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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Jesus, now I think I know what it's like to have a job. Go to school at six, help the middle school after school, and go to sinfonietta until 8.

    So wut I miss?



      Welcome back!

      You didn't miss much, just us tying up some loose ends with the demons.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Originally posted by SUSTIC View Post

        Ha ha real funny :P

        Anyways my question still stands... just imagine if Pit and Palutena go to Gensokyo one day. I wonder what they will think of all the Youkai...

        Also why do I picture Yukari, and Palutena having a cup of tea together with Ran, Chen, and Pit all simply hanging out together?
        I can picture Palutena with Yukari like that...
        The trolls...


          You know guys... in the sequel I will introduce both Pit, and Shadow the Hedgehog. That will make my total amount of characters in the sequel 4.

          I wonder what kind of conversation Pit and Palutena would have if they encountered John... probably something where Pit wonders why this Spartan (John) is not like other Spartan's (you know the ones in the history books and stuff) he heard of, then Palutena making some kind of joke or something.


          Oh the trolls indeed... I wonder what kind of conversation would happen if Pit and Palutena were trying to stop Medusa (once again) and Yukari suddenly gaps in.



            That's actually what I was thinking.

            Pit's universe is based around Greek mythology, so he would probably be surprised to see a futuristic Spartan.

            "THIS.. IS.. HALO!"

            *Kicked by 1,400 pound Spartan-II*
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              @ Sustic

              I smell a train...

              *Medusa and Pit face off

              Medusa: Well well...if it isn't Lady Palutena's little pet! Here to crash my-
              *Medusa gets hit in the face by a train*
              GAH! How dare you!
              Yukari: Problem?

              @ S121

              And it feels like being kicked 300 times...


                *Is suddenly kicked by John and towards a building*
                Pit: "Lady Palutena help me!-" *crashes into building.* "Ow..."

                Shadow: *Watching intently from the distance when he sees a Chaos Emerald land in the middle of the fight.* "...!" *Uses Chaos Control to teleport to the Emerald. Suddenly from John and Pit's perspective they see a black and red 3ft 3 bipedal hedgehog appears out of seemingly nowhere and grabs the emerald. Then teleports out*



                  I think Medusa would be dead if a train hit her.

                  If she can be killed by decapitation, then I'm pretty sure a 100 ton train would do the job. (Going by myth, not game.)

                  I have a good question.

                  If John is looking at Medusa through his visor, would he be safe?

                  He's not directly looking at her, he's looking through a sheet of futuristic glass/plastic/whateverthehellitis.

                  I'm not sure we could ever know, considering that nobody had see-through materials back then. (Except glass, but it's never mentioned around Medusa's myth.)


                  Well that's random...
                  Last edited by S121; 09-16-2013, 09:30 PM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    In game her ability to turn people to stone is turned down a lot. she can still do it but its in the form of projectiles that if you get hit will petrify you...I think...can't remember it's been awhile.

                    Also in game she's look at the video I showed. MASSIVE. (Now that's one big woman...*slapped*)



                      With John's luck, the petrification bolt would bounce off his reflective visor and turn Medusa into stone.

                      Which video is it? I can't quite find it.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                        I can imagine that happening.

                        Medusa: *fires petrification bolt at John and it reflects off his visor and back to her, in turn Medusa turns to stone(

                        John: "...Did I win?"

                        EDIT: Also I believe this is the video:



                          (John's reaction to beating Medusa.)

                          Just be glad nobody's brought Kratos into the RP.

                          I can only imagine what he would try to do in Gensokyo, or if he met the people from Kid Icarus.

                          That guy needs to calm the f*ck down.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            If Kratos goes to Gensokyo I think he will actually be the one in trouble :P but if he went to Skyworld in Kid Icarus then I think the people there will be in serious trouble...



                              Yea, some gods shouldn't be messed with. (Kanako, Shinki, Suwako, etc.)

                              I know how to solve your Kratos problem.

                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Well, I'm out. Night y'all.

