibly make it so that the main party move to France to hunt for Neo-Yakuza, and meet Remilia there.


        i took forever to write it and the plot advanced without me! GAH!

        deleting and starting again...

        Ive got to pay more attention to the OOC. jeez
        There is so much that I could put here but I'm just gonna do this...



          This may sound random, but your avatar is hypnotizing to watch.



            Topio, I messaged you on mumble like 10 times but you never responded so I assumed you were afk and not writing the post so we progressed it >.> We would have waited if we knew that you were typing. Sorry.


              Originally posted by NeoFox View Post

              This may sound random, but your avatar is hypnotizing to watch.
              ^That. So much yes.

              Originally posted by topio1 View Post
              i took forever to write it and the plot advanced without me! GAH!

              deleting and starting again...

              Ive got to pay more attention to the OOC. jeez
              This RP is surprisingly fast-paced. Pringles Utsuho also has a problem like you. >w<
              I was actually thinking of slowing down when there are more people who plays RP appears. Like, give each other turns.


                that was my fault. i wasnt using the mumble and I was eating at the time so I had my headphones off. just gime a sec to recover my thoughts. ill be faster this time
                There is so much that I could put here but I'm just gonna do this...


                  This RP is quite fun already in my opinion, and I haven't really RPed here that much. Is there anyone I could possibly interact with in the RP currently?


                    There's a thing called "Post Order", you guys should get one.


                      Pretty much what demon said. Part of the reason I haven't done anything is because you guys have so much written after two days and you're all in fucking Tokyo. You don't need 3424214 people in Japan, 4 people in New York and 5 people in France.
                      Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                      "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                      Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                        Originally posted by Kilelicus View Post
                        Pretty much what demon said. Part of the reason I haven't done anything is because you guys have so much written after two days and you're all in fucking Tokyo. You don't need 3424214 people in Japan, 4 people in New York and 5 people in France.

                        Yea I myself am regretting that I started out in Japan... should of thought of other countries...


                          uh, remi. i changed my post minimally. the one you put after was good. you can put it back now. the one about the mist and danmaku and whatnot. that was ok

                          man one guy messes up his post and everyone goes out of sync. its like a clock! or an R... P...


                          Last edited by topio1; 04-28-2013, 01:26 AM.
                          There is so much that I could put here but I'm just gonna do this...


                            I feel like things just got really, really awkward...


                              what,did remi go to bed or something? or is he busy?

                              well whatever, im going to bed. see you guys in 10 hours...
                              There is so much that I could put here but I'm just gonna do this...


                                Since he was at school for most of today, he went to bed pretty early. He usually does that on Saturdays.

