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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    why do i have the feeling that I just risked my life against 3 of the most powerful characters in the touhou universe?
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Okay, after a long reading session of the SCP wiki, I found a couple of interesting characters we could use.

      SCP-076 ("Able")

      SCP-106 (The Old Man)

      SCP-173 (The Sculpture)

      SCP-457 (The Burning Man)

      SCP-682 (Hard-to-Destroy Reptile)

      SCP-789-J (The Butt Ghost)

      SCP-953 (Polymorphic Humanoid) This one belongs in Touhou.

      SCP-1048 (Builder Bear)

      Remember, some may not appear ingame, but they are ALL part of the same universe.
      Last edited by S121; 05-27-2013, 09:42 PM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        I was not gonna post until morning has been announced, but then I remember I still have Komachi, Volgin, maybe improvise with Otori and Snake.


          where are all the scps gonna be?


            Huaaargh, Rengar is always ready for action!

            On a side note, I found a hair/nail salon called Meiling. I'm flipping two shits right now.


              I found a restaurant named chen.


                There's a town in Poland called Rumia. I wonder who their high school's mascot is?
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Now that S121's got me thinking of SCPs, I'd rather treat the Joker as a semi-SCP. He's not an SCP seeing as he is still human, but he's so dangerous that they had to lock him up. Not as heavily as a regular SCP, but you get the image.


                    ^Is that so?


                      On a more exciting turn of event...
                      [This is the Captain speaking ■_■]
                      {Yay♡ Yukari is back from her 15 hour nap!}
                      No! Stop invading my chat!


                        Yea. Hell, might as well give out more info on the Joker. What to say... Appearance!

                        Main feature is the comedy mask he wears. It's made of iron and is )obviously) bullet-proof. He's extremely agile in spite of the mask. His clothes are so tightly wound that bullets cannot pass through. He wears all black, including a black cape (go figure).

                        I know this is all bullshit in real life, but guess what, it's not!


                          All-black is fancy and nice. BUT HE'S NOT THE BOSS OK? HHEHEHEHEHEHEHE



                            Oh, no, you can keep hat title.


                              When did Kecleon get so fat?

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                If you read my most recent post I had Dante push all the buttons in an elevator as a girl stepped inside. The girl is my second and last character I'm going to add unless it's okay if I add an antagonist for Dante later on.

                                Name: Charlotte Aulin

                                Game of Origin: Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

                                Power: Magic of different forms. Ranging from elemental magic, to barrier magic, to purification magic.

                                Weapons: A book which has the names of many different spells, how to cast them, and their effects. Not only that but the book makes for a good blunt weapon.

                                Weaknesses: She is a Mage, but she is still human. She can be killed much like any other human can, but due to her magic she can be tough to fight.


                                Personality: Charlotte is intelligent for her age, but despite this, Charlotte is a little too confident in her book smarts. She talks a lot and sticks her nose into others' business. Charlotte takes a logical approach to everything so she comes off as unemotional. Though she does care for those she considers her friends, going so far as too risk her life for them.

                                Morality: Good.

                                Biography: Charlotte was born alongside Jonathan Morris who was blood tied with the powerful Belmont Clan. In 1944 Dracula's Castle resurfaced and Charlotte and Jonathan were asked to find out why. While there they met a ghost who went by the name of Wind, who in life fought alongside Jonathan's father. They also found out that Dracula's Castle did not belong to Dracula, but rather a vampire painter of the name Brauner. There they stopped Brauner, and his twin vampire daughters Stella, and Loretta (who were revealed to have actually been Wind's daughters.) Wind told them that Stella and Loretta reminded Brauner of his own daughters who were killed during the Civil War. As such Brauner turned Stella and Loretta into vampires and brainwashed them into thinking they actually were his daughters. Now in the real world Charlotte is on vacation in Hawaii. She is still not used to being in modern day times so she is still curious as to highly advanced technology (like robots, and such). She is however familiar with Television, phones, and other basic electronics. She is still not familiar with how to use a computer.

                                Traumas: No traumas are specified within the games.

                                Notes: Despite her young age do not underestimate her. She is a powerful magician that can easily hold her own in a fight. Though her spells do need to take time to charge.

                                EDIT: Her age is 16.
                                Last edited by Mega134; 05-27-2013, 09:27 PM.
                                Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...

