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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Yep, they're saying that he can move at around Mach 881,742.52 (not sh*tting you).

    Not only that, but if he can brush off a collision with Earth at around Mach 40, then he's basically indestructible too. -_-;

    The only thing that is justified is his super strength. Strength plays an important part in running. It contributes to your torque, the power of each stride. The question is, what about fast-twitch muscle fibers? Sonic seems to have an abundance of fast-twich muscle fibers, the ones needed for sprinting, but what about endurance? Fast twitch fibers contract much faster than slow-twitch fibers, but tire out much faster than their slower counterparts. The slow twitch fibers are meant for long distance running.

    It all basically comes down to explain that Sonic can run faster than the speed of sound, but not for very long. His average speed would most likely be half of his top speed, which means that he can run at around Mach 1.64 for extended periods of time.

    I would understand if he had a Hyper-sonic dash (over mach 5), but a Light Dash (Mach 881,742.52)? That's the equivalent of a human being able to run at Mach 5.

    We also have to take heat into consideration. When you go faster than the speed of sound, you create a cone of compressed air around yourself. The air can't move fast enough around you so it gets compressed and heats up. The faster you go, the more intense the heat becomes, eventually resulting in temperatures that can melt Titanium. If Sonic can brush off speeds of around Mach 40, or an orbital drop, then that means that he can easily survive 3,000F - 5,000F. Sonic would be able to take a bath in boiling Titanium and be absolutely fine. -_-;
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-05-2013, 09:36 PM.


        Actually about Sonic's stamina...

        I read somewhere that Sonic can actually run for long periods of time without tiring. I don't remember where I read it, but I don't think that is true (even though it would make sense as Sonic is seen to be running over long distances, and still able to keep going with no signs of tiring. Though that's mostly just for gameplay purposes and other things.)

        I also read that Sonic can also go from a stand still to top speed (or near it) in a near instant. This is because of his boost function. Which with it he can be standing still then once he starts activating his boost ability he instantly reaches top speeds (note that his Sonic Boost ability is classified as a technique of his and is as "It is a move where Sonic accelerates to moving at high speeds, turning himself into a highly destructive projectile.") Going to a stand still to whatever is really Sonic's top speed should have serious negative effects. Especially for someone of his size right?

        Normally I would think deeper into it, then I remember he's a game character and game logic just never makes sense AT ALL. So I stopped caring. Besides Sonic is one of the most famous video game characters of all time. Being right up there with Mario. Not only that but Sonic is one of my favorite video game characters of all time (in fact he is my favorite.) So I don't mind that he is breaking pretty much all logic.



          Ahh, there's some parts that I missed (energy required).

          You gotta admit, it's pretty good that I can still remember most of the supersonic stuff off the top of my head.

          The reason I know all this is because I was trying to calculate John's temperature threshold for the RP.


          They could at least say that it's because of magic.

          Nah, I get what you're saying. There are some things in every game that defies logic, it's just a matter of making the lie believable. I don't know, it just makes the game seem more interesting when there's a reason for their power.
          Last edited by S121; 10-05-2013, 09:55 PM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            @ S121


            My favorite part of the first video was the fact Sonic would technically consume chilidogs constantly to continue running.

            The second one was the fact Mario ran faster than sonic in their respective first games :P

            *does beaker dance*



              That fat b*stard can run! It's all muscle! XD

              It's those SHROOMS!!!
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Yeah Mario runs at 20 m/s. Sonic? 10 m/s in the original game.

                Oh I'm back. I sprained my ankle and right now I'm at the hospital, playing Minecraft in Yukkuricraft.



                  Welcome back!

                  How did you sprain it?
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    I probably stepped on the ground wrong.




                      For me, it's the bottom half of the knee joint. I once actually popped my knee out of place. Very painful, and not very pretty to look at either.

                      I've never really gotten how humans can be so resilient, yet so fragile. We can fall from buildings and survive, yet one misstep and we get hurt.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Goodmorning everyone


                        The reason for sonic's speed is actually stated if I remember correctly.

                        In Unleashed and Generations it's one of the things that power the boost meter so it kind of makes sense.

                        Also, not sure if you missed one of the orchestral versions of Hikari.
                        Born in the light.
                        Molded in the dark

                        Never Forget,
                        Keep Fighting.
                        –Don't Forget.
                        Always, somewhere,
                        someone is fighting for you.
                        –As long as you remember her,
                        you are not alone.



                          I fell asleep and just woke up, probably going back to sleep soon.

                          Do you mean this one?

                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Hi S121. Also goodmorning



                              Welcome back!

                              I'm just looking through some of the other RPs.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                I'm reading random info. Well not exactly random... I'm reading about X on the wiki page. In fact here's his specs as listed on the wiki page.

                                Height: 160 cm (5 ft. 3 in.) (165 cm [5 ft. 5 in.] in Mega Man X: Command Mission)
                                Weight: 57 kg (125.4 lbs)
                                A.I. age: 14–15 years old (To Note: Only at the time of his awakening. X matures as time passes, like all reploids.)

                                Armor part:

                                Interior Skeleton: Reactive Super-flexible Armored Skeleton which reduces 93 percent of damage.
                                Body Skin: Lightweight "Titanium-X" alloy.

                                Head part:

                                Broad-range Eye Camera: X can see at a far higher "framerate" than that of the human eye.

                                Ultra-sensitive Voice Recognition System: Can hear a far broader spectrum of sounds than the normal human ear can.

                                Voice Generation Device: Made by HAYATOM Inc. (MOKUOO Inc. in Japanese version): X's voice is synthesized.

                                Body part:

                                Accumulative Energy Generation Device: Stores solar energy. Can generate the necessary energy to fuel all of X's systems.
                                Ultra-Compact Fuel Tank: A large quantity of (Micro-Fusion) fuel is stored in the ultra-compact tank, in order for X to be active at some kind of place such as underground, underwater, becoming a power source when the solar energy ran out.
                                Central Control System: X's second "brain" which controls the exact movements of the whole body.

                                Arms part:

                                X-Buster (Mega Buster Mark 17): X's most powerful weapon. Converts the solar energy to set out a high powered beam.

                                Energy Amplification Device: Amplify the energy, to release a more powerful charge shot.

                                Variable Weapon System: Can use weapons or systems copied from other robots or Reploids through some unknown process, but in some media this is shown to be X either copying a Reploid's DNA data or taking a chip from their corpse.

                                Legs part:

                                Full Auto Balancer (Gyroscopic Stabilization System): Can land cleanly in any area, from any kind of state.

                                Emergency Acceleration System: Accelerate in a blink of an eye, can run (dash) at enormous speed. Originally an upgrade available through an Armor piece, X seems to have internalized this upgrade to be used at any time.

                                Then there is this information on his abilities:
                                Being a robot, X possesses strength, speed, endurance and other abilities well above the normal human capacity, although his physical limits are never revealed in the games. He can performs various specially defaulted actions like Dash, Wall Kick and Air Dash. He also has upgrades in the form of completed set of armors. The true scope of X's abilities are constantly under speculation by many of the characters in the series. X seems to constantly change and evolve. In many instances he seems to draw on some unknown power within himself. Both Dr. Cain who examined X as well as Sigma who is obsessed with X and Zero's capabilities don't understand a large portion of how both Hunter's internal systems work. What is known is that these hidden abilities make X immune to the Maverick Virus and let him match any opponent. It is also likely that the armors that Dr. Light left him may be tools that allow X to slightly tap into his "limitless potential". It can then be assumed that X's true power is capable of release only on his standard frame. However, this only happened during X's fight with Sigma in the last chapter of "The Day of Σ", and only for a moment due to the damage received from Sigma.

                                Also his buster shots are described as follows: The X-Buster, focuses solar energy from X's fusion reactor into a plasma bullet that causes physical damage upon impact.

                                I like reading :P

